Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'

Why don't we have enough tests? Politico blames Azar.
"Even as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention takes blame for testing delays that may have led to hundreds of Americans being infected with the coronavirus, officials inside the health agency and the White House are increasingly pointing the finger at one leader: Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who they say failed to coordinate the response, as agency chiefs waited for instructions that came too late and other deputies were largely cut out of the process."

Azar was a drug company lobbyist, not a public health expert. He's a great example of the kinds of loyalist, politically based appointments Trump makes because competence is not his priority.

No argument in this case. Looks like Azar dropped the ball.
Refer to the most idiotic words in the English language: "We're from the government and we're here to help".
Pin the lack of testing kits on Azar, at least according to Politico's hit piece.
Haven't seen Azar's rebuttal yet.
There have been none. You see, the CDC is still operating on the budget passed by Congress last year. You know that right?


link to the last time Congress passed a budget.
South Korea, a nation much smaller than the US, has already tested 121,000 people as of yesterday.

The US is way, way behind.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

so an expert says theres not enough tests for a strain that didnt exist a few months ago,,,
he doesnt sound like a very competent expert,,,
Yeah, he's wrong that other countries are testing thousands and even tens of thousands. He made that up. And the admin had no reason to think they'd need to test people. That's undeniable.

But seriously, and sarcasm aside, we probably missed the chance a couple of weeks ago to test and contain. There is not excuse for that failure, but worrying about it as a public health risk is … cat outta bag. Whether Trump should pay a political price, as did HW for failure to have FEMA ready for Hurricane George …. time will tell.
did that impeachment thing interrupt the president's business just perhaps? I find it odd no one land basting the demofks for their distraction measures.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."
USMB Experts call this poster's continual spamming and trolling USMB a USMB Scandal.
How are they testing?
In those other countries? They're using test kits they made sure they had to prepare for the demand. Unlike the US. Thanks Don.
Copied from another thread on this:

Other countries are testing patients for coronavirus by the tens of thousands. Why the U.S. is so far behind

South Korean officials are setting up "drive-thru" coronavirus screening facilities. Manufacturers in China have the capacity to distribute more than 1.5 million tests a week. The countries, alongside Italy and the U.K., are testing tens of thousands of people for the coronavirus, in many cases processing thousands of samples a day.

In the U.S., meanwhile, inadequate coronavirus testing has become a full-blown scandal. As U.S. cases spike, the Department of Health and Human Services has launched an investigation into defective testing kits that delayed lab results by several days, and experts are worried that a slow federal response may have given the virus more time to spread.


The coronavirus's emergence in Asia in December and January gave the U.S. weeks to prepare, but even in the early stages, diagnostic testing hit snags.

The CDC, a U.S. federal agency, opted to develop its own test kit rather than use the existing one recommended by the World Health Organization; it is not yet clear why. Early on, CDC sent 200 of its test kits to state labs across the country (each kit can test 700 to 800 samples), but in mid-February, the agency announced that some of the kits were flawed, and asked labs to send samples to the CDC's central lab in Atlanta to be tested, a move that delayed results by several days.

Again it is clear why, FDA procedures probably make it easier to use an pre-approved type of test kit than one from outside the US.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

so an expert says theres not enough tests for a strain that didnt exist a few months ago,,,
he doesnt sound like a very competent expert,,,
Yeah, he's wrong that other countries are testing thousands and even tens of thousands. He made that up. And the admin had no reason to think they'd need to test people. That's undeniable.

But seriously, and sarcasm aside, we probably missed the chance a couple of weeks ago to test and contain. There is not excuse for that failure, but worrying about it as a public health risk is … cat outta bag. Whether Trump should pay a political price, as did HW for failure to have FEMA ready for Hurricane George …. time will tell.
18,000 americans have died already this year from the flu. and six on this thing. yeah, I'm sure it's out there for you. LMMFAO

watch out now, don't worry about that flu bug killing 18,000 watch out for that killer at 6. ewwwwwwww

For your information, no test kit would prevent someone from catching the virus., just know that. Because China wouldn't let the CDC in January, trump stopped all air travel to and from China instead. What a fking great move.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

so an expert says theres not enough tests for a strain that didnt exist a few months ago,,,
he doesnt sound like a very competent expert,,,
Yeah, he's wrong that other countries are testing thousands and even tens of thousands. He made that up. And the admin had no reason to think they'd need to test people. That's undeniable.

But seriously, and sarcasm aside, we probably missed the chance a couple of weeks ago to test and contain. There is not excuse for that failure, but worrying about it as a public health risk is … cat outta bag. Whether Trump should pay a political price, as did HW for failure to have FEMA ready for Hurricane George …. time will tell.

we arent other countries and our government doesnt make test kits,,,

and I wonder how long after they knew about it did those other countries had enough test kits,,,

and what exactly is enough???
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

so an expert says theres not enough tests for a strain that didnt exist a few months ago,,,
he doesnt sound like a very competent expert,,,
Yeah, he's wrong that other countries are testing thousands and even tens of thousands. He made that up. And the admin had no reason to think they'd need to test people. That's undeniable.

But seriously, and sarcasm aside, we probably missed the chance a couple of weeks ago to test and contain. There is not excuse for that failure, but worrying about it as a public health risk is … cat outta bag. Whether Trump should pay a political price, as did HW for failure to have FEMA ready for Hurricane George …. time will tell.

we arent other countries and our government doesnt make test kits,,,

and I wonder how long after they knew about it did those other countries had enough test kits,,,

and what exactly is enough???
when someone wishes to make a virus political, that's where i draw the line in the sand. fk them and their rant and rage. they are going to rant and rage at you pooping too loudly.
There have been none. You see, the CDC is still operating on the budget passed by Congress last year. You know that right?


link to the last time Congress passed a budget.
I have to wonder at people who do not understand how the fed government budgetary process works.

