Straight from the Senate floor: Senate Takes Up Unemployment Benefits Extension

Ain't gonna happen, imo. The votes aren't there to pass it without cutting other non-defense items or to find more revenue, and the Dems would prefer to not extend it if it requires those cuts, so as to preserve it as a campaign issue.

I'd like to think that the safety net will pick up the people who have to take jobs that pay much less than the lost jobs, but I suspect it will not.
oh but the Dems do want to extend it, and will be willing to compromise with the Pubs on a way to fund it.
We need to stop paying people to not work. Maybe these people could actually find a job if Congress would do their's, but as long as we have people in charge in both the Executive and Legislative branches who don't know how to make an economy thrive this is going to be how it is for at least another few years.
There is instantaineous money for War and bombs, but no money for people who are just trying
to survive who paid their taxes. Something is wrong with governmental priorities here.
Senator Boxer came on strong. Stated something about Obama cutting deficit in half, people using money to buy groceries, people working for 27 years. Also talked about Obamacare. Senator Merkley speaking now.
We need to stop paying people to not work. Maybe these people could actually find a job if Congress would do their's, but as long as we have people in charge in both the Executive and Legislative branches who don't know how to make an economy thrive this is going to be how it is for at least another few years.

The national average is 3 people for every one job. Some parts that is 5 to 1.
There is instantaineous money for War and bombs, but no money for people who are just trying
to survive who paid their taxes. Something is wrong with governmental priorities here.

There is an irony in the gop finding new revenue for bombs and not this. And, it's one the dems want to exploit in Nov.
The dems want to allow UE benefits to last 3 more months, the GOP says it does not need to be passed cause the economy has improved enough not to need it.
Today--Obama is going to stand in front of the Senate with people who have already received 99 weeks of unemployment insurance--asking for another extension for unemployment benefits.

Obama--therefore is admitting that his policies over the last 5 years have been an abject FAILURE as far as job creation. This while just a couple of months ago he was touting the "economic recovery"--that doesn't exist for middle class Americans that are still unemployed and or underemployed.--Which represents a whopping 25 million people in this country.

Unemployment stats have dropped simply because many Americans have just given up on even looking for jobs--therefore they're not counted in the statistics which drives the unemployment numbers down. --and Obama brags about that unemployment number--because Americans are basically stupid to what he is doing.

His stimulus for green energy was a total flop with about everything he did going bankrupt after we paid billions of taxpayer dollars into it. Then to find out that many of these green firms where giving millions in donations to Obama and democrats.

The problem with this administration and democrats is they're adding 40,000 new regulations just this year. When employers have to pay more to meet all of the regulations--new jobs get put on the back burner. Democrats still haven't figured that out. Obama and democrats continue this onslaught of killing job growth in this country through new regulations. The worst is going to be when the employer mandate Obamacare--aka ACA mandate hits employers right between the eyes. Of course Democrats wisely postponed this after the mid-term elections. When employers can't afford something the first thing they do is cut employees and or their hours--in order to keep their business open. LAW OF ECONOMIC REALITY.

The worst unemployment is with the youth in this country--that go to college and cannot find work after they graduate.


Welcome to your hope and change!
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We need to stop paying people to not work. Maybe these people could actually find a job if Congress would do their's, but as long as we have people in charge in both the Executive and Legislative branches who don't know how to make an economy thrive this is going to be how it is for at least another few years.

The national average is 3 people for every one job. Some parts that is 5 to 1.

Sorry let me clarify that. That is individuals per job opening.
Too many Pubs want UE for it not to find a compromise in the Senate.

If that happens, Boehner will hold an up and down vote.
His stimulus for green energy was a total flop with about everything he did going bankrupt after we paid billions of taxpayer dollars into it.

So are you saying he did not do enough or he should have never tried? Bush tried a war. Thoughts?
The dems want to allow UE benefits to last 3 more months, the GOP says it does not need to be passed cause the economy has improved enough not to need it.

oh my they admitted the economy is better.

will there be chaos in the ranks now?
His stimulus for green energy was a total flop with about everything he did going bankrupt after we paid billions of taxpayer dollars into it.

So are you saying he did not do enough or he should have never tried? Bush tried a war. Thoughts?

ignore him, please. We're on track for energy independence, which is not all Obama's doing, and blaming Obama for the deleveraging is absurd ... which isn't to say I think his healthcare and clean air intitiatives have been job friendly.
more people getting healthcare means MORE healthcare jobs.

make sense

Possibly in the long run, but as Keynes said "in the long run we'll all be dead." (-:

But in seriousness, you make a good pt. If people who lost well paying jobs have to take part-time or no benefit jobs, not extending UI could be justified if they have access to the healthcare they lost. And, I just don't see the case against a temporary extension. The jobs aren't there, the HC isn't there ... yet ... and the loss of the stimulus effect that is already in the econ now because of the benefits would be lost.

The GOP's already shot itself in the foot (again) by cutting the stuff right at the holidays. People had to take the kids' toys back.

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