Stupid Liberals Don't Understand History!


Information isnt Advocacy
Aug 5, 2010

It began January 20th 2009!

Beirut Barracks vs. Benghazi

[...]Around dawn on October 23, 1983, I was in Beirut, Lebanon, when a suicide bomber drove a truck laden with the equivalent of twenty-one thousand pounds of TNT into the heart of a U.S. Marine compound, killing two hundred and forty-one servicemen. The U.S. military command, which regarded the Marines’ presence as a non-combative, “peace-keeping mission,” had left a vehicle gate wide open, and ordered the sentries to keep their weapons unloaded. The only real resistance the suicide bomber had encountered was a scrim of concertina wire. When I arrived on the scene a short while later to report on it for the Wall Street Journal, the Marine barracks were flattened. From beneath the dusty, smoking slabs of collapsed concrete, piteous American voices could be heard, begging for help. Thirteen more American servicemen later died from injuries, making it the single deadliest attack on American Marines since the Battle of Iwo Jima.

Six months earlier, militants had bombed the U.S. embassy in Beirut, too, killing sixty-three more people, including seventeen Americans. Among the dead were seven C.I.A. officers, including the agency’s top analyst in the Middle East, an immensely valuable intelligence asset, and the Beirut station chief.

There were more than enough opportunities to lay blame for the horrific losses at high U.S. officials’ feet. But unlike today’s Congress, congressmen did not talk of impeaching Ronald Reagan, who was then President, nor were any subpoenas sent to cabinet members. This was true even though then, as now, the opposition party controlled the majority in the House. Tip O’Neill, the Democratic Speaker of the House, was no pushover. He, like today’s opposition leaders in the House, demanded an investigation—but a real one, and only one. Instead of playing it for political points, a House committee undertook a serious investigation into what went wrong at the barracks in Beirut. Two months later, it issued a report finding “very serious errors in judgment” by officers on the ground, as well as responsibility up through the military chain of command, and called for better security measures against terrorism in U.S. government installations throughout the world.In other words, Congress actually undertook a useful investigation and made helpful recommendations. The report’s findings, by the way, were bipartisan. (The Pentagon, too, launched an investigation, issuing a report that was widely accepted by both parties.)

In March of 1984, three months after Congress issued its report, militants struck American officials in Beirut again, this time kidnapping the C.I.A.’s station chief, Bill Buckley. Buckley was tortured and, eventually, murdered. Reagan, who was tormented by a tape of Buckley being tortured, blamed himself. Congress held no public hearings, and pointed fingers at the perpetrators, not at political rivals.

If you compare the costs of the Reagan Administration’s serial security lapses in Beirut to the costs of Benghazi, it’s clear what has really deteriorated in the intervening three decades. It’s not the security of American government personnel working abroad. It’s the behavior of American congressmen at home.

The story in Beirut wasn’t over. In September of 1984, for the third time in eighteen months, jihadists bombed a U.S. government outpost in Beirut yet again. President Reagan acknowledged that the new security precautions that had been advocated by Congress hadn’t yet been implemented at the U.S. embassy annex that had been hit. The problem, the President admitted, was that the repairs hadn’t quite been completed on time. As he put it, “Anyone who’s ever had their kitchen done over knows that it never gets done as soon as you wish it would.” Imagine how Congressman Issa and Fox News would react to a similar explanation from President Obama today.
gotta cover the dear leaders ass, gotta cover the dear leaders ass

so what they lied about Benghazi and blamed it on an American's citizens what they left an American citizen (Stevens) without protection and he and three others died because of it....but they'll crawl all the way back to 80's to do what they can to cover for this man...

good grief is this some sad shit or what? and I'll agree with the stupid...
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gotta cover the dear leaders ass, gotta cover the dear leaders ass

so what they lied about Benghazi and blamed it on an American's citizens what they left an American citizen (Stevens) without protection and he and three others died because of it....but they'll crawl all the way back to 80's to do what they can to cover for this man...
good grief

God, you are stupid.
And we did have that one bipartisan report on Benghazi right out of the gate. That's good. That's what should happen. It's the dozen that followed...
gotta cover the dear leaders ass, gotta cover the dear leaders ass

so what they lied about Benghazi and blamed it on an American's citizens what they left an American citizen (Stevens) without protection and he and three others died because of it....but they'll crawl all the way back to 80's to do what they can to cover for this man...
good grief

God, you are stupid.

and you're a whiner
[ame=]Susan Rice: Attack on Benghazi was Direct Response To Video - YouTube[/ame]
gotta cover the dear leaders ass, gotta cover the dear leaders ass

so what they lied about Benghazi and blamed it on an American's citizens what they left an American citizen (Stevens) without protection and he and three others died because of it....but they'll crawl all the way back to 80's to do what they can to cover for this man...
good grief

God, you are stupid.

