Subhumans and the American Holocaust

No you don't. Link to your comments about the children and babies who were separated and thrown in cages at the border. Prove me wrong.

In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.
Yes, but what Trump did was arrange arrests so that the children would be separated from them AS A PUNISHMENT. Don't forget that part.
Sure he did. Let me ask you this, Do your DemNazi Masters just open up your skull and pour Their Propaganda on to your brain, or is it more like the slow drip of an IV they put in your veins when you listen to them Propagandize you daily?

Maybe it's like a pill, like LSD that you take so you can absorb their bullshit and regurgitate it?

What's it like to live your life in a hallucinogenic state?
No you don't. Link to your comments about the children and babies who were separated and thrown in cages at the border. Prove me wrong.

In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.
Yes, but what Trump did was arrange arrests so that the children would be separated from them AS A PUNISHMENT. Don't forget that part.
Sure he did. Let me ask you this, Do your DemNazi Masters just open up your skull and pour Their Propaganda on to your brain, or is it more like the slow drip of an IV they put in your veins when you listen to them Propagandize you daily?

Maybe it's like a pill, like LSD that you take so you can absorb their bullshit and regurgitate it?

What's it like to live your life in a hallucinogenic state?
I listened to Jeff Sessions SAY IT. No sense talking to someone who can't be bothered to learn what he's talking about.
What point? That you sit at home and do nothing while 10’s of millions are murdered all around you?! If millions of people were being murdered around me, I’d do something about it. I might call people to arms over it.
Once again I ask: How do you know what I do aside from posting on this Forum?
I don’t. But if you took action to stop these mass murderers it would make the news. So you must be doing nothing.
No you don't. Link to your comments about the children and babies who were separated and thrown in cages at the border. Prove me wrong.

In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.
Yes, but what Trump did was arrange arrests so that the children would be separated from them AS A PUNISHMENT. Don't forget that part.
Sure he did. Let me ask you this, Do your DemNazi Masters just open up your skull and pour Their Propaganda on to your brain, or is it more like the slow drip of an IV they put in your veins when you listen to them Propagandize you daily?

Maybe it's like a pill, like LSD that you take so you can absorb their bullshit and regurgitate it?

What's it like to live your life in a hallucinogenic state?
I listened to Jeff Sessions SAY IT. No sense talking to someone who can't be bothered to learn what he's talking about.

You know, I can picture you living another life. One back in the late 20s and listening with Glee to Hitler Pound The Pulpit and your Brain with his lies, and you eating it up and cheering on the poisoning of your own logic.

Tell me, have you kicked a Jew today or Congratulated a Planned Parenthood Victim on a successful Infanticide?

And do you believe like Margaret Sanger that Jews are Subhumans, and Minorities are like Weeds that Need to be pulled and disposed of in The Human Garden?

Yes, dear, that is your little DemNazi party, and that is what they stand for. That and legalized prostitution for children.

"Hey if you can't kill them, might as well rape them."

Sounds like a great slogan for Joe Biden to run on in 2020 or whatever Lying Demon from Hell you put up to run for president on The DNC ticket.

Dope & Chains 2020
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Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?
Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Then don't complain the next time a poor black person is murdered unless you're willing to support that person financially for the rest of their life.
I don’t. But if you took action to stop these mass murderers it would make the news. So you must be doing nothing.
Got it. Though I disagree, I'll judge you by your own standard.

Please post links where you have "made the news".

If you can't, I'll assume that you are doing nothing.
I don’t. But if you took action to stop these mass murderers it would make the news. So you must be doing nothing.
Got it. Though I disagree, I'll judge you by your own standard.

Please post links where you have "made the news".

If you can't, I'll assume that you are doing nothing.
Of course I’m doing nothing. I don’t perceive millions of murders happening all around me. If I did, I sure as fuck would do something about it.
You realize that Planned Parenthood was built by The KKK to exterminate Blacks and Latinos, don’t you?

Fascinating, sounds like every other post the wingnuts create about minorities.

It wasn't, but enjoy.

It's too convenient that you guys blame PP for trying to decimate African Americans but somehow are a proponent for the KKK for having a meeting with their women about the benefits of birth control. Can't have it both ways.

So you deny that Planned Parenthood was formed to exterminate Blacks and Latinos?


Did you crawl out from under the rock you have been hiding under for 200 years of something?


