Students told to write about "African ANIMALS" for their Black History Month assignment

When I think of Africa i think of animals. Its what springs to mind. Also mud huts, revolutions, burning tires, cannibalism, selling each other into slavery, spears and Tarzan. But the animals are definitely fascinating for kids.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

So long as we have months dedicated to studying one particular race you cant deny that racists are in control.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

So long as we have months dedicated to studying one particular race you cant deny that racists are in control.

ahhh, yes, you finally realized that 'the other 11 months' are used to celebrate White History.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

Look at all these racist African animals:


^^^^ The Black Rhino, WTF?! Why is BLACK in there? How racist having a BLACK Rhino, we better report this IMMEDIATELY to that Anti-White Race Hate Organisation the ADL and also to that other Anti-White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC :omg:

Your stupid game here is an example of your juvenile, delinquency, now go away and return with an image of some Black people ---since Black History Month was created to celebrate humans and their contributions.


That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

So long as we have months dedicated to studying one particular race you cant deny that racists are in control.

ahhh, yes, you finally realized that 'the other 11 months' are used to celebrate White History.

Not even close. The other 11 months are used to propagandize kids as to how evil whites are. Its never ending.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

Look at all these racist African animals:


^^^^ The Black Rhino, WTF?! Why is BLACK in there? How racist having a BLACK Rhino, we better report this IMMEDIATELY to that Anti-White Race Hate Organisation the ADL and also to that other Anti-White Race Hate Organisation the SPLC :omg:

Your stupid game here is an example of your juvenile, delinquency, now go away and return with an image of some Black people ---since Black History Month was created to celebrate humans and their contributions.

"now go away and return with an image of some Black people"

Okay at your specific request, I return with an image of some Black people:


That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

So long as we have months dedicated to studying one particular race you cant deny that racists are in control.

ahhh, yes, you finally realized that 'the other 11 months' are used to celebrate White History.

Not even close. The other 11 months are used to propagandize kids as to how evil whites are. Its never ending.

Yes like stealing a bike from Evil Whitey, Black can't ride bike, falls off and blames Evil Whitey but then needs Evil Whitey to help it:


That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

You are quite correct. Nothing African should be mentioned especially African Americans.

When I think of Africa i think of animals. Its what springs to mind. Also mud huts, revolutions, burning tires, cannibalism, selling each other into slavery, spears and Tarzan. But the animals are definitely fascinating for kids.

Okay, I can respect that.

So I guess it's good that Black History Month was created to focus on negros in, America, and not those over in Africa.
When I think of Africa i think of animals. Its what springs to mind. Also mud huts, revolutions, burning tires, cannibalism, selling each other into slavery, spears and Tarzan. But the animals are definitely fascinating for kids.

Okay, I can respect that.

So I guess it's good that Black History Month was created to focus on negros in, America, and not those over in Africa.

Call yourself an African-American and dont be surprised that Americans think of Africa.

That was for those who still play, pretend, that the USA is no longer a racist society.

Do you agree with racism's school teachers here??---that Black History Month is used to study African "ANIMALS" no doubt

So long as we have months dedicated to studying one particular race you cant deny that racists are in control.

ahhh, yes, you finally realized that 'the other 11 months' are used to celebrate White History.


Those tumultuous tables there, tell the treacherous truth!

They are 100% ers.
15% of the population
85% of the violent crime

Both charts both years, each, assigned 58% of all violent crime to the Caucasoid criminals.

Math is hard, yes?

Your brain is dumb, yes?

Or did you simply misread both tables?

Do you speak English or are you using Google translate?
You are quite correct. Nothing African should be mentioned especially African Americans.


Thank you sir, for reminding us, that America is still filled with bitterly-racist Caucasoids like yourself.
You're welcome old bean.'Cept I'm a furriner who considers your race baiting rather stupid. I trust all white liberal wankers like yourself get over it soon.

When I think of Africa i think of animals. Its what springs to mind. Also mud huts, revolutions, burning tires, cannibalism, selling each other into slavery, spears and Tarzan. But the animals are definitely fascinating for kids.

Okay, I can respect that.

So I guess it's good that Black History Month was created to focus on negros in, America, and not those over in Africa.

Black History Month is in itself racist, as are Affirmative Action, Miss Black America, the NAACP, Black Lives Matter etc etc SJW Leftists are the purest type of racist you are obsessed with race, you are disgusting bigots. SJW Leftists have poisoned EVERYTHING with this racism, even ruining entertainment such as films and television with the Virtual Signalling based ENTIRELY on RACE and ZERO on MERIT.
When I think of Africa i think of animals. Its what springs to mind. Also mud huts, revolutions, burning tires, cannibalism, selling each other into slavery, spears and Tarzan. But the animals are definitely fascinating for kids.

Okay, I can respect that.

So I guess it's good that Black History Month was created to focus on negros in, America, and not those over in Africa.

Black History Month is in itself racist, as are Affirmative Action, Miss Black America, the NAACP, Black Lives Matter etc etc SJW Leftists are the purest type of racist you are obsessed with race, you are disgusting bigots. SJW Leftists have poisoned EVERYTHING with this racism, even ruining entertainment such as films and television with the Virtual Signalling based ENTIRELY on RACE and ZERO on MERIT.


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