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Stupid, Stupid, Stupid------------America

And let me guess...the trust fund baby billionaire who ran a defunct university, appeared on professional wrestling and bankrupted six companies is a “serious” person.... right?
He certainly was not a quitter.Or a career Pol like Biden.
How did Biden make his millions.Not with whatever scamp
law degree he managed.Biden is breaking all kinds of Presidential
Co-Conspirator illegalities.More coming to surface each week.
By Christmas ... The Claus's will have to post some kind of
Public memo ... explaining why Santa Claus no longer will
be Stopping at The White House.
Like that funky Christmas Party that took place where
it was anything But Christmas-like.
The opposite of the Very Classy Melania Trump White
House Christmas affair.
Trump was somewhat naive in his first term, he did not understand how corrupt the DC establishment is. He believed Fauci's lies, won't happen in his next term.
Trump was incompetent. He didn't listen to his own experts (like Fauci). Thought it would go away. Didn't really care anyway. The bodies started piling up and the voters rightly blamed him for the bungled response to the virus. If that had been Hillary Clinton in the WH, my guess is the shutdowns and damage to the economy would have been a lot less.

If Trump is the nominee next year, Biden wins.
the 2nd amendment is in our constitution for a reason and its not for the government to have all the power and all the guns. The 2nd is so the people can protect themselves from a corrupt government, which is exactly what we have right now.
The government had no guns or standing army at the time the founders wrote the second...the MILITIA from the states, which are men and people within each state, and they had to bring THEIR OWN GUNS, to the Militia, to fight invaders and enemies in a CALLED UP army for the government...
the 2nd amendment is in our constitution for a reason and its not for the government to have all the power and all the guns. The 2nd is so the people can protect themselves from a corrupt government, which is exactly what we have right now.
It says that?

No actually it doesn’t

In fact the Constitution actually spells out that the militia (mentioned in the 2A) is to be used to put DOWN insurrections of that type and that militia was USED to do so several times in that era
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It says that?

No actually it doesn’t

In fact the Constitution actually spells out that the militia (mentioned in the 2A) is to be used to put DOWN insurrections of that type and that militia was ISED to do so several times on that era
Their universe essentially exists on hyperbole.

Anyone to the Left of them are commies, if you disagree with them you're evil, Biden is a tyrant, the government is corrupt, the courts are a conspiracy, the media is the enemy of the people, they are at war with Satan, and 2024 is "the final battle".

It appears to be the only way they know how to communicate at this point. Worse, they appear to believe all of that.
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bullshit, the rate of inflation has decreased, but inflation is still happening. We will never see the prices of 2019 again thanks to senile ole joey boi.
Inflation ALWAYS is “happening”. And going backwards is called recession and deflation and all sorts of bad stuff.

It shakes out over time as long as inflation is under control.

Which it is
Trump was incompetent. He didn't listen to his own experts (like Fauci). Thought it would go away. Didn't really care anyway. The bodies started piling up and the voters rightly blamed him for the bungled response to the virus. If that had been Hillary Clinton in the WH, my guess is the shutdowns and damage to the economy would have been a lot less.

If Trump is the nominee next year, Biden wins.
So's where's the little prick { The most highly paid Government
servant the last 30 years }.Since he's been completely outted as a
Liar,plotter and man who seems totally w/o any conscience
when it comes to using dogs for vile experiments.Like
some kind of Medieval Urbain Grandier known for appreciating
Torture techniques during the Middle ages and Rule of Authority
by The Red Robe { Cardinal Richelieu }.Little Fauci acting as if some
Territorial Abbot or Coadjutor.
Where is the widdle evil { highly overpaid } snotrag.
Who has a lifetime Chauffeur among other U.S. perks.
HuH! Not...Gas is $2.99 gal..Twin Falls Idaho. Food prices dropping as well.
If that bee the case,then why not drop yer pants and give us
20.Or twenty marine pushups.Since yer not only out of shape
but out of mind.
Give us One Grocery item that costs less than when Trump
was Potus.Staple items like eggs and bread are pricey.
All meats are more expensive.Shortages of normal items like
Pork and Chicken.Bottled water seems to be going down.But not
the Prime bottled water.
Prime Real Estate is consistently going up in price.
Vacations and Hotels/Motels and restaurants are at an
all time high.The left is set to shut down Reward points for
Credit card holders.Which influences Travel .
So's where's the little prick { The most highly paid Government
servant the last 30 years }.Since he's been completely outted as a
Liar,plotter and man who seems totally w/o any conscience
when it comes to using dogs for vile experiments.Like
some kind of Medieval Urbain Grandier known for appreciating
Torture techniques during the Middle ages and Rule of Authority
by The Red Robe { Cardinal Richelieu }.Little Fauci acting as if some
Territorial Abbot or Coadjutor.
Where is the widdle evil { highly overpaid } snotrag.
Who has a lifetime Chauffeur among other U.S. perks.
Who the fuck are you talking about? Or are you just middling like you always do?
it may come to that. if the 24 election is as corrupt as the 20 election the only solution left may be revolution or secession. We did it in 1776 and we can do it again. We told KIng George to pound sand and we can tell corrupt DC the same thing today. I sincerely hope it does not come to that, but it may.
Kids, this is your brain on Trumpism.

