Straight up Fraud

It is illegal to make claims about your product that are false.

So when are they going to arrest Obama?!

"It won't cost a dime."

"It will pay for itself."

"it will lower the cost of heath care."

"it won't cause anyone to lose their insurance or job."



Donnie dupes 10,000 people for $40 million$, and it's an instant Obama deflection.
It is illegal to make claims about your product that are false.

So when are they going to arrest Obama?!

"It won't cost a dime."

"It will pay for itself."

"it will lower the cost of heath care."

"it won't cause anyone to lose their insurance or job."



Donnie dupes 10,000 people for $40 million$, and it's an instant Obama deflection.
Their behavior is as predictable as the sunrise.
Has Trump Moved Beyond Outrage?

Rick Klein: “Donald Trump has said enough offensive things in enough offensive ways that it’s easy to lose the capacity for outrage. Even for Trump, though, his latest utterances about the federal judge assigned to a case brought against him deserve thought and scrutiny. Saying that a judge has an ‘inherent conflict of interest’ because of his Mexican heritage – not because of any business or personal interest in the stakes of the case – is making a judgment on qualifications simply based on race. It’s a fanciful notion that would upend centuries of jurisprudence and American tradition.”

“The fact that such a concept is being floated – and not in a coded or hypothetical way – is precisely why so many Republicans are offended and even terrified
about the fact that Trump will be the Republican nominee for president. Coming just hours after House Speaker Paul Ryan put his intellectual heft on the line in supporting Trump is awkward for Ryan, and just about any other conservative who has grudgingly come to terms with Trump. It’s one thing to recognize the ways in which Trump is giving voters what they want. It’s another to pause and recognize how he’s sometimes been doing it.”
If that judge was really out to fuck Trump up the ass, he'd move the trial up to October and have the prosecutor subpoena the ginormously fat bastard, and put live cameras in the courtroom, a la OJ Simpson. We could all watch The Donald sweat on Court TV in real time.

Instead, the judge has put the trial off until after the election.

Trump is full of shit, as usual.
Yes, Obama is a fraud. And this has to do with Trump being a fraud other than another pathetic red

It is illegal to make claims about your product that are false.

So when are they going to arrest Obama?!

"It won't cost a dime."

"It will pay for itself."

"it will lower the cost of heath care."

"it won't cause anyone to lose their insurance or job."


Why can't you defend Trump? Are you too stupid and just know there is no defense for his lying and Trump U fraud? Why do you always have to deflect away from Trump and bring up Obama or Clinton? Do you sincerely think those deflections of bashing the President or former Secretary of State, Senator and First Lady make Trump look innocent?
Trump is a criminal that has used high-priced lawyers from keeping his ass out of prison. He should be charged for fraud in this case. Trump U should come under RICO laws.
Donnie dupes 10,000 people for $40 million$, and it's an instant Obama deflection.
So you CAN'T provide a link to the direct evidence proving Trump was intentionally involved in fraud / criminal activity?

Of course not, otherwise you would have posted it by now.
Trump is a criminal that has used high-priced lawyers from keeping his ass out of prison. He should be charged for fraud in this case. Trump U should come under RICO laws.
So you CAN'T provide a link to the evidence proving Trump was intentionally, knowingly involved in criminal activity?! Thank you for admitting this.
Donnie dupes 10,000 people for $40 million$, and it's an instant Obama deflection.
So you CAN'T provide a link to the direct evidence proving Trump was intentionally involved in fraud / criminal activity?

Of course not, otherwise you would have posted it by now.
The links and the evidence have already been provided by Siete, retard. While you were busy trying to think of shit about Obama.
“This is straight up fraud. It’s like selling people something you say is a Mercedes and it turns out to be a Volkswagen,” Schneiderman said. “And even if some people say, ‘Well actually, I kind of like the Volkswagen,’ it’s still fraud because it’s not a Mercedes. This was not a university.”

NY Attorney General On Trump University: ‘This Is Straight Up Fraud’ (VIDEO)

This is the same idiot who's biggest crusade to date is to try and ruin everyone's fun with Daily Fantasy Sports.

If this is Fraud, have him bring up charges. Just announcing it doesn't do anything but make it seem like political bullshit.
Has Trump Moved Beyond Outrage?

Rick Klein: “Donald Trump has said enough offensive things in enough offensive ways that it’s easy to lose the capacity for outrage. Even for Trump, though, his latest utterances about the federal judge assigned to a case brought against him deserve thought and scrutiny. Saying that a judge has an ‘inherent conflict of interest’ because of his Mexican heritage – not because of any business or personal interest in the stakes of the case – is making a judgment on qualifications simply based on race. It’s a fanciful notion that would upend centuries of jurisprudence and American tradition.”

“The fact that such a concept is being floated – and not in a coded or hypothetical way – is precisely why so many Republicans are offended and even terrified
about the fact that Trump will be the Republican nominee for president. Coming just hours after House Speaker Paul Ryan put his intellectual heft on the line in supporting Trump is awkward for Ryan, and just about any other conservative who has grudgingly come to terms with Trump. It’s one thing to recognize the ways in which Trump is giving voters what they want. It’s another to pause and recognize how he’s sometimes been doing it.”
The outrage is that the Republican party is so damned desperate to cling to its power that it allowed him to be their nominee.
If this is Fraud, have him bring up charges.
Most fraud cases go to civil court, and that is exactly where Trump's fraud is being handled.

Then is the NY AG jumping in on the bandwagon? Or is he just trying to deflect from all the shenanigans of his fellow NY dems Cuomo and Deblasio?

Don't take this for Trump support, but anything from this idiot has to be taken with a grain of salt.
Donnie dupes 10,000 people for $40 million$, and it's an instant Obama deflection.
So you CAN'T provide a link to the direct evidence proving Trump was intentionally involved in fraud / criminal activity?

Of course not, otherwise you would have posted it by now.

I started an entire thread on this ... try again Gomer


post #4 this thread contains live link .. G-O-M-E-R
FORGE: Mr. Trump, I've placed in front of you a document marked as Exhibit 481, which is an excerpt from Mr. Sexton's sworn testimony to the Office of the New York State Attorney General.
If you could, please, direct your attention to the second page, which is page 157. At line 10, Mr. Sexton is asked: "QUESTION:· And were any of those -- any of these other speakers at any of those events handpicked by Donald Trump?"
Mr. Sexton's answer: "ANSWER: None of our instructors at the live events were handpicked by Donald Trump." Do you have any basis to dispute Mr. Sexton's testimony in this regard?

TRUMP:·No. That's correct.
Trump is a criminal that has used high-priced lawyers from keeping his ass out of prison. He should be charged for fraud in this case. Trump U should come under RICO laws.
So you CAN'T provide a link to the evidence proving Trump was intentionally, knowingly involved in criminal activity?! Thank you for admitting this.
Your cult leader is facing two court cases. If elected. we will have a President stuck in the middle of defending himself in two fraud cases, one in California and one in New York.
His name and brand are being battered and he is being exposed as the lying fraud he is.
I started an entire thread on this ... try again Gomer


post #4 this thread contains live link .. G-O-M-E-R

So you CAN'T provide a link to the direct evidence proving Trump was intentionally involved in fraud / criminal activity? Got it....

Let me know when Trump is indicted....any day now. :p

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