Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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Why are you so obsessed with other guy's dicks, and what makes you think you know anything about the size of any of them?

Whole long response, and that's what you focused on... maybe you have the obsession with dick, Mormon Bob.
This part really needs to be restated and emphasized, for it truly exposes the deceit involved in Kellerman's hoax.

He counted, as a “gun in the home”, a gun that was brought into the home by the criminal, and used by that criminal to murder an occupant of the home.

436 times, a criminal brought a gun into someone else's home, and used it there to commit a murder.

Now, I don't know if there's any control to which to make a comparison, but it does seem very likely that if a criminal breaks into your home, carrying a gun, that that “gun in your home” is indeed more likely to be used to murder you or a member of your family, than to defend you or otherwise prevent a crime.

Actually, most of the deaths were suicides... the few that were homicides were the gun belonged to someone in the house, not that the gun was brought in. But since most gun deaths are domestic violence, that's what you'd expect.
I understand that it is disconcerting to you when Little Catholic Bastards defend themselves against unjustified vilification but that doesn’t answer the question: On what basis do you claim that Sandmann knew Phillips was a vet?

He was at a veterans event with a lot of other vets, all wearing vet stuff like campaign hats..

No, he was not. He annually leads a ceremony that honors Native American Veterans at Arlington Cemetery shortly after Veteran’s Day in November but in D.C. on that day he was with the Indigenous Peoples’ March. Below is a link to an article that has a picture of him and the group on that day:

Nathan Phillips Is Tired: The Native American Advocate Talks Responsibility & That Viral Video

As you can see from the photo, he is wearing absolutely nothing to indicate he’s a veteran and the crowd behind him are men and women of all ages. In other words, not veterans.

How about that, is that clever enough for ya?

Most of what you think you know about this incident is completely wrong and I’ve been telling you this all along.

You condemned this kid and reviled him as a punk ass disrespectful little Catholic bastard all this time because you mistakenly thought Phillips was there for an entirely different reason than he actually was. Jesus. I have no words to describe this level of intellectual dishonesty and laziness.

The archdiocese apologized and condemned their actions the day after the first, shorter video came out and at that time, no one, including the archdiocese, knew what really happened.

So what? YOu mean the parents of the LCB's complained, and they knuckled under... Ah, not the kind of Catholic School I went to.. they'd have knocked some sense into those little bastards.

Do you mean to say that the parents of the Covington kids complained so the bishop condemned the kids’ actions? Your comment doesn’t jibe with the quoted paragraph.

No one, including Lanza, ever said there had been an economic collapse.

You just did. you said it happened before. Oh, stockpiling guns and food because you expect the world to end...that's kind of crazy.

I was talking about the Great Depression dumbass.

This begs the question as to why Phillips chose to approach the Covington boys rather than the BIs. It also begs the question as to why you chose to ignore it.

Because they were smug little bastards disrupting their event... that's why. They were the larger group,

Their being the larger group is irrelevant. It was the BIs disrupting their event and you know this.

who apparently couldn’t take a few taunts.

If it had been the kids doing the taunting you would have condemned them for it. You have already condemned them for much less. Simply being Catholic being one reason.

I’ll tell you what I think: Phillips approached the Covington kids not because they had harassed his group or disrupted their event - the BIs were doing all the harassing and taunting that day and they were taunting everybody, including the NAs - he approached them because they were wearing MAGA hats. That’s it.

I couldn’t help but notice you left out everything else I told you about the bishop taking down the condemnation and the results of the investigation.

And once again: What is your source for the claim that Nancy Lanza left Adam alone for days at a time?
As you can see from the photo, he is wearing absolutely nothing to indicate he’s a veteran and the crowd behind him are men and women of all ages. In other words, not veterans.

That's your story.. I don't buy it... but I'm sure you'll show a lot of out of context pictures to "prove" your point.

You condemned this kid and reviled him as a punk ass disrespectful little Catholic bastard all this time because you mistakenly thought Phillips was there for an entirely different reason than he actually was. Jesus. I have no words to describe this level of intellectual dishonesty and laziness.

Actually, I revile him because he's a smirking little entitled bastard... I'm sure he'll be involved in a campus rape in his future.

Do you mean to say that the parents of the Covington kids complained so the bishop condemned the kids’ actions? Your comment doesn’t jibe with the quoted paragraph.

Hey, got to keep that money flowing in, and Bishop McFeelly has altar boys to pay off.

I was talking about the Great Depression dumbass.

Didn't have looting mobs then, either.

If it had been the kids doing the taunting you would have condemned them for it. You have already condemned them for much less. Simply being Catholic being one reason.

Actually, I wouldn't have gotten in their faces about it... but never mind.

I couldn’t help but notice you left out everything else I told you about the bishop taking down the condemnation and the results of the investigation.

Because honestly, I don't really give a crap that some pedophile bishop (and yes, all the Clergy of the Catholic Church ARE pedos) knuckled under to the right wing.

And once again: What is your source for the claim that Nancy Lanza left Adam alone for days at a time?