The CDC is operating under approved budgetary expenditures as passed by Congress in August of 2019 and signed into law by President Trump.

The CDC is using funds right now that were approved last year. Not a dime of that has been cut.
There have been none. You see, the CDC is still operating on the budget passed by Congress last year. You know that right?


link to the last time Congress passed a budget.
I have to wonder at people who do not understand how the fed government budgetary process works.

The CDC is operating under approved budgetary expenditures as passed by Congress in August of 2019 and signed into law by President Trump.

The CDC is using funds right now that were approved last year. Not a dime of that has been cut.
uninformed traitors to my country is all they are.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

so an expert says theres not enough tests for a strain that didnt exist a few months ago,,,
he doesnt sound like a very competent expert,,,
Yeah, he's wrong that other countries are testing thousands and even tens of thousands. He made that up. And the admin had no reason to think they'd need to test people. That's undeniable.

But seriously, and sarcasm aside, we probably missed the chance a couple of weeks ago to test and contain. There is not excuse for that failure, but worrying about it as a public health risk is … cat outta bag. Whether Trump should pay a political price, as did HW for failure to have FEMA ready for Hurricane George …. time will tell.

we arent other countries and our government doesnt make test kits,,,

and I wonder how long after they knew about it did those other countries had enough test kits,,,

and what exactly is enough???
when someone wishes to make a virus political, that's where i draw the line in the sand. fk them and their rant and rage. they are going to rant and rage at you pooping too loudly.

I've said before to never under estimate the morals of a democrat to stand on dead bodies to push a political agenda,,,
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

so an expert says theres not enough tests for a strain that didnt exist a few months ago,,,
he doesnt sound like a very competent expert,,,
Yeah, he's wrong that other countries are testing thousands and even tens of thousands. He made that up. And the admin had no reason to think they'd need to test people. That's undeniable.

But seriously, and sarcasm aside, we probably missed the chance a couple of weeks ago to test and contain. There is not excuse for that failure, but worrying about it as a public health risk is … cat outta bag. Whether Trump should pay a political price, as did HW for failure to have FEMA ready for Hurricane George …. time will tell.

we arent other countries and our government doesnt make test kits,,,

and I wonder how long after they knew about it did those other countries had enough test kits,,,

and what exactly is enough???
Really? The CDC doesn't make test kits. Put Trump's cock DOWN

And the failure was to have the FDC till private pharma to make their own kits, which the FDA was prepared to do … if AZAR had given the go ahead.

but again, it's water under the bridge now. Five six months from now, we'll now if it made a difference.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

so an expert says theres not enough tests for a strain that didnt exist a few months ago,,,
he doesnt sound like a very competent expert,,,
Yeah, he's wrong that other countries are testing thousands and even tens of thousands. He made that up. And the admin had no reason to think they'd need to test people. That's undeniable.

But seriously, and sarcasm aside, we probably missed the chance a couple of weeks ago to test and contain. There is not excuse for that failure, but worrying about it as a public health risk is … cat outta bag. Whether Trump should pay a political price, as did HW for failure to have FEMA ready for Hurricane George …. time will tell.

we arent other countries and our government doesnt make test kits,,,

and I wonder how long after they knew about it did those other countries had enough test kits,,,

and what exactly is enough???
when someone wishes to make a virus political, that's where i draw the line in the sand. fk them and their rant and rage. they are going to rant and rage at you pooping too loudly.

I've said before to never under estimate the morals of a democrat to stand on dead bodies to push a political agenda,,,
well they use them to vote for themselves. It's the only time life long republicans vote for demofks.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

Who cares? Corona virus turned out to be nothing. The flue is STILL kicking it's ass. It was a dud and is rapidly on its way to being a great big nothing burger. So the common cold is a world wide pandemic. Invest in chicken noodle soup and gater aid and stop with the vapors. It's old already.
McCarthy, who practices at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, expects the number of cases in the U.S. to increase quickly in the next couple of weeks, but he said hospitals are "hamstrung" because they don't have access to the diagnostic test kits they need. In contrast, he said, other countries are making it look easy.

"They are testing 10,000 a day in some countries, and we can't get this off the ground," McCarthy said. Tim O'Donnell
Superbug expert calls lack of coronavirus tests a 'national scandal'
"It's all under control."

so an expert says theres not enough tests for a strain that didnt exist a few months ago,,,
he doesnt sound like a very competent expert,,,
Yeah, he's wrong that other countries are testing thousands and even tens of thousands. He made that up. And the admin had no reason to think they'd need to test people. That's undeniable.

But seriously, and sarcasm aside, we probably missed the chance a couple of weeks ago to test and contain. There is not excuse for that failure, but worrying about it as a public health risk is … cat outta bag. Whether Trump should pay a political price, as did HW for failure to have FEMA ready for Hurricane George …. time will tell.

we arent other countries and our government doesnt make test kits,,,

and I wonder how long after they knew about it did those other countries had enough test kits,,,

and what exactly is enough???
Really? The CDC doesn't make test kits. Put Trump's cock DOWN

And the failure was to have the FDC till private pharma to make their own kits, which the FDA was prepared to do … if AZAR had given the go ahead.

but again, it's water under the bridge now. Five six months from now, we'll now if it made a difference.
no they didn't, they didn't even know about the outbreak until December? why? where were the seventeen federal agencies that should have been tracking this thing? See, the virus originated in China, China would supply the kits. Guess why? they have the strain to test for, not us. how limited in scope your brain is. maybe you should release all of the other cocks you're holding.

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