I also don't understand your second statement at all.

Not surprised.

No true conservative advocates anything the KKK stands for. Conservatives abolished slavery, and advocated for immediate voting rights for the emancipated.

Christian identity, against homosexual rights, against Muslims, against Jews, anti-Union, they weren't crazy about the voting rights act, fetishizing 'northern aggression', extreme nationalism. Bombing black churches.

Yeah, total hippies.

All lies. What other propaganda do you have for us from your talking points today?

Prove I lied.
Of course I’m doing nothing. I don’t perceive millions of murders happening all around me. If I did, I sure as fuck would do something about it.
Got it. Everyone must act as you imagine you would act in a given situation. If they don't, you feel justified in dismissing them.

You've just defined bigotry.
You realize that Planned Parenthood was built by The KKK to exterminate Blacks and Latinos, don’t you?

It wasn't, but enjoy.

It's too convenient that you guys blame PP for trying to decimate African Americans but somehow are a proponent for the KKK for having a meeting with their women about the benefits of birth control. Can't have it both ways.

So you deny that Planned Parenthood was formed to exterminate Blacks and Latinos?


Did you crawl out from under the rock you have been hiding under for 200 years of something?


I also don't understand your second statement at all.

Not surprised.

No true conservative advocates anything the KKK stands for. Conservatives abolished slavery, and advocated for immediate voting rights for the emancipated.

Christian identity, against homosexual rights, against Muslims, against Jews, anti-Union, they weren't crazy about the voting rights act, fetishizing 'northern aggression', extreme nationalism. Bombing black churches.

Yeah, total hippies.

All lies. What other propaganda do you have for us from your talking points today?

Prove I lied.
you posted. there, that was easy.
Of course I’m doing nothing. I don’t perceive millions of murders happening all around me. If I did, I sure as fuck would do something about it.
Got it. Everyone must act as you imagine you would act in a given situation. If they don't, you feel justified in dismissing them.

You've just defined bigotry.
You can’t just make up bullshit and claim others said it. Too stupid. Anyways, you’re a real pussy, doing nothing about murders going on all around you.
It wasn't, but enjoy.

It's too convenient that you guys blame PP for trying to decimate African Americans but somehow are a proponent for the KKK for having a meeting with their women about the benefits of birth control. Can't have it both ways.

So you deny that Planned Parenthood was formed to exterminate Blacks and Latinos?


Did you crawl out from under the rock you have been hiding under for 200 years of something?


I also don't understand your second statement at all.

Not surprised.

No true conservative advocates anything the KKK stands for. Conservatives abolished slavery, and advocated for immediate voting rights for the emancipated.

Christian identity, against homosexual rights, against Muslims, against Jews, anti-Union, they weren't crazy about the voting rights act, fetishizing 'northern aggression', extreme nationalism. Bombing black churches.

Yeah, total hippies.

All lies. What other propaganda do you have for us from your talking points today?

Prove I lied.
you posted. there, that was easy.

Oh, sorry, didn't realize this was minor league day.
It wasn't, but enjoy.

It's too convenient that you guys blame PP for trying to decimate African Americans but somehow are a proponent for the KKK for having a meeting with their women about the benefits of birth control. Can't have it both ways.

So you deny that Planned Parenthood was formed to exterminate Blacks and Latinos?


Did you crawl out from under the rock you have been hiding under for 200 years of something?


I also don't understand your second statement at all.

Not surprised.

No true conservative advocates anything the KKK stands for. Conservatives abolished slavery, and advocated for immediate voting rights for the emancipated.

Christian identity, against homosexual rights, against Muslims, against Jews, anti-Union, they weren't crazy about the voting rights act, fetishizing 'northern aggression', extreme nationalism. Bombing black churches.

Yeah, total hippies.

All lies. What other propaganda do you have for us from your talking points today?

Prove I lied.
you posted. there, that was easy.
Prove Oxygen is Not a Green House Gas.
Al Gore says you are a Virus giving The Planet a Fever.
Prove to me you aren't a virus worthy of being exterminated

These people have had their brains water boarded into Oblivion.
They are brain washed. Good to see some wake up and #WalkAway but most of them are lost souls condemned to Hell.

The only reason I debate these mindless automatons, is for those people who think for themselves and sit on the fence and are searching for real truth.

