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CDZ Support for Israel - why?

Well, four pages in but not a single advantage of US support for Israel managed.
One begins to suspect there isn't a single good reason.

There are many good reasons, including our desire to poke Jew-hating scummies in the eye:

Israel a Strategic Asset for the United States - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Why the U.S. Supports Israel - FPIF
A better question would be why not support Israel? There is no reason on earth to not support Israel! They are our greatest allies in the world.
because it is time for them to grow up and deal with their own problems and it serves no good purpose to support their endless who came first the chicken or the egg paradox

When didn't they deal with their own problems? Has not the problem been other nations trying to impose their will on Israel telling her what to do? Isn't that what the quartet has been guilty of doing all along with Israel? Sign this Accord and you get this much of a loan, agree to giving up this much land and you'll get another loan? And on and on? No. You have not a clue as to what you are talking about. The only nation that does pay her debts to the best of my knowledge is Israel. You're acting meshugenah.
braggers cant be choosers ?
Israel Has Never
Repaid A US Loan

From [email protected]
An AP story has just come out on aid to Israel, and along with several other problems, it contains a sentence that we should all call our newspapers to correct. I have just called AP itself, and asked them to correct the story. In case they don't, please call your local newspapers and ask them to give more accurate information, as follows:
In its current report, AP says that Israel has never defaulted on a loan. The real fact is that ISRAEL HAS NEVER REPAID A LOAN. THE MONEY NEVER RETURNS TO THE US TREASURY.

Israel Has Never Repaid A US Loan
Well, four pages in but not a single advantage of US support for Israel managed.
One begins to suspect there isn't a single good reason.

There are many good reasons, including our desire to poke Jew-hating scummies in the eye:

Israel a Strategic Asset for the United States - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Why the U.S. Supports Israel - FPIF
A better question would be why not support Israel? There is no reason on earth to not support Israel! They are our greatest allies in the world.
because it is time for them to grow up and deal with their own problems and it serves no good purpose to support their endless who came first the chicken or the egg paradox

When didn't they deal with their own problems? Has not the problem been other nations trying to impose their will on Israel telling her what to do? Isn't that what the quartet has been guilty of doing all along with Israel? Sign this Accord and you get this much of a loan, agree to giving up this much land and you'll get another loan? And on and on? No. You have not a clue as to what you are talking about. The only nation that does pay her debts to the best of my knowledge is Israel. You're acting meshugenah.
braggers cant be choosers ?

who were the beggars when Haym Solomon and the Jewish bankers of the 13 colonies bailed out Washington and his men at Valley Forge, EOTS? When they were starving to death and freezing to death and were out of ammo and our fledgling of a nation was hanging in the balance? In American dollars today they gathered close to a million dollars to bail them out and save them - sending supplies -none of them were ever repayed. So tell me what is the interest at 7 percent on a million dollars for over 200 yrs? Any idea? How many trillions of dollars is that, Eots? How much have we given Israel since 1948? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

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Well, four pages in but not a single advantage of US support for Israel managed.
One begins to suspect there isn't a single good reason.

There are many good reasons, including our desire to poke Jew-hating scummies in the eye:

Israel a Strategic Asset for the United States - The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Why the U.S. Supports Israel - FPIF
A better question would be why not support Israel? There is no reason on earth to not support Israel! They are our greatest allies in the world.
because it is time for them to grow up and deal with their own problems and it serves no good purpose to support their endless who came first the chicken or the egg paradox

When didn't they deal with their own problems? Has not the problem been other nations trying to impose their will on Israel telling her what to do? Isn't that what the quartet has been guilty of doing all along with Israel? Sign this Accord and you get this much of a loan, agree to giving up this much land and you'll get another loan? And on and on? No. You have not a clue as to what you are talking about. The only nation that does pay her debts to the best of my knowledge is Israel. You're acting meshugenah.
braggers cant be choosers ?

who were the beggars when Haym Solomon and the Jewish bankers of the 13 colonies bailed out Washington and his men at Valley Forge, EOTS? When they were starving to death and freezing to death and were out of ammo and our fledgling of a nation was hanging in the balance? In American dollars today they gathered close to a million dollars to bail them out and save them - sending supplies -none of them were ever repayed. So tell me what is the interest at 7 percent on a million dollars for over 200 yrs? Any idea? How many trillions of dollars is that, Eots? How much have we given Israel since 1948? Yeah. That's what I thought. Be quite and go to the back of the class.

lol...not surprised you need to go back 200 years and perhaps one might consider being saved from the ovens as more than adequate return on the invesment
A better question would be why not support Israel? There is no reason on earth to not support Israel! They are our greatest allies in the world.

There is a reason to not support Israel.

I don't think it's OK to steal land from the people who were there before them and make life almost impossible for them.

I don't think it's OK for Israel to bulldoze Arab homes and bomb civilian populations.

As long as they have access to U.S. weapons and money they don't have to make any attempt at diplomacy.

Name a positive thing we get from our blind support.

With allies like them we are better off dealing with our enemies. Enemies we have because of our support of the brutal thug government of Israel.
Israel Has Never
Repaid A US Loan

From [email protected]
An AP story has just come out on aid to Israel, and along with several other problems, it contains a sentence that we should all call our newspapers to correct. I have just called AP itself, and asked them to correct the story. In case they don't, please call your local newspapers and ask them to give more accurate information, as follows:
In its current report, AP says that Israel has never defaulted on a loan. The real fact is that ISRAEL HAS NEVER REPAID A LOAN. THE MONEY NEVER RETURNS TO THE US TREASURY.

