Supporting Kurdish independence

Nobody reads your long posts, the Pals have balls and fight for their rights. The CheeseKurd are pussies who do nothing but complain... just like you.
Nobody reads your long posts, the Pals have balls and fight for their rights. The CheeseKurd are pussies who do nothing but complain... just like you.

Well i'm sorry that we're not killing civillians like the palestinians! Do you even realise how f*cking stupid you sound? So how can you get balls by killing innocent people, that just wants to live on their ancestral land?
Turks (Unlike jews) are not even ethnic, and yet we still show mercy for their genocidal asses.
You want us to be terrorists, but we won't fall for your pathetic tricks. Kurds have always been a noble people, always searching for peaceful solutions.

And fighting for your rights doesn't include killing an entire nation, as both Hamas and Hizbullah are interested in doing.
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Nobody reads your long posts, the Pals have balls and fight for their rights. The CheeseKurd are pussies who do nothing but complain... just like you.

Well i'm sorry that we're not killing civillians like the palestinians! Do you even realise how f*cking stupid you sound? So how can you get balls by killing innocent people, that just wants to live on their ancestral land?
Turks (Unlike jews) are not even ethnic, and yet we still show mercy for their genocidal asses.
You want us to be terrorists, but we won't fall for your pathetic tricks. Kurds have always been a noble people, always searching for peaceful solutions.

And fighting for your rights doesn't include killing an entire nation, as both Hamas and Hizbullah are interested in doing.

Peaceful means won't get you a part of Iran, Turkey, Iraq or Syria. Better luck next time.
Nobody reads your long posts, the Pals have balls and fight for their rights. The CheeseKurd are pussies who do nothing but complain... just like you.

Well i'm sorry that we're not killing civillians like the palestinians! Do you even realise how f*cking stupid you sound? So how can you get balls by killing innocent people, that just wants to live on their ancestral land?
Turks (Unlike jews) are not even ethnic, and yet we still show mercy for their genocidal asses.
You want us to be terrorists, but we won't fall for your pathetic tricks. Kurds have always been a noble people, always searching for peaceful solutions.

And fighting for your rights doesn't include killing an entire nation, as both Hamas and Hizbullah are interested in doing.

Peaceful means won't get you a part of Iran, Turkey, Iraq or Syria. Better luck next time.

We are liberating our land, not taking anything;) And 2 out of those 4 parts are already free, that's if you would bother to follow the news.
And please stop twisting my words. I said that we will always look for a humane solution, but if the enemies refuse, then so be it. We will hunt down their occupying forces, until the freedom will come. But again, that's not including civillians, as you support Hamas and Hizbullah in doing.
Well i'm sorry that we're not killing civillians like the palestinians! Do you even realise how f*cking stupid you sound? So how can you get balls by killing innocent people, that just wants to live on their ancestral land?
Turks (Unlike jews) are not even ethnic, and yet we still show mercy for their genocidal asses.
You want us to be terrorists, but we won't fall for your pathetic tricks. Kurds have always been a noble people, always searching for peaceful solutions.

And fighting for your rights doesn't include killing an entire nation, as both Hamas and Hizbullah are interested in doing.

Peaceful means won't get you a part of Iran, Turkey, Iraq or Syria. Better luck next time.

We are liberating our land, not taking anything;) And 2 out of those 4 parts are already free, that's if you would bother to follow the news.
And please stop twisting my words. I said that we will always look for a humane solution, but if the enemies refuse, then so be it. We will hunt down their occupying forces, until the freedom will come. But again, that's not including civillians, as you support Hamas and Hizbullah in doing.

Show me where I support Ham or Hez. Like I've said over and over, you can have Syria and Iraq, but good luck with Iran and Turkey, which you won't get. Don't be greedy is my advice.
Peaceful means won't get you a part of Iran, Turkey, Iraq or Syria. Better luck next time.

We are liberating our land, not taking anything;) And 2 out of those 4 parts are already free, that's if you would bother to follow the news.
And please stop twisting my words. I said that we will always look for a humane solution, but if the enemies refuse, then so be it. We will hunt down their occupying forces, until the freedom will come. But again, that's not including civillians, as you support Hamas and Hizbullah in doing.

Show me where I support Ham or Hez. Like I've said over and over, you can have Syria and Iraq, but good luck with Iran and Turkey, which you won't get. Don't be greedy is my advice.

As I'VE said over and over: We will take back our ancestral lands, if you feel butthurt about that, then so be it.
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[ame=]Resistance of a nation: the Kurds - YouTube[/ame]
The only thing standing between Turkey and kurdish freedom is Nato, when these turks are finally kicked out (Let's face it, it's the destiny) Some 23 million angry opressed kurds will wait for them:cool:
Nobody reads your long posts, the Pals have balls and fight for their rights. The CheeseKurd are pussies who do nothing but complain... just like you.

