Subhumans and the American Holocaust

No you don't. Link to your comments about the children and babies who were separated and thrown in cages at the border. Prove me wrong.

In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.

And in this country abortion is legal, but you don't seem to care about that law. But that doesn't stop you from belly-aching about the "unborn".

So, you don't actually care about kids because if you did you would be complaining about the treatment of those children in captivity regardless of what the law is.....because they're just kids afterall, right?. But you haven't because you couldn't give a shit about them.

Thanks for proving my point in literally one post.
the unborn are alive. they grow correct? if they grow they are therefore alive, and if alive it is life, to end the life is to kill it. there is no other option. feel free to state it differently.

Ok so Sperm are "alive". Everytime you jerk off watching Hannity you are a mass murderer.

Semantics games are fun.
You just make one idiotic statement after the next, don't you? It's not a human being until it fertilizes the egg, moron. Please tell me YOU never fertilized an egg.
Well, Hale, what you seem to want is the legal control over my wife and daughter's bodies. Let me think about that.

Ok. I thought about it. The answer is No.
You're falling into the "my body my choice" fallacy. When a child is conceived, there is more than one human involved.

I don't want control of your wife and daughter's bodies. But if they (or any other female) somehow become host to another person, that person has rights too.
No you don't. Link to your comments about the children and babies who were separated and thrown in cages at the border. Prove me wrong.

In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.

And in this country abortion is legal, but you don't seem to care about that law. But that doesn't stop you from belly-aching about the "unborn".

So, you don't actually care about kids because if you did you would be complaining about the treatment of those children in captivity regardless of what the law is.....because they're just kids afterall, right?. But you haven't because you couldn't give a shit about them.

Thanks for proving my point in literally one post.
the unborn are alive. they grow correct? if they grow they are therefore alive, and if alive it is life, to end the life is to kill it. there is no other option. feel free to state it differently.

Ok so Sperm are "alive". Everytime you jerk off watching Hannity you are a mass murderer.

Semantics games are fun.
You just make one idiotic statement after the next, don't you? It's not a human being until it fertilizes the egg, moron. Please tell me YOU never fertilized an egg.

He said alive. Try to keep up.
Well, Hale, what you seem to want is the legal control over my wife and daughter's bodies. Let me think about that.

Ok. I thought about it. The answer is No.
You're falling into the "my body my choice" fallacy. When a child is conceived, there is more than one human involved.

I don't want control of your wife and daughter's bodies. But if they (or any other female) somehow become host to another person, that person has rights too.

Unless they're brown, then...fuck 'em. Right buddy?
The KKK was created and established by democrats after the Civil War by Nathan Bedford Forrest with the express purpose of fighting Republicans.

Before the 1880's, many, many more white Republicans were lynched by the KKK than Blacks.

But Blacks back then were almost 100% Republicans. Especially so in the South.

I guess when God was handing out Brains, you thought he said Trains and asked for a slow one.

You keep repeating lies and I'll keep making you cry
Republicans were the liberal party. Southern Democrats were far right Christian terrorists.

Funny how you tards always leave that part out.

Party affiliations come and go, but the far right Christian factor always was, is, and will be a fact of KKK core beliefs.

Funny how only white people are ever called “far right”....

I wonder if you actually secretly understand that “far right” is just another of Democrats countless racist slurs against white people.

OMFG, you guys and your expressed fear of "Code Words" crack me up.

Southern Democrat slave owners were much further right than most all Trumpublicans are today.
The parents know best if they can raise the child properly. It is their decision, and a responsible one, to admit they cannot give the child a secure or healthy life and therefore not bring that potential embryo to fruition.

Absolutely correct. But, it is just as correct to say if a potential parent(surprise!) who lacks the means, who loves the idea of a child to raise, decides to work hard and improve his or her condition to be able to provide for a family. That's great. That too is a choice.

It's the best part.
If you wondered how the Nazis could have gotten away with the Holocaust look no further than today's media. As long as the media takes the side of the baby killers (like Va. Gov. Northam) the slaughter will continue.

They got away with it because the German media was a single source and could fill the Germans with lies. Prime example in today's Fauxrage media is the SJWer campaign of lies about what ol Black face Northam said.

The wackos will become frothy defending that lie too.
The parents know best if they can raise the child properly. It is their decision, and a responsible one, to admit they cannot give the child a secure or healthy life and therefore not bring that potential embryo to fruition.

Absolutely correct. But, it is just as correct to say if a potential parent(surprise!) who lacks the means, who loves the idea of a child to raise, decides to work hard and improve his or her condition to be able to provide for a family. That's great. That too is a choice.

It's the best part.
Absolutely, Boo. A lot of love comes into this world as a "surprise."
Well, Hale, what you seem to want is the legal control over my wife and daughter's bodies. Let me think about that.