As if we needed any more proof. Yet, here she (Steph) is proving once again that the Steph infection of the US Message board is a making us all sick of her stupid postings.

Carry on staph. We will eventually find an antistupid pill for you. Obamacare is working on one now.
The Reagan administration lost 241 military men, 63 embassy workers, including 7 CIA officers, and their failures resulted in the kidnapping, torture, and murder of the CIA’s station Chief Bill Buckley….without any recriminations by the opposing party, and knowing that extraordinary errors were made. The loss of 305 lives. Obama and Clinton are being vilified for Benghazi, where a fraction of the number of lives was lost. Just exactly what are we 'whining' about? Why do you dismiss the loss of 305 lives, mostly American service men? Serious mistakes were made by the Reagan administration. Several investigations found that to be so. How can you dismiss that simply because Reagan was a Republican?
they should consolidate all the threads trying to make light of we see, they have brought up a dead President, Boooooooosh, the tea party, etc ...not one of them will step forward to hold this administration RESPONSIBLE for Benghazi...I find it pathetic

and on and on and on
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I find it odd that Bush and the Republicans were "warned" about 9/11 and there was no outrage.

I find it even more odd that Republicans stopped looking for Bin Laden a mere six months after 9/11 and invaded the wrong country.

I'm sure there must have been an investigation. What did they found out?
A few contextual facts for you. The gate at the barracks through which the terrorist drove his truck was open. He drove through some barbed wire, but that was it. The guards were unarmed. Additionally, this happened a mere six months after militants had bombed the embassy in Beirut, killing 63 people, 17 of them Americans.

There’s more. At the time, the Iran-Iraq War was going on. In addition to that, Iran had just created Hezbollah in Lebanon, giving the Islamic Republic a base of operations in that country. The United States was backing Iraq in the Iran-Iraq War. Iran warned that if America continued to back Iraq, it would suffer consequences. On September 26, the National Security Agency intercepted an Iranian communication that spoke of the need to “take spectacular action against the American Marines.” But the NSA didn’t pass that communication along to the Marines, according to Col. Timothy Geraghty, the commanding officer of the decimated unit, until later: “Word of the intercept,” he wrote, “stuck in the intelligence pipeline until days after the attack.”​

Republicans are trying to criminalize a tragedy—wholly unprecedented, even after 241 Marines died because of a massive U.S. intelligence failure.
they should consolidate all the threads trying to make light of we see, they have brought up a dead President, Boooooooosh, the tea party, etc ...not one of them will step forward to hold this administration RESPONSIBLE for Benghazi...I find it pathetic

and on and on and on
It doesn't occur to you that those threads are a response to the innumerable threads attacking Obama and Clinton over Benghazi? Why are the conservatives free to bring up Benghazi over and over again ad infinitum, but the liberals are not allowed to respond?
I hope Obama is Impeached over this...this was an all out effort to cover up this terrorist attack for Obama's re-election

just amazing people will excuse this by bringing Bush, Reagan, the Tea Party, etc
gotta cover the dear leaders ass, gotta cover the dear leaders ass

so what they lied about Benghazi and blamed it on an American's citizens what they left an American citizen (Stevens) without protection and he and three others died because of it....but they'll crawl all the way back to 80's to do what they can to cover for this man...
good grief

God, you are stupid.

How ironic.
If President Ronald Reagan and his administration had been as morally bankrupt, compulsive liars as President Obama and his administration, they would have claimed that the attack on the barracks was the result of some cinemascope movie, offensive to Muslims.
Boy, liberals are melting down on this. It is not the colossal fuck up, which is undeniable, it is that Obama and Clinton cannot be blamed, so it must Bush's or Reagan's fault.

It's all downhill on the stupidity slope from there.
they should consolidate all the threads trying to make light of we see, they have brought up a dead President, Boooooooosh, the tea party, etc ...not one of them will step forward to hold this administration RESPONSIBLE for Benghazi...I find it pathetic

and on and on and on

1. Beirut attack occurred (and occurred and occurred)
2. Attack investigated
3. Report released, recommendations made.

1. Benghazi attack occurred
2. Benghazi attack investigated
3. Report released, recommendations made.
4. Benghazi attack investigated
5. Benghazi attack investigated
6. Benghazi attack investigated
7. Benghazi attack investigated
8. Benghazi attack investigated
9. Benghazi attack investigated
10. Benghazi attack investigated
11. Benghazi attack investigated
12. Benghazi attack investigated
13. Benghazi attack investigated

So what could be the difference between the attack that happened in Beirut due to massive security failures and the attack that happened in Benghazi? Should we attack Grenada?

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