You should check out some Western documentaries about the wars Kurds was in, and let me tell you, what most documentaries calls us: WARRIORS.
check out turkish hypocrisy at its best

turkish FM crying for Gaza civilians

kurds killed by turkish army while no turkish leader cried for them!
35 civilian kurds in northern kurdistan (south east turkey) killed by turkish american made jets

here is pictures of a family of 7 including 2 kids killed by turks from south kurdistan (KRG)




all 7 of them were perished by turkish terrorist army
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Nobody reads your long posts, the Pals have balls and fight for their rights. The CheeseKurd are pussies who do nothing but complain... just like you.

You should check out some Western documentaries about the wars Kurds was in, and let me tell you, what most documentaries calls us: WARRIORS.

You're such fucking great warriors that you had your country taken by 4 separate countries. :lmao:
Nobody reads your long posts, the Pals have balls and fight for their rights. The CheeseKurd are pussies who do nothing but complain... just like you.

You should check out some Western documentaries about the wars Kurds was in, and let me tell you, what most documentaries calls us: WARRIORS.

You're such fucking great warriors that you had your country taken by 4 separate countries. :lmao:

It was taken because we we're betrayed. Especially Ataturk begged us to be on his side, cuz obviously he was too scared to face kurds in a fair battle;)

Allow me to do a comparison:

Here's some warriors





And here's some cowards (Pussies as you like to call them)





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You're such fucking great warriors that you had your country taken by 4 separate countries. :lmao:

Kurds are Muslims.
If they wouldn't be they wouldn't have survived.
Because they're Muslims they're qualified to receive guidance instead.
In Kurdish nationalism it translates into "we survived because we are Great Warriors."
You're such fucking great warriors that you had your country taken by 4 separate countries. :lmao:

Kurds are Muslims.
If they wouldn't be they wouldn't have survived.

Because they're Muslims they're qualified to receive guidance instead.
In Kurdish nationalism it translates into "we survived because we are Great Warriors."
Well, at least we know why you assholes killed over a million Armenians. Because they were Christians. It's a refreshing acknowledgement instead of that deranged they were killing us and traitors to Turkey. And you wonder why you are scorned by the civilized world?:confused:
You're such fucking great warriors that you had your country taken by 4 separate countries. :lmao:

Kurds are Muslims.
If they wouldn't be they wouldn't have survived.
Because they're Muslims they're qualified to receive guidance instead.
In Kurdish nationalism it translates into "we survived because we are Great Warriors."

Surviving a century of attempted assimilation and ethnic cleansing, while keeping tight on your goal for freedom is called being strong. If we didn't have the minds of warriors, then there would be no such thing as kurds today or a cultural Kurdistan region (Take a look at your non-turkish world atlas)
You're such fucking great warriors that you had your country taken by 4 separate countries. :lmao:

Kurds are Muslims.
If they wouldn't be they wouldn't have survived.
Because they're Muslims they're qualified to receive guidance instead.
In Kurdish nationalism it translates into "we survived because we are Great Warriors."

Surviving a century of attempted assimilation and ethnic cleansing, while keeping tight on your goal for freedom is called being strong. If we didn't have the minds of warriors, then there would be no such thing as kurds today or a cultural Kurdistan region (Take a look at your non-turkish world atlas)

You guys haven't done shit in the last 100 years:lol:
Kurds are Muslims.
If they wouldn't be they wouldn't have survived.
Because they're Muslims they're qualified to receive guidance instead.
In Kurdish nationalism it translates into "we survived because we are Great Warriors."

Surviving a century of attempted assimilation and ethnic cleansing, while keeping tight on your goal for freedom is called being strong. If we didn't have the minds of warriors, then there would be no such thing as kurds today or a cultural Kurdistan region (Take a look at your non-turkish world atlas)

You guys haven't done shit in the last 100 years:lol:

If you did your research, then you would realise, that we have achieved alot. And the rest is coming, don't you worry;)
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Surviving a century of attempted assimilation and ethnic cleansing, while keeping tight on your goal for freedom is called being strong. If we didn't have the minds of warriors, then there would be no such thing as kurds today or a cultural Kurdistan region (Take a look at your non-turkish world atlas)

You guys haven't done shit in the last 100 years:lol:

If you did your research, then you would realise, that we have achieved alot. And the rest is coming, don't you worry;)

Ya, you made a map with red around some of it. IMPRESSIVE!!!! :lol:
Nobody cares, especially because it's not going to happen.

Go do something with your life troll! Your opinion still doesn't mean sh*t. Infact, feel free to go cry for the fantasy "greater Armenia";)
I have no fantasy of a greater Armenia. Armenia is a country which has managed to expand by taking Nagorno-Karabakh. The Kurds, on the other hand, are servile peasants who are reduced to bowing to Arab, Turk and Persian overlords. Pathetic really.

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