Stupidity and homophobia runs in the family

Paul Scalia, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's Son, Doesn't Think That Homosexuality Is A Thing

Almost a month after the Supreme Court's landmark decisions in favor of marriage equality were handed down, the son of dissenting Justice Antonin Scalia will speak in front of Courage, an organization that believes gays and lesbians should never have sex.

Paul Scalia, son of Antonin Scalia, is a Roman Catholic priest affiliated with Courage, a group that "ministers to persons with same-sex attractions," according to its website. He is also a featured speaker at Courage's annual summit, taking place this year between July 25 and July 28 at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Ill.

Justice Scalia's opinions on homosexuality at this point are well known. In one of his most famous decisions regarding the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community (LGBT), Scalia wrote that a Texas law banning sodomy was simply trying to protect Texas citizens from "immoral and unacceptable" sexual behavior.

An important tenet of the younger Scalia's position on homosexuality is his belief that being gay is not an immutable characteristic or identity.

Who the fuck do these ignorant and homophobic assholes think they are?

For that matter, why would anyone bellieve they have the right to make this judgment about anyone? Even worse, the belief that they should not have sex.

Incredible. And, just plain wrong that we have SCOTUS who does not believe the basic foundation of our Constitution, that ALL are created equal and ALL have the same rights.

Get the sicko GObP/R government out of our bedrooms.

Your words are not those of tolerance. Hypocrite.
They think they have the same right to opinion as everyone else. They have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else. And, an obligation to warn against normalizing perversion.

The RC church? After what they've done? :eusa_eh: :rofl: Its like Bristol Palin promoting abstinence, WHY?!!!
i know a gay person who believes gays should not have sex

is he homophobic?

There are heterosexuals who believe heterosexuals shouldn’t have sex.

Are they hetrophobic?

And what’s ridiculous about Father Scalia’s position is that homosexuals are not defined solely by their sexual practices, or lack thereof; the same as heterosexuals.
Why is it a "phobia" to consider public displays of affection between men and men pretending to be women to be offensive? Intolerance goes both ways. Liberal men might think it's trendy to insult the beliefs of Catholics because Catholics generally do not support liberal men forcing women to hire technicians to kill their unborn babies. I've seen far more bigotry expressed by liberals towards Tea Party activists than perceived insults directed at homosexuals.

No one’s insulting the beliefs of the Catholic Church; but when the Church crosses the line into secular law and politics by advocating the violation of citizens’ privacy rights, it becomes a legitimate target.
Again, a majority of conservatives operate under the dogma that some things are ‘just wrong,’ having nothing to do with facts, logic, evidence, law, or the truth.

For example:

They think they have the same right to opinion as everyone else. They have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else. And, an obligation to warn against normalizing perversion.
For some reason the far left has gotten it into their pretty little heads that freedom of speech extends only to burning the Flag in the street and that bigotry only goes one way. The same people who lecture us about tolerance toward ridiculous looking men in high heels are some of the most intolerant people in the world. Every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault on college campus at some time in their careers. The Veterans and blue haired old ladies in the Tea Party movement have been subjected to the most hateful speech by the far left and Christians have been subjected to abuse and ridicule. Clean up your own act sissies.
Again, a majority of conservatives operate under the dogma that some things are ‘just wrong,’ having nothing to do with facts, logic, evidence, law, or the truth.

For example:

They think they have the same right to opinion as everyone else. They have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else. And, an obligation to warn against normalizing perversion.

how exactly is his post void of facts, logic or the truth?

be specific.
i know a gay person who believes gays should not have sex

is he homophobic?

There are heterosexuals who believe heterosexuals shouldn’t have sex.

Are they hetrophobic?

And what’s ridiculous about Father Scalia’s position is that homosexuals are not defined solely by their sexual practices, or lack thereof; the same as heterosexuals.

yet you don't call out luddly for calling him homophobic...

toe that lefty clayton and it will get you no where

and you're right, homosexuality is not defined soley by sexual practices. your point?
The Op is the typical far left loon who has not come to terms with the fact everyone is entitled to their on opinion and to voice that opinion even if he doesn't like it free speech applies to everyone not just those we agree with.
Paul Scalia, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia's Son, Doesn't Think That Homosexuality Is A Thing

Almost a month after the Supreme Court's landmark decisions in favor of marriage equality were handed down, the son of dissenting Justice Antonin Scalia will speak in front of Courage, an organization that believes gays and lesbians should never have sex.

