Subhumans and the American Holocaust

This is the concept that the Germans used to justify the murder of 15 million people:

"The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being."
(Heinrich Himmler, 1936, "Der Untermensch")

These are the concepts that Americans used to justify the murder of 45 million people (so far):

"An embryo is just a clump of cells"

“No, I'm the human here. I'm the life at stake. I'm the one with fingernails, who feels pain." (Alicen Grey)

“My argument has always been that nature has a master plan pushing every species toward procreation and that it is our right and even obligation as rational human beings to defy nature's fascism."
(Camille Paglia)

“Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men.” (Katha Pollitt)

"It is always the moralists who do the most harm. Abortion is the logical outcome of civilization, only the jungle gives birth and moulders away as nature decrees. Man plans." (Max Frisch)

See any similarities here?

And not only are Americans still killing, they are expanding their efforts.

This is the American Holocaust.

Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?

Could it be because you don't actually care about the well-being of babies?

Could it be that you just want to exert control over women?

Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Babies that are truly in need?
Like babies that have their arms and legs pulled of, their skulls crushed, and their dismembered bodies sold for experimental research????

That's not happening. Let's stick to reality.
That is about as real as it gets.
Abortion is murder.
Legal murder.....but still murder.
This is the concept that the Germans used to justify the murder of 15 million people:

"The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being."
(Heinrich Himmler, 1936, "Der Untermensch")

These are the concepts that Americans used to justify the murder of 45 million people (so far):

"An embryo is just a clump of cells"

“No, I'm the human here. I'm the life at stake. I'm the one with fingernails, who feels pain." (Alicen Grey)

“My argument has always been that nature has a master plan pushing every species toward procreation and that it is our right and even obligation as rational human beings to defy nature's fascism."
(Camille Paglia)

“Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men.” (Katha Pollitt)

"It is always the moralists who do the most harm. Abortion is the logical outcome of civilization, only the jungle gives birth and moulders away as nature decrees. Man plans." (Max Frisch)

See any similarities here?

And not only are Americans still killing, they are expanding their efforts.

This is the American Holocaust.

Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?

Could it be because you don't actually care about the well-being of babies?

Could it be that you just want to exert control over women?

Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Babies that are truly in need?
Like babies that have their arms and legs pulled of, their skulls crushed, and their dismembered bodies sold for experimental research????

That's not happening. Let's stick to reality.
That is about as real as it gets.
Abortion is murder.
Legal murder.....but still murder.
That is the crux of the biscuit.

One side believes it is murder, the other side doesn't.

And that is never going to change.
Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?
Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Then don't complain the next time a poor black person is murdered unless you're willing to support that person financially for the rest of their life.

WTF. It's almost as if you inbreds don't know how to form a rational argument.
I'm not supposed to complain about murdering a child unless I'm willing to financially support that child. That's your argument, is it not, fuckwad?
It's the mother's choice.

See? No debate needed. And especially no retarded threads like this one.
Alrighty then, all you women, we need to gather up your embryos and lock them in ghettos, The ones that can work we'll send them to work camps and work them to death, the others we'll just kill them now.

I have nightmares about those embryo train cars, stuff to the gills with embryos peering out from being those bars. I used to see them heading to that Planned Parenthood deathcamp over on 9th street.

Oh, the horror of it all.
You realize that Planned Parenthood was built by The KKK to exterminate Blacks and Latinos, don’t you?
A complete and total fabrication. Holy shit, where do you tards come up with this stuff?

In fact, Planned Parenthood was formed long before abortions were legal. Their primary mission was to distribute birth control.

Another fact is that once abortion was legalized, many of its board members were pro-life and left in protest when the other board members voted to make PP a pro-choice organization.
This is not more about birth control then it is about the morality of people who ph uk like champs and the promotion of it. And it runs a gamut. If a woman has an abortion and a conscience it could bother her. Then there are women who have had many abortions and do not care. Where do we draw the line on a women's body is her own and a society/culture that needs to encourage that we be civilized?
This is the concept that the Germans used to justify the murder of 15 million people:

"The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being."
(Heinrich Himmler, 1936, "Der Untermensch")

These are the concepts that Americans used to justify the murder of 45 million people (so far):

"An embryo is just a clump of cells"

“No, I'm the human here. I'm the life at stake. I'm the one with fingernails, who feels pain." (Alicen Grey)

“My argument has always been that nature has a master plan pushing every species toward procreation and that it is our right and even obligation as rational human beings to defy nature's fascism."
(Camille Paglia)

“Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men.” (Katha Pollitt)

"It is always the moralists who do the most harm. Abortion is the logical outcome of civilization, only the jungle gives birth and moulders away as nature decrees. Man plans." (Max Frisch)

See any similarities here?

And not only are Americans still killing, they are expanding their efforts.

