Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activis

Can anyone explain why they arent wearing shirts? THAT is what is annoying me about those pictures. It seems very calculated, in which case that picture is fucking lame. Im pro gay, but if you have to take off your shirt in order to promote homosexuality, you are fucking lame.
Can anyone explain why they arent wearing shirts? THAT is what is annoying me about those pictures. It seems very calculated, in which case that picture is fucking lame. Im pro gay, but if you have to take off your shirt in order to promote homosexuality, you are fucking lame.

You need to do some research. Its called skin to skin, aka kangaroo care. Its very beneficial to both the parents (gender is irrelevant) and the baby. This is not promoting homosexuality. Its promoting a stronger bond between parent and child.
What are you talking about and what does it have to do with the lie you are telling about gay parenting being a violation of international "human rights law"? :lol:

Why are you calling lies issues you're clearly in dark about? Is everything that a 1st grader doesn't know a lie?

Look, just address the questions I asked because these all tie into the theme pounded out the by the diplomats to protect the human rights of children.

Tell me, what is wrong with this scenario - a pregnant couple arrives at the maternity ward to deliver and after the baby is born the hospital randomly assigns a baby to the parents.

We know that these mistaken baby incidents have happened and that there have been lawsuits and big awards. What was the harm at the center of the lawsuits?
Oh Gawd

This thread is gay.

And make no mistake.....a huge majority think its gay.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::up:
My goodness!! Whatever gave you THAT idea???
Marching Gaily Forward in the Rainbow colors!

No you mean this, which is where they will be taking that kid as soon as the camera is off and the fake tears dry up.

So, that's where you like to hang out at and view? Hmm, so we see! It just goes to show what people are capable of doing just to get good attention to their plight of not having Equal rights as everyone else has and enjoys. The more drama they put into it and the more costuming too, the more the audiences will love it and pay closer attention to their issues which is good for those espousing them. And no matter how some people with finer sensibilities may view those pictures they Are Effective in letting others know that they are in their face, so get over it already and lighten up. Their side is winning with their effective platform as we see more and more courts become sympathetic to their cause and continue to rule in favor of same-sex marriage and Equality. End of story.
My goodness!! Whatever gave you THAT idea???
Marching Gaily Forward in the Rainbow colors!

No you mean this, which is where they will be taking that kid as soon as the camera is off and the fake tears dry up.

So, that's where you like to hang out at and view? Hmm, so we see! It just goes to show what people are capable of doing just to get good attention to their plight of not having Equal rights as everyone else has and enjoys. The more drama they put into it and the more costuming too, the more the audiences will love it and pay closer attention to their issues which is good for those espousing them. And no matter how some people with finer sensibilities may view those pictures they Are Effective in letting others know that they are in their face, so get over it already and lighten up. Their side is winning with their effective platform as we see more and more courts become sympathetic to their cause and continue to rule in favor of same-sex marriage and Equality. End of story.

Those guys may be gay (or possibly bisexual) but they have hot bodies.
I've seen a few births and not one of the men were ever stripped to the waist. Those kids were just fine.

I find it creepy.

Just as an aside I wonder what the breast feeding police are thinking. It's another one of those liberal dilemmas I guess.
I don't get what is creepy about it.

Any busybody thinking that they need to tell people how to live, be it about best feeding or anything else really needs to get a life.

Busybody? So now being opposed to child molestation is being a busybody? get help please.
Child molestation?? Do you have any actual Proof that that is what they are doing or is that only your conservative squish oozing out with a foul smell?
No you mean this, which is where they will be taking that kid as soon as the camera is off and the fake tears dry up.

So, that's where you like to hang out at and view? Hmm, so we see! It just goes to show what people are capable of doing just to get good attention to their plight of not having Equal rights as everyone else has and enjoys. The more drama they put into it and the more costuming too, the more the audiences will love it and pay closer attention to their issues which is good for those espousing them. And no matter how some people with finer sensibilities may view those pictures they Are Effective in letting others know that they are in their face, so get over it already and lighten up. Their side is winning with their effective platform as we see more and more courts become sympathetic to their cause and continue to rule in favor of same-sex marriage and Equality. End of story.

Those guys may be gay (or possibly bisexual) but they have hot bodies.
They very well could be! I see that Darlene has the "roving eye", huh? :) Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with giving credit where credit is due! ;)
So, that's where you like to hang out at and view? Hmm, so we see! It just goes to show what people are capable of doing just to get good attention to their plight of not having Equal rights as everyone else has and enjoys. The more drama they put into it and the more costuming too, the more the audiences will love it and pay closer attention to their issues which is good for those espousing them. And no matter how some people with finer sensibilities may view those pictures they Are Effective in letting others know that they are in their face, so get over it already and lighten up. Their side is winning with their effective platform as we see more and more courts become sympathetic to their cause and continue to rule in favor of same-sex marriage and Equality. End of story.

Those guys may be gay (or possibly bisexual) but they have hot bodies.
They very well could be! I see that Darlene has the "roving eye", huh? :) Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with giving credit where credit is due! ;)

I have an outfit like that leather one there (with a few more pieces of course). I can't fit into my corset anymore though. OH no. That might make me a child molester.
Can anyone explain why they arent wearing shirts? THAT is what is annoying me about those pictures. It seems very calculated, in which case that picture is fucking lame. Im pro gay, but if you have to take off your shirt in order to promote homosexuality, you are fucking lame.

You need to do some research. Its called skin to skin, aka kangaroo care. Its very beneficial to both the parents (gender is irrelevant) and the baby. This is not promoting homosexuality. Its promoting a stronger bond between parent and child.

