Subpoenas For Payments to Trump Properties; Emoluments Clause

Look at the definition of emolument:

a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.

The key being FROM EMPLOYMENT OR OFFICE. Having someone stay in a hotel you owned years before you became president and them paying their tab before leaving is not a salary, fee or profit FROM EMPLOYMENT OR OFFICE. The guy would have had to pay for his room whether or not Trump was president, so it's nothing. Dead.

It's going to die flat on its face. But keep throwing out these nothing burgers. Eventually people will get tired of the boy crying wolf.

Having foreign countries make large donations to your "charity" would be more properly called an "emolument." However, the term "bribe" would be more accurate.
Child do you seriously think they will just comply with the subpoenas? Did you even bother to read the article I posted? BTW show me where the Constitution gives the courts any jurisdiction over emoluments. You children need to learn how to read and comprehend instead of just parroting what you're told to parrot.
Child do you seriously think they will just comply with the subpoenas? Did you even bother to read the article I posted? BTW show me where the Constitution gives the courts any jurisdiction over emoluments. You children need to learn how to read and comprehend instead of just parroting what you're told to parrot.
Child do you seriously think they will just comply with the subpoenas?
So you're claiming that Trump & Co. are above the law and will defy District Court Judge Peter Messitte's ruling last July 25th as if Trump was a fucking Emperor? Foolish little boi! Where is his immunity from the law we common folk are required to follow? Pathetic thinking, Tex!
BTW show me where the Constitution gives the courts any jurisdiction over emoluments.
I've told you over and over little one, read and commit to memory what is contained within the four corners of the Great Contract with the People, but your pitiful dumb ass hasn't taken heed. Now pay attention this fucking time, little one, and check out:

Art. III, § 2;
"The judicial power shall extend to all cases, in law and equity, arising under this Constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made, under their authority;--to all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls;--to all cases of admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;--to controversies to which the United States shall be a party;--to controversies between two or more states;--between a state and citizens of another state;--between citizens of different states;--between citizens of the same state claiming lands under grants of different states, and between a state, or the citizens thereof, and foreign states, citizens or subjects.

In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction. In all the other cases before mentioned, the Supreme Court shall have appellate jurisdiction, both as to law and fact, with such exceptions, and under such regulations as the Congress shall make.

The trial of all crimes, except in cases of impeachment, shall be by jury; and such trial shall be held in the state where the said crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any state, the trial shall be at such place or places as the Congress may by law have directed."
[Emphasis Added]
Art.VI, Cls. 2;

"This Constitution, and the laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all treaties made, or which shall be made, under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land; and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, anything in the Constitution or laws of any State to the contrary notwithstanding." [Emphasis Added]
You children need to learn how to read and comprehend instead of just parroting what you're told to parrot.
Exactly, you dim witted pile of cow flop! See ya around, little guy, and try to work up your own material rather throwing my thoughts back to cover and disguise your limitations, Tex. Now don't go to your room and take your frustrations out on another pillow, little fella'. Stop trolling my posts and you'll be rewarded with much less frustration, Lil' Tex!

So tell the class what is the federal statute which deals with emoluments? Exactly how does that statute define an emolument? Come on all knowing one, this should be a piece of cake. LMAO.
So tell the class what is the federal statute which deals with emoluments? Exactly how does that statute define an emolument? Come on all knowing one, this should be a piece of cake. LMAO.
In the Master Statute which also declares and defines your Individual Constitutional Rights you stupid fucking infantile twit. Get a 3rd grader to read and explain to you what's in those Articles, Sections and Clauses in the US Constitution I cited and how the Judicial Branch deals with those LAWS, jackass!

Troll away little Tex! Perhaps I've mistaken your pretense of ignorance for actual downright terminal stupidity, you fucking childish prick! Grow the fuck up!

The Constitution doesn't define the term "emoluments," dumbfuck. It never fails that whenever Trump-hating snowflakes are calling someone else stupid, they only demonstrate how stupid they are.

Just for your information, moron, and emolument is a gift. Payment for the use of a hotel room is not a gift.
The Constitution doesn't define the term "emoluments," dumbfuck.
You're just as fucking dumb as the Texas Fraud. As I stated the subject of emoluments are LAWS defined as the Judicial Branch deals with them. To many fucking moving parts for the minuscule blob of protoplasm passing for a brain in that over sized, vacuous cranium of yours, mouth?

There ya go again, allowing your alligator mouth to over load you hummingbird ass. The Constitution says only congress can define if an officer of the government is receiving an unlawful emolument. Alexandra Hamilton, the first Secretary of the Treasury, was asked to list all such officers that were subject to the emoluments clause. He included NO elected officials on that list, there's your precedent, since the Supreme Court has remained silent on the issue. But hey, feel free to keep flapping your ignorant gums, you're great entertainment.