Again, not doing your research for you, it was in one of the articles I previously posted and I'm not posting it again.

The bitch was fucking nuts... and produced a monster.
I've got the perfect word to describe that level of intellectual dishonesty and laziness:

Joseph Smith? Now, that was a lazy and dishonest fuck. They ran him out of four states before we finally caught up to him in Illinois and shot him like a dog..


Still fucking hilarious.
As you can see from the photo, he is wearing absolutely nothing to indicate he’s a veteran and the crowd behind him are men and women of all ages. In other words, not veterans.

That's your story.. I don't buy it... but I'm sure you'll show a lot of out of context pictures to "prove" your point.

It’s not my “story”, it happens to be the truth. The simple fact is, Phillips was not there with a veterans’ group that day. Ergo, Sandmann had no way of knowing Phillips was a veteran. Also, if you saw the video then you know by now that the jacket he's wearing in the picture matches the jacket he's wearing in the video. And it's not just the jacket that matches either; the shirt he's wearing under the jacket matches the one in the video.

Did you even look at the article?

You condemned this kid and reviled him as a punk ass disrespectful little Catholic bastard all this time because you mistakenly thought Phillips was there for an entirely different reason than he actually was. Jesus. I have no words to describe this level of intellectual dishonesty and laziness.

Actually, I revile him because he's a smirking little entitled bastard... I'm sure he'll be involved in a campus rape in his future.

By who, you? Given your obsession with dick sizes, I can believe that.

Do you mean to say that the parents of the Covington kids complained so the bishop condemned the kids’ actions? Your comment doesn’t jibe with the quoted paragraph.

Hey, got to keep that money flowing in, and Bishop McFeelly has altar boys to pay off.

When all else fails, insult Catholics. Pathetic.

I was talking about the Great Depression dumbass.

Didn't have looting mobs then, either.

No, we didn’t. What’s your point?

If it had been the kids doing the taunting you would have condemned them for it. You have already condemned them for much less. Simply being Catholic being one reason.

Actually, I wouldn't have gotten in their faces about it... but never mind.

No, you would have just blamed someone else like rich people.

I couldn’t help but notice you left out everything else I told you about the bishop taking down the condemnation and the results of the investigation.

Because honestly, I don't really give a crap that some pedophile bishop (and yes, all the Clergy of the Catholic Church ARE pedos) knuckled under to the right wing.

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention. The bishop knuckled under pressure to issue the initial statement condemning the boys’ actions. They took that statement down after the longer video came out casting doubt on liberal claims and outrage that the boys were at fault.

Whether he knuckled under to right wing pressure or not is irrelevant anyway. The investigation exonerated the boys.

And once again: What is your source for the claim that Nancy Lanza left Adam alone for days at a time?

Again, not doing your research for you, it was in one of the articles I previously posted and I'm not posting it again.

Below is every link you've cited in our discussion. I've reviewed every one for a second time to verify your claim and nowhere in any of these articles is it said or implied that Nancy Lanza left Adam alone for days at a time.

Adam Lanza’s Mother Was a Gun Enthusiast, Friends Say

Nancy Lanza stockpiling guns, food as part of 'prepper' movement, says sister-in-law

Nancy Lanza was a "prepper"

Connecticut school shooting: Preparing for the end of the world

Covington Catholic High Apologizes for Students Who Mocked Native American Veteran During March for Life

So again, what is the source of your claim that she left him alone for days at a time?

The bitch was fucking nuts... and produced a monster.

Yeah, you've said that already like fourteen times.
Did you even look at the article?

Nope, I don't look at any article provided by a wingnut.

Here's how we know that Slappy McPunkbitch was in the wrong-- All the money his parents are spending trying to rehabilitate his image.

No, we didn’t. What’s your point?

That anyone who stocks up on Guns and canned foods because the economy might go bad IS A FUCKING NUT!!!!

I'm sorry you have the attention span of a five year old.

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention. The bishop knuckled under pressure to issue the initial statement condemning the boys’ actions. They took that statement down after the longer video came out casting doubt on liberal claims and outrage that the boys were at fault.

I pay attention perfectly well. The Catholic Scam is abut makingmoney. Period. When they realized doing the right thing might actually cost them money, Bishop McFeely or whatever his name was backed off.

Below is every link you've cited in our discussion. I've reviewed every one for a second time to verify your claim and nowhere in any of these articles is it said or implied that Nancy Lanza left Adam alone for days at a time.

Wow, you are pathetic....

Nancy Lanza's final few days of relief

Adam, 20, had "disabilities" and "some sort of autism" but they were dealing with it, and Nancy was proud of his accomplishments.

In fact, the New Hampshire sojourn was an "experiment" to give him run of the house for a few days.

Yeah, you've said that already like fourteen times.

And it's still true. THe problem is, they let people like that own guns.
Did you even look at the article?

Nope, I don't look at any article provided by a wingnut.

Meaning “I don’t look at any article that might wreck my case.”

Here's how we know that Slappy McPunkbitch was in the wrong-- All the money his parents are spending trying to rehabilitate his image.

