Straight from the Senate floor: Senate Takes Up Unemployment Benefits Extension

There is instantaineous money for War and bombs, but no money for people who are just trying
to survive who paid their taxes. Something is wrong with governmental priorities here.

47 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax. I bet the majority of those are these people who are now asking for a handout from us that do pay taxes.

Something is wrong with you idiots thinking the governments job is to take care of your ass from cradle to grave.

Man up and go find a job, create a job, do something other than being a parasite.

on the flip side...

Many of them were paying taxes and taking no handouts for many years.
Possibly in the long run, but as Keynes said "in the long run we'll all be dead." (-:

But in seriousness, you make a good pt. If people who lost well paying jobs have to take part-time or no benefit jobs, not extending UI could be justified if they have access to the healthcare they lost. And, I just don't see the case against a temporary extension. The jobs aren't there, the HC isn't there ... yet ... and the loss of the stimulus effect that is already in the econ now because of the benefits would be lost.

The GOP's already shot itself in the foot (again) by cutting the stuff right at the holidays. People had to take the kids' toys back.

they don't care.

they are n a misson to destroy the country and their own party.

they don't care.

they do what they do to make money

they don't care about people and reality.

the republican party is a star making machine now

It prefers NOT to govern they just want the job and the money being in congress gives them.

they are all on the Palin plan

Your Messiah--just admitted that his economic policies over the last 6 years have been an ABJECT FAILURE.

Still parroting your MssiahRushie.
Today--Obama is going to stand in front of the Senate with people who have already received 99 weeks of unemployment insurance--asking for another extension for unemployment benefits.

Liar! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You mean to tell me that you didn't know that unemployment benefits were extended to 99 weeks back in 2009? Da Duh

They are asking for another extension NOW.

Obviously due the economic policies of the economic moron that's sitting in the oval office, there are NO jobs to GET--so they are going to extend unemployment benefits.

Today--Obama is going to stand in front of the Senate with people who have already received 99 weeks of unemployment insurance--asking for another extension for unemployment benefits.

Liar! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:

You mean to tell me that you didn't know that unemployment benefits were extended to 99 weeks back in 2009? Da Duh

They are asking for another extension NOW.

Obviously due the economic policies of the economic moron that's sitting in the oval office, there are NO jobs to GET--so they are going to extend unemployment benefits.

You mean to tell me you don't know it's not 2009 NOW!!!

As the economy has improved the max number of weeks has declined. The max was 63 weeks before this last GOP cut.
more people getting healthcare means MORE healthcare jobs.

make sense

More people lost their healthcare insurance than are getting it. Yea shit is really working huh? You stupid fuck!!

Agreed--The lil Einstein thumb sucking liberals still don't GET IT. While the Affordable health care act aka Obamacare may have created a few jobs--when it hits the employer mandate now postponed by Democrats until after the mid term elections--the job lay-offs and hours that will be cut back will swamp any and all gains because of this new mandate, by at least a thousand lay-offs to one of the Obamacare created jobs.

They don't seem to understand that when you add new costs to the employer the first thing that gets cut to meet these new costs are EMPLOYEES.
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The Republicans don't even have a coherent argument against extending the unemployment benefits.

That's it.

well, the argument for not extending UI, and forcing the laid off folks to take lower paying jobs, is that the "wage equillibrium" is thereby lowered, and a recovery is preceeded by declining wages, which makes hiring new workers more attractive.

Most Unemployment Due to Extended Jobless Benefits - Bloomberg

However, the problem at this pt in time is the long-term employed make up a greater % of unemployed than is typical in recessions. It's more like a nationwide Detroit scenario where autoworkers and welders became pool cleaners. Moreover, since job creation is at best keeping pace with young people coming online, it's difficult to see how forcing more competiton for entry level jobs is a postive.

Since the ecomomy is showing signs of further strengthening it's pretty illogical to oppose continuing temporary stimulus until we see stronger job growth. And because we're getting past any uncertainty from employers as to the effect of Obamacare on their costs, and past idiocy of shutting down govt over ending Obamacare before it starts, perhaps we'll see an atmosphere where biz feels comfortable with making longer term decisions.
General speeches are on the Senate floor at the moment. I will just comment as they go along. Apparently Obamacare was suppose to make healthcare more affordable for everyone. When something is making the system go broke it can't get 'more affordable' for everyone. Math doesn't work that way.

Senator Cornyn talking about the evils of income inequality. Just stated people say the way government can help is, "Get out of the way. Get your hand out of our pocket. Get off our backs."
Senator Cornyn just advocated for Pell grants. ? That will be news to a lot of Republicans.
Senator Cornyn just advocated for Pell grants. ? That will be news to a lot of Republicans.

Wait a minute, don't we believe Pell Grants are handouts to the poor? More of that 47% stuff? I could swear I got my chops busted for not toeing that line.
Since the ecomomy is showing signs of further strengthening it's pretty illogical to oppose continuing temporary stimulus until we see stronger job growth. And because we're getting past any uncertainty from employers as to the effect of Obamacare on their costs, and past idiocy of shutting down govt over ending Obamacare before it starts, perhaps we'll see an atmosphere where biz feels comfortable with making longer term decisions.

When companies lay off employees who suck or the company is struggling for it's survival, government says wow, no problem. We'll just keep paying the people you laid off and drive you under completely.

