Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activis

The article doesn't go into details about everything, so we don't know if the surrogate nursed. It is possible to use donor milk though. Donor milk is thoroughly tested and is pasteurized.
At any rate, newborn babies are happier making skin-to-skin contact with mothers - even surrogate mothers, I would guess - than with men.

If I were gay, I would think of the baby, leave it with its mother, and adopt an older child who would be happy with me.

That way, we would know that everyone is happy.

Really? You talk to a lot of newborns and know this for a fact do you? No, you're speculating from the position of your own bias against gays. How about you just leave us the fuck alone to parent as we see fit and we'll do the same for you?
Pay attention, Dear. First, I said I would guess. I didn't say anything factual.

Second, are you speculating when you say that babies would prefer physical contact with men than with women? Did YOU talk to a lot of newborns? Or do you just think like they do?
Surely you're not suggesting that hosp personnel gave this baby to the wrong couple?

There was nothing random about this. The pregnancy was planned, a surrogate mother was chosen and everyone was there for the birth.

A beautiful, nuclear family was born.

Deal with it.

This is NOT a family, you nutball. Queer marriage is all about molesting kids.
600 children die from heatstroke in the back of cars in the US per annum, I would bet the parents were all straight.
Does anyone else find it weird that these guys felt the need to be stripped to the waist in the delivery room?

Not people who understand that skin to skin bonding is good for the baby, no.

I've seen a few births and not one of the men were ever stripped to the waist. Those kids were just fine.

I find it creepy.

Just as an aside I wonder what the breast feeding police are thinking. It's another one of those liberal dilemmas I guess.
Does anyone else find it weird that these guys felt the need to be stripped to the waist in the delivery room?

Not people who understand that skin to skin bonding is good for the baby, no.

it's child molestation and these perverts couldn't even wait to get home to start in. America is even sicker than i thought.

Youre kind of an idiot (in my opinion)

Very happy for the parents. I wish the family a very long and happy life.
And what about the heterosexual couples who can't have children of their own and use a surrogate or even adopt???? Does that make them any less of a parent?

No, because the kid will have what's he's supposed to have: A MOTHER and a FATHER.

I don't approve of surrogates myself. That brings up another moral issue.

I'm gonna jump on to a slightly different subject. Do you have children of your own?

[MENTION=50197]Darlene[/MENTION] -

Just a heads up -- Talking about family of other posters is strictly verboten.
Does anyone else find it weird that these guys felt the need to be stripped to the waist in the delivery room?

Not people who understand that skin to skin bonding is good for the baby, no.

I've seen a few births and not one of the men were ever stripped to the waist. Those kids were just fine.

I find it creepy.

Just as an aside I wonder what the breast feeding police are thinking. It's another one of those liberal dilemmas I guess.
I don't get what is creepy about it.

Any busybody thinking that they need to tell people how to live, be it about best feeding or anything else really needs to get a life.
I've seen a few births and not one of the men were ever stripped to the waist. Those kids were just fine.

I find it creepy.

Just as an aside I wonder what the breast feeding police are thinking. It's another one of those liberal dilemmas I guess.
I don't get what is creepy about it.

Any busybody thinking that they need to tell people how to live, be it about best feeding or anything else really needs to get a life.

Busybody? So now being opposed to child molestation is being a busybody? get help please.
Does anyone else find it weird that these guys felt the need to be stripped to the waist in the delivery room?

Not people who understand that skin to skin bonding is good for the baby, no.

I've seen a few births and not one of the men were ever stripped to the waist. Those kids were just fine.

I find it creepy.

Just as an aside I wonder what the breast feeding police are thinking. It's another one of those liberal dilemmas I guess.

That's your loss and your own stupidity.

As soon as my daughter was born, I took off my shirt and held her to my chest, where she could hear my heartbeat and sense my skin, while the docs were tending to her mother. It creates a (hopefully) lifelong bond that is indescribable and wonderful and part of the boundless love to a child. You know, children, our future, the future of humanity. My daughter and I, we have a very close, loving, correct father-daughter relationship and it shows in the way she is growing up so beautifully. Kids who feel the real closeness to both parents are indeed at an advantage.