Israel Has Never Repaid A US Loan

How does one repay a loan guarantee?
Same reason I support infrastructure, science, r&d, education for all and civilized behavior. I simply will side with the one that gives a damn about being civilized...The islamis want to kill and don't give a damn about their people.

Why should I side with the islamis?
From the Hebrew Press
Why Israel Can Never Repay the Loans to be Guaranteed by the US
By Dr. Israel Shahak
All conceivable questions have been discussed about scheduling and conditions of the $10 billion in loan guarantees requested by Israel from the US government except one: How can Israel possibly repay such a huge sum? After all, if Israel cannot repay these loans, the burden will fall upon the guarantor, the US government, which in the last analysis means upon the US taxpayers.

Such a repayment would in fact amount to foreign aid under another name. Because of the deterioration of economic conditions in the US, no matter what forms of pressure the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) may use, the Congress will be reluctant to offer Israel $10 billion in an extra aid gift.

Given these realities, the best guess would be that both sides already know that since Israel is not capable of repaying the US guaranteed loans, they regard the guarantees as a gift to Israel in disguise.
Same reason I support infrastructure, science, r&d, education for all and civilized behavior. I simply will side with the one that gives a damn about being civilized...The islamis want to kill and don't give a damn about their people.

Why should I side with the islamis?

Tax payers fund both sides so,. you,. already support terrorism of all kinds
From the Hebrew Press
Why Israel Can Never Repay the Loans to be Guaranteed by the US
By Dr. Israel Shahak

Shahak was a noted loony leftist who, like most leftists, hated Israel and the Jews. It is said only Nazis quote him.
In 1995 Werner Cohn wrote of Shahak:

Without question, he is the world's most conspicuous Jewish antisemite... Like the Nazis before him, Shahak specialized in defaming the Talmud. In fact, he has made it his life's work to popularize the anti-Talmud ruminations of the 18th century German antisemite, Johann Eisenmenger.

Emanuele Ottolenghi argues that Jews like Shahak act as enablers for antisemites, stating that their rhetoric plays a "crucial role... in excusing, condoning, and — in effect — abetting anti-Semitism." In his view:

Anti-Semites rely on Jews to confirm their prejudice: If Jews recur to such language and advocate such policies, how can anyone be accused of anti-Semitism for making the same arguments? [...] The mechanism through which an anti-Semitic accusation becomes respectable once a Jew endorses it is not limited to Israel’s new historians... Israel Shahak made the comparison between Israel and Nazism respectable — all the while describing Judaism according to the medieval canons of the blood libel.

Israel Shahak - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Same reason I support infrastructure, science, r&d, education for all and civilized behavior. I simply will side with the one that gives a damn about being civilized...

On the other side are those who support anyone who hates Israel and the Jews as they do.
bigoted??? so you support Islamic genocide?----

That is clearly very silly, and way off topic.

Did the
people of Indonesia celebrate the way the
muslims of Brooklyn Celebrated the destruction
of the twin towers?

I'm sure you can provide a link for that claim, then explain why it has the slightest thing to do with US support for Israel being a good thing.

In fact, all attacks on American targets (including Israeli attacks on Americans) that came from the middle east, were all a direct result of America's support for Israel.

So - rather than trying to derail the thread, please explain why US support for Israel is a good thing for America.
Of course, I don't expect you to, mostly because it isn't.

a link for what "claim"? ----In fact Israel has never attacked the USA and muslims murder daily for the glory of the rapist pig-----muhummand and the filth of islam. How are your sluts doing in Yemen, today?

Get your facts straight..

In 1965 Israeli fighter jets attacked the intelligence gathering ship, the USS Liberty in the Mediterranean Sea. 35 Americans killed and over 50 wounded. They were afraid the Americans would discover war atrocities they had just committed.

An inquiry chaired by Sen McCain's father, an admiral, ignored evidence and ruled it accidental.

Even then our government put Israel ahead of our own servicemen.

I have my facts straight you fucking piece of shit-----it was 1967-----shortly after that time I was an officer in
the USA NAVY-----you fucking piece of shit-----I was in a position to know all about the kinds of military accidents that take place EVEN IN PEACE TIME-------go to hell you fucking piece of shit and call me MA'AM
(for the record the number of americans who die
in "friendly fire" is staggering----even in peace time--
no less in an arena of war------got that ---YOU

did you ever serve in the military------YOU FUCKING PIECE OF SHIT----if you did-----call me MA'AM
oh my ., ,. such histrionics.!...lets here from a calmer more sober man
that served and continues to serve his country and his oath
When investigating a matter such as USS Liberty one must have motive. There was no motive. The Israelis are and were our friends - they had no motive - it was clearly an accident.

Except for Israel's wish to bring the US into the war on Israel's side.
A motive?
oh my ., ,. such histrionics.!...lets here from a calmer more sober man

Can't listen to him - he's clearly anti semitic - just because Israel murdered his friends.
Seriously - when will Americans realise they've been seriously conned?
Israel costs you a fortune in cash, loads of dead Americans, and you even get attacked by them.
The Liberty isn't the only time Israel has been busted trying to murder Americans, the Lavon affair is another prime example of what Israel does to you, all in attempts to get you to give them more cash.

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