Supporting Kurdish independence

I'm not a Saddam supporter, but even Saddam didn't kill as many innocent civilians as the US army did! (HiG, that's for you, :D)
As for the kurds, well, you couldn't take Saddam and Saddam couldn't take Iran, and mysteriously you think that the kurds can take on Iran and win. Hopefully, not all kurds are insane.

What do you mean by civilians? If kurdish then no, the US did'nt kill kurdish civilians, but if you mean iraqi, then yes, many:lol:

Lets meet again in 10 years, and then we will see how much of Kurdistan is liberated ;)

You still will not have set foot in the area.

Yes i have, for a total of 6 months, and it's wonderful there ;)
Ima simko shikak took over kurdistan of Iran and he defeated the iranian army many times, It was not until Iran got help from iraq, turkey ect that they could defeat simko shikak. Another example dr.ghassumlou he had 13,000 peshmerga and he defeated the iranian army many times look at youtube videos if you want. Iran was so desprate that they had to lie to have a meeting about peace and assasinated him. Being a kurd from Iran, I can tell you that the kurds will easily take care of the fars army as they always have in the past and now that the krg controls N.iraq there will be no one coming from behind to attack kurds, infact well get more support from the KRG. You know kurdistan is getting liberated in iraq syria and Iran and in the end they will take your precious Turkey which belongs to Kurdistan thats why you keep shitting your pants.
By the way there is more examples of kurdish peshmerga defeating the farcs army just look it up. Oh I forgot Turks barely have an education thats why they always say their is no such thing as kurdistan. Kurds made Turkey what it is today and when kurds leave Turkey will be the laughing stock of the middle east.
Ima simko shikak took over kurdistan of Iran and he defeated the iranian army many times, It was not until Iran got help from iraq, turkey ect that they could defeat simko shikak. Another example dr.ghassumlou he had 13,000 peshmerga and he defeated the iranian army many times look at youtube videos if you want. Iran was so desprate that they had to lie to have a meeting about peace and assasinated him. Being a kurd from Iran, I can tell you that the kurds will easily take care of the fars army as they always have in the past and now that the krg controls N.iraq there will be no one coming from behind to attack kurds, infact well get more support from the KRG. You know kurdistan is getting liberated in iraq syria and Iran and in the end they will take your precious Turkey which belongs to Kurdistan thats why you keep shitting your pants.

I'm just going to enjoy the show, I could care less who wins or loses in that area, but I'm just saying that Saddam put you in your place with a few mustard sandwiches, and Iran will kick your ass, just saying. I'm just trying to be honest with you dreamers, I'm doing you a favor by waking you up to reality so you don't all get killed, well, not you guys on this thread, you're much too chicken to go there and do something about it, but real cheesecurds.
Ima simko shikak took over kurdistan of Iran and he defeated the iranian army many times, It was not until Iran got help from iraq, turkey ect that they could defeat simko shikak. Another example dr.ghassumlou he had 13,000 peshmerga and he defeated the iranian army many times look at youtube videos if you want. Iran was so desprate that they had to lie to have a meeting about peace and assasinated him. Being a kurd from Iran, I can tell you that the kurds will easily take care of the fars army as they always have in the past and now that the krg controls N.iraq there will be no one coming from behind to attack kurds, infact well get more support from the KRG. You know kurdistan is getting liberated in iraq syria and Iran and in the end they will take your precious Turkey which belongs to Kurdistan thats why you keep shitting your pants.

I'm just going to enjoy the show, I could care less who wins or loses in that area, but I'm just saying that Saddam put you in your place with a few mustard sandwiches, and Iran will kick your ass, just saying. I'm just trying to be honest with you dreamers, I'm doing you a favor by waking you up to reality so you don't all get killed, well, not you guys on this thread, you're much too chicken to go there and do something about it, but real cheesecurds.

All the Kurds have to do right now is be smart and wait, chances are Iran will get their shit fucked up in a war with Israel and maybe the US, the Peshmerga can role in their and take a piece and the Iranians will not be in a position to do jack shit.
Ima simko shikak took over kurdistan of Iran and he defeated the iranian army many times, It was not until Iran got help from iraq, turkey ect that they could defeat simko shikak. Another example dr.ghassumlou he had 13,000 peshmerga and he defeated the iranian army many times look at youtube videos if you want. Iran was so desprate that they had to lie to have a meeting about peace and assasinated him. Being a kurd from Iran, I can tell you that the kurds will easily take care of the fars army as they always have in the past and now that the krg controls N.iraq there will be no one coming from behind to attack kurds, infact well get more support from the KRG. You know kurdistan is getting liberated in iraq syria and Iran and in the end they will take your precious Turkey which belongs to Kurdistan thats why you keep shitting your pants.