Um, Trump owns a hotel, said person stays in hotel, and pays for their room.

That's called paying for something. I would say it would be much more intriguing if a head of state or foreign official stayed in Trumps hotel for FREE. That would look bad. But paying for their room? Um no.

Nothing burger here.
Except Trump benefits. He will get a fine and should be impeached for profiting from his position.

Did George Washington dissolve all of his businesses when he was elected president?

Where is the link?

Oh, never mind! There is so much shit wrong on that half a page that anyone with an IQ above Nancy Pelosi knows it is wrong.

How can the city of Washing DC sue in a Maryland court?
The City of Washington DC did not sue in a Maryland court.

The City of Washington DC sued in a US District Court that happens to be based in Maryland.
Um, Trump owns a hotel, said person stays in hotel, and pays for their room.

That's called paying for something. I would say it would be much more intriguing if a head of state or foreign official stayed in Trumps hotel for FREE. That would look bad. But paying for their room? Um no.

Nothing burger here.
Except Trump benefits. He will get a fine and should be impeached for profiting from his position.
500 rooms rented by arabs after trump became president?? Just walk on by???

Did any Arabs rent rooms at his hotels before he became president?

I surely don't think his shit doesn't stink.

We don't worship Trump like liberals worshipped Obama. But due to the constant attacks on him by the left, the right is forced to defend him at every turn.
I could care less who you worship or don't worship. Trump broke the law. That's all that matters, and he should pay for his crimes.

How did he break the law?
Are you familiar with the Emoluments Clause?

Evidently you're not, nor are you familiar with its history.

Look at the definition of emolument:

a salary, fee, or profit from employment or office.

The key being FROM EMPLOYMENT OR OFFICE. Having someone stay in a hotel you owned years before you became president and them paying their tab before leaving is not a salary, fee or profit FROM EMPLOYMENT OR OFFICE. The guy would have had to pay for his room whether or not Trump was president, so it's nothing. Dead.

It's going to die flat on its face. But keep throwing out these nothing burgers. Eventually people will get tired of the boy crying wolf.

We will see.
Seems to be a lot of calories being burned over something that you guys think is so easily dismissible. Speaks volumes.
Seems to be a lot of calories being burned over something that you guys think is so easily dismissible. Speaks volumes.

We said it was a waste of time 2 years ago with the Trump Russia investigation.

2 years later we have a couple of liars plea guilty and one dude doing time for money fraud from 10 years ago.

So far we're batting 1000.
Seems to be a lot of calories being burned over something that you guys think is so easily dismissible. Speaks volumes.

We said it was a waste of time 2 years ago with the Trump Russia investigation.

2 years later we have a couple of liars plea guilty and one dude doing time for money fraud from 10 years ago.

So far we're batting 1000.

The investigation continues
Seems to be a lot of calories being burned over something that you guys think is so easily dismissible. Speaks volumes.

We said it was a waste of time 2 years ago with the Trump Russia investigation.

2 years later we have a couple of liars plea guilty and one dude doing time for money fraud from 10 years ago.

So far we're batting 1000.

The investigation continues

Oh yes. The only investigation in history where a prosecutor was selected to find a crime, not a crime committed and a prosecutor selected to prosecute.

Normally it's "Here is a crime, find the man." Now its "Here is the man, find the crime."

A little backasswards but the left seems ok with it. Unless of course it involves their goddess Hillary.
Seems to be a lot of calories being burned over something that you guys think is so easily dismissible. Speaks volumes.

We said it was a waste of time 2 years ago with the Trump Russia investigation.

2 years later we have a couple of liars plea guilty and one dude doing time for money fraud from 10 years ago.

So far we're batting 1000.

The investigation continues

Oh yes. The only investigation in history where a prosecutor was selected to find a crime, not a crime committed and a prosecutor selected to prosecute.

Prosecutor? Whose the prosecutor?
Prosecutor? Whose the prosecutor?

Mueller. He's known as the special prosecutor. Look it up. Who do you think charges people with crimes you fucking moron??

Special prosecutor - Wikipedia

In the United States, a special prosecutor (or special counsel, independent counsel, and independent prosecutor) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.
Last edited:
Prosecutor? Whose the prosecutor?

Mueller. He's known as the special prosecutor. Look it up. Moron.

Special prosecutor - Wikipedia

In the United States, a special prosecutor (or special counsel, independent counsel, and independent prosecutor) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

He is the independent counsel and will not be prosecuting any case himself.

Hence not a prosecutor. Nice try though. Not really but it was a try none the less
Prosecutor? Whose the prosecutor?

Mueller. He's known as the special prosecutor. Look it up. Moron.

