Student Debt Forgiveness knocked down

Would be nice if the loans weren't predatory.
It's not the loans, it's the schools that many people attended. Over promised and under delivered all the way around. For Profit institutions are the crooks. I get the complaints, and there is some relief for some who have attended some of these schools. But if you took out a loans for a private school where the cost is 20K+ a year for a degree that has no potential for a job that pays well, is it the tax payers responsibility to pay?
You can declare bankruptcy if your total assets and income cannot cover your total debts.

You can't write of a single debt (Or worse, demand someone else pay off your debt) because you don't feel like paying it.
Can't discharge student loan debt......
Fairness? You mean denying a student the ability to declare bankruptcy on a loan, like Donald Trump did 6 times, and the banks those students owe the loans to that were bailed out 4 times to the tune of trillions of dollars?

That’s fairness to you?

What bank is it you work for again?
Trump never declared bankruptcy and never bankrupted out any student loans.

Plumbers and parking lot attendants should not have to pay the debts of doctors and lawyers.
Well aren't all loans somewhat predatory? I've had a few in my life. Seldom did I find a lender who would work with me.

There are 2 things about this that will be the ultimate resort.

First; if you don't have the money, you're not going to repay the loan. Just the way it is.

Second; it does create/expand the market for loan swapping. Generally this is a bad idea. Nobody is going to give you a load to replace your current loan unless there is something in it for them. However, you may look better to a 3rd party lender than you would look to the current loan holder (who is seldom the originator).

The bottom line is a weaker nation. Fewer will go to college. So going forward we're going to have to import more "eggheads" (I use that term lovingly) from nations who aren't anti-education. Gee, I wonder if the right wing loons will have a problem with that? Nah...
Most of the people going to college have no business in college. The only people who need to go to college are people in the hard sciences and medicine. Most degrees aren’t worth the paper they are printed on. Degrees in sociology, political science, philosophy, various cultural studies and even law do little for their holders. The fools who incur huge debts for those worthless degrees deserve to have to pay for them while working as waiters and busboys.
Most of the people going to college have no business in college. The only people who need to go to college are people in the hard sciences and medicine. Most degrees aren’t worth the paper they are printed on. Degrees in sociology, political science, philosophy, various cultural studies and even law do little for their holders. ...

Says who?
I don’t have a problem with this ruling. But I don’t think it’s going to help Republicans in the next election, particularly with younger voters.
It was the right ruling......

This was an easy fix to a more complex tuitions are overpriced and forgiving loan debt is not going to make it more affordable.

College educations suck anyway.....unless you have one (like me), then you can pretend how superior you are to others who don't have a college degree...which I guess is why, folks take on all of that debt for a degree.....quite the vicious cycle.
Says who?
Most college degrees are bullshit....just liberal elitist crap....

Even law degrees aren't worth much....nobody should have to go to college to be a lawyer.....

Unless you are going to be a doctor or enter into some other scientific field...those are the only ones who should go to college.....even tho, most scientists are just beholden to the globalist-corporate elite anyway...
6-3 against student loan payoffs. Heroes Act Biden tried to use is a big NO. Yay!

Dems always buy voters knowing they'll never have to pay for them and Dem voters mostly young and naive keep falling for the same freebie on a string gimick. That's what happens when a generation doesn't grow up knowing Lucy will always pull the football away from under these sweater wearing
Charlie Browns, and they'll always go on believing next time it will be set and left there for them, nextvtime is always different.
We do not live in a monarchy. The Founding Fathers set up a system of government where Congress, not the president, authorizes expenditures. How in the world three Justices could disagree with that concept is anybody's guess. Biden (or his handlers) must have known that he didn't have the authority to sell the Brooklyn Bridge and millions of Americans were sold a bill of goods.
Three extremist Prog women. The death of the West.
Would be nice if the loans weren't predatory.
It was the right ruling......

This was an easy fix to a more complex tuitions are overpriced and forgiving loan debt is not going to make it more affordable.

College educations suck anyway.....unless you have one (like me), then you can pretend how superior you are to others who don't have a college degree...which I guess is why, folks take on all of that debt for a degree.....quite the vicious cycle.
I agree the issue is complex. I’d be more in favor of making junior colleges free.

I think the younger generation is getting screwed over. They need something. My $0.02.
Dems always buy voters knowing they'll never have to pay for them and Dem voters mostly young and naive keep falling for the same freebie on a string gimick. That's what happens when a generation doesn't grow up knowing Lucy will always pull the football away from under these sweater wearing
Charlie Browns, and they'll always go on believing next time it will be set and left there for them, nextvtime is always different.
True...the days of free or low cost tuitions are over......these folks are just mad they were born at the wrong time...get over it...

"When people involved in the fight to cancel student debt demand free college education they are not calling for a new, radical idea. Countless numbers of lawmakers, for example, got their educations at free colleges that they now say are out of reach to the nation’s students."

It is fun to see how the folks who benefitted from all of that free and low cost college education turned out to be the same folks to help get us to where we are right now......but as I said, college education and education in general is overrated anyway.

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