Straight from the Senate floor: Senate Takes Up Unemployment Benefits Extension

GOTTA change the topic of OScamCare...

will the people fall for it again?

Let's hope they've learned their lessons about this evil party filled with a bunch of evil scumbags who have nothing left but more CLASS WARFARE
Today--Obama is going to stand in front of the Senate with people who have already received 99 weeks of unemployment insurance--asking for another extension for unemployment benefits.

Liar! :eusa_liar::eusa_liar::eusa_liar:
The dems want to allow UE benefits to last 3 more months, the GOP says it does not need to be passed cause the economy has improved enough not to need it.

There ARE nearly four million jobs available, but most are not in the ghetto.

Plus, many ghetto people don't need welfare because they are making money from unreported income, drugs and hookers!
Why not pay for doing nothing for 5 years?? 10?? life??

Jeez.. it never ends with the lazy crowd
more people getting healthcare means MORE healthcare jobs.

make sense

Possibly in the long run, but as Keynes said "in the long run we'll all be dead." (-:

But in seriousness, you make a good pt. If people who lost well paying jobs have to take part-time or no benefit jobs, not extending UI could be justified if they have access to the healthcare they lost. And, I just don't see the case against a temporary extension. The jobs aren't there, the HC isn't there ... yet ... and the loss of the stimulus effect that is already in the econ now because of the benefits would be lost.

The GOP's already shot itself in the foot (again) by cutting the stuff right at the holidays. People had to take the kids' toys back.

they don't care.

they are n a misson to destroy the country and their own party.

they don't care.

they do what they do to make money

they don't care about people and reality.

the republican party is a star making machine now

It prefers NOT to govern they just want the job and the money being in congress gives them.

they are all on the Palin plan
Next stop radio, TV and Books you can sell to the stupid tea party faction

the republican party has been reduced to a stepping stone to media money.
Senator McConnell reads a letter from someone who does not like to pay more for health care because of someone else pays less.
There ARE nearly four million jobs available, but most are not in the ghetto.

Plus, many ghetto people don't need welfare because they are making money from unreported income, drugs and hookers!

Why don't they just make them indefinite? The longer you give benefits, the longer a free loader is going to take to get a job. Anything that fosters more government dependence is what the liberals are all about! What about the hard workers who have their money taken, and given away? Where is the fake ass liberal compassion? It is not the government's responsibility to redistribute money!
more people getting healthcare means MORE healthcare jobs.

make sense

Possibly in the long run, but as Keynes said "in the long run we'll all be dead." (-:

But in seriousness, you make a good pt. If people who lost well paying jobs have to take part-time or no benefit jobs, not extending UI could be justified if they have access to the healthcare they lost. And, I just don't see the case against a temporary extension. The jobs aren't there, the HC isn't there ... yet ... and the loss of the stimulus effect that is already in the econ now because of the benefits would be lost.

The GOP's already shot itself in the foot (again) by cutting the stuff right at the holidays. People had to take the kids' toys back.

they don't care.

they are n a misson to destroy the country and their own party.

they don't care.

they do what they do to make money

they don't care about people and reality.

the republican party is a star making machine now

It prefers NOT to govern they just want the job and the money being in congress gives them.

they are all on the Palin plan

Your Messiah--just admitted that his economic policies over the last 6 years have been an ABJECT FAILURE.

Obama and democrats and people like you who voted for this economic moron TWICE own this rotten economy now.

What do you expect by voting for someone who has never worked a single day in the private sector economy to expect to actually KNOW something about the economy? A "community organizer?"--whatever in the heck that is?

Funny that Obama didn't mention that Detroit has a 16.6% unemployment rate after we bailed them out. All Democrats have done over the last 6 years is add tons of expensive JOB KILLING regulations on business--and they sit there with their thumbs up their butts and wonder why the economy isn't growing--LOL

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more people getting healthcare means MORE healthcare jobs.

make sense

Possibly in the long run, but as Keynes said "in the long run we'll all be dead." (-:

But in seriousness, you make a good pt. If people who lost well paying jobs have to take part-time or no benefit jobs, not extending UI could be justified if they have access to the healthcare they lost. And, I just don't see the case against a temporary extension. The jobs aren't there, the HC isn't there ... yet ... and the loss of the stimulus effect that is already in the econ now because of the benefits would be lost.

The GOP's already shot itself in the foot (again) by cutting the stuff right at the holidays. People had to take the kids' toys back.

the GOP cut it at the holidays?

Who signed the extension that expired while congress was on recess?

Heck...who wrote the extension with the expiration date being while congress was on recess? you not do ANY thinking on your own?
The Republicans don't even have a coherent argument against extending the unemployment benefits.
The Republicans don't even have a coherent argument against extending the unemployment benefits.

I will make it simple for you....

It needs to be paid for.

Mathematically, one dollar for every 2500 spent is all that is required....

So cut spending by 1/2500 and the GOP will vote for it.

Not so difficult.

Are you not paying attention?
There is instantaineous money for War and bombs, but no money for people who are just trying
to survive who paid their taxes. Something is wrong with governmental priorities here.

47 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax. I bet the majority of those are these people who are now asking for a handout from us that do pay taxes.

Something is wrong with you idiots thinking the governments job is to take care of your ass from cradle to grave.

Man up and go find a job, create a job, do something other than being a parasite.
OK, I'm out of practice on this stuff. I am watching a live feed from C-SPAN2 of a vote from earlier today. I will go ahead and finish it up. It is actually a vote to bring it to a vote. Republicans were trying to block that. Do nothing Congress?
Live: Updates from the Senate floor. To be continued....

Let's take more money from American businesses and give it to people for not working. In fact, the more people we employ, the more we pay for people to not work. Obama isn't finished destroying the economy yet, and he's not giving up trying.

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