Super Bowl XLIX: Final Take


Educator (of liberals)
Nov 11, 2011
Well we have had time to calm down, reflect, and let the alcohol filter through our systems. :lol: Just my final take away and observations from the game.

- First total credit to the Patriots for their win. They played a fantastic game. They had a great offensive game plan. It's a shame I think that all the talk on media today is that the Seahawks pissed it away instead of giving credit to New England for the things they did to win. They played great and earned the victory.

- Losing Jeremy Lane and Cliff what a huge impact. Tharold Simon is not a slot corner. He is good at protecting the sideline as a traditional corner, but slot corners are expected to do different things and that's not Simon's game. Lane is very good at that and as soon as I saw Lane go out I was immediately concerned and to the Patriots' credit they took advantage and attacked that weakness. That's a bad break for Seattle and smart play by New England. As for Avril....we were never able to pressure Brady effectively after he went out and it gave Brady the time in the pocket to do what Brady does. Another bad break for Seattle and a great job taking advantage for the Patriots.

- I was also concerned when they reported just before kickoff that Sherman had torn ligaments in his elbow (which this morning is reported will require surgery), Thomas has a torn labrum, and Chancellor was in a knee brace. Leading up to the game Seattle insisted they were fine. Clearly they were not and it showed. That's not taking anything away from Brady. It's not his problem. He plays the game against what is out their and that's what was out there and he used it to his advantage. Great for him.

- The long Jermaine Kearse catch at the end. Luck or great catch? Both. It was a lucky bounce of the ball for sure but Kearse showed incredible concentration keeping focused on the ball, bringing it in, and then having the presence of mind to get up and run. It shows awareness of what was happening in the play. Seattle caught a break that the ball got a good bounce, but Kearse showed incredible skill by taking advantage.

- And of course.....the final play. I don't think there is a person alive who can really honestly look at themselves and say "we would have stopped Lynch at the half yard line on two or three attempts". I can't imagine even the biggest Patriots homer saying that. Seattle's offensive co-ordinator called Lynch and Carroll called a pass instead in order to get tricky. It wasn't a bad pass. It's wasn't a poorly executed play. It was a timing route that was designed to be quick so there was no opportunity to react. New England made an absolutely fantastic play and stole the game from the Seahawks. Total credit to them for that. everyone else in the world is asking "what in the hell was Pete Carroll thinking passing that ball? It cost them the game."

So my final take is that you can't take anything away from New England. They played great. They did everything they needed to do to win. They took advantage of the breaks that came to them. Seattle also played well enough to win. They almost certainly should have won. But in the very final analysis...Pete Carroll out-thought himself by trying to do something unexpected instead of taking the easy touchdown, and the Patriots made him pay for it. You have to give as much credit to the Patriots for taking advantage of Carroll's stupidity as scorn for Carroll calling the pass in the first place.

So congratulations to the Patriots. Great game. You have a fantastic team and you earned your title. And Pete Carroll.....I swear to God if you ever do that again......... :mad:
I am not buying it. Why would Pete Carroll do such a thing? Read this:

Pete Carroll takes blame Seahawks question play-call ProFootballTalk

Pete Carroll takes blame, Seahawks question play-call
Posted by Darin Gantt on February 1, 2015, 10:54 PM EST

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll did what he had to do, even if it wasn’t necessarily the truth.

Carroll took the blame for the disastrous game-losing decision to pass at the goal line, which cost his team a chance to win the Super Bowl. Instead, quarterback Russell Wilson threw an interception to Patriots cornerback Malcolm Butler, giving away a chance to win the game with 20 seconds left.

Carroll said after the game that since they had three receivers on the field, he didn’t want to take the chance to run it against the Patriots’ goal-line defense.

And that’s fine, and reasonable, except for a few things, namely, the timeout in their pocket and the Marshawn Lynch in the backfield.

Carroll was likely just jumping on the grenade for offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell, though he insisted it was on him.

But the questioning of the play-calling from within was immediate.

Cornerback Tharold Simon summed it up succinctly, saying: “How do you throw the ball when you got Marshawn Lynch?,” via Josh Katzenstein of the Detroit News.

That’s a question that will haunt Carroll, Wilson, Bevell and Seahawks fans for years.

