Supporting Kurdish independence

Whether you understand it or not, a lot of you are simply encouraging young Kurds to become cannon fodder. Guys like Kurd4ever will never put there asses on the line because they have an elementary education and are thus to valuable, but they are ever willing to turn the bodies of others into goulash for their nationalistic ideals. It is a very old story.
Whether you understand it or not, a lot of you are simply encouraging young Kurds to become cannon fodder. Guys like Kurd4ever will never put there asses on the line because they have an elementary education and are thus to valuable, but they are ever willing to turn the bodies of others into goulash for their nationalistic ideals. It is a very old story.

If you by cannon fodder mean martyr for a free homeland, then your absolutly right! Just to let you know, i will move back to Kurdistan in a ten years time, and even fight if it will be necessary.
Now regarding my education, i can promise you that i'm gonna put it up to University;) And my name is Kurdistani4ever, is that that hard to say KURDISTAN?
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Right, while you and your kemalist friend's enjoy a youtube video, PKK is busy killing turkish terrorists everyday for the liberation of our country. And bye the way, i'm not in doubt anymore, your a turk;)
I'm not a Turk.

Your comments are as turkish as it gets!
That's because I've spent years studying Türkiye and especially Ataturk.

I'm not your typical American who you can bullshit about how bad the Turks are and how the poor Kurds are such victims. I know better.

Iran isn't going to be able to handle shit, everyone in the region the Arabs, Israelis, Turks, Kurds, Baluchis etc ALL want them gone, Iran has no fucking friends besides the Syrian regime thats falling apart as we speak and Iraq, the Saudis have already given us permission to use their air space if we like, and this time there won't be any hearts and minds bullshit, no rebuilding Iran, just straight up fucking them up, and you know the Kurds will love to help with them and they will take a piece, fuck Iran.

The US isn't going to attack Iran for one simple reason: doing so would make the price of oil skyrocket and our economy nosedive, and whichever President does this is instantly toast in history's and the public's eye. If Romney does it, he won't get re=elected. If Barry does it, he'll be known as a bigger presidential douchesack than Jimmy Carter. Ouch.

We may not do it but Israel probably will.

It would be pointless, the sites are too many and too far apart, plus, do you think that that will stop them from rebuilding or have MORE determination to see it through and especially: now Iran would have a legitimate reason to retaliate with a nuke or two.
Your comments are as turkish as it gets!
That's because I've spent years studying Türkiye and especially Ataturk.

I'm not your typical American who you can bullshit about how bad the Turks are and how the poor Kurds are such victims. I know better.


In other words: You've been turkified! Brainwashed to believe the lies of the turks.

Whose goats are prettier, CheeseKurd or Turkish goats?
That's because I've spent years studying Türkiye and especially Ataturk.

I'm not your typical American who you can bullshit about how bad the Turks are and how the poor Kurds are such victims. I know better.


In other words: You've been turkified! Brainwashed to believe the lies of the turks.

Whose goats are prettier, CheeseKurd or Turkish goats?

Simply not worth a response.
Trolling comments are'nt worth my time, and won't be answered either.
Do you honestly think he, or anyone else, expected you to disclose which kinds of goats you prefer? I think that was out of line anyway, it being a very private matter.:badgrin:

Ima want's me to answer, he's a troll, and without people he can piss off, there's no point in trolling;)
Your comments are as turkish as it gets!
That's because I've spent years studying Türkiye and especially Ataturk.

I'm not your typical American who you can bullshit about how bad the Turks are and how the poor Kurds are such victims. I know better.


In other words: You've been turkified! Brainwashed to believe the lies of the turks.
No, I've been educated.

You think I'm anti-Kurd. I'm not. I'm anti-PKK.
That's because I've spent years studying Türkiye and especially Ataturk.

I'm not your typical American who you can bullshit about how bad the Turks are and how the poor Kurds are such victims. I know better.


In other words: You've been turkified! Brainwashed to believe the lies of the turks.
No, I've been educated.

You think I'm anti-Kurd. I'm not. I'm anti-PKK.

If you don't support our right to be free on our ancestral land, then you are anti kurd.
In other words: You've been turkified! Brainwashed to believe the lies of the turks.
No, I've been educated.

You think I'm anti-Kurd. I'm not. I'm anti-PKK.

If you don't support our right to be free on our ancestral land, then you are anti kurd.
Is Texas part of Mexican ancestral land? Yes.

Is Libya part of Egyptian ancestral land? Yes.

Is Bangladesh and Pakistan part of Indian ancestral land? Yes.

Q: What's the common denominator?
A: Tough shit
Does Mexico have a country? Yes Does Egypt have its own country? Yes. Are you the biggest idiot when it on this website? Yes. What's the common denominator? You need to check your self into a mental institute for giving really bad arguments. You make ima's arguments look good and all he says is cheesekurds.
No, I've been educated.

You think I'm anti-Kurd. I'm not. I'm anti-PKK.

If you don't support our right to be free on our ancestral land, then you are anti kurd.
Is Texas part of Mexican ancestral land? Yes.

Is Libya part of Egyptian ancestral land? Yes.

Is Bangladesh and Pakistan part of Indian ancestral land? Yes.

Q: What's the common denominator?
A: Tough shit

Is Texas majority mexican? No!

Libya and Egypt are both arab countries, so who cares!

Bangladesh and Pakistan does'nt have majority indian population.

Come again bro;)

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