I can only recommend to every father-in-waiting that he do this when his child is born.

And for you to make a snipe over this as if it is a Liberal vs. Conservative issue not only shows your utter ignorance, but also, a certain lack of humanity.

BTW, breast-feeding, if the woman is up to it, is the best way to go, for a child's immune system and it is a special bond that a man will never have to his child. It's important, if a woman can do it. Not all can, and it is not a huge tragedy if they cannot, but a definite plus if they can.
Not people who understand that skin to skin bonding is good for the baby, no.

I've seen a few births and not one of the men were ever stripped to the waist. Those kids were just fine.

I find it creepy.

Just as an aside I wonder what the breast feeding police are thinking. It's another one of those liberal dilemmas I guess.

That's your loss and your own stupidity.

As soon as my daughter was born, I took off my shirt and held her to my chest, where she could hear my heartbeat and sense my skin, while the docs were tending to her mother. It creates a (hopefully) lifelong bond that is indescribable and wonderful and part of the boundless love to a child. You know, children, our future, the future of humanity. My daughter and I, we have a very close, loving, correct father-daughter relationship and it shows in the way she is growing up so beautifully. Kids who feel the real closeness to both parents are indeed at an advantage.

I can only recommend to every father-in-waiting that he do this when his child is born.

And for you to make a snipe over this as if it is a Liberal vs. Conservative issue not only shows your utter ignorance, but also, a certain lack of humanity.

BTW, breast-feeding, if the woman is up to it, is the best way to go, for a child's immune system and it is a special bond that a man will never have to his child. It's important, if a woman can do it. Not all can, and it is not a huge tragedy if they cannot, but a definite plus if they can.

Until teeth start growing in. :)

I boob fed 3 of 3 and not one suffers from oral fixations.

All 3 of my boys really like boobs, however. LOL

Regards from Rosie
Sorry, I'm sleepy so I accidentally read over a few words. Homosexuals and heterosexuals both have extra marital affairs. That's not a fair comparison.

Homosexual conceptions of what constitutes monogamy are far, far more lenient than how heterosexuals define monogamy. Monogamy precludes extramarital affairs in the heterosexual definition.

How do you know this? Are you gay?

Or do you just like to run your mouth alot?
Will the baby suckle? Will he get some colostrum? Will he start out healthy?

The article doesn't go into details about everything, so we don't know if the surrogate nursed. It is possible to use donor milk though. Donor milk is thoroughly tested and is pasteurized.
At any rate, newborn babies are happier making skin-to-skin contact with mothers - even surrogate mothers, I would guess - than with men.

If I were gay, I would think of the baby, leave it with its mother, and adopt an older child who would be happy with me.

That way, we would know that everyone is happy.

Your evidence to back up this completely stupid and unfounded claim?
I've seen a few births and not one of the men were ever stripped to the waist. Those kids were just fine.

I find it creepy.

Just as an aside I wonder what the breast feeding police are thinking. It's another one of those liberal dilemmas I guess.

That's your loss and your own stupidity.

As soon as my daughter was born, I took off my shirt and held her to my chest, where she could hear my heartbeat and sense my skin, while the docs were tending to her mother. It creates a (hopefully) lifelong bond that is indescribable and wonderful and part of the boundless love to a child. You know, children, our future, the future of humanity. My daughter and I, we have a very close, loving, correct father-daughter relationship and it shows in the way she is growing up so beautifully. Kids who feel the real closeness to both parents are indeed at an advantage.

I can only recommend to every father-in-waiting that he do this when his child is born.

And for you to make a snipe over this as if it is a Liberal vs. Conservative issue not only shows your utter ignorance, but also, a certain lack of humanity.

BTW, breast-feeding, if the woman is up to it, is the best way to go, for a child's immune system and it is a special bond that a man will never have to his child. It's important, if a woman can do it. Not all can, and it is not a huge tragedy if they cannot, but a definite plus if they can.

Until teeth start growing in. :)

I boob fed 3 of 3 and not one suffers from oral fixations.

All 3 of my boys really like boobs, however. LOL

Regards from Rosie

well, my mama breast fed me and G-d knows I love to keep abreast of things.



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