Special prosecutor - Wikipedia

In the United States, a special prosecutor (or special counsel, independent counsel, and independent prosecutor) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

He is the independent counsel and will not be prosecuting any case himself.

Hence not a prosecutor. Nice try though. Not really but it was a try none the less can argue with me but I proved you wrong with a link. It's the same fucking thing you idiot. Independent counsel and special prosecutor. Look it up you fucking dunce. It's on the link I showed you. You ignored it, but it doesn't change the fact that its right.

Thanks for playing. He's a prosecutor and you're a moron.

Please keep it up. I usually have to work a lot harder than this to prove idiots wrong on this forum. You make it childs play.

is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute

POTENTIALLY PROSECUTE. He doesn't have to.
From wiki:

For example, the investigation of an allegation against a sitting President or attorney-general might be handled by a special prosecutor rather than by an ordinary prosecutor who would otherwise be in the position of investigating their own superior.


Suck it, dumbfuck.
Prosecutor? Whose the prosecutor?

Mueller. He's known as the special prosecutor. Look it up. Moron.

Special prosecutor - Wikipedia

In the United States, a special prosecutor (or special counsel, independent counsel, and independent prosecutor) is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute, a particular case of suspected wrongdoing for which a conflict of interest exists for the usual prosecuting authority.

He is the independent counsel and will not be prosecuting any case himself.

Hence not a prosecutor. Nice try though. Not really but it was a try none the less can argue with me but I proved you wrong with a link. It's the same fucking thing you idiot.
No. A prosecutor prosecutes crimes. Mueller is not prosecuting anything.

Independent counsel and special prosecutor. Look it up you fucking dunce. It's on the link I showed you. You ignored it, but it doesn't change the fact that its right.

Thanks for playing. He's a prosecutor and you're a moron.

Please keep it up. I usually have to work a lot harder than this to prove idiots wrong on this forum. You make it childs play.

is a lawyer appointed to investigate, and potentially prosecute

POTENTIALLY PROSECUTE. He doesn't have to.

So in your world, someone who is a prosecutor doesn’t prosecute crimes. Okay. Call us when you come back to reality.
So tell the class what is the federal statute which deals with emoluments? Exactly how does that statute define an emolument? Come on all knowing one, this should be a piece of cake. LMAO.
So tell the class what is the federal statute which deals with emoluments? Exactly how does that statute define an emolument? Come on all knowing one, this should be a piece of cake. LMAO.
In the Master Statute which also declares and defines your Individual Constitutional Rights you stupid fucking infantile twit. Get a 3rd grader to read and explain to you what's in those Articles, Sections and Clauses in the US Constitution I cited and how the Judicial Branch deals with those LAWS, jackass!

Troll away little Tex! Perhaps I've mistaken your pretense of ignorance for actual downright terminal stupidity, you fucking childish prick! Grow the fuck up!

The Constitution doesn't define the term "emoluments," dumbfuck. It never fails that whenever Trump-hating snowflakes are calling someone else stupid, they only demonstrate how stupid they are.

Just for your information, moron, and emolument is a gift. Payment for the use of a hotel room is not a gift.

They ain't too bright.
Here dull blub

The Washington Post recently reported considerable interest in booking Trump’s Washington hotel as a deliberate way for foreign visitors to show their support for the incoming Trump White House. Two legal experts—Richard Painter, who was former President George W. Bush’s chief ethics counsel, and noted constitutional legal expert Lawrence Tribe—both say that this appears to be an “emolument” (a gift) that a president isn’t allowed to accept.
—Jeff Nesbit,, 21 Nov. 2016

The emoluments clause could also come into play when Trump’s business sells condos at its properties or partners with foreign investors in the United States or other countries. A condo sale to a foreign dignitary could be seen as an emolument, especially if it were above the market rate.
—Paul Blumenthal,, 19 Nov. 2016

Emolument has been in use in English since the late 15th century, and is defined as “the returns arising from office or employment usually in the form of compensation or perquisites.” There is an additional sense of the word, now obsolete, which is “advantage, benefit.”

The word comes from the Latin word emolumentum, which means “profit” or “gain”; the literal meaning of the word is “sum paid to have grain ground up,” as it comes from the word emolere (“to grind up”).

The emoluments clause of the United States Constitution (Article 1, section 9) reads as follows: “No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept of any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State.”
So you are trying to claim making a profit on a business is an "emolument?"

What a dumbfuck.

No question, it is an emolument, the real question is it improper for a president, Hamilton said no.

Seems to be a lot of calories being burned over something that you guys think is so easily dismissible. Speaks volumes.

Yep, it says we're all here to give each other shit. Only difference, I can back up my shit. See post 102.


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