Carroll knows why he did it. He already knows. Now one day he is going to tell the truth about what happened. Until then? I do not buy his story. Not for one second. He's hiding something. The coach of the Seahawks is right about one thing. It's his fault they lost. His alone. He sold them out. Why is yet to be discovered but I believe he sold out his own team.
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Lynch is a creepy loud mouth with no class at all. I'm glad his team lost the Super Bowl. Maybe he will shut up and sit down now.
Lynch is a creepy loud mouth with no class at all. I'm glad his team lost the Super Bowl. Maybe he will shut up and sit down now.

No question that pride and arrogance on the part of at least one team member opened the door for their coach to throw the game. (Pride goes before a fall) Still - it's a great disappointment. I do not believe Pete Carroll. (Seahawks coach)
I am not buying it. Why would Pete Carroll do such a thing? Read this:

Pete Carroll takes blame Seahawks question play-call ProFootballTalk

Pete Carroll takes blame, Seahawks question play-call
Posted by Darin Gantt on February 1, 2015, 10:54 PM EST

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll did what he had to do, even if it wasn’t necessarily the truth.

Carroll took the blame for the disastrous game-losing decision to pass at the goal line, which cost his team a chance to win the Super Bowl. Instead, quarterback Russell Wilson threw an interception to Patriots cornerback Malcolm Butler, giving away a chance to win the game with 20 seconds left.

Carroll said after the game that since they had three receivers on the field, he didn’t want to take the chance to run it against the Patriots’ goal-line defense.

And that’s fine, and reasonable, except for a few things, namely, the timeout in their pocket and the Marshawn Lynch in the backfield.

Carroll was likely just jumping on the grenade for offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell, though he insisted it was on him.

But the questioning of the play-calling from within was immediate.

Cornerback Tharold Simon summed it up succinctly, saying: “How do you throw the ball when you got Marshawn Lynch?,” via Josh Katzenstein of the Detroit News.

That’s a question that will haunt Carroll, Wilson, Bevell and Seahawks fans for years.

Carroll knows why he did it. He already knows. Now one day he is going to tell the truth about what happened. Until then? I do not buy his story. Not for one second. He's hiding something. The coach of the Seahawks is right about one thing. It's his fault they lost. His alone. He sold them out. Why is yet to be discovered but I believe he sold out his own team.

Perhaps. If I recall correctly I thought I heard Carroll say Bevell called a Lynch run and Carroll over-ruled him. Maybe he is falling on the grenade for Bevell, but at the end of the day, even if Bevell calls a pass, Carroll can and should have said "what the fuck? Are you out of your mind? Run the Beast!"

Whether Carroll called the pass or failed to over-rule a called pass by Bevell it still comes down to Carroll handing the game to New England. I am not buying the "let's make Russell Wilson a superstar" stuff I am hearing. I just think he out-thought himself and tried to get cute by doing the unexpected. It was stupid and New England made him pay.

Even Belichick (essentially) admitted Seattle would have won had they run Lynch, but they didn't and New England got to say "wow...thanks! We appreciate it!" Again, taking nothing away from New England, but it was just stupid play calling by Carroll and he is the one who is ultimately responsible
I do not mind telling you I am truly distraught about the way this thing played out. Seattle should have won. I believe there is something more to the story. None of it makes sense. (to me)
I do not mind telling you I am truly distraught about the way this thing played out. Seattle should have won. I believe there is something more to the story. None of it makes sense. (to me)

I am not. I mean obviously I am disappointed, but I am more shocked than devastated. Seahawks fans have nothing to feel shame about. The team played well enough to win, and they should have won. They had it. They didn't lose because they played poorly, or got humiliated, or something like that. They lost because the coach made a stupid decision of epic proportions at the most critical point in the game. Again (and I will continue to emphasize this) taking nothing away from the Patriots. They did their job too and they took advantage of the coach's mistake so credit to them, but it's pretty the ball and Seattle wins.

So to me at least there's nothing to hang our heads in shame's just for us to join the rest of the world and look at Pete Carroll and say "what in the name of almighty God are you thinking?" and then shake our collective heads in disbelief. :lol:
I do not mind telling you I am truly distraught about the way this thing played out. Seattle should have won. I believe there is something more to the story. None of it makes sense. (to me)
I just figured it out. Pete wanted to win another way since Lynch winning the SB for them would have given him a bigger upper hand for the contracts coming up.