Pathetic, delusional, violent losers.
Kids, this is your brain on Trumpism.

Pathetic, delusional, violent losers.
BS, the violence is all coming from you lefties, remember the 2020 riots that destroyed billions in public and private property, killed several innocent people and left our major cities in ruins. and that was all done by the lefties known as BLM and Antifa. you are the losers, you and your pathetic senile excuse for a president and his whoremongering, crack smoking son.
Inflation ALWAYS is “happening”. And going backwards is called recession and deflation and all sorts of bad stuff.

It shakes out over time as long as inflation is under control.

Which it is
do you buy groceries or gasoline? if you think inflation is under control you are more ignorant than your posts indicate.
Now that it looks like creepy senile Joe has cheated his way into the whitehouse, this will be my last post on this message board. Because unlike most of our liberal posters, when I make a bet I live up to it. I will check in to see replys for a few days but will not respond.

So here is what you voted for America, and you deserve what you vote for.

1. President Kamala, Biden may be there for a few weeks but the dems are already working on a 25th amendment removal of him.
2. Higher taxes
3, Cancellation of the 1st and 2nd amendments
4. Abortion on demand with no restrictions
5. Open borders and a flood of illegals coming for free US benefits
6. An administration run by China
7. Mask mandates and forced shutdowns, all remaining small businesses failing and millions going bankrupt
8. A government run media with only one side ever given voice
9. $5 per gallon gasoline, (if you can find any)
10. Millions of oil, coal, and gas workers our of work
11. A weak military and defunded police i.e. more crime
12. BLM and Antifa running free in the streets destroying property and attacking innocent people
13. Cancellation of the investigations into the 2016 election fraud, and the investigation into the Biden family corruption
14. Prosecution of anyone who dares speak out against the new regime------watch our Hannity, Tucker, and Rush, they will find some reason to lock you up.
15. the realization of the future predictions of Orwell and Rand. They accurately predicted what we are seeing today
16. the possible division of this country or a serious secession movement from several states.
17. removal of God from everything in the public discourse and the demonization of religion------Muslims beware, Jews beware, Christians beware. but satanists will we allowed

and worst of all, a new American philosophy that cheating pays, If you want to win something find a way to cheat. Our American sense of morals and ethics is gone.
No medical coverage, no labor unions, crap pay that doesn't cover a person's cost of living due to how expensive it is to live in America today...etc. You always forget to mention healthcare, education, worker rights, salaries, benefits, housing..etc. You're only concerned with fetuses in other people's wombs, pushing for the heavy hand of the government to force women to remain pregnant for nine months.

You whine about mask mandates in the middle of a deadly, nationwide pandemic, or about certain workers (medical staff) who are mandated by the "evil government" to wear a mask, while supporting using the government to force women to remain pregnant for nine months, even if they lose their jobs (women have no sovereignty over their wombs/bodies then you cry foul over mask mandates that force you to wear a mask on your face/body). You don't see the irony in that?

You hate it when the government forces you to wear a mask on your face (on your body) in public crowded venues in the middle of a deadly, nationwide pandemic then do everything you can to force women to remain pregnant for nine months, using that same government that you're condemning for forcing you to wear a mask. Amazing!

Supposedly forcing women to carry embryos and undeveloped fetuses to term and raise kids they don't want or have the money to raise is "pro-life". Many of those embryos and fetuses that you forced women to carry to term and give birth to, end up here:




A few years ago I was watching some videos on YouTube of young homeless people, and I noticed that they were all former foster kids. They were raised by the state or in a foster home and released at the age of 18:

There are many videos on YouTube of homeless people who were raised in foster care. Many unwanted children, raised by single mothers or by the state, end up homeless and on drugs:


Is that really "pro-life"? You don't care if that pregnant woman loses her job and ends up homeless. Are you going to support her financially when she loses her employment due to the pregnancy that you're forcing her to carry? At least be more socially conscious and allow for the development of a social infrastructure to help impoverished, single mothers raise their children. You right-wing conservatives (The supposed "disciples of Jesus"), are defunding all of the government programs that help single mothers raise their children. You cut the housing allowance, the food stamps, the job training, the education, the school lunch program, the school supplies program, the child clothing program..etc. You defund/destroy everything, yet you're "pro-life"? You're pro-death.


Hypocrites. These Republicans are champions of fetuses. They don't care about babies, just fetuses. They're obsessed with fetuses in other people's wombs.
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BS, the violence is all coming from you lefties, remember the 2020 riots that destroyed billions in public and private property, killed several innocent people and left our major cities in ruins.
Why yes, yes I do remember (though you made up the silly part about billions). Just like I remember all the lefties and Democrats rejecting the lawlessness.

I also remember a violent Trumpster break in into Capitol because your orange Dear Leader is not man enough to admit an electoral loss.

I also see you here, three years after Trump lost, talking about how unfair elections are and how its maybe time for a civilian war if he loses again.

So you can fuck off with ridiculous equivalences, there is none.
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