This is the American Holocaust.

And you just let this happen without doing anything?! I have to assume you don’t care at all.
What are you encouraging BlackFag? Spell it out.
It's the mother's choice.

See? No debate needed. And especially no retarded threads like this one.
If a mother wanted to murder her five year old child, would you buy the argument, "It's the mother's choice"?
It's the mother's choice.

See? No debate needed. And especially no retarded threads like this one.
If the mother wanted to murder her five year old child, would you buy the argument, "It's the mother's choice"?
No, and thanks for asking!
So let us know when it gets through your pointy head that to pro-lifers there is no difference between a child in the womb and a five year old as to the sanctity of that child's life.

The "mother's choice" argument fails in both instances.

Murder is murder.
It's the mother's choice.

See? No debate needed. And especially no retarded threads like this one.
If the mother wanted to murder her five year old child, would you buy the argument, "It's the mother's choice"?
No, and thanks for asking!
So let us know when it gets through your pointy head that to pro-lifers there is no difference between a child in the womb and a five year old as to the sanctity of that child's life.

The "mother's choice" argument fails in both instances.
Thanks crybaby, i understand that. But they are wrong, and I am right.
That is the crux of the biscuit.

One side believes it is murder, the other side doesn't.

And that is never going to change
I believe the vast majority of them know. That's what makes them evil, and how you lose your soul.
That is the crux of the biscuit.

One side believes it is murder, the other side doesn't.

And that is never going to change
I believe the vast majority of them know. That's what makes them evil, and how you lose your soul.
I also believe the vast majority know abortion is evil. They give it away when they say they abhor abortion but still feel it is "the mother's choice".

How can you abhor something if you don't think it is evil?

I've heard pro-abortion people say it a zillion times. "I hate the concept of abortion", blah blah blah.

They know. They know.

Like this guy:

Hitler was learning from the sanger eugenics, abortion, "weeding out" the blacks experiment. Sanger is a lib hero who wanted black people to be aborted.

Sanger advocated for birth control, moron.

She also advocated for sterilization, eugenics, spoke with the KKK, among other nihilistic dreams .

Planned Parenthood Founder Margaret Sanger Spoke to the Ku Klux Klan and Supported Eugenics. So Why Does the Organization Still Honor Her? - Save the Storks

My god. She argued for sterilization due to medical reasons, not racial. I don't agree with her on that but at least get it right.

Tell me how this is sound logic.

She talks to minorities about birth control and she is trying to destroy their race. She talks to women of the KKK about the same subject and she is an ally. It's kind of nutty. Sanger had said she would speak to anyone about birth control and that's what she did. FYI, she thought the klan women were morons.

This is fun.
This is the concept that the Germans used to justify the murder of 15 million people:

"The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being."
(Heinrich Himmler, 1936, "Der Untermensch")

These are the concepts that Americans used to justify the murder of 45 million people (so far):

"An embryo is just a clump of cells"

“No, I'm the human here. I'm the life at stake. I'm the one with fingernails, who feels pain." (Alicen Grey)

“My argument has always been that nature has a master plan pushing every species toward procreation and that it is our right and even obligation as rational human beings to defy nature's fascism."
(Camille Paglia)

“Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men.” (Katha Pollitt)

"It is always the moralists who do the most harm. Abortion is the logical outcome of civilization, only the jungle gives birth and moulders away as nature decrees. Man plans." (Max Frisch)

See any similarities here?

And not only are Americans still killing, they are expanding their efforts.

This is the American Holocaust.

This is the concept that the Germans used to justify the murder of 15 million people:

"The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being."
(Heinrich Himmler, 1936, "Der Untermensch")

These are the concepts that Americans used to justify the murder of 45 million people (so far):

"An embryo is just a clump of cells"

“No, I'm the human here. I'm the life at stake. I'm the one with fingernails, who feels pain." (Alicen Grey)

“My argument has always been that nature has a master plan pushing every species toward procreation and that it is our right and even obligation as rational human beings to defy nature's fascism."
(Camille Paglia)

“Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men.” (Katha Pollitt)

"It is always the moralists who do the most harm. Abortion is the logical outcome of civilization, only the jungle gives birth and moulders away as nature decrees. Man plans." (Max Frisch)

See any similarities here?

And not only are Americans still killing, they are expanding their efforts.

This is the American Holocaust.

Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?

Could it be because you don't actually care about the well-being of babies?

Could it be that you just want to exert control over women?

Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Babies that are truly in need?
Like babies that have their arms and legs pulled of, their skulls crushed, and their dismembered bodies sold for experimental research????

That's not happening. Let's stick to reality.
That is about as real as it gets.
Abortion is murder.
Legal murder.....but still murder.

LOL ok fruitcake. Tell me more about yanking arms off and crushing their skulls and eating their hearts.

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