Stronger action needed to stop all of this

I say again, find me an actual "institution" which restricts employment to anyone based upon their racial heritage. When you find that company, I will stand beside you and protest.
In America, millions of private companies, universities, and government agencies restrict employment to people based upon their racial heritage. They discriminate with AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, making blacks the beneficiaries, and whites & mongoloid Asians the victims.

This is, by far, the worst racial discrimination, against the largest number of people in America.

To illustrate with an actual "institution", try any VA hospital or any university.
Kids who grow up in a diverse environment don't have that problem because they personally know other "tribes" and don't live by ignorant stereotypes. A lot of our instincts come from our past as "primates," but we've conquered a lot of them. We don't shit wherever we're standing and move on. We don't allow packs of males to mount a female who is ovulating. We severely punish those who take another life.

I don't think it's an insurmountable problem. Being aware and being educated is pretty much all that is needed. It is parents and communities that socialize the young. They absorb it like a sponge. So racism is a hard habit to break; it is passed down, whether spoken or unspoken, from one generation to the next. Some wise up and walk away from it. Too many haven't.

That is why diversity and inclusion is taught in schools.

As I recall OL, you were a schoolteacher. Did you teach diversity and inclusion? I didn't in elementary, middle or high school. Finally did take a couple classes in diversity, racial sensitivity and black history in the late 70s/early 80s in college. But as I recall those were electives.

But you're SO right about racism passed forward from one generation to the next. My Mom & Dad didn't do that to me - Not a racist bone in their bodies.

But my grandpa (Mom's side) in Georgia was a straight up racist. Some of the language that he used was downright shocking. Thankfully, he didn't influence me like my parents did.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.
I dont know of trump knew who david duke is and neither do you

but what does it matter since duke is more than offset by jesse jackson and al sharpton along with many other black racists?

duke does not represent trump voters any more than this guy represents you

xNursing Home Abuser Made Video Asserting Black People are Supposed to Rule the Earth
I remember doing this type of work for a few months and I got called the n-word a couple of times by the patients. I wonder if this dude got fed up with it.
reportedly your boy was a patient

but yesterday you told us you weren't black

are you being black today?
I'm Black everyday. Melanin kissed by the sun. Dont forget that pale one.
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:

and i suppose the democrats are not racist at all...right?...
Are you sure they are liberals?
No I cant be sure

there are a lot of anarchists and Nihilists on these forums who basically hate everyone

and they are slippery as eels
I'm Black everyday. Melanin kissed by the sun. Dont forget that pale one.
You are correct

I had you mixed up with another lib that was posting yesterday

he claimed to be native American

I think this was his sister

Kids who grow up in a diverse environment don't have that problem because they personally know other "tribes" and don't live by ignorant stereotypes. A lot of our instincts come from our past as "primates," but we've conquered a lot of them. We don't shit wherever we're standing and move on. We don't allow packs of males to mount a female who is ovulating. We severely punish those who take another life.

I don't think it's an insurmountable problem. Being aware and being educated is pretty much all that is needed. It is parents and communities that socialize the young. They absorb it like a sponge. So racism is a hard habit to break; it is passed down, whether spoken or unspoken, from one generation to the next. Some wise up and walk away from it. Too many haven't.

That is why diversity and inclusion is taught in schools.

Kids who grow up in a diverse environment don't have that problem because they personally know other "tribes" and don't live by ignorant stereotypes.

Sometimes the conflicts they experience with other "tribes" turns those ignorant stereotypes into firsthand knowledge.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

You having problems in empire there Tommy ?

Cause, here in the U.S. we don't have any issues.

What we do have is a generation of morons who like to take to the streets over essentially nothing.

Bad Cops (police are a necessary part of our lives) caused a problem.

That's the end of the discussion.

From there on, it is the stupid in the drinking water that is causing issues with the morons out burning stuff and shooting each other.
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:


No. There has been tremendous progress. We have black judges, cops,
Are you sure they are liberals?
No I cant be sure

there are a lot of anarchists and Nihilists on these forums who basically hate everyone

and they are slippery as eels

It's like saying you are conservative and David Duke is conservative, ergo.......
Duke has some ideas that overlap conservatives

But he’s a neo nazi and KKK leader and thats incompatible with 99.99% of trump supporters
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:


No. There has been tremendous progress. We have black judges, cops, black wardens, black parole officers, black governors, black state reps, black members of congress etc. and so on.
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:


No. There has been tremendous progress. We have black judges, cops,
Are you sure they are liberals?
No I cant be sure

there are a lot of anarchists and Nihilists on these forums who basically hate everyone

and they are slippery as eels

It's like saying you are conservative and David Duke is conservative, ergo.......
Duke has some ideas that overlap conservatives

