Stormy Daniels issues statement that she didn't have an affair with Trump...

If Donald Trump raped Jesus on 5th Avenue in front of camera's, Republicans would pay off Fox and Breitbart to explain to Trumpsters how it wasn't 'rape rape'

Delete Trump, insert Clinton, it was Billy Boy that was accused of those kind of acts.

Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

Sucks, don't it?

If Donald Trump raped Jesus on 5th Avenue in front of camera's, Republicans would pay off Fox and Breitbart to explain to Trumpsters how it wasn't 'rape rape'

Just like your Dear Leader bragged he could shoot someone and you would still vote for him.

Delete Trump, insert Clinton, it was Billy Boy that was accused of those kind of acts.

When was Clinton accused of raping Jesus? I wouldn't be surprised if you Contards had accused him of that but I really don't remember it.

We do know of course that Trump has been accused of rape and of sexual assault by women- and that he even bragged about sexually assaulting women.

Here's the direct quote which is obviously about groupies: "I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. "

It's about consenting adults.
Show me where Donald Trump said he waited for 'consent' or that it was 'consensual'? Or show us where he mentioned 'groupies'- no he only called himself a celebrity- and said that because he was a celebrity he could get away with grabbing women by their pussy.

Or in your mind if a woman doesn't punch Trump for grabbing her pussy- it is consensual?

Donald J. Trump: You know and ...

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.

Unknown: Whoa.

Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Trump: No, no, Nancy. No, this was [unintelligible] — and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping.

She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —

I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.
Billy Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Whoa!

Bush: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!


Trump: Look at you, you are a pussy.


Trump: All right, you and I will walk out.


Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s, it’s her, it’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.
I know it goes against the libbie feelings frenzy but Trump Never Said "I grab women's pus*y"
Glad to share what he actually said:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything
He's explaining a hypothetical, that some goldigging women like her would even let you grab them by the pussy. "You can grab them by the pussy" or "grab them by the pussy" is not the same as "I grab them by the pussy..." He was describing her character. Big fucking deal.

Fascinating- so you consider a woman's vagina to be her 'character'?

So do you think that Trump was lying when he said he would just start kissing women without their consent- and that they would let him do anything- including grabbing their pussies?

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything
I know it goes against the libbie feelings frenzy but Trump Never Said "I grab women's pus*y"
Glad to share what he actually said:

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything
He's explaining a hypothetical, that some goldigging women like her would even let you grab them by the pussy. "You can grab them by the pussy" or "grab them by the pussy" is not the same as "I grab them by the pussy..." He was describing her character. Big fucking deal.

Leftist fools don't understand hyperbole, humor, or hypothetical.

It's because they are uneducated rubes. They often THINK they are educated, they got all the participation trophies the school hands out (in some cases).

But the fact is, the schools made them stupid. They were indoctrinated, fed lies from the time they were tiny, and applauded for repeating the rhetoric.

Now they are worthless, stupid, and need to be culled.
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
It possibly does happen all the time and there’s always a reason for such a payoff. The timing of Cohen’s bribe reveals his reason.
Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.

You know, when this story first came out, it was kinda shocking and strange, but it didn't surprised me because of the way Trump has been acting.

And yeah, it would have been a story that would have eventually blown over, except for the documents that are out there connecting her to Trump, and, the thing that DOES need to be investigated is the circumstances of the payoff. Was it an in kind campaign contribution or not? That is the thing that is going to sink him, not a one night stand with Ms. Daniels.
You guys keep going down those rabbit holes. All you have is a whore and an actress who's slept with hundreds of men for money, who now sees an opportunity to make money. Not the most credible witness. Too bad, the greedy slut already signed an agreement saying nothing happened, and received money for it too.

Besides, how many times do you need to be told, NOBODY CARES. Just because the Left and the crooked media have decided to beat on this dead horse with 24/7 coverage, still doesn't mean anybody cares, or the whore actually has a case.
It’s true that politically, nobody cares. The FEC, however, cares very much.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
It possibly does happen all the time and there’s always a reason for such a payoff. The timing of Cohen’s bribe reveals his reason.

Yeah, considering that the affair was over 10 years old, why the hell did Trump's lawyer wait until just 2 weeks before the election was held? Why didn't he get one to her after the affair happened? Why wait so long?
All guy talk banter, blather and bullshit said off the record and in private over a decade ago
It's a shame heterosexual white males have become targets for limp wristed , cuckold and feminist attacks
Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.

AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
It possibly does happen all the time and there’s always a reason for such a payoff. The timing of Cohen’s bribe reveals his reason.

Yeah, considering that the affair was over 10 years old, why the hell did Trump's lawyer wait until just 2 weeks before the election was held? Why didn't he get one to her after the affair happened? Why wait so long?

My guess would be that Trump had zero intention of paying for her silence up until that point - and frankly before that point no one gave two shits that he'd slept with a bunch of women - it was the standard "ego" for men for... hell, since the beginning.