I'm just going to enjoy the show, I could care less who wins or loses in that area, but I'm just saying that Saddam put you in your place with a few mustard sandwiches, and Iran will kick your ass, just saying. I'm just trying to be honest with you dreamers, I'm doing you a favor by waking you up to reality so you don't all get killed, well, not you guys on this thread, you're much too chicken to go there and do something about it, but real cheesecurds.

All the Kurds have to do right now is be smart and wait, chances are Iran will get their shit fucked up in a war with Israel and maybe the US, the Peshmerga can role in their and take a piece and the Iranians will not be in a position to do jack shit.

There are secret deals going on between Israel and Kurdistan for large wepons according to many sources( I can find them if you want), and if these deals are true (worth 4.5billion) it won't be mountainous and street to street battles like old times.
I'm just going to enjoy the show, I could care less who wins or loses in that area, but I'm just saying that Saddam put you in your place with a few mustard sandwiches, and Iran will kick your ass, just saying. I'm just trying to be honest with you dreamers, I'm doing you a favor by waking you up to reality so you don't all get killed, well, not you guys on this thread, you're much too chicken to go there and do something about it, but real cheesecurds.

All the Kurds have to do right now is be smart and wait, chances are Iran will get their shit fucked up in a war with Israel and maybe the US, the Peshmerga can role in their and take a piece and the Iranians will not be in a position to do jack shit.

There are secret deals going on between Israel and Kurdistan for large wepons according to many sources( I can find them if you want), and if these deals are true (worth 4.5billion) it won't be mountainous and street to street battles like old times.

That's it, you need the zionists help. Did they tell you to yell holocaust and anti-semite any time someone disagrees with you?
Iranians can hold off Israel and the US. Do you think they even worry about cheesecurds?
Is that a flea or a tick in the middle? :lmao:

just to make your day miserable :D


So is that a cheese curd in the middle of your beaner flag? :lmao:
I'm just going to enjoy the show, I could care less who wins or loses in that area, but I'm just saying that Saddam put you in your place with a few mustard sandwiches, and Iran will kick your ass, just saying. I'm just trying to be honest with you dreamers, I'm doing you a favor by waking you up to reality so you don't all get killed, well, not you guys on this thread, you're much too chicken to go there and do something about it, but real cheesecurds.

All the Kurds have to do right now is be smart and wait, chances are Iran will get their shit fucked up in a war with Israel and maybe the US, the Peshmerga can role in their and take a piece and the Iranians will not be in a position to do jack shit.

There are secret deals going on between Israel and Kurdistan for large wepons according to many sources( I can find them if you want), and if these deals are true (worth 4.5billion) it won't be mountainous and street to street battles like old times.

I believe it, the Israeli Special Forces have been training the Pesh Merga for years.
Ima simko shikak took over kurdistan of Iran and he defeated the iranian army many times, It was not until Iran got help from iraq, turkey ect that they could defeat simko shikak. Another example dr.ghassumlou he had 13,000 peshmerga and he defeated the iranian army many times look at youtube videos if you want. Iran was so desprate that they had to lie to have a meeting about peace and assasinated him. Being a kurd from Iran, I can tell you that the kurds will easily take care of the fars army as they always have in the past and now that the krg controls N.iraq there will be no one coming from behind to attack kurds, infact well get more support from the KRG. You know kurdistan is getting liberated in iraq syria and Iran and in the end they will take your precious Turkey which belongs to Kurdistan thats why you keep shitting your pants.

I'm just going to enjoy the show, I could care less who wins or loses in that area, but I'm just saying that Saddam put you in your place with a few mustard sandwiches, and Iran will kick your ass, just saying. I'm just trying to be honest with you dreamers, I'm doing you a favor by waking you up to reality so you don't all get killed, well, not you guys on this thread, you're much too chicken to go there and do something about it, but real cheesecurds.

You just let us deal with the trouble, your blessing aint worth sh*t!
All the Kurds have to do right now is be smart and wait, chances are Iran will get their shit fucked up in a war with Israel and maybe the US, the Peshmerga can role in their and take a piece and the Iranians will not be in a position to do jack shit.

