Student Debt Forgiveness knocked down

If you live to be 72, you will get more than you ever put in to Social Security.
If you have one serious illness, you will get more than you ever put into Medicare.

Actually, I've taken out a VA Loan. There are a lot of strings attached, and no bank will sponsor one if you can't meet the minimum mortgage payments.
I think you are a little confused on what a VA loan actually does.
if you only lived 5 yrs past social insecurity AT 67, YOU GOT REALLY FUCKED in the buttoks

if you live to 90, you are correct buster

the financial literacy of this board is a fucking disaster.....don't worry, you are one of the 80%
if you only lived 5 yrs past social insecurity AT 67, YOU GOT REALLY FUCKED in the buttoks

if you live to 90, you are correct buster

the financial literacy of this board is a fucking disaster.....don't worry, you are one of the 80%


You only pay 6% of your income into SS. What your employer contributes doesn't count.

Which means that most of us are only paying about 6% of an average US income of 33,000, you are paying $1980 into the system every year. - Your total contribution over 45 years was $89100. Your average Social Security payment is $1781 a month. Which means you get everything you paid back in in 50 months or about four years.
Is accurate. Math is your friend.

Which was my point. It is a benefit for white people.

You’re math challenged. You tried to pull a scam with your attempt at math by providing no indication of any retirement age thus no accrual time for benefits.

So… you’re trying to make the argument that only white people are receiving social, VA, retirement benefits?

Really, Chatbot, you’re getting frantic.
Sure there are.
Social Security
Unemployment Insurance
Medicaid for nursing homes for old people.
Veteran's benefits (even for those of us who never saw combat!)

Get rid of Gerrymandering and the Senate, and we'd have no problem passing legislation.

Every state is "Gerrymandered" Though you're only upset but the states that have been gerrymandered by the team you dont like. You're perfectly fine when your team does it.

Dobbs allows states to ban abortion. No state government should be telling a woman what she can do with her own body.

Dobbs allows States to do what states do. Make laws it's citizens want on the books. States have all kind so laws that legislate what you can and or cant do with your body. That's just ignoring the fact that the argument being made by the prolife side is that abortion is killing a child.

You only pay 6% of your income into SS. What your employer contributes doesn't count.

Why does it not count? If your employer did not have to pay it to the Govt they could be paying it to you.

You only pay 6% of your income into SS. What your employer contributes doesn't count.

Which means that most of us are only paying about 6% of an average US income of 33,000, you are paying $1980 into the system every year. - Your total contribution over 45 years was $89100. Your average Social Security payment is $1781 a month. Which means you get everything you paid back in in 50 months or about four years.
And…. since you try your best to insist that social security is white privilege™, what are the numbers for non-white people?
moved on from you a long time ago... I let you know when you say anything interesting.

Every state is "Gerrymandered" Though you're only upset but the states that have been gerrymandered by the team you dont like. You're perfectly fine when your team does it.

Quite the contrary, I'm against Gerrymandering no matter which party it benefits. When you have 63% of people who disapprove of Congress but 95% of them win re-election because their districts are gerrymandered and the opposition party doesn't stand a chance, that's a pretty major dysfunction.

Dobbs allows States to do what states do. Make laws it's citizens want on the books. States have all kind so laws that legislate what you can and or cant do with your body. That's just ignoring the fact that the argument being made by the prolife side is that abortion is killing a child.

I'm going to let you in on an ugly little secret.

The reason SCOTUS struck down all those state abortion laws is because they were being largely ignored. No one was being arrested for having abortions, and the only time providers were prosecuted was if they really screwed up and injured the woman. So Dobbs happened because enough time has passed where everyone kind of forgot how goofy these laws were.

Letting the states "do what they want" is crazy, given that most of us are barely paying attention to the kinds of idiots who go to our statehouses.

Oh, yeah, and Fetuses aren't children, they are unviable globs of tissue. Even when abortion was illegal in this country, no one was charged with murder for performing one.

Why does it not count? If your employer did not have to pay it to the Govt they could be paying it to you.

Actually, you kind of have that in reverse, The employer jacks up your pay by 6% because they know the government is going to take that. Frankly, I'm pretty much against the whole scheme of how we fund it, it creates an illusion that this is a retirement program when it really isn't.
moved on from you a long time ago... I let you know when you say anything interesting.

Odd, because you’re still responding with silly, frantic tirades.

Tell us more about your conspiracy theory of social security being about white privilege.
yes, you are. A black hole of emotional need.
Not being able to defend your comments might suggest you need a better grasp of the issues.

Your conspiracy theory that social security is a "white privilege" institution is a real hoot. Among your higher EQ (Entertainment Quotient) conspiracy theories.
Honey, the problem is that modern conservatism is that instead of finding conservatice solutions to obvious problems, you all just pretend the problem doesn't exist.

What, we don't have a racism problem!
Naw, Global Warming isn't a thing!

You can't reason with that, so I don't even really want to be bothered.
And instead they focus on culture wars that shouldn't be a problem, like perfered pronouns. Now there is a national security issue. A Former president stealing state secrets and passing them around to peeps at his resort aint nuthin. No these people are not conservatives, I dont know what they are, but not conservatives.
Honey, the problem is that modern conservatism is that instead of finding conservatice solutions to obvious problems, you all just pretend the problem doesn't exist.

What, we don't have a racism problem!
Naw, Global Warming isn't a thing!

You can't reason with that, so I don't even really want to be bothered.
Pumpkin, your scripted, ultra-leftist talking points are nothing more than excuses to screech out your self-loathing.

I agree the left has a racism problem. That problem has existed since before slavery of the 19t century. The democrat party, the Party of Slavery, is now in including millions of imported third worlders as sex slaves and a money supply for the drug cartels.

That you actually try to make a "reasoned argument" for enabling human smuggling, drug smuggling and sex slavery by allowing cartels to operate freely is really an indication of a maladjusted personality.
Pumpkin, your scripted,
oh, I'm sorry, are you still talking?

And instead they focus on culture wars that shouldn't be a problem, like perfered pronouns. Now there is a national security issue. A Former president stealing state secrets and passing them around to peeps at his resort aint nuthin. No these people are not conservatives, I dont know what they are, but not conservatives.

The problem is, this is nothing new under the sun. The GOP has been pulling this stuff for years, really. Pretty much all the way back to Tricky Dick.

But at least before Trump, you had a bit of sensible people who could recognize real problems and propose solutions to them.

Now they just pretend the real problems don't exist, while making up fake ones like "Grooming".
oh, I'm sorry, are you still talking?

It must be difficult for you, unable to cope.

The fact is, it is the left that is importing millions of people, (brown people as you like to call them), who the left is exploiting for obvious reasons.
It must be difficult for you, unable to cope.

The fact is, it is the left that is importing millions of people, (brown people as you like to call them), who the left is exploiting for obvious reasons.
What are those obvious reasons?

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