Suit: Police chasing white suspect wrongly arrest Black man

Yes, he should have complied. This is so simple that even an 8 year old can understand. This guy wouldn't have been tackled or handcuffed if he only listed to the orders of the police. This is a common theme in the black community. If he just listened to police, they would have cuffed him, interview both people, and determined he had nothing to do with stealing televisions, and the guy would have continued to walk home.

I don't know what's with you people on the left where all you want to do is make problems out of a simple matter all the time.

Some of us do not think the police should have the power to just handcuff anyone and everything they like. One should not be treated like a criminal unless they are doing something criminal.
Some of us do not think the police should have the power to just handcuff anyone and everything they like. One should not be treated like a criminal unless they are doing something criminal.

Right. When police believe they have a potential suspect, they should not cuff him so if he is a suspect in a crime, he can just whip out a gun and kill them, or run away first chance he gets.

Police do things for a reason.
Right. When police believe they have a potential suspect, they should not cuff him so if he is a suspect in a crime, he can just whip out a gun and kill them, or run away first chance he gets.

Police do things for a reason.

There was no reason to think the person was a potential suspect. They knew who they were chasing.
And what if they were working together? They get the white guy and the black guy shoots them in the back.

And what if the black guy was really an alien from Mars hoping to eat our brains?

Good thing they put him face down in the snow
You rely on hyperbole because you can not make a valid point. The police can and still will make arrests and we are making progress concerning those who insist on violating our rights.
Mistaken identity is not a violation of one's right.

Mistaken identity does not relieve one of an obligation to comply.

You can't have it both ways.
"Conroy approached and yelled at both men to “get the (expletive) on the floor.”

The white suspect got on his knees, but Johnson stayed standing"

Well, there you have it, the white guy did as instructed by the officer, but the black guy did not.
This is what pissing me off.

It should be comply or die.

Otherwise, fuck each and every last one of you, I'm not ever going to comply. Fuck off.

We can't have one group of people that always complies in another group of people who never has to comply because they are the right color and retarded. I will fucking go to war over this issue too.
The cops were not wrong,,,,,just run the black guys ID (or any black for that matter) and in 90% of time,you will find multiple warrants. So the cops lost their original perp but can now arrest the black guy.

And that is the real complaint here.

That's the real problem.

That's the chief bitch.

This discussion is fucking over.
So, if a police officer knocks on your door and orders you out of the house so it can be searched you will just step aside and let them do it?
with a warrant, I think there is an obligation. A legal obligation to step the fuck aside.

Either way, you do not have the right to constrain a police officer one way or another.

Do we get that straight?

Unless of course, you want us to have the right to constrain police officers. That's fine with me. But under the current set of rules we all have, that is not allowed.
Neither of these were present in the incident the thread is about.
you presented a separate set of facts.

Somebody walking down the street has an obligation to obey a lawful order from the police officer, regardless of suspicion or any other factor. Police officer tells you to move, you move or you're obstructing.

Cop ask you some questions, you are free to not answer those questions, but you are now a suspect and you may be arrested. They have the right to arrest you if they suspect something. They don't have to, and if you comply and answer their questions, they can clear up any confusing or mistaken identity and let you walk.

This is how it should work.

We pay police officers to investigate. Not cooperating in that process is unacceptable.

Again, unless we're saying fuck police we never want police again. That's fine with me, but we're not gonna have one set of rules for black idiots, and another set of rules for the rest of us.
no you can't. That's called obstruction.

Why do people think they have the right to argue with police? Save it for the fucking judge.

There is a process. There is procedure. Arguing with the fucking cop is not part of the process or procedure.

Police are trained a certain way. First, secure the situation. Everybody calm down, make sure nobody can injure themselves or others, make sure the potential suspect can't run and get away.

Next is separate everybody involved and ask questions. Police separate potential suspects to see if their answers line up with each other.

When the police are done with their investigation, they determine who is at fault or broke the law and who didn't. Those who did not break the law are set free. Those who did are arrested and charged.

Easy enough, right? Well now you have some asshole that's not going to follow police orders making their job harder and more dangerous for them. Then complain when they force you into compliance. It's so easy to follow orders and do your part as a citizen which is making it as hassle free for law enforcement as you can. If you make their job harder on them, they are going to make it harder on you.

What good are any laws if we don't have anybody that can enforce them?
no you can't. That's called obstruction.

Why do people think they have the right to argue with police? Save it for the fucking judge.

There is a process. There is procedure. Arguing with the fucking cop is not part of the process or procedure.

So, when a police officer shows up at your house and says "get out, I am going to search it for drugs" you will just get out of your house and let them have it it?

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