Suit: Police chasing white suspect wrongly arrest Black man

I agree, so what if the police arrest the wrong black man from time to time. Shit happens. We need police to have the authority to do whatever they want whenever they want. So what if someone black gets beat up or shot, hell there are plenty more where that one came from. These folks are taking all of the fun out of being a police, when all they want the police to do is their job.

The black guy wasn't arrested, he was placed in cuffs until they figured out what was going on. Police need a crime to charge you with before they can arrest you. They can't say "you're under arrest for no reason."

This is why I'm suspect about the reporting of this story. The media knows if they rile you people up enough you'll protest and burn your cities down. You people are nothing but a bunch of puppets so they make false claims like this guy was arrested.
Yes, when the orders were unlawful he did not have to follow them. Then the 3rd cop to show up jumped on him and made it worse.

With any luck this guy will never have to work a day again in his life if he does not want to

And this is why we need to divide this country into two countries instead: One side for us, and the other side for you guys. Everybody would be happy that way.

What was unlawful about the orders he gave the black guy?
The black guy wasn't arrested, he was placed in cuffs until they figured out what was going on. Police need a crime to charge you with before they can arrest you. They can't say "you're under arrest for no reason."

This is why I'm suspect about the reporting of this story. The media knows if they rile you people up enough you'll protest and burn your cities down. You people are nothing but a bunch of puppets so they make false claims like this guy was arrested.
Well we know in your eyes when it comes to black folks the police are always right, who cares if an innocent black man who has done nothing wrong is slammed to the ground, cuffed and a knee in his neck. Just tell him to dust himself off and walk home.
And this is why we need to divide this country into two countries instead: One side for us, and the other side for you guys. Everybody would be happy that way.

What was unlawful about the orders he gave the black guy?
We already have 2 Justice Systems and it has been that way since the country was founded.
And this is why we need to divide this country into two countries instead: One side for us, and the other side for you guys. Everybody would be happy that way.

What was unlawful about the orders he gave the black guy?

Needs to be more than 2, but if you wish to live in a police state with the motto of Comply or Die why not move to such a country instead of shitting on the Constitution of this one?
The black guy wasn't arrested, he was placed in cuffs until they figured out what was going on. Police need a crime to charge you with before they can arrest you. They can't say "you're under arrest for no reason."

but they can throw you to the ground, handcuff you and kneel on your neck for no reason whatsofucikngever and you think that is the way it is supposed to be
Needs to be more than 2, but if you wish to live in a police state with the motto of Comply or Die why not move to such a country instead of shitting on the Constitution of this one?

What is unconstitutional about having police that the people need to respect and listen to orders?
but they can throw you to the ground, handcuff you and kneel on your neck for no reason whatsofucikngever and you think that is the way it is supposed to be

If you don't listen to their orders, yes. They ordered both of them to the ground and only the white guy complied. WTF do you people want police to say "Okay, if you don't want to get on the ground, you don't have to!"
What is unconstitutional about having police that the people need to respect and listen to orders?

So, if a police officer knocks on your door and orders you out of the house so it can be searched you will just step aside and let them do it?
If you don't listen to their orders, yes. They ordered both of them to the ground and only the white guy complied. WTF do you people want police to say "Okay, if you don't want to get on the ground, you don't have to!"

Well, yeah. I would love for the police to say "since you did nothing wrong you do not have to get on the ground"

Dose not seem too much to ask.

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