Straight from the Senate floor: Senate Takes Up Unemployment Benefits Extension

Senator Fischer keeps talking about the government doing "job creation". What does that mean?
Senator Fischer just stated that the tax code needs to be modified so that all those tax exemptions for those special interests that were put in the 80's are taken out. (She might want to check here presidential timeline.)
We need to stop paying people to not work. Maybe these people could actually find a job if Congress would do their's, but as long as we have people in charge in both the Executive and Legislative branches who don't know how to make an economy thrive this is going to be how it is for at least another few years.
You should take a few minutes to think about what you are going to write. First of all you make a rather foolish statement that people are being paid "to not work." Then you acknowledge that the economy is not thriving which means, THERE ARE FEW JOBS AVAILABLE. You do realize that these two statements are in conflict with each other, don't you? Why would you pay someone "not to work" when there are no jobs to be had?
Oh, and about those benefits, each state has its own way of calculating them. The amount you receive cannot exceed the wage you received while working. In fact, the amount received is a fraction of your previous wage. Also, there is a maximum to the benefits that varies from state to state. The maximum benefit in Arizona, the state with the lowest benefits, is $250 per week. If a person worked a 40 hour week and received $250 dollars his hourly wage would be about $6.25 per hour which is below minimum wage (Min. wage in Arizona is $7.90 per hour). Bear in mind that the $250 is the MAXIMUM benefit in Arizona and that most people receive less than that amount.The bottom line is this, if you think living on unemployment benefits is a sweet deal and that people are choosing not to find work so they can enjoy the easy life, you must be dumb as a rock.
And finally, YOU do understand that the gop primary goal is not to improve the economy. YOU do realize that their primary goal is to make sure President Obama is stopped from achieveing any success even if that means putting this country's economy in the sewer. YOU DO UNDERSTAND THAT THE GOP DOES NOT WANT THE ECONOMY TO IMPROVE. That is the reason this Congress was only able to pass 55 bills this year and not one of them was a jobs bill. You do realize the last Congress has been rated the worst Congress in history. YOU DO REALIZE THIS STUFF, DON'T YOU?
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Senator Fischer just stated that the tax code needs to be modified so that all those tax exemptions for those special interests that were put in the 80's are taken out. (She might want to check here presidential timeline.)

Take out all the tax exemptions.. including those exemptions that eliminate taxes on certain dollars earned, or lesser rates on certain dollars earned...

Take out all deductions, exemptions, exceptions, ceilings, floors, and subsidies...

But no.. these people only want to eliminate exemptions or exceptions on a certain group that they can fleece more from.. yet that group keeps growing and growing, and the amount they want to fleece keeps growing and growing... while the amount of freebies, exemptions, etc from people they wish to buy votes from keeps growing as well
I dunno. Saving for retirement and healthcare seem like things worth incentifying. Still, it's amusing to see these gopers aim for the sky to try and take folks eyes off the issue.
Five years and you fucks haven't fixed the economy yet?

Five fucking years?

Now watch, within a few hours, some dim will be telling us about how the economy is so good.

Five years and you fucks haven't fixed the economy yet?

Five fucking years?

Now watch, within a few hours, some dim will be telling us about how the economy is so good.

Five years and you fucks HAVE fixed the economy.
Five fucking years you have done everything in your power to obstruct any effort to grow the economy. Five fucking years! Oh, and some wingnut will tell us how if they are elected their priority is "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs!!!"
Actually the quote should have been "Jobs! Jobs! Jobs, but not on Obama's watch!!!"

