Stronger action needed to stop all of this

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.

A bunch of racists monitoring others to see if they're racists....... Yeah that'll work well.


People governing their own minds is what is needed. What 'government' can actually do is entirely unclear. Education is what is necessary, but not only and not necessarily state run schools.
You're right...What is being done now isn't working.....What is being done now is leftist dipshits seeing a racist behind every bush, and claiming that certain black people being too stupid for their own good is because of the "systemic racism" unicorn.

Y'all have turned into the McCarthyites whom you claim to detest so much.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.
We have the same issues in the UK but perhaps on a lower scale. What can you do when your leaders are racist trash ?
Allow me to enlighten you....I don't care where you go in the world, including your precious England, racism exists and it will never end. Whether you work at it at the grass root level, or on a national level. Humans are descendants of primates and as such, we fight, we are suspicious of those not of our "tribe" and many humans have a tendency to dislike those who look very different than the norm they are around. Now, does that make it right? No. But, we are humans and will always be flawed.
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The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

That has to be a tough job considering the history of colonialism. How will you be managing that in your own country?
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.
We have the same issues in the UK but perhaps on a lower scale. What can you do when your leaders are racist trash ?
Just survive it. It's happened before in world history.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

That has to be a tough job considering the history of colonialism. How will you be managing that in your own country?
Clean up his own back yard first, you say?!?....ONOZ! :laugh2:
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.
Trump will never be "gone".
Let me bring you up to speed Tommy.

The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.

We had a President who attended Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:

The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

That has to be a tough job considering the history of colonialism. How will you be managing that in your own country?
I was talking about my own country. We have the same disease that you have. The racists need to be driven out.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.
Trump will never be "gone".
Good point. People like this remain infamous. Some are, 80 years later, in Europe and around the world.

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