Paul Scalia, son of Antonin Scalia, is a Roman Catholic priest affiliated with Courage, a group that "ministers to persons with same-sex attractions," according to its website. He is also a featured speaker at Courage's annual summit, taking place this year between July 25 and July 28 at the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein, Ill.

Justice Scalia's opinions on homosexuality at this point are well known. In one of his most famous decisions regarding the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community (LGBT), Scalia wrote that a Texas law banning sodomy was simply trying to protect Texas citizens from "immoral and unacceptable" sexual behavior.

An important tenet of the younger Scalia's position on homosexuality is his belief that being gay is not an immutable characteristic or identity.
Who the fuck do these ignorant and homophobic assholes think they are?

For that matter, why would anyone bellieve they have the right to make this judgment about anyone? Even worse, the belief that they should not have sex.

Incredible. And, just plain wrong that we have SCOTUS who does not believe the basic foundation of our Constitution, that ALL are created equal and ALL have the same rights.

Get the sicko GObP/R government out of our bedrooms.

A majority of conservatives operate under the dogma that some things are ‘just wrong,’ having nothing to do with facts, logic, evidence, law, or the truth.

For conservatives, that some things are ‘just wrong’ is not open to debate; society, as a whole, must conform to the subjective moral dictates of conservative dogma.

And this is of course consistent with conservative fear and contempt for diversity and dissent, in this case where homosexuals must be relegated to a status of second-class citizens, forbidden from expressing themselves as individuals in violation of the personal liberty the Constitution affords each person.

Is that similar to calling anyone who has an opinion that dares to express the opinion that marriage is a religious institution that predates the government a homophobe? It doesn't even matter if the person who says that actually happens to be a progressive gay activist, he is still a homophobe. In your worldview disagreeing with you is just wrong, and justifies actual hate speech in response.
Proud homo hater here. Well, not really a hater, but homo hater comes off the tongue better than LGBT hater. Sick freaks with a mental impairment that should by the governments own definition ban them from owning guns.

I don't hate them at all. I just hate political correctness and forced denial of reality.

You can't get a liberal to even say that homosexuality is abnormal in the sense that being left handed is abnormal. They just refuse to say it because reality is offensive to them.

And now they are starting this transgender bullshit and pedophelia normalization is already in progress.

Why would you want to compel someone to ‘admit’ to something that isn’t true?

Otherwise the hate and ignorance you exhibit toward LGBT persons is exactly why we need a Constitution and its case law, to protect citizens from that hate and ignorance.

The simple truth is that homosexuality is abnormal, denying that just makes you look stupid.
i know a gay person who believes gays should not have sex

is he homophobic?

There are heterosexuals who believe heterosexuals shouldn’t have sex.

Are they hetrophobic?

And what’s ridiculous about Father Scalia’s position is that homosexuals are not defined solely by their sexual practices, or lack thereof; the same as heterosexuals.

Really? What, other than their sexual preferences, makes homosexuals different? Do they have horns? Invisible signs? What is it?
Why is it a "phobia" to consider public displays of affection between men and men pretending to be women to be offensive? Intolerance goes both ways. Liberal men might think it's trendy to insult the beliefs of Catholics because Catholics generally do not support liberal men forcing women to hire technicians to kill their unborn babies. I've seen far more bigotry expressed by liberals towards Tea Party activists than perceived insults directed at homosexuals.

No one’s insulting the beliefs of the Catholic Church; but when the Church crosses the line into secular law and politics by advocating the violation of citizens’ privacy rights, it becomes a legitimate target.

Wrong again, at least you are consistent.
Again, a majority of conservatives operate under the dogma that some things are ‘just wrong,’ having nothing to do with facts, logic, evidence, law, or the truth.

For example:

They think they have the same right to opinion as everyone else. They have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else. And, an obligation to warn against normalizing perversion.

You just proved that your side of the debate is 100% wrong, great job.
i know a gay person who believes gays should not have sex

is he homophobic?

There are heterosexuals who believe heterosexuals shouldn’t have sex.

Are they hetrophobic?

And what’s ridiculous about Father Scalia’s position is that homosexuals are not defined solely by their sexual practices, or lack thereof; the same as heterosexuals.

Really? What, other than their sexual preferences, makes homosexuals different? Do they have horns? Invisible signs? What is it?
No, i guess that men have a crappy penis and women have a clean snapper! You should keep your sex life to yourself.

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