Subhumans and the American Holocaust

Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?
Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Then don't complain the next time a poor black person is murdered unless you're willing to support that person financially for the rest of their life.

WTF. It's almost as if you inbreds don't know how to form a rational argument.
I'm not supposed to complain about murdering a child unless I'm willing to financially support that child. That's your argument, is it not, fuckwad?

No my argument is someone at your group home should monitor your computer usage a bit more closely.
This is the concept that the Germans used to justify the murder of 15 million people:

"The subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. Nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being."
(Heinrich Himmler, 1936, "Der Untermensch")

These are the concepts that Americans used to justify the murder of 45 million people (so far):

"An embryo is just a clump of cells"

“No, I'm the human here. I'm the life at stake. I'm the one with fingernails, who feels pain." (Alicen Grey)

“My argument has always been that nature has a master plan pushing every species toward procreation and that it is our right and even obligation as rational human beings to defy nature's fascism."
(Camille Paglia)

“Pregnancy and childbirth are not only physical and medical experiences, after all. They are also social experiences that, in modern America, just as when abortion was criminalized in the 1870s, serve to restrict women's ability to participate in society on equal footing with men.” (Katha Pollitt)

"It is always the moralists who do the most harm. Abortion is the logical outcome of civilization, only the jungle gives birth and moulders away as nature decrees. Man plans." (Max Frisch)

See any similarities here?

And not only are Americans still killing, they are expanding their efforts.

This is the American Holocaust.

Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?

Could it be because you don't actually care about the well-being of babies?

Could it be that you just want to exert control over women?

Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Babies that are truly in need?
Like babies that have their arms and legs pulled of, their skulls crushed, and their dismembered bodies sold for experimental research????

That's not happening. Let's stick to reality.
That is about as real as it gets.
Abortion is murder.
Legal murder.....but still murder.

LOL ok fruitcake. Tell me more about yanking arms off and crushing their skulls and eating their hearts.
No this video closely......

Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?
Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Then don't complain the next time a poor black person is murdered unless you're willing to support that person financially for the rest of their life.

WTF. It's almost as if you inbreds don't know how to form a rational argument.
I'm not supposed to complain about murdering a child unless I'm willing to financially support that child. That's your argument, is it not, fuckwad?

No my argument is someone at your group home should monitor your computer usage a bit more closely.
You HAVE no argument or you would have made it by now. Why don't you come back when you have one?
Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?
Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Then don't complain the next time a poor black person is murdered unless you're willing to support that person financially for the rest of their life.

WTF. It's almost as if you inbreds don't know how to form a rational argument.
I'm not supposed to complain about murdering a child unless I'm willing to financially support that child. That's your argument, is it not, fuckwad?

No my argument is someone at your group home should monitor your computer usage a bit more closely.
You HAVE no argument or you would have made it by now. Why don't you come back when you have one?
Argue what? In response to your rambling about black people? How do I argue with someone who doesn't understand the conversation?

She can’t sue. She has no standing in the case. Neither does anyone else.

That is the problem with the anti-abortion crowd. It’s none of YOUR business.
You mean....HE....Cannot SUE!

So you did not read the article. That's what you guys do all the time. We post links, you never read the articles, and then we post snippets of the articles which forces you to read it and you will complain about that.

It's the father that is suing The Abortion Mill, for violating his parental rights, and for no one notifying him this was going to occur so there could be a discussion about it. He is also challenging "Profit Motive Abortions".
Why is it that you pretend to care so much about an unborn child but once they're actually born you couldn't care less?
Mind your own fucking business or actually put up when it comes time to help babies/children who are truly in need.
Then don't complain the next time a poor black person is murdered unless you're willing to support that person financially for the rest of their life.

WTF. It's almost as if you inbreds don't know how to form a rational argument.
When have you inbreds ever been rational?
The KKK was created and established by democrats after the Civil War by Nathan Bedford Forrest with the express purpose of fighting Republicans.

Before the 1880's, many, many more white Republicans were lynched by the KKK than Blacks.

But Blacks back then were almost 100% Republicans. Especially so in the South.

I guess when God was handing out Brains, you thought he said Trains and asked for a slow one.

You keep repeating lies and I'll keep making you cry
Republicans were the liberal party. Southern Democrats were far right Christian terrorists.

Funny how you tards always leave that part out.

Party affiliations come and go, but the far right Christian factor always was, is, and will be a fact of KKK core beliefs.

Funny how only white people are ever called “far right”....

I wonder if you actually secretly understand that “far right” is just another of Democrats countless racist slurs against white people.
Funny how only white people are ever called “far right”....

I wonder if you actually secretly understand that “far right” is just another of Democrats countless racist slurs against white people.

dimocrap scum keep coming up with the same claptrap lies. Ever notice they have to boil everything down to where a 3rd grader can understand it?

I want to know, when did this miraculous transformation dimocrap scum always talk about happen?

When did dimocrap FILTH stop being the party of slavery? (That one's easy -- After we killed 300,000 of them)

When did dimocrap scum stop being the party of Jim Crow?

When did they stop being the party of Robert KKK Byrd? George Wallace?