I'm kidding. Sorta.
I do not mind telling you I am truly distraught about the way this thing played out. Seattle should have won. I believe there is something more to the story. None of it makes sense. (to me)
I just figured it out. Pete wanted to win another way since Lynch winning the SB for them would have given him a bigger upper hand for the contracts coming up.

I'm kidding. Sorta.

I am not buying the conspiracy theories. Everyone has something in their lives where they look back on it and say "I have no idea what I was thinking. That was really stupid". I know I sure have a few of those. I think this was just one of those times for Carroll. Simple as that. Sucks for Seahawks fans. Sweet deal for Patriots fans. But I think it was just that simple.
New England outplayed Seattle for three quarter and barely won.

If the game were tomorrow, I'd take Seattle to win it.

The Patriots practiced that play on Thursday and and Butler got burned, apparently he learned.

Carroll is a envelope pusher, a gambler and he got "caught with his hand in the cookie jar."

His gamble before the half paid off, the Wilson gambles all year paid off, this one didn't.

Deflate-gate is now reported as a scam, and ESPN misreported.

Baldwin post touchdown stunt was immature and disgusting, no class. Sherman also went a little nuts during the game with his taunting of Revis. Browner joined the group of the classless after the game with his rip into Sherman. Then you have Irwin losing it at the end.

The game was good, the sportsmanship was poor.
I am not buying it. Why would Pete Carroll do such a thing? Read this:

Pete Carroll takes blame Seahawks question play-call ProFootballTalk

Pete Carroll takes blame, Seahawks question play-call
Posted by Darin Gantt on February 1, 2015, 10:54 PM EST

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll did what he had to do, even if it wasn’t necessarily the truth.

Carroll took the blame for the disastrous game-losing decision to pass at the goal line, which cost his team a chance to win the Super Bowl. Instead, quarterback Russell Wilson threw an interception to Patriots cornerback Malcolm Butler, giving away a chance to win the game with 20 seconds left.

Carroll said after the game that since they had three receivers on the field, he didn’t want to take the chance to run it against the Patriots’ goal-line defense.

And that’s fine, and reasonable, except for a few things, namely, the timeout in their pocket and the Marshawn Lynch in the backfield.

Carroll was likely just jumping on the grenade for offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell, though he insisted it was on him.

But the questioning of the play-calling from within was immediate.

Cornerback Tharold Simon summed it up succinctly, saying: “How do you throw the ball when you got Marshawn Lynch?,” via Josh Katzenstein of the Detroit News.

That’s a question that will haunt Carroll, Wilson, Bevell and Seahawks fans for years.

Carroll knows why he did it. He already knows. Now one day he is going to tell the truth about what happened. Until then? I do not buy his story. Not for one second. He's hiding something. The coach of the Seahawks is right about one thing. It's his fault they lost. His alone. He sold them out. Why is yet to be discovered but I believe he sold out his own team.

Perhaps. If I recall correctly I thought I heard Carroll say Bevell called a Lynch run and Carroll over-ruled him. Maybe he is falling on the grenade for Bevell, but at the end of the day, even if Bevell calls a pass, Carroll can and should have said "what the fuck? Are you out of your mind? Run the Beast!"

Whether Carroll called the pass or failed to over-rule a called pass by Bevell it still comes down to Carroll handing the game to New England. I am not buying the "let's make Russell Wilson a superstar" stuff I am hearing. I just think he out-thought himself and tried to get cute by doing the unexpected. It was stupid and New England made him pay.

Even Belichick (essentially) admitted Seattle would have won had they run Lynch, but they didn't and New England got to say "wow...thanks! We appreciate it!" Again, taking nothing away from New England, but it was just stupid play calling by Carroll and he is the one who is ultimately responsible

Wow, let's break out the cheese for all of the WHINERS!

Here are the FACTS:

1. Brady threw a VERY bad pass on the Patriots first drive of the game, and it was picked at Seattle's goal line. That play probably cost the Patriots a field goal, and possibly a touchdown.

2. Brady threw a 2nd interception at midfield. We don't know where that drive would have gone if that pick wasn't thrown.

3. The Patriots STILL scored 28 points, and had the biggest 4th quarter comeback in Super Bowl HISTORY, against the vaunted "best defense in the history of the NFL".