But that's not an argument. Gotcha, comrade. Our job as employers is to implement government social policy until it drives us under.
Senator Portman advocates for Pell grants. Also "worker retraining program." Cites jobs going unfilled in a couple cities which are benefiting from shale extracting. Stated that people should be trained for jobs in biotechnology. 6 year degree? I wonder if he has any idea what that costs?
Since the ecomomy is showing signs of further strengthening it's pretty illogical to oppose continuing temporary stimulus until we see stronger job growth. And because we're getting past any uncertainty from employers as to the effect of Obamacare on their costs, and past idiocy of shutting down govt over ending Obamacare before it starts, perhaps we'll see an atmosphere where biz feels comfortable with making longer term decisions.

When companies lay off employees who suck or the company is struggling for it's survival, government says wow, no problem. We'll just keep paying the people you laid off and drive you under completely.

But that's not an argument. Gotcha, comrade. Our job as employers is to implement government social policy until it drives us under.

I do not respond to posters who call others names, asshole.
Since the ecomomy is showing signs of further strengthening it's pretty illogical to oppose continuing temporary stimulus until we see stronger job growth. And because we're getting past any uncertainty from employers as to the effect of Obamacare on their costs, and past idiocy of shutting down govt over ending Obamacare before it starts, perhaps we'll see an atmosphere where biz feels comfortable with making longer term decisions.

When companies lay off employees who suck or the company is struggling for it's survival, government says wow, no problem. We'll just keep paying the people you laid off and drive you under completely.

But that's not an argument. Gotcha, comrade. Our job as employers is to implement government social policy until it drives us under.

I do not respond to posters who call others names, asshole.

No, you just rather than addressing points in an argument say things like telling someone who isn't even a Republican that I'm just parroting the Koch Brothers.

Don't believe your crap that you're taking any sort of high road. Address my points, don't be a bitch.
Senator Portman advocates for Pell grants. Also "worker retraining program." Cites jobs going unfilled in a couple cities which are benefiting from shale extracting. Stated that people should be trained for jobs in biotechnology. 6 year degree? I wonder if he has any idea what that costs?

One reason I iniially became a republican was that in 81 I moved to Wyoming to take a job in the oil patch, while union mine workers in West Virginia were getting paid to sit. So, I'd be a candidate for Portman's view, and I generally like the guy, despite his W connection which has a huge taint factor imo. But, we are talking long term unemployed here. Is there any reason to think those folks are suitable for the fracking industry? There's no way a 50 year old former loan officer could do the work I did in 81. A miner ... sure.
When companies lay off employees who suck or the company is struggling for it's survival, government says wow, no problem. We'll just keep paying the people you laid off and drive you under completely.

But that's not an argument. Gotcha, comrade. Our job as employers is to implement government social policy until it drives us under.

I do not respond to posters who call others names, asshole.

No, you just rather than addressing points in an argument say things like telling someone who isn't even a Republican that I'm just parroting the Koch Brothers.

Don't believe your crap that you're taking any sort of high road. Address my points, don't be a bitch.

No, I said you'd been deluded by information put out by Koch operatives. And you have been on the 17th amendment. I posted a link yesterday to the historical backgroud. You called someone else a vulgar name today. That's why I called you an asshole.
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Since the ecomomy is showing signs of further strengthening it's pretty illogical to oppose continuing temporary stimulus until we see stronger job growth. And because we're getting past any uncertainty from employers as to the effect of Obamacare on their costs, and past idiocy of shutting down govt over ending Obamacare before it starts, perhaps we'll see an atmosphere where biz feels comfortable with making longer term decisions.

When companies lay off employees who suck or the company is struggling for it's survival, government says wow, no problem. We'll just keep paying the people you laid off and drive you under completely.

But that's not an argument. Gotcha, comrade. Our job as employers is to implement government social policy until it drives us under.

I do not respond to posters who call others names, asshole.

I do. :eusa_shifty: Kaz, which has been a bigger drain on the U.S. economy over the years poorly performing employees or the imminent collapse of mega companies?
When companies lay off employees who suck or the company is struggling for it's survival, government says wow, no problem. We'll just keep paying the people you laid off and drive you under completely.

But that's not an argument. Gotcha, comrade. Our job as employers is to implement government social policy until it drives us under.

I do not respond to posters who call others names, asshole.

I do. :eusa_shifty: Kaz, which has been a bigger drain on the U.S. economy over the years poorly performing employees or the imminent collapse of mega companies?

Neither of those are problems for government, and both are solved by free markets. Government once again is the problem, not the solution.
I do not respond to posters who call others names, asshole.

No, you just rather than addressing points in an argument say things like telling someone who isn't even a Republican that I'm just parroting the Koch Brothers.

Don't believe your crap that you're taking any sort of high road. Address my points, don't be a bitch.

No, I said you'd been deluded by information put out by Koch operatives. And you have been on the 17th amendment. I posted a link yesterday to the historical backgroud. You called someone else a vulgar name today. That's why I called you an asshole.

I don't call anyone names or insult them who are having serious discussion with me. But you have to pick, one or the other. We can debate, or we can have fun.

You keep going with your stupid parroting Koch points because you don't have the testicles to form and support an opinion of your own. So you suck Obama's dick and parrot the Democrats that everyone else is parroting Republicans. Even people who aren't Republicans.

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