That is so gay! I mean that in the bad way, not the good way. :lol:

Seriously though, that is some weird new age hippy shit. I can understand having skin to skin contact, but in the fucking delivery room? Come on man. That cant be hygienic. Its weird. Dont do shit like that in public and take pictures and show the world, and NOT expect some backlash.
There always has to exist a hierarchy of principles.

It's great that these two men are happy.

It's wrong that their happiness is bought at the raping of the human rights of the child.

Parental happiness should NEVER be purchased at the expense of the human rights of the child.

Simple as that.

Crawl back under your rock, would you?
Those guys may be gay (or possibly bisexual) but they have hot bodies.
They very well could be! I see that Darlene has the "roving eye", huh? :) Well, there's absolutely nothing wrong with giving credit where credit is due! ;)

I have an outfit like that leather one there (with a few more pieces of course). I can't fit into my corset anymore though. OH no. That might make me a child molester.
Well realistically No, it wouldn't! But I see your point in light of what teapartysumarai said and his belief that literally Everyone who is Gay or Lesbian is that. Sad isn't it that people can twist their thinking so much like that such as to make them believe and assume the worst about others whom they don't even know and have never met. It is a blanket indictment of them and that is quite sad actually.
I don't get what is creepy about it.

Any busybody thinking that they need to tell people how to live, be it about best feeding or anything else really needs to get a life.

Busybody? So now being opposed to child molestation is being a busybody? get help please.
Child molestation?? Do you have any actual Proof that that is what they are doing or is that only your conservative squish oozing out with a foul smell?

He's an idiot, PT, best to ignore him as he has nothing of substance to add to, well, the world in general...
At any rate, newborn babies are happier making skin-to-skin contact with mothers - even surrogate mothers, I would guess - than with men.

If I were gay, I would think of the baby, leave it with its mother, and adopt an older child who would be happy with me.

That way, we would know that everyone is happy.

Your evidence to back up this completely stupid and unfounded claim?
Yes, newborns prefer skin-toskin contact with men over such contact with women.

Ya' got me there. Your evidence must be right at your fingertips, is it? Ready to share?

Well, that was moronic, but I am coming to expect that from sooo many idiots here in USMB. Babies seek contact to BOTH parents, but will bond with almost anyone who gets close enough to them in the first days. It's a normal process. I never said that newborns prefer skin contact to men over women, you stupid fuckface. I challenged you for stating the opposite without any data backup, you stupid fuckface.

Got it, you stupid fuckface? Good.

Now, back to the title of the OP:

Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activis

The link is within the OP.
:lol:'re making the claim that gay parenting is a violation of "international human rights laws" and he's the one that's ignorant? That is to laugh.

I have UN treaties on my side. What do you have on yours other than ignorant blather?

:lol: No you don't...but keep claiming you do, it's funny as hell.

Ohh, you mean yet another Rightie who is lying right out his ass?? Wow. Color me totally surprised.
I just told you that I do. I know the topic. You don't. France upheld it's law based on adherence to the principles of the UN Treaty.

Gay parenting does not violate "international human rights law". God, where do you people get this shit, I swear?

Moonglow wisely ran away from engaging because she probably saw the trap. You seem hellbent on raising the ante with your bad hand, so I'll string you along. Answer the following:

Tell me, what is wrong with this scenario - a pregnant couple arrives at the maternity ward to deliver and after the baby is born the hospital randomly assigns a baby to the parents.

We know that these mistaken baby incidents have happened and that there have been lawsuits and big awards. What was the harm at the center of the lawsuits?

Are you really that stupid a fuckface? The link within the OP clearly states who is in the room. The hospital didn't just randomly assign this baby to those two male parents. So, the scenario to which you refer is not the topic of the OP and not even remotely related to it.

You are absolutely batshit crazy and fully incapable of any meaningful debate if you think that people will buy that kind of stupid assed bullshit.

Go back and re-read the OP, if you are even capable of reading, you fucking moron. Here is the OP title:

Stunning Photos of Deliriously Happy New Dads Is Perfect Response to Anti-Gay Activis

The link is within the OP (aka, first posting, in case you are too stupid to know what an OP is).
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Gay parenting does not violate "international human rights law". God, where do you people get this shit, I swear?

Moonglow wisely ran away from engaging because she probably saw the trap. You seem hellbent on raising the ante with your bad hand, so I'll string you along. Answer the following:

Tell me, what is wrong with this scenario - a pregnant couple arrives at the maternity ward to deliver and after the baby is born the hospital randomly assigns a baby to the parents.

We know that these mistaken baby incidents have happened and that there have been lawsuits and big awards. What was the harm at the center of the lawsuits?

Are you really that stupid a fuckface? The link within the OP clearly states who is in the room. The hospital didn't just randomly assign this baby to those two male parents. So, the scenario to which you refer is not the topic of the OP and not even remotely related to it.

Did I say that the hospital randomly assigned THAT baby? Well, did I?

I asked you what is wrong with a situation where that happens and who is harmed by that.

Everyone is either too scared to answer or can see 3 jumps ahead and don't want to hang themselves so they, like you, bluster and stomp their feet and purposefully avoid engaging in the issue.

Hey look, if I am a stupid fuckface, think of how much fun you and the other liberals will have here by feeding me more and more rope and allowing me to showcase my stupidly on a grander and grander scale as you guys play along and engage and answer my questions to you.

Don't you worry your heads about embarrassing me. Help me amp up my stupidity by answering my questions to you.

If you think that I'm stupid for merely asking the questions, imagine how much mockery you could direct at me, and how much glee you will feel by doing so, by playing along. There has to be even more glorious stupidity awaiting you after I respond to your answers, right?

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