4. Brady surgically picked apart the Seahawks defense the entire game. The Seahawks NEVER adjusted for the variety of slants and short passes that Brady rained downed on Sherman, Chancellor, Thomas, etc.

5. The Patriots offensive line allowed ONE sack on Brady the entire game, against the vaunted Seattle defensive line and linebackers.

6. The Patriots played in this Super Bowl WITHOUT their Pro Bowl linebacker, Jerrod Mayo, and WITHOUT their top running back, Steven Ridley, who were both lost to season-ending injuries many weeks ago.

7. The Patriots starting center, Bryan Stork, played with an injured knee, Julian Edelman played with an injured hip, Dont'a Hightower had a bad shoulder, and we don't know who else may have played hurt since the Patriots are notoriously vague on injured players.

8. TWO of the Seahawks touchdowns were the result of..........get ready..........short passes near the goal line.

9. We will NEVER know if Lynch would have scored at the end of the game. The Patriots could have had a great goal line stand. Lynch could have fumbled. Wilson may have kept the ball on a read-option play and been stopped. ALL of you should know that NOTHING is guaranteed in football.

10. NOBODY said a word about Wilson throwing an off-target pass on that last play. If Wilson had thrown a better pass, everybody would be praising Pete Carroll as a brilliant play-caller.

It SICKENED me last night that virtually ALL of the post-game attention by the sports commentators was focused on the "bad play call", and NOT on the Patriots hard-fought victory.

I have NEVER seen such a display of subjective commentary and blatant favoritism as I saw last night after the game. It was DISGUSTING, and NBC, ESPN, and the NFL Network should all issue apologies to the New England Patriot organization and their fans.

The Seattle Seahawks showed who they really are at the end of the game, when they took several cheap shots at the Patriots players after Brady's first kneel-down.

The Seahawks are immature, punk-ass thugs, who are coached by a guy who fled a top college football program after disgracefully committing numerous NCAA violations.

I find it interesting that the sports commentators NEVER mention Pete Carroll's USC scandals, but they go after Brady and Belichick with orgasmic glee over deflated footballs.
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Forget that. What I'm looking for is motive as to why the Seahawks coach would do such a thing. How about this news? Would this be a motive if someone else had photos of the alleged "affair"? How much would he stand to lose in a divorce if it were proven true? Any idea?

Pete Carroll Girlfriend PHOTOS Meet Carroll s Alleged Grad Student Girlfriend Trending News Jobs Hire

) Pete Carroll's girlfriend is the hot topic on sports news lately following Charlie Weis' scandalous statements about the Seattle Seahawks head coach's alleged scandal. However, nobody seems to have solid evidence against the 62-year-old's affair.

There had to be a reason for him to cause his team to lose. This may not be it but I believe the truth will come out eventually. It always does. I don't believe it was just a poor decision. I believe what he did had a motive behind it. To make sure his team lost.
this LA Ram friend of mine said it best below about carrol.

typical No class Pete the Cheat Carroll team
Wow, let's break out the cheese for all of the WHINERS!

Here are the FACTS:

1. Brady threw a VERY bad pass on the Patriots first drive of the game, and it was picked at Seattle's goal line. That play probably cost the Patriots a field goal, and possibly a touchdown.

2. Brady threw a 2nd interception at midfield. We don't know where that drive would have gone if that pick wasn't thrown.

WHOA THERE!!!! Ok...the first interception Brady threw the pass because he was heavily under pressure from Michael Bennett. That's the kind of stuff that is supposed to happen when the QB is pressured and hurried. Same thing for the second one. The Seahawks were getting to Brady and forcing him to make bad decisions. That's the whole point.

3. The Patriots STILL scored 28 points, and had the biggest 4th quarter comeback in Super Bowl HISTORY, against the vaunted "best defense in the history of the NFL".

4. Brady surgically picked apart the Seahawks defense the entire game. The Seahawks NEVER adjusted for the variety of slants and short passes that Brady rained downed on Sherman, Chancellor, Thomas, etc.