But he’s a neo nazi and KKK leader and thats incompatible with 99.99% of trump supporters

You're talking Donnie's BASE dude. Minimally 15% of tRump voters!
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:


No. There has been tremendous progress. We have black judges, cops,
Are you sure they are liberals?
No I cant be sure

there are a lot of anarchists and Nihilists on these forums who basically hate everyone

and they are slippery as eels

It's like saying you are conservative and David Duke is conservative, ergo.......
Duke has some ideas that overlap conservatives

But he’s a neo nazi and KKK leader and thats incompatible with 99.99% of trump supporters

You're talking Donnie's BASE dude. Minimally 15% of tRump voters!
Thats a lie
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:


No. There has been tremendous progress. We have black judges, cops, black wardens, black parole officers, black governors, black state reps, black members of congress etc. and so on.

Meh - Those are exceptions .. Hardly what I would call "tremendous progress" after 250 years ;)
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

^^^ Liberal Nazis rising in the name of "fighting racism" by using a false narrative.
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:


No. There has been tremendous progress. We have black judges, cops,
Are you sure they are liberals?
No I cant be sure

there are a lot of anarchists and Nihilists on these forums who basically hate everyone

and they are slippery as eels

It's like saying you are conservative and David Duke is conservative, ergo.......
Duke has some ideas that overlap conservatives

But he’s a neo nazi and KKK leader and thats incompatible with 99.99% of trump supporters

You're talking Donnie's BASE dude. Minimally 15% of tRump voters!
Thats a lie

NOPE!! :)

Kids who grow up in a diverse environment don't have that problem because they personally know other "tribes" and don't live by ignorant stereotypes. A lot of our instincts come from our past as "primates," but we've conquered a lot of them. We don't shit wherever we're standing and move on. We don't allow packs of males to mount a female who is ovulating. We severely punish those who take another life.

I don't think it's an insurmountable problem. Being aware and being educated is pretty much all that is needed. It is parents and communities that socialize the young. They absorb it like a sponge. So racism is a hard habit to break; it is passed down, whether spoken or unspoken, from one generation to the next. Some wise up and walk away from it. Too many haven't.

That is why diversity and inclusion is taught in schools.

As I recall OL, you were a schoolteacher. Did you teach diversity and inclusion? I didn't in elementary, middle or high school. Finally did take a couple classes in diversity, racial sensitivity and black history in the late 70s/early 80s in college. But as I recall those were electives.

But you're SO right about racism passed forward from one generation to the next. My Mom & Dad didn't do that to me - Not a racist bone in their bodies.

But my grandpa (Mom's side) in Georgia was a straight up racist. Some of the language that he used was downright shocking. Thankfully, he didn't influence me like my parents did.
I didn't tolerate slurs or bullying, but that went for ANY kid, whether it was a race issue or a "special ed" issue or whatever. Right now I'm teaching adult ed, and doing social studies. We have old text books from the 80's (they're cheap) but there is definitely a spin on the information provided about Native Americans and African Americans. I teach both sides, even when it's not mentioned in the book. I've never met a student yet who thought slavery was cool. Yet I teach the reasons why the south used it and insisted on it, and teach them that slavery was an institution in many countries then. Not to defend it, but to explain that the southerners weren't EVIL monsters and that some of our own Founding Fathers were slave owners. To explain what the south was fighting for was their ECONOMIC stability. Basically, money. To me, it's still an ugly state of affairs. But there are two sides.

I refuse to see all southerners as evil. I refuse to white wash Native American interactions either. They were skilled adversaries and brutal as hell. Yes, I also teach their way of life and that the two mindsets could not possibly coexist with the Europeans spreading across their hunting and fishing grounds, parceling it out into acre-size lots and cutting down the forests, tilling the ground, damming the rivers. I teach the abysmal treaty violations and the reservation systems and the legislation that kept them down for so long, nearly wiped them out.

It's all pretty complicated. I like to present it that way. My students can make up their own minds. I don't try to hide my own opinions on it, but I try to be fair. That's how I was taught in teacher's college.
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and the deep seated racism remains. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:


No. There has been tremendous progress. We have black judges, cops, black wardens, black parole officers, black governors, black state reps, black members of congress etc. and so on.

Meh - Those are exceptions .. Hardly what I would call "tremendous progress" after 250 years ;)

Nope, that is progress.

This concept that ALL black people are somehow caught up in the legal system and ALL black people live in poverty and ALL black people lack an education and ALL black people seemingly have difficulty in acquiring a state ID/Driver's license is...............racist.

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