Stronger action needed to stop all of this

The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

That has to be a tough job considering the history of colonialism. How will you be managing that in your own country?
I was talking about my own country. We have the same disease that you have. The racists need to be driven out.

How will you be managing that in your own country? What parameters will you be using to make that determination of racism?
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.
Trump will never be "gone".
Good point. People like this remain infamous. Some are, 80 years later, in Europe and around the world.
People like what?

Obama is hula hoop. Trump is a wheel. Similar, and yet so different.
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and deep seated racism remain. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:

PUHLEEEZ......Show me where there is "INSTITUTIONALIZED" racism! You will find individuals who are racists, regardless of skin color, in all elements of society, but they are individuals and despite corporate "feelings" programs for employees and signs around the offices, supporting diversity, there remain racists among them, they just don't know it. Racism in individuals is often hidden and very subtle. In the case of George Floyd, his death wasn't the result of racism, it was a result of Floyd being a criminal and the cop putting too much pressure on his neck for too long. If Floyd had happened to be white and died as a result of too much pressure on his neck, you wouldn't have heard a peep from anyone on it and you know it.
Again...SHOW ME AN EXAMPLE OF THE INSTITUTIONALIZED racism, not single individuals being racist, otherwise, shut up!!!
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

That has to be a tough job considering the history of colonialism. How will you be managing that in your own country?
I was talking about my own country. We have the same disease that you have. The racists need to be driven out.

How will you be managing that in your own country? What parameters will you be using to make that determination of racism?
I would suggest that education is the way forward, combined with greater legal powers would be the ideal.Most of the racist shite on this board would fall foul of this.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

That has to be a tough job considering the history of colonialism. How will you be managing that in your own country?
I was talking about my own country. We have the same disease that you have. The racists need to be driven out.

How will you be managing that in your own country? What parameters will you be using to make that determination of racism?
I would suggest that education is the way forward, combined with greater legal powers would be the ideal.Most of the racist shite on this board would fall foul of this.
When you say education and greater legal powers what would that encompass?
‘One person’s terrorist is another person’s freedom fighter’ Written by Jack Whiteley Another observed factor that motivates terrorists in particular, and rarely freedom fighters, is a certain ‘ecstatic element’ in the pursuit of violence. There has been repeated documentation of terrorists who profess a catharsis
SOrta describes what we just saw...….
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and deep seated racism remain. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:

PUHLEEEZ......Show me where there is "INSTITUTIONALIZED" racism! You will find individuals who are racists, regardless of skin color, in all elements of society, but they are individuals and despite corporate "feelings" programs for employees and signs around the offices, supporting diversity, there remain racists among them, they just don't know it. Racism in individuals is often hidden and very subtle. In the case of George Floyd, his death wasn't the result of racism, it was a result of Floyd being a criminal and the cop putting too much pressure on his neck for too long. If Floyd had happened to be white and died as a result of too much pressure on his neck, you wouldn't have heard a peep from anyone on it and you know it.
Again...SHOW ME AN EXAMPLE OF THE INSTITUTIONALIZED racism, not single individuals being racist, otherwise, shut up!!!

LEARN something for a change. The collective wealth of ONE white family is approximately equal to 15 black families. There are many factors, but one of the prime factor is that black families haven't been able to pass a home or other assets down to their children.

Of course, you would claim is that they are lazy. Nope, it involves hundreds of years from slavery on through to redlining.


Institutional racism (also known as systemic racism) is a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions. It is reflected in disparities regarding wealth, income, criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power and education, among other factors.

The term "institutional racism" was first coined and first used in 1967 by Stokely Carmichael (later known as Kwame Ture) and Charles V. Hamilton in Black Power: The Politics of Liberation.[1] Carmichael and Hamilton wrote that while individual racism is often identifiable because of its overt nature, institutional racism is less perceptible because of its "less overt, far more subtle" nature. Institutional racism "originates in the operation of established and respected forces in the society, and thus receives far less public condemnation than [individual racism]".[2] They gave examples.

Institutional racism was defined by Sir William Macpherson in the UK's Lawrence report (1999) as: "The collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture, or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people."[5][6]
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.
We have the same issues in the UK but perhaps on a lower scale. What can you do when your leaders are racist trash ?
We can replace them. You can bow to them.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

That has to be a tough job considering the history of colonialism. How will you be managing that in your own country?
I was talking about my own country. We have the same disease that you have. The racists need to be driven out.