Irrelevant. The investigation cleared them, dumbass. And “Slappy McPunkbitch”? What are you, thirteen? I suppose you think that is clever.

No, we didn’t. What’s your point?

That anyone who stocks up on Guns and canned foods because the economy might go bad IS A FUCKING NUT!!!!

pfft, no more than you are. Wait, let me properly emphasize in the JoeB manner: NO MORE THAN YOU ARE!!! There, that should get my point across. If it doesn’t, also in JoeB style, I’ll try to divert you from the fact that I don’t have a case and lure you into an irrelevant tangent by using insulting hyperbole meant to trigger you such as Little Catholic Bastards.

I'm sorry you have the attention span of a five year old.

I’m sorry you don’t have enough of an attention span to see you have no attention span.

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention. The bishop knuckled under pressure to issue the initial statement condemning the boys’ actions. They took that statement down after the longer video came out casting doubt on liberal claims and outrage that the boys were at fault.

I pay attention perfectly well. The Catholic Scam is abut makingmoney. Period. When they realized doing the right thing might actually cost them money, Bishop McFeely or whatever his name was backed off.

The right thing to do would have been to issue a statement saying they would investigate, which they did anyway

Let me ask you: Was investigating the incident the right thing to do?

Below is every link you've cited in our discussion. I've reviewed every one for a second time to verify your claim and nowhere in any of these articles is it said or implied that Nancy Lanza left Adam alone for days at a time.

Wow, you are pathetic....

Nancy Lanza's final few days of relief

Adam, 20, had "disabilities" and "some sort of autism" but they were dealing with it, and Nancy was proud of his accomplishments.

In fact, the New Hampshire sojourn was an "experiment" to give him run of the house for a few days.

You said it was in one of the articles you linked but you never linked this article.

Yeah, you've said that already like fourteen times.

And it's still true. THe problem is, they let people like that own guns.

Doesn’t that just suck the little willy?
Meaning “I don’t look at any article that might wreck my case.”

Nope, I just don't waste my time on Wingnut articles.

Irrelevant. The investigation cleared them, dumbass. And “Slappy McPunkbitch”? What are you, thirteen? I suppose you think that is clever.

I think it's hysterical... he has such a slappable face. Probably if he got a good slapping, he wouldn't be such a punk...

The fact his parents are suing everyone for just reporting what he did is telling enough.

pfft, no more than you are. Wait, let me properly emphasize in the JoeB manner: NO MORE THAN YOU ARE!!! There, that should get my point across. If it doesn’t, also in JoeB style, I’ll try to divert you from the fact that I don’t have a case and lure you into an irrelevant tangent by using insulting hyperbole meant to trigger you such as Little Catholic Bastards.

Yawn, guy, I'm already living in your head. But some bitch who stocks up on guns and can food because she thinks the world is coming to an end... um, yeah. That's nuts. Thinking some entitled little punk is an entitled little punk... not so much.

The right thing to do would have been to issue a statement saying they would investigate, which they did anyway

Let me ask you: Was investigating the incident the right thing to do?

Naw, what they should have done is what the old school Christian Brothers would have done to my generation of Little Catholic Bastards... got us into a room and slapped the shit out of us for embarrasing the school.

You said it was in one of the articles you linked but you never linked this article.

Yes, I did. That you couldn't find it.. that's your problem. Point was, she left little Crazy McTardo alone for a couple of days getting a booty call up in NH, and he freaked out and shot her when she got back.

And then he shot up 26 other people... which is where it became a lot less funny.

Doesn’t that just suck the little willy?

20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers. Um, yeah. That sucks.
Meaning “I don’t look at any article that might wreck my case.”

Nope, I just don't waste my time on Wingnut articles.

How would you know it’s a wingnut article if you don’t look at it?

The website is and their readership is 75% female. The article itself was an interview with Phillips.

I don’t even know if the site is liberal or conservative. I only linked the article because it had the best picture of Phillips from that particular day. In fact, I told you that the article had the picture. I didn’t care if you read the article or not.

So once again you demonstrate how close-minded you are.

Irrelevant. The investigation cleared them, dumbass. And “Slappy McPunkbitch”? What are you, thirteen? I suppose you think that is clever.

I think it's hysterical... he has such a slappable face. Probably if he got a good slapping, he wouldn't be such a punk...

Meaning: I’ve run out of arguments so I’m falling back on the tried and true tactic of insulting and offensive remarks about the person’s appearance.

The fact his parents are suing everyone for just reporting what he did is telling enough.

Irrelevant. The investigation cleared him.

What is it that bothers you so much about that, that they tried to clear his name or that they had the money to do so? Is it because you think they’re rich?

pfft, no more than you are. Wait, let me properly emphasize in the JoeB manner: NO MORE THAN YOU ARE!!! There, that should get my point across. If it doesn’t, also in JoeB style, I’ll try to divert you from the fact that I don’t have a case and lure you into an irrelevant tangent by using insulting hyperbole meant to trigger you such as Little Catholic Bastards.

Yawn, guy, I'm already living in