Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'

The scumbag POS liberals on the board know they would have criticized Trump had he closed all borders and travels from at risk countries during impeachment and called it a ploy to distract.

You guys ducking know it, so STFU.
Why US coronavirus testing lags so far behind other countries'

The coronavirus's emergence in Asia in December and January gave the U.S. weeks to prepare, but even in the early stages, diagnostic testing hit snags.

The CDC, a U.S. federal agency, opted to develop its own test kit rather than use the existing one recommended by the World Health Organization; it is not yet clear why.


As the U.S. struggles, other nations have rolled out coronavirus testing on massive scales. South Korea, which has 4,812 confirmed cases and a population around six and a half times smaller than the U.S., had tested more than 121,000 people as of Tuesday, using a test developed in-country.

A colossal blunder by the US.

McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

Doctors are bracing for a rapid rise in U.S. coronavirus cases this week as state and local public health labs ramp up testing following weeks of delays due to a flawed test by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Coronavirus, CDC testing: Flawed kits slowed results, US cases to rise

I'd be careful in Seattle. My friend has it. Took a cruise in asia. Came back about a month ago to Seattle before anyone hardly knew about the virus and went on with his daily life, work, etc. No symptoms.......until two days ago. Got tested and has it. Asymptomatic for almost a month.
Asymptomatic is another word for not sick.

Yeah, he had no symptoms, was not sick and then started coughing with fever after 27 days. I think the biggest problem with this virus is the incubation stage.
or, it's just a flu bug. 18,000 reported today dead this year of the flu. in the US. maybe it's just a cold. you all have lost your fking minds, I swear.
Covid-19 has a far, far higher mortality rate, dumbass.
Why don't we have enough tests? Politico blames Azar.

Azar in the crosshairs for delays in virus tests
someone explain this one to me:

Even as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention takes blame for testing delays that may have led to hundreds of Americans being infected with the coronavirus,

how does a test prevent someone from getting the virus?
The test identifies who has the bug so they can be quarantined to prevent the spread, idiot.
JC do you have a link that the infectious disease dept got extra funding. I believe you,but I’m on another message board of Trump hating Middle aged white women ( aren’t they all) and they will want to see a link.
Why don't we have enough tests? Politico blames Azar.
"Even as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention takes blame for testing delays that may have led to hundreds of Americans being infected with the coronavirus, officials inside the health agency and the White House are increasingly pointing the finger at one leader: Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who they say failed to coordinate the response, as agency chiefs waited for instructions that came too late and other deputies were largely cut out of the process."

Azar was a drug company lobbyist, not a public health expert. He's a great example of the kinds of loyalist, politically based appointments Trump makes because competence is not his priority.
The scumbag POS liberals on the board know they would have criticized Trump had he closed all borders and travels from at risk countries during impeachment and called it a ploy to distract.

You guys ducking know it, so STFU.
actually, the left on here just remain uninformed. that's all. stupid fks every one.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

You must be one miserable individual.

All you can post is your complaints.
Why don't we have enough tests? Politico blames Azar.

Azar in the crosshairs for delays in virus tests
someone explain this one to me:

Even as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention takes blame for testing delays that may have led to hundreds of Americans being infected with the coronavirus,

how does a test prevent someone from getting the virus?

More tests means catching more carriers early. Therefore fewer infections.
Fewer tests mean more time for the infected to spread the bug.
how? two in chicago, nothing in three weeks then all of the sudden two more? how would a test avoid it? are you saying that every person in the country be tested? How china like.
Other countries are already testing ten thousand people a day. The US is far, far behind.

not really

Published Feb. 29, 2020

After weeks of stalled testing for the coronavirus, the United States now has enough diagnostic kits to test 75,000 people, with more on the way, Alex M. Azar II, the health and human services secretary, said on Sunday.

U.S. Plans ‘Radical Expansion’ of Coronavirus Testing
The scumbag POS liberals on the board know they would have criticized Trump had he closed all borders and travels from at risk countries during impeachment and called it a ploy to distract.

You guys ducking know it, so STFU.
actually, the left on here just remain uninformed. that's all. stupid fks every one.

They are willingly uninformed. Look at how so many of them still claim that it was proven Hillary did nothing wrong...that’s a flat out lie. The investigations proved the exact opposite. The information is out there.

22 Clinton Emails Deemed Too Classified to Be Made Public

She had classified information on an unsecured personal server,


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