It's astounding that the so-called "moral views" on the D's sexual revolution did a full 180 within the exceptionally short time span of literally a single year. Kind of comes off as spectacularly disingenuous - which is likely why they're gaining zero traction with all their loud bleating about Trump's sexual commentary and activities.
AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
It possibly does happen all the time and there’s always a reason for such a payoff. The timing of Cohen’s bribe reveals his reason.

Yeah, considering that the affair was over 10 years old, why the hell did Trump's lawyer wait until just 2 weeks before the election was held? Why didn't he get one to her after the affair happened? Why wait so long?

My guess would be that Trump had zero intention of paying for her silence up until that point - and frankly before that point no one gave two shits that he'd slept with a bunch of women - it was the standard "ego" for men for... hell, since the beginning.

It's astounding that the so-called "moral views" on the D's sexual revolution did a full 180 within the exceptionally short time span of literally a single year. Kind of comes off as spectacularly disingenuous - which is likely why they're gaining zero traction with all their loud bleating about Trump's sexual commentary and activities.

The affair with Daniels, I point and snicker at.

The paperwork that was done afterwards, however, I want investigated to see if it broke any election laws, because many lawyers on both sides of the aisle are saying that there were.
And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
It possibly does happen all the time and there’s always a reason for such a payoff. The timing of Cohen’s bribe reveals his reason.

Yeah, considering that the affair was over 10 years old, why the hell did Trump's lawyer wait until just 2 weeks before the election was held? Why didn't he get one to her after the affair happened? Why wait so long?

My guess would be that Trump had zero intention of paying for her silence up until that point - and frankly before that point no one gave two shits that he'd slept with a bunch of women - it was the standard "ego" for men for... hell, since the beginning.

It's astounding that the so-called "moral views" on the D's sexual revolution did a full 180 within the exceptionally short time span of literally a single year. Kind of comes off as spectacularly disingenuous - which is likely why they're gaining zero traction with all their loud bleating about Trump's sexual commentary and activities.

The affair with Daniels, I point and snicker at.

The paperwork that was done afterwards, however, I want investigated to see if it broke any election laws, because many lawyers on both sides of the aisle are saying that there were.

Then why did Trump pay her 130 grand? Out of the kindness of his heart?

Like I said before. Politician's affairs do not bother me. It's their personal life. Trump's cheating is between him and Melania.

But it bothers me how the right is so family oriented and claim to be people of faith. Yet they defend and excuse things like adultery.

It's hypocrisy.

What disturbs me is the leftist assumption that if a woman receives a paycheck, it has to be for sex.


Stormy isn't a business woman who worked for one of Trump's companies or an investor.

She is a porn star. What other reason Trump would have paid her 130k?

One reason would be that he claim is she had sex with him only 4 months after Baron was born!

That would have been pretty damning to a would-be politician.

Sent from my iPhone using
She said she only had sex with him once back in 2006
Froggy, I like Melania he should not have cheated on his wife. I ask why a married man with a woman so beautiful and who seems so kind must go elsewhere? I am disappointed, but for the good of your country he is the President you need but on the moral side is not strong
This country has no morals Dalia
Does it bother you that the now deceased, ultra-liberal Hugh Hefner, forced his hundreds of playmate sex toys to sign non-disclosure “fuck on command” agreements?

'fuck on command' agreements? LOL

Any such agreement would be illegal and unenforceable.

Did Hefner ever ask any of them to sign an NDA 10 years later- right before his Presidential election?
You obviously never watched or read any of the sleeze bags interviews.

I have indeed watched a few of that sleezebag Trumps interviews....
Having memory issues since the context was explicitly Hugh Hefner fucking girls for 30 years and Liberals glorifying him?
Oh I thought you were talking about sleezebags and naturally Trump, with his bragging of grabbing women by the pussies came to mind.
I explicitly mentioned...wait! Why am I conversing with an asshole?
'fuck on command' agreements? LOL

Any such agreement would be illegal and unenforceable.

Did Hefner ever ask any of them to sign an NDA 10 years later- right before his Presidential election?
You obviously never watched or read any of the sleeze bags interviews.

I have indeed watched a few of that sleezebag Trumps interviews....
Having memory issues since the context was explicitly Hugh Hefner fucking girls for 30 years and Liberals glorifying him?
Oh I thought you were talking about sleezebags and naturally Trump, with his bragging of grabbing women by the pussies came to mind.
I explicitly mentioned...wait! Why am I conversing with an asshole?

Why are you confusing me for Trump?
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.
Yawn. Like I said, even if Jesus were to appear and run as US president, Democrats would pay some womenit.

If Donald Trump raped Jesus on 5th Avenue in front of camera's, Republicans would pay off Fox and Breitbart to explain to Trumpsters how it wasn't 'rape rape'
And how do you feel about all the women who claimed Clinton raped them?
No problem...he’s a Democrat.
You obviously never watched or read any of the sleeze bags interviews.

I have indeed watched a few of that sleezebag Trumps interviews....
Having memory issues since the context was explicitly Hugh Hefner fucking girls for 30 years and Liberals glorifying him?
Oh I thought you were talking about sleezebags and naturally Trump, with his bragging of grabbing women by the pussies came to mind.
I explicitly mentioned...wait! Why am I conversing with an asshole?

