Subhumans and the American Holocaust

If you wondered how the Nazis could have gotten away with the Holocaust look no further than today's media. As long as the media takes the side of the baby killers (like Va. Gov. Northam) the slaughter will continue. There is no medical reason for aborting a baby in the 3rd trimester but the media keeps promoting the lie about the "health of the woman" being a factor. If a woman's health was in jeopardy the procedure is simply to induce delivery and care for the baby.
Sorry. It is compassion, straight up. No one said it was a pretty decision to have to make and the outcomes of abused, neglected or severely handicapped children are something I have seen first hand.
Murder is not "compassion". You have set yourself up as judge, but you have no authority. Whose footsteps are you following?
Then don't complain the next time a poor black person is murdered unless you're willing to support that person financially for the rest of their life.

WTF. It's almost as if you inbreds don't know how to form a rational argument.
I'm not supposed to complain about murdering a child unless I'm willing to financially support that child. That's your argument, is it not, fuckwad?

No my argument is someone at your group home should monitor your computer usage a bit more closely.
You HAVE no argument or you would have made it by now. Why don't you come back when you have one?
Argue what? In response to your rambling about black people? How do I argue with someone who doesn't understand the conversation?
No, YOU don't understand the conversation because you're too stupid to understand your own logic, which I'm using to illustrate just how ridiculous that logic is.
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Sorry. It is compassion, straight up. No one said it was a pretty decision to have to make and the outcomes of abused, neglected or severely handicapped children are something I have seen first hand.
Murder is not "compassion". You have set yourself up as judge, but you have no authority. Whose footsteps are you following?
You keep saying that, but I am not making the choice. The two people who know best what they are capable of doing make the decision about THEIR reproduction.
Oh the lengths to which liberals will go to justify their indifference to the lives of the defenseless.

Murder is compassion.
You can't object to murder unless you're willing to pay for supporting the victim.
It's not really a person if it's still in the womb.

Are they tryin to convince us that killing babies is ok or are they trying to convince themselves?
You keep saying that, but I am not making the choice. The two people who know best what they are capable of doing make the decision about THEIR reproduction.
Okay, let's follow that scenario. You're saying that parents who admit they are incompetent to raise a child should have the right to kill that child?

Maybe I did misjudge you. You may actually be an anarchist.
You keep saying that, but I am not making the choice. The two people who know best what they are capable of doing make the decision about THEIR reproduction.
Okay, let's follow that scenario. You're saying that parents who admit they are incompetent to raise a child should have the right to kill that child?

Maybe I did misjudge you. You may actually be an anarchist.
It is not a child.


ten weeks


twelve weeks
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The Rat party is losing American-born latins, patriotic blacks, working-class whites (they're not going to spend money in Ohio in 2020...OHIO! and now they've lost their long-time patsies, the Jews. MAGA!!
It is not a child.

You may never have been a child, but the human species is a child the moment it's heart beats and there is brain activity. Killing a newborn baby should result in execution by the electric chair for every person in that delivery room who didn't jump in to stop it....including the "mother".
Perhaps some would not consider you human either.
Maybe you should post a picture and let them judge you.

Please, I'm about to eat lunch! She poses as a nice person but she's as hateful as any other leftist witch on this board or anywhere.
Perhaps some would not consider you human either.
Maybe you should post a picture and let them judge you.

Please, I'm about to eat lunch! She poses as a nice person but she's as hateful as any other leftist witch on this board or anywhere.
9 of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks. This embryo which you seem to find so abhorrent is what you are calling a child. I'm just showing you what it is actually is.

Size of a kumquat, smaller than a walnut. Less than 2" long.
9 of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks. This embryo which you seem to find so abhorrent is what you are calling a child. I'm just showing you what it is actually is.

There have been over 60,000,000 Americans slaughtered by Roe v Wade...that's what you're supporting femi-NAZI.
9 of 10 abortions are performed in the first 12 weeks. This embryo which you seem to find so abhorrent is what you are calling a child. I'm just showing you what it is actually is.

There have been over 60,000,000 Americans slaughtered by Roe v Wade...that's what you're supporting femi-NAZI.
Our country didn't need 60 million unwanted children to support.
No you don't. Link to your comments about the children and babies who were separated and thrown in cages at the border. Prove me wrong.

In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.

And in this country abortion is legal, but you don't seem to care about that law. But that doesn't stop you from belly-aching about the "unborn".

So, you don't actually care about kids because if you did you would be complaining about the treatment of those children in captivity regardless of what the law is.....because they're just kids afterall, right?. But you haven't because you couldn't give a shit about them.

Thanks for proving my point in literally one post.
the unborn are alive. they grow correct? if they grow they are therefore alive, and if alive it is life, to end the life is to kill it. there is no other option. feel free to state it differently.
No you don't. Link to your comments about the children and babies who were separated and thrown in cages at the border. Prove me wrong.

In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.

And in this country abortion is legal, but you don't seem to care about that law. But that doesn't stop you from belly-aching about the "unborn".

So, you don't actually care about kids because if you did you would be complaining about the treatment of those children in captivity regardless of what the law is.....because they're just kids afterall, right?. But you haven't because you couldn't give a shit about them.

Thanks for proving my point in literally one post.
the unborn are alive. they grow correct? if they grow they are therefore alive, and if alive it is life, to end the life is to kill it. there is no other option. feel free to state it differently.

Ok so Sperm are "alive". Everytime you jerk off watching Hannity you are a mass murderer.

Semantics games are fun.
Well, Hale, what you seem to want is the legal control over my wife and daughter's bodies. Let me think about that.

Ok. I thought about it. The answer is No.

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