When did they stop being the party of the current anti-semitism running wild in their midst?

When did this all happen? When was the turning point?

The KKK was a VERY important part of the dimocrap FILTH party. In fact, their 1924 convention was called the Klanbake. Their 1932 convention was owned operated and decided by the Mob. Nazi Pelousy is the daughter of a Mob-Owned Congressman from Baltimore

The truth is actually much simpler........ dimocrap FILTH have ALWAYS been racist, criminal scum. For their first 150 years they were racists against Blacks, now they're racists against Whites and Jews.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Always have been, always will be

Funny how only white people are ever called “far right”....

I wonder if you actually secretly understand that “far right” is just another of Democrats countless racist slurs against white people.

dimocrap scum keep coming up with the same claptrap lies. Ever notice they have to boil everything down to where a 3rd grader can understand it?

I want to know, when did this miraculous transformation dimocrap scum always talk about happen?

When did dimocrap FILTH stop being the party of slavery? (That one's easy -- After we killed 300,000 of them)

When did dimocrap scum stop being the party of Jim Crow?

When did they stop being the party of Robert KKK Byrd? George Wallace?

When did they stop being the party of the current anti-semitism running wild in their midst?

When did this all happen? When was the turning point?

The KKK was a VERY important part of the dimocrap FILTH party. In fact, their 1924 convention was called the Klanbake. Their 1932 convention was owned operated and decided by the Mob. Nazi Pelousy is the daughter of a Mob-Owned Congressman from Baltimore

The truth is actually much simpler........ dimocrap FILTH have ALWAYS been racist, criminal scum. For their first 150 years they were racists against Blacks, now they're racists against Whites and Jews.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth. Always have been, always will be

They stopped being those things when they started hating white people as part of the party platform.

That is the point.
That is the crux of the biscuit.

One side believes it is murder, the other side doesn't.

And that is never going to change
I believe the vast majority of them know. That's what makes them evil, and how you lose your soul.
I also believe the vast majority know abortion is evil. They give it away when they say they abhor abortion but still feel it is "the mother's choice".

How can you abhor something if you don't think it is evil?

I've heard pro-abortion people say it a zillion times. "I hate the concept of abortion", blah blah blah.

They know. They know.

Like this guy:

That is the crux of the biscuit.

One side believes it is murder, the other side doesn't.

And that is never going to change
I believe the vast majority of them know. That's what makes them evil, and how you lose your soul.
I also believe the vast majority know abortion is evil. They give it away when they say they abhor abortion but still feel it is "the mother's choice".

How can you abhor something if you don't think it is evil?

I've heard pro-abortion people say it a zillion times. "I hate the concept of abortion", blah blah blah.

They know. They know.

Like this guy:


Is not this

Abortion stops potential, and it is sad; effective birth control is better. But it is not cruel and it is not murder; the embryo is nowhere close to being a living person, yet. The parents know best if they can raise the child properly. It is their decision, and a responsible one, to admit they cannot give the child a secure or healthy life and therefore not bring that potential embryo to fruition.

There is no reason or excuse for unwanted children in this world anymore. Life is precious, but we each have to decide what we believe is more precious--the quality of that life or the simple beating heart itself. My heart bleeds for the children who are born and suffer because their parents can't or won't care for them, keep them safe and loved. If a parent knows they can't cut it, it would be best FOR THE CHILD if that child never happened.
There is no reason or excuse for unwanted children in this world anymore. Life is precious, but we each have to decide what we believe is more precious--the quality of that life or the simple beating heart itself. My heart bleeds for the children who are born and suffer because their parents can't or won't care for them, keep them safe and loved. If a parent knows they can't cut it, it would be best FOR THE CHILD if that child never happened.
Every single one of these statements makes the presumption that you (or someone like you) is qualified to judge who should live and who should die.

This is pure evil masquerading as compassion.
There is no reason or excuse for unwanted children in this world anymore. Life is precious, but we each have to decide what we believe is more precious--the quality of that life or the simple beating heart itself. My heart bleeds for the children who are born and suffer because their parents can't or won't care for them, keep them safe and loved. If a parent knows they can't cut it, it would be best FOR THE CHILD if that child never happened.
Every single one of these statements makes the presumption that you (or someone like you) is qualified to judge who should live and who should die.

This is pure evil masquerading as compassion.
Sorry. It is compassion, straight up. No one said it was a pretty decision to have to make and the outcomes of abused, neglected or severely handicapped children are something I have seen first hand.
There is no reason or excuse for unwanted children in this world anymore. Life is precious, but we each have to decide what we believe is more precious--the quality of that life or the simple beating heart itself. My heart bleeds for the children who are born and suffer because their parents can't or won't care for them, keep them safe and loved. If a parent knows they can't cut it, it would be best FOR THE CHILD if that child never happened.
Every single one of these statements makes the presumption that you (or someone like you) is qualified to judge who should live and who should die.

This is pure evil masquerading as compassion.
Sorry. It is compassion, straight up. No one said it was a pretty decision to have to make and the outcomes of abused, neglected or severely handicapped children are something I have seen first hand.
That's always your argument and it's rarely the case.

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