If it weren't for that, I would not bother.
So you deny that Planned Parenthood was formed to exterminate Blacks and Latinos?


Did you crawl out from under the rock you have been hiding under for 200 years of something?


I also don't understand your second statement at all.

Not surprised.

No true conservative advocates anything the KKK stands for. Conservatives abolished slavery, and advocated for immediate voting rights for the emancipated.

Christian identity, against homosexual rights, against Muslims, against Jews, anti-Union, they weren't crazy about the voting rights act, fetishizing 'northern aggression', extreme nationalism. Bombing black churches.

Yeah, total hippies.

All lies. What other propaganda do you have for us from your talking points today?

Prove I lied.
you posted. there, that was easy.
Prove Oxygen is Not a Green House Gas.
Al Gore says you are a Virus giving The Planet a Fever.
Prove to me you aren't a virus worthy of being exterminated

These people have had their brains water boarded into Oblivion.
They are brain washed. Good to see some wake up and #WalkAway but most of them are lost souls condemned to Hell.

The only reason I debate these mindless automatons, is for those people who think for themselves and sit on the fence and are searching for real truth.

If it weren't for that, I would not bother.

One thing I've found to be true. You guys really take the long road going way, way out there just demonstrate that no, you can't prove I lied.

And not a single person is surprised by this very tired old revelation.

'debate', you should probably look that word up.
No you don't. Link to your comments about the children and babies who were separated and thrown in cages at the border. Prove me wrong.

In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.
Yes, but what Trump did was arrange arrests so that the children would be separated from them AS A PUNISHMENT. Don't forget that part.

"Arrange arrests"?
You mean Trump forced the cockroaches to storm our borders?
Is this like that "Whitey makes ShaQuita have six babies with FO baby daddy's" sort of thing?
How do you people continue to struggle with the causation principle?


Not surprised.

Christian identity, against homosexual rights, against Muslims, against Jews, anti-Union, they weren't crazy about the voting rights act, fetishizing 'northern aggression', extreme nationalism. Bombing black churches.

Yeah, total hippies.

All lies. What other propaganda do you have for us from your talking points today?

Prove I lied.
you posted. there, that was easy.
Prove Oxygen is Not a Green House Gas.
Al Gore says you are a Virus giving The Planet a Fever.
Prove to me you aren't a virus worthy of being exterminated

These people have had their brains water boarded into Oblivion.
They are brain washed. Good to see some wake up and #WalkAway but most of them are lost souls condemned to Hell.

The only reason I debate these mindless automatons, is for those people who think for themselves and sit on the fence and are searching for real truth.

If it weren't for that, I would not bother.

One thing I've found to be true. You guys really take the long road going way, way out there just demonstrate that no, you can't prove I lied.

And not a single person is surprised by this very tired old revelation.

'debate', you should probably look that word up.
you posted so you lied.
All lies. What other propaganda do you have for us from your talking points today?

Prove I lied.
you posted. there, that was easy.
Prove Oxygen is Not a Green House Gas.
Al Gore says you are a Virus giving The Planet a Fever.
Prove to me you aren't a virus worthy of being exterminated

These people have had their brains water boarded into Oblivion.
They are brain washed. Good to see some wake up and #WalkAway but most of them are lost souls condemned to Hell.

The only reason I debate these mindless automatons, is for those people who think for themselves and sit on the fence and are searching for real truth.

If it weren't for that, I would not bother.

One thing I've found to be true. You guys really take the long road going way, way out there just demonstrate that no, you can't prove I lied.

And not a single person is surprised by this very tired old revelation.

'debate', you should probably look that word up.
you posted so you lied.

Prove I lied.
you posted. there, that was easy.
Prove Oxygen is Not a Green House Gas.
Al Gore says you are a Virus giving The Planet a Fever.
Prove to me you aren't a virus worthy of being exterminated

These people have had their brains water boarded into Oblivion.
They are brain washed. Good to see some wake up and #WalkAway but most of them are lost souls condemned to Hell.

The only reason I debate these mindless automatons, is for those people who think for themselves and sit on the fence and are searching for real truth.

If it weren't for that, I would not bother.

One thing I've found to be true. You guys really take the long road going way, way out there just demonstrate that no, you can't prove I lied.

And not a single person is surprised by this very tired old revelation.

'debate', you should probably look that word up.
you posted so you lied.


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