There are secret deals going on between Israel and Kurdistan for large wepons according to many sources( I can find them if you want), and if these deals are true (worth 4.5billion) it won't be mountainous and street to street battles like old times.

That's it, you need the zionists help. Did they tell you to yell holocaust and anti-semite any time someone disagrees with you?
Iranians can hold off Israel and the US. Do you think they even worry about cheesecurds?

Iranians can hold off Israel and the US? And yet you claim that we live in a dream world;) Iranians are worried regarding kurds, that's why they have heavily increased their military presence in east (iranian occupied) Kurdistan. In other words: They fear yet another free part of Kurdistan. And now you've got something you can cry over tonight:)
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Iran isn't going to be able to handle shit, everyone in the region the Arabs, Israelis, Turks, Kurds, Baluchis etc ALL want them gone, Iran has no fucking friends besides the Syrian regime thats falling apart as we speak and Iraq, the Saudis have already given us permission to use their air space if we like, and this time there won't be any hearts and minds bullshit, no rebuilding Iran, just straight up fucking them up, and you know the Kurds will love to help with them and they will take a piece, fuck Iran.
I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

They ARE terrorists. Their tactics are identical to al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah. They murder children in front of their parents.

Hamas hizbullah attack US/Israel and call jihad on them, they get rockets from mullah regime of Iran and send it into civilian areas, PKK has never does any of that, they only fight the Turkish terrorist army who have been terrorizing Kurds in turkey since the Kurdish region was occupied by atagay aka ataturk.

Turkish army is a terrorist army my proof? YouTube Turkish killing 35 civilians and YouTube 7 civilian Iraqi Kurds killed by Turkish raids (3 kids were killed).

Lesson no1 for you.

And well said mediankurd, I welcome my Kurdish brothers to the forum.

@ ima Kurds don't give two shits which country is invading their lands they have taken two parts back and Iran is next then your Turkish terrorist army will have to deal with not just one but three Kurdish stares, then we shall see your genicidal Turks survive Kurdish anger for the shit they been putting us thru, we will also revenge Armenian genicidal while we are at it.

You can kill us as much as you like today we are 40 million tomo it might double good luck to those who stand in our way specially Turks the ancestors of ima.

Türkiye's army are not terrorists. They are the protectors of Türkiye's sovereign border.

The PKK are, and have always been, murderous thugs who kill innocent Turkish citizens.

I LOVE this video!!!

[ame=]Abdullah Öcalanin PKK terrorist leader was caught in Kenia he was treated well. - YouTube[/ame]

It's footage of the brutal terrorist PKK leader Abdullah Öcalan on the Turkish airplane being flown back to Türkiye, right after he was abducted by Turkish Special Forces.

He's blindfolded, then when they take off the blindfold, he's a meek puppy, proclaiming his love for Türkiye and denying his murderous acts.

It always makes me feel good to watch this! I think I'll go drink some Raki. :lol:
There are countries in this world where the Turk is the main-actor in their national trauma. From the Serbs over the Hungarians to the Armenians.
Leave the countries aside now the stateless also want to receive the pity.
Wait your turn like everyone else.

Look, we are over 40 million, which also makes us the worlds largest nation in the world without an independent state, so i will not let anyone tell me to wait for anything!
Don't wait! I fully support an independent Kurdistan. Build your country. Just don't do it with parts of Türkiye or you will be crushed.
I notice quite a few posters here support Kurdish independence, but I hear very little talk about the Kurdish PKK, the largest armed Kurdish independence movement.

Do you support them, or do you consider them terrorists?

They ARE terrorists. Their tactics are identical to al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah. They murder children in front of their parents.

Murder children? Where do you get your info mate, PKk only targets the military, because they have a long history in opressing the kurdish nation, and to this day keeps on doing it. And if the PKK are terrorists, then what about the ancestors of the americans? Where they terrorists because they fought for the freedom of their country?

Maybe other people with buy that bullshit, but not me.

I've been to Diyarbakır and Erzurum and all through that area and have heard some of the horror stories, like PKK driving up to a man holding his little boy's hand at a street corner, and shooting the little boy in the head as an act against the father.

THAT'S the types of tactics that the PKK uses.

And I heard these stories firsthand from American Air Force personnel who live there and who were there when these things happened. I didn't hear it from Turks who wanted to lie about the PKK.

So fuck the PKK.

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