Ok. I thought about it. The answer is No.
You're falling into the "my body my choice" fallacy. When a child is conceived, there is more than one human involved.

I don't want control of your wife and daughter's bodies. But if they (or any other female) somehow become host to another person, that person has rights too.

Sorry, Hale. The answer is still No. You can not control what my wife and daughter do with their bodies.
In every civilized Country on the Planet, when parents are arrested and placed in custody, their children are separated from them.

But you're too fucking stupid to know that.

And in this country abortion is legal, but you don't seem to care about that law. But that doesn't stop you from belly-aching about the "unborn".

So, you don't actually care about kids because if you did you would be complaining about the treatment of those children in captivity regardless of what the law is.....because they're just kids afterall, right?. But you haven't because you couldn't give a shit about them.

Thanks for proving my point in literally one post.
the unborn are alive. they grow correct? if they grow they are therefore alive, and if alive it is life, to end the life is to kill it. there is no other option. feel free to state it differently.

Ok so Sperm are "alive". Everytime you jerk off watching Hannity you are a mass murderer.

Semantics games are fun.
You just make one idiotic statement after the next, don't you? It's not a human being until it fertilizes the egg, moron. Please tell me YOU never fertilized an egg.

He said alive. Try to keep up.
Are you going for a record or something with the stupid statements? Cock roaches are alive too but nobody cares if you want to kill one. Did you have to study to be that dumb?
OMFG, you guys and your expressed fear of "Code Words" crack me up.

Southern Democrat slave owners were much further right than most all Trumpublicans are today.

See, this is where I have to watch my temper and remember that I'm talking to a stupid person.

dimocrap scum of the Southern persuasion were authoritarian, not 'right'.

Was Stalin a right-winger? Was Mao? Was Castro? Pol Pot? Yes. In fact MOST leftists carry the totalitarian/authoritarian label. Some Conservatives do. Mostly Military types but not nearly as many.

Authoritarianism can apply to ANY political persuasion. ANY of them. But mostly, almost always to leftists. socialists, communists, fascists, nazis, you name it. Maoists, Stalinists......

In our case, in the case of Southern dimocrap scum, their only political persuasion was corruption. Which is why they were dimocrap scum to begin with.

In order to maintain their way of life, they were very, very authoritarian. Got nothing to do with 'left' and/or 'right'.

In fact, the vastly overwhelming majority of dimocrap filth haven't got the faintest clue what left and right even mean

dimocraps are not just scum, they're stupid scum
OMFG, you guys and your expressed fear of "Code Words" crack me up.

Southern Democrat slave owners were much further right than most all Trumpublicans are today.

See, this is where I have to watch my temper and remember that I'm talking to a stupid person.

dimocrap scum of the Southern persuasion were authoritarian, not 'right'.

Was Stalin a right-winger? Was Mao? Was Castro? Pol Pot? Yes. In fact MOST leftists carry the totalitarian/authoritarian label. Some Conservatives do. Mostly Military types but not nearly as many.

Authoritarianism can apply to ANY political persuasion. ANY of them. But mostly, almost always to leftists. socialists, communists, fascists, nazis, you name it. Maoists, Stalinists......

In our case, in the case of Southern dimocrap scum, their only political persuasion was corruption. Which is why they were dimocrap scum to begin with.

In order to maintain their way of life, they were very, very authoritarian. Got nothing to do with 'left' and/or 'right'.

In fact, the vastly overwhelming majority of dimocrap filth haven't got the faintest clue what left and right even mean

dimocraps are not just scum, they're stupid scum

Yes, your keyboard appreciated you watching your temper.

Yes. The Slave owners were staunch authoritarian right wing Christians imho. It was the liberal Northern interloping abolitionists that were the problem for them.
Yes. The Slave owners were staunch authoritarian right wing Christians imho. It was the liberal Northern interloping abolitionists that were the problem for them.
You're conflating affiliations to serve your own ends. Yes, many slave owners professed Christianity - as did the vast majority of Abolitionists. And for that matter, so did the majority of US Citizens.

It's only in recent times that Democrats/left/liberals have denied Christianity, where Republicans/right/conservatives have kept their roots and still uphold the Church.
Yes. The Slave owners were staunch authoritarian right wing Christians imho. It was the liberal Northern interloping abolitionists that were the problem for them.
You're conflating affiliations to serve your own ends. Yes, many slave owners professed Christianity - as did the vast majority of Abolitionists. And for that matter, so did the majority of US Citizens.

It's only in recent times that Democrats/left/liberals have denied Christianity, where Republicans/right/conservatives have kept their roots and still uphold the Church.

There were two kinds of Democrats in the South. Conservatives and super conservative. But, we shouldn't judge them based on 21st century morals and norms. I only bring it up because of the contrast between them and today liberal Democrats. Not my Great-Great-Great Grandfathers' Democrat party.

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