Ok again...taking nothing away from New England, but Sherman, Thomas, and Chancellor were far more banged up than Seattle let on. Sherman had torn ligaments in his elbow that were kept secret until kickoff. Thomas had a torn labrum in his shoulder that wasn't disclosed until kickoff. Chancellor was described as having a bruised knee and then he shows up wearing a knee brace. I have never seen someone wear a knee brace for a bruise before so clearly he was more banged up than Seattle let on.

Losing Jeremy Lane in the first quarter was devastating. It forced Seattle to put Tharold Simon in the slot and while Lane's skill set is perfect for defending the slot, Simon's skill set is suited toward defending the sideline. Go back and look and you will notice that when Simon was outside he defended well, but in the slot he was a liability. An outside corner and a slot corner are two totally different skill sets and they are asked to do totally different things. So it's like putting a blitzing outside linebacker at free safety. He is just not going to have success. Unfortunately there wasn't any other option. Simon was all Seattle had to fill that void whether his skill set matched the position or not.

Now again to New England's credit they recognized that Simon was out of position and that the LOB was far more beat up than Seattle was letting on and they attacked that and took advantage. Good for them. That's good strategy. But let's not get carried away with things. Given the situation, had Brady not been able to move the ball it would have been a total disgrace on his part.

5. The Patriots offensive line allowed ONE sack on Brady the entire game, against the vaunted Seattle defensive line and linebackers.

The Seahawks defensive line is not a great sack machine. They are designed to stop the run (which they did) and bring pressure (which they did until Cliff Avril got injured and then Brady pretty much had all the time he needed to direct the offense). No one should have expected Brady to get sacked more than once or twice.

9. We will NEVER know if Lynch would have scored at the end of the game. The Patriots could have had a great goal line stand. Lynch could have fumbled. Wilson may have kept the ball on a read-option play and been stopped. ALL of you should know that NOTHING is guaranteed in football.

If you honestly think that a guy who routinely carries 3-4 defenders on his back for 4 yards can't get a yard on at least two chances, maybe three, you are absolutely delusional. Focus on the great play by Butler...that one you have a reason to argue. Arguing that Lynch wouldn't have scored isn't going to gain you much credibility.

10. NOBODY said a word about Wilson throwing an off-target pass on that last play. If Wilson had thrown a better pass, everybody would be praising Pete Carroll as a brilliant play-caller.

Oh I doubt it. The pass could have been slightly more to Lockette's left, but the reality is it's a timing play where the quarterback takes the snap, leans back, and immediately fires into the end zone. There is no time to make such adjustments or look for secondary options or anything like that. It's snap, lean, throw...bam bam bam. Butler made a great play on the ball and that's what you should be bragging about.

The rest of your post was typical crying about not getting your love and attempting to discredit the other team. You got the win. Your team played a great game. Quit acting like no one recognizes that.
I am not buying it. Why would Pete Carroll do such a thing? Read this:

Pete Carroll takes blame Seahawks question play-call ProFootballTalk

Pete Carroll takes blame, Seahawks question play-call
Posted by Darin Gantt on February 1, 2015, 10:54 PM EST

Seahawks coach Pete Carroll did what he had to do, even if it wasn’t necessarily the truth.

Carroll took the blame for the disastrous game-losing decision to pass at the goal line, which cost his team a chance to win the Super Bowl. Instead, quarterback Russell Wilson threw an interception to Patriots cornerback Malcolm Butler, giving away a chance to win the game with 20 seconds left.

Carroll said after the game that since they had three receivers on the field, he didn’t want to take the chance to run it against the Patriots’ goal-line defense.

And that’s fine, and reasonable, except for a few things, namely, the timeout in their pocket and the Marshawn Lynch in the backfield.

Carroll was likely just jumping on the grenade for offensive coordinator Darrell Bevell, though he insisted it was on him.

But the questioning of the play-calling from within was immediate.

Cornerback Tharold Simon summed it up succinctly, saying: “How do you throw the ball when you got Marshawn Lynch?,” via Josh Katzenstein of the Detroit News.

That’s a question that will haunt Carroll, Wilson, Bevell and Seahawks fans for years.

Carroll knows why he did it. He already knows. Now one day he is going to tell the truth about what happened. Until then? I do not buy his story. Not for one second. He's hiding something. The coach of the Seahawks is right about one thing. It's his fault they lost. His alone. He sold them out. Why is yet to be discovered but I believe he sold out his own team.