Why are you confusing me for Trump?
I’m confusing you with someone rational.
AND, an attorney who says he doesn't care if the evidence will stand up in court, it's what the people think that matters. Pretty much admitting it's a bluff and being done for purely political reasons.

And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
It possibly does happen all the time and there’s always a reason for such a payoff. The timing of Cohen’s bribe reveals his reason.

Yeah, considering that the affair was over 10 years old, why the hell did Trump's lawyer wait until just 2 weeks before the election was held? Why didn't he get one to her after the affair happened? Why wait so long?

My guess would be that Trump had zero intention of paying for her silence up until that point - and frankly before that point no one gave two shits that he'd slept with a bunch of women - it was the standard "ego" for men for... hell, since the beginning.

It's astounding that the so-called "moral views" on the D's sexual revolution did a full 180 within the exceptionally short time span of literally a single year. Kind of comes off as spectacularly disingenuous - which is likely why they're gaining zero traction with all their loud bleating about Trump's sexual commentary and activities.

I find it fascinating that you blame Trump's lack of morals on Democrats.
You know, they always say it's not the incident that gets you in trouble, but rather the cover up you do on it.

On 60 Minutes last night, they showed a lot of the documents that were used, and on one of them that was addressed to Ms. Daniels, the address at the top specifically said that it was a lawyer in the Trump organization.

And, the reason the NDA wasn't signed by Trump is probably because he was not available due to campaigning, and this was a rush job.

And now? If the lawyer continues to say that he is the one who paid for it out of the goodness of his heart and close relationship with Trump, that will be viewed as an illegal in kind campaign contribution because of the subject and the timing.

If Trump pays the lawyer for the 130,000, then Trump is basically admitting that the affair happened.

Damned if he does, damned if he doesn't.
You can ahead and plant that "if" in the ground and give it some water and see if it sprouts any fruit.

'Cause all you guys have left now is a whore who acts while getting fucked for money, looking to get more money out someone she may or may not have contact with, who ended up becoming president.

Oh actually we have several women who have reported several similar stories.

So far we have two women who have talked about their sexual affairs with the married Donald Trump- who were then paid to keep their stories quiet- during the Presidential campaign.

There are multiple women who have accused Trump of sexual assault- one of whom is in the middle of a law suit against Trump.

And of course we have Trump himself bragging about sexually assaulting women.

Not that any of that means anything to the party of 'family values'.
Yawn. Like I said, even if Jesus were to appear and run as US president, Democrats would pay some womenit.

If Donald Trump raped Jesus on 5th Avenue in front of camera's, Republicans would pay off Fox and Breitbart to explain to Trumpsters how it wasn't 'rape rape'
And how do you feel about all the women who claimed Clinton raped them?
No problem...he’s a Democrat.

I would never vote for Bill Clinton again- nor would I support him for any office.

Will you vote for Trump again?
And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
It possibly does happen all the time and there’s always a reason for such a payoff. The timing of Cohen’s bribe reveals his reason.

Yeah, considering that the affair was over 10 years old, why the hell did Trump's lawyer wait until just 2 weeks before the election was held? Why didn't he get one to her after the affair happened? Why wait so long?

My guess would be that Trump had zero intention of paying for her silence up until that point - and frankly before that point no one gave two shits that he'd slept with a bunch of women - it was the standard "ego" for men for... hell, since the beginning.

It's astounding that the so-called "moral views" on the D's sexual revolution did a full 180 within the exceptionally short time span of literally a single year. Kind of comes off as spectacularly disingenuous - which is likely why they're gaining zero traction with all their loud bleating about Trump's sexual commentary and activities.

I find it fascinating that you blame Trump's lack of morals on Democrats.

Where did I do that son?
And an attorney who pays a woman $130,000 right before an election supposedly out of the goodness of his heart.

Pretty much admitting its a payoff to prevent the voters from hearing her speak- and was done for purely political reasons- and is a campaign contribution violation.
People settle and pay for false accusations and malicious lawsuits all the time. Doesn't mean anything happened, and if it did, so fucking what.
It possibly does happen all the time and there’s always a reason for such a payoff. The timing of Cohen’s bribe reveals his reason.

Yeah, considering that the affair was over 10 years old, why the hell did Trump's lawyer wait until just 2 weeks before the election was held? Why didn't he get one to her after the affair happened? Why wait so long?

My guess would be that Trump had zero intention of paying for her silence up until that point - and frankly before that point no one gave two shits that he'd slept with a bunch of women - it was the standard "ego" for men for... hell, since the beginning.

It's astounding that the so-called "moral views" on the D's sexual revolution did a full 180 within the exceptionally short time span of literally a single year. Kind of comes off as spectacularly disingenuous - which is likely why they're gaining zero traction with all their loud bleating about Trump's sexual commentary and activities.

I find it fascinating that you blame Trump's lack of morals on Democrats.
I find it fascinating that a Liberal will never point a finger at a Democrat.

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