Stopping gun violence, Oregon gun store refuses to sell gun to antifa, democrat party brown shirt member...

They can't zone out a Constitutionally protected fascist pig.
Oh, no no no.
It's perfectly constitution for a state/county/township/city to refuse to allow churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship.
Show me in the Constitution that it requires allowing a gun store. Zoning restrictions are quite common. You can zone out about anything, from single wide trailers to strip clubs.

The fascists are trying to do this, and we are fighting back..

7. Although the courts owe “substantial deference” to local zoning decisions, restrictions on rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment rights must still satisfy intermediate scrutiny. Id. at 231 (internal quotation marks and citation marks omitted).
Defendants, their officers, agents, servants, employees, and all persons in active concert or participation with them who receive actual notice of the injunction are enjoined from enforcing Robinson Township Zoning Ordinance Sections 311(D), 601, and 208, Table 208(A).

It is further ordered that Plaintiffs shall place security (corporate surety bond, cash, certified check, or attorney's check) in the amount of $500.00 (five hundred dollars) with the 8 Court, which amount is determined adequate for the payment of any damages any person may be entitled to recover as a result of an improper or wrongful restraint ordered. If the security posted is cash, certified check, or attorney's check, the funds will be deposited in the Court's local Registry, where it will remain until further order by the Court. 9

Awesome, so I can count on your support for the next gun control bill?

I know you left wing fascists are stupid......but how does this go with gun control laws? This is a private business. you thick clod, not the dumb it doesn't apply when you gun grabbing monsters come calling.
Way ahead of you hoss. Zoning restrictions. No new gun shops in the county. Existing shops grandfathered. You might have a constitutional right to bear arms, you ain't got a constitutional right to sell them.
You don't need a shop to sell guns. You can sell them out of your house. To stop that your country would have to ban home businesses.
No I don’t. In fact, we should extend it. Any retard caught wearing the stupid MAGA caps should have its guns confiscated.

We don’t need retards having guns. I am sure you agree.
Come take them. We're ready.
The federal government, state government, local governments, they can't deny someone their constitutional right to "bear arms", but a FFL holder can, gotcha.

No, you're stupid again. A dealer is not just permitted, but required to refuse a sale to someone he believed might be a criminal.

So, you really don't believe in "shall not be infringed".

That is stupid even by your standards. (And THAT is saying something.)

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