Perhaps. If I recall correctly I thought I heard Carroll say Bevell called a Lynch run and Carroll over-ruled him. Maybe he is falling on the grenade for Bevell, but at the end of the day, even if Bevell calls a pass, Carroll can and should have said "what the fuck? Are you out of your mind? Run the Beast!"

Whether Carroll called the pass or failed to over-rule a called pass by Bevell it still comes down to Carroll handing the game to New England. I am not buying the "let's make Russell Wilson a superstar" stuff I am hearing. I just think he out-thought himself and tried to get cute by doing the unexpected. It was stupid and New England made him pay.

Even Belichick (essentially) admitted Seattle would have won had they run Lynch, but they didn't and New England got to say "wow...thanks! We appreciate it!" Again, taking nothing away from New England, but it was just stupid play calling by Carroll and he is the one who is ultimately responsible

Wow, let's break out the cheese for all of the WHINERS!

Here are the FACTS:

1. Brady threw a VERY bad pass on the Patriots first drive of the game, and it was picked at Seattle's goal line. That play probably cost the Patriots a field goal, and possibly a touchdown.

2. Brady threw a 2nd interception at midfield. We don't know where that drive would have gone if that pick wasn't thrown.

3. The Patriots STILL scored 28 points, and had the biggest 4th quarter comeback in Super Bowl HISTORY, against the vaunted "best defense in the history of the NFL".

4. Brady surgically picked apart the Seahawks defense the entire game. The Seahawks NEVER adjusted for the variety of slants and short passes that Brady rained downed on Sherman, Chancellor, Thomas, etc.

5. The Patriots offensive line allowed ONE sack on Brady the entire game, against the vaunted Seattle defensive line and linebackers.

6. The Patriots played in this Super Bowl WITHOUT their Pro Bowl linebacker, Jerrod Mayo, and WITHOUT their top running back, Steven Ridley, who were both lost to season-ending injuries many weeks ago.

7. The Patriots starting center, Bryan Stork, played with an injured knee, Julian Edelman played with an injured hip, Dont'a Hightower had a bad shoulder, and we don't know who else may have played hurt since the Patriots are notoriously vague on injured players.

8. TWO of the Seahawks touchdowns were the result of..........get ready..........short passes near the goal line.

9. We will NEVER know if Lynch would have scored at the end of the game. The Patriots could have had a great goal line stand. Lynch could have fumbled. Wilson may have kept the ball on a read-option play and been stopped. ALL of you should know that NOTHING is guaranteed in football.

10. NOBODY said a word about Wilson throwing an off-target pass on that last play. If Wilson had thrown a better pass, everybody would be praising Pete Carroll as a brilliant play-caller.

It SICKENED me last night that virtually ALL of the post-game attention by the sports commentators was focused on the "bad play call", and NOT on the Patriots hard-fought victory.

I have NEVER seen such a display of subjective commentary and blatant favoritism as I saw last night after the game. It was DISGUSTING, and NBC, ESPN, and the NFL Network should all issue apologies to the New England Patriot organization and their fans.

The Seattle Seahawks showed who they really are at the end of the game, when they took several cheap shots at the Patriots players after Brady's first kneel-down.

The Seahawks are immature, punk-ass thugs, who are coached by a guy who fled a top college football program after disgracefully committing numerous NCAA violations.

I find it interesting that the sports commentators NEVER mention Pete Carroll's USC scandals, but they go after Brady and Belichick with orgasmic glee over deflated footballs.

You are a DUFUS!!! Wilson hasn't been held for zero yards on the read option on ONE single play in ONE game all season.

I don't think Lynch was held to no gain once in the game. He deserved the TD would have guaranteed him the MVP which he DESERVED!!!
Face it Jeremiah.

All of your fevered praying on your knees for the Patriots to be humiliated and lose the game was in vain. God apparently favored and blessed the Patriots with a stunning victory over satan's Seahawks.

Jeremiah you have proven to the board your a false prophet.

And the Bible says all false prophets are to be stoned to death.

So when is the stoning to take place? ..... :cool:

Just stop with the "if's" and excuses. Seattle had a "team" fail. Their coach failed, the encroachment was a fail, and unsportsman penalty was a fail.
They could have still won in the last 20 seconds with a safety and a run back on the free kick with a field goal. They lost because of stupidity, and the smarter coach and team won.

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