And as to your final brain dead comment, "Unfuckingbelievable," here is a comment on the gop, "UnfuckingAmerican!!!!
We need to stop paying people to not work. Maybe these people could actually find a job if Congress would do their's, but as long as we have people in charge in both the Executive and Legislative branches who don't know how to make an economy thrive this is going to be how it is for at least another few years.
You should take a few minutes to think about what you are going to write. First of all you make a rather foolish statement that people are being paid "to not work." Then you acknowledge that the economy is not thriving which means, THERE ARE FEW JOBS AVAILABLE. You do realize that these two statements are in conflict with each other, don't you? Why would you pay someone "not to work" when there are no jobs to be had?
Oh, and about those benefits, each state has its own way of calculating them. The amount you receive cannot exceed the wage you received while working. In fact, the amount received is a fraction of your previous wage. Also, there is a maximum to the benefits that varies from state to state. The maximum benefit in Arizona, the state with the lowest benefits, is $250 per week. If a person worked a 40 hour week and received $250 dollars his hourly wage would be about $6.25 per hour which is below minimum wage (Min. wage in Arizona is $7.90 per hour). Bear in mind that the $250 is the MAXIMUM benefit in Arizona and that most people receive less than that amount.The bottom line is this, if you think living on unemployment benefits is a sweet deal and that people are choosing not to find work so they can enjoy the easy life, you must be dumb as a rock.
And finally, YOU do understand that the gop primary goal is not to improve the economy. YOU do realize that their primary goal is to make sure President Obama is stopped from achieveing any success even if that means putting this country's economy in the sewer. YOU DO UNDERSTAND THAT THE GOP DOES NOT WANT THE ECONOMY TO IMPROVE. That is the reason this Congress was only able to pass 55 bills this year and not one of them was a jobs bill. You do realize the last Congress has been rated the worst Congress in history. YOU DO REALIZE THIS STUFF, DON'T YOU?

In other word...RACIST! :rolleyes:
Why not pay for doing nothing for 5 years?? 10?? life??

Jeez.. it never ends with the lazy crowd

The lazy crowd make up most of the retards who vote Democrat. So it shouldn't be much of a surprise that Odumbo and the Democrat jackoffs in Congress would push for more free money for that important voting group.
Live: Updates from the Senate floor. To be continued....

Let's take more money from American businesses and give it to people for not working. In fact, the more people we employ, the more we pay for people to not work. Obama isn't finished destroying the economy yet, and he's not giving up trying.

Odumbo is repeating LBJ's failed "War on Poverty" campaign. The definition of insanity is....
There is instantaineous money for War and bombs, but no money for people who are just trying

to survive who paid their taxes. Something is wrong with governmental priorities here.

There is an irony in the gop finding new revenue for bombs and not this. And, it's one the dems want to exploit in Nov.

Fuck, look at sequestration. Could we compromise when people were losing aid, kids losing Head Start? No. The Ryan/Murray "compromise" happened because the Military Industrial Complex was threatened. Such bullshit.
Democrats voters are nothing but sheep

their masters in the party say, lets give more money and they say, OH HELL YEAH..steal more off the Taxpayers backs and their FAMILIES

I've never seen a more marching in lockstep with a party then I have in this day and age with this Democrat base...they never QUESTION if what they are proposing is going to HURT anyone else the country...they just don't give a shit

People who have jobs are now supposed to take care of the unemployed FOR LIFE, even thought Democrats are in charge and we have over 7% unemployed UNDER THEIR running this country

Everyday I'm just more blown away with these people
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Why not pay for doing nothing for 5 years?? 10?? life??

Jeez.. it never ends with the lazy crowd

The lazy crowd make up most of the retards who vote Democrat. So it shouldn't be much of a surprise that Odumbo and the Democrat jackoffs in Congress would push for more free money for that important voting group.
Gotta BUY them votes!
So what's true...from the Democrats
Obama has done such an outstanding job getting the ecoonmy in such good shape or
The Obama economy sucks so bad that we need to extend UE benefits again,and again,and again,and again...
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We need to stop paying people to not work. Maybe these people could actually find a job if Congress would do their's, but as long as we have people in charge in both the Executive and Legislative branches who don't know how to make an economy thrive this is going to be how it is for at least another few years.
One way to get the long-term unemployment back on the payroll is to have the government cover their paycheck for a period of time. This gives companies a risk-free way to see what the employee can contribute, while giving workers a possible foot in the door. So instead of paying people for not working, pay the employer for giving them a try.
Weren't these extended unemployment benefits supposed to be temporary? How about the President and other's who want to keep extending these benefits just admit the truth you don't want a cutoff date for them you want endless benefits which by that I mean you want people to be able to draw unemployment till they find a job or die whichever comes first.
Why are republicans so mean? We're only extending the program for 3 more months...

Harry Reid, 2009
So what's true...from the Democrats
Obama has done such an outstanding job getting the ecoonmy in such good shape or
The Obama economy sucks so bad that we need to extend UE benefits again,and again,and again,and again...
While killing the private sector so NO ONE looking for a job can find one...THUS keeping them on the dole and THUS buying votes...CREATE a problem, PRETEND to have a solution...and the voters will eat out of your hands...GOOD to be the KINGS...

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