How will you be managing that in your own country? What parameters will you be using to make that determination of racism?
I would suggest that education is the way forward, combined with greater legal powers would be the ideal.Most of the racist shite on this board would fall foul of this.
When you say education and greater legal powers what would that encompass?
Well as an example - I dont think that teaching that the Empire was a glorious enterprise is legit. In the US I would stop pumping out the land of the free shite.
This kind of lying crap perpetuates lies and gives racists their own twisted narrative.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training.

What, exactly, would they do at the interview stage to determine that someone is racist? And who gets to decide which answers reveal racism?

Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.

Convicted of what? And monitored how?

What is being done now isnt working.

And you think draconian measures will?

Creating a police state is not the answer to racism. And I'll tell you something else: Those who are the most vocal about racism need to stop viewing this as some kind of religious crusade. The moral posturing and chest beating being exhibited today where racism is concerned is exactly the sort of thing these same people hated about Christianity just a few short years ago.

There's a new religion in town and it has sparked a whole new wave of arrogant righteousness, moral judgmentalism and paranoid witch hunts. Keep in mind that this sort of thing is no respecter of skin color, political affiliation, nationality or gender. So be careful what you wish for because you just might find yourself in the steamroller's path. You might be the one who gets his kids taken away or refused a home loan or that job you want so badly because you said something innocuous like "Looting is wrong."

The distance between common sense morality and paranoia is very much shorter than you think and many have already crossed that line.
Let me bring you up to speed Tommy.

Imagine watching a televised funeral with hundreds in attendance after being told you cant go to your own family's funerals or even your kids graduation. Imagine watching it not knowing youre being played
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.

That has to be a tough job considering the history of colonialism. How will you be managing that in your own country?
I was talking about my own country. We have the same disease that you have. The racists need to be driven out.
Where the hell are you going to send them, Tainant? As I said, racism exists in "EVERY NATION."
Japan: Many hate whites and blacks. China: Many Chinese hate non-Asians. Africa: Many blacks hate whites. India: Many East Indians hate non-East Indians and Muslims and Christians.
How about the Sudan...Oh wait, Arab Muslims have been systematically killing black Muslims for many years...the reason, per the Arabs....they are black. Then of course, there's the reality that most racism and racist views are subtle and often not noticed, so you're not getting rid of racists. All people can do is try to be kind to others.
As for this nonsense over George Floyd, the Marxist (formerly Democrat) Party (although they won't admit it), seeks to divide this nation. If one really looks at this case, the first thing they will find is while initially being cooperative with the police, once they actually attempted to place him in the police car, he did begin resisting and his struggle led to them forcing him down on the ground to better control him. The officer that pressed Floyd's neck with his knee was using a contradictory method that has been discussed in police departments across the US. Floyd began saying, "I can't breathe." Here's where you have a friend and a couple of witnesses assist have one choke you until you literally cannot breathe. Once you have reached this point, try saying..."I can't breathe." You will find that being unable to breathe, means you fall into one of two categories...your unable to speak at all, or what little you are able to speak, comes out strangled and barely intelligible. In Floyd's case, it wasn't that he couldn't breathe, it was that the pressure on his neck was cutting off the arterial blood supply to his brain. The County Medical Examiner more accurately described the cause of his death, not the MD hired by the family to do another autopsy.
However, due to public pressure, a state completely run by Democrat politicians and massive unrest, they went along with the hired MD's opinion. This doesn't mean that the cop wasn't responsible in part for Floyd's death and as such, he should be held accountable, but this wasn't a racial issue. The blacks in the Democrat run inner-cities are continually fed garbage that they are victims. The only thing they are victims of is incompetent local governments. Actual racist cops are rare. Had Floyd been a white guy, he would still be dead, but you wouldn't have heard a peep out of anyone beyond his immediate family. To deny this, is to deny reality. Bad or racist police behavior is rare and the behavior and attitude falls solely on the shoulders of the individual cops. The organizations themselves try to hire the best for the job, but you don't know what the hell is going on inside someone's head, despite interviews and psych evaluations. So, this wasn't actually a racist issue, only those who wanted to turn it into something is wasn't!
The great equalizer is wealth. You can only educate people so much. Some people will remain willfully ignorant. You can make laws until you are blue in the face and people will not only still break them but circumvent them. Not saying that these things wont have some effect. Yes do that as well. However the one thing that can be done is to give back all ill gotten gains and pay reparations. Ownership of the diamond mines needs to be turned over to their rightful owners. The queen needs to come up off those diamonds stolen from Africa via colonization or pay market value. Artifacts in european and american museums need to go back to the countries they were stolen from. If they want to display them pay that country or get permission from that country to do so. You can never claim that you want to help someone that you looted and stole from without returning what you stole or even what you owe. Any action without financial compensation and punitive compensation falls short and is only a hollow symbolic act.
We've made just about ZERO progress in the battle to end institutionalized racism over the last 250 years. Sure, slavery has ended and blacks can vote. But Republicans still focus on black voter suppression and deep seated racism remain. Donald's doggie whistles have brought back all the hate with haters. Sad :confused:

PUHLEEEZ......Show me where there is "INSTITUTIONALIZED" racism! You will find individuals who are racists, regardless of skin color, in all elements of society, but they are individuals and despite corporate "feelings" programs for employees and signs around the offices, supporting diversity, there remain racists among them, they just don't know it. Racism in individuals is often hidden and very subtle. In the case of George Floyd, his death wasn't the result of racism, it was a result of Floyd being a criminal and the cop putting too much pressure on his neck for too long. If Floyd had happened to be white and died as a result of too much pressure on his neck, you wouldn't have heard a peep from anyone on it and you know it.
Again...SHOW ME AN EXAMPLE OF THE INSTITUTIONALIZED racism, not single individuals being racist, otherwise, shut up!!!

LEARN something for a change. The collective wealth of ONE white family is approximately equal to 15 black families. There are many factors, but one of the prime factor is that black families haven't been able to pass a home or other assets down to their children.

Of course, you would claim is that they are lazy. Nope, it involves hundreds of years from slavery on through to redlining.


Institutional racism (also known as systemic racism) is a form of racism expressed in the practice of social and political institutions. It is reflected in disparities regarding wealth, income, criminal justice, employment, housing, health care, political power and education, among other factors.

The term "institutional racism" was first coined and first used in 1967 by Stokely Carmichael (later known as Kwame Ture) and Charles V. Hamilton in Black Power: The Politics of Liberation.[1] Carmichael and Hamilton wrote that while individual racism is often identifiable because of its overt nature, institutional racism is less perceptible because of its "less overt, far more subtle" nature. Institutional racism "originates in the operation of established and respected forces in the society, and thus receives far less public condemnation than [individual racism]".[2] They gave examples.

Institutional racism was defined by Sir William Macpherson in the UK's Lawrence report (1999) as: "The collective failure of an organization to provide an appropriate and professional service to people because of their colour, culture, or ethnic origin. It can be seen or detected in processes, attitudes and behaviour which amount to discrimination through prejudice, ignorance, thoughtlessness and racist stereotyping which disadvantage minority ethnic people."[5][6]

LEARN something for a change. The collective wealth of ONE white family is approximately equal to 15 black families. There are many factors, but one of the prime factor is that black families haven't been able to pass a home or other assets down to their children.

Yeah, the Great Society really fucked up the black family.
But LBJ was right, they'll be voting Dem for a while, eh?
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training.

What, exactly, would they do at the interview stage to determine that someone is racist? And who gets to decide which answers reveal racism?

Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.

Convicted of what? And monitored how?

What is being done now isnt working.

And you think draconian measures will?

Creating a police state is not the answer to racism. And I'll tell you something else: Those who are the most vocal about racism need to stop viewing this as some kind of religious crusade. The moral posturing and chest beating being exhibited today where racism is concerned is exactly the sort of thing these same people hated about Christianity just a few short years ago.

There's a new religion in town and it has sparked a whole new wave of arrogant righteousness, moral judgmentalism and paranoid witch hunts. Keep in mind that this sort of thing is no respecter of skin color, political affiliation, nationality or gender. So be careful what you wish for because you just might find yourself in the steamroller's path. You might be the one who gets his kids taken away or refused a home loan or that job you want so badly because you said something innocuous like "Looting is wrong."

The distance between common sense morality and paranoia is very much shorter than you think and many have already crossed that line.
Thoughtful and very well written.
The government needs to take stronger action to stop the cancer of racism. It has to start at a grassroots level where racists need to be marginalised by decent folks.
Public services should not recruit these types and they can be weeded out at the interview stage or during the initial training. Kids who have convicted racist trash as parents should be monitored to see that the disease does not jump a generation and infects the kids.
What is being done now isnt working.
We have a President who pretended not to know who David Duke is, and people who defend that. So clearly we have a long way to go.

Once Trump is gone, perhaps we'll review what happened during his presidency and learn from it. It will have to include both ends of this issue holding their own side accountable, and that's the biggest obstacle right now. Both are afraid to.
I dont know of trump knew who david duke is and neither do you

but what does it matter since duke is more than offset by jesse jackson and al sharpton along with many other black racists?

duke does not represent trump voters any more than this guy represents you

xNursing Home Abuser Made Video Asserting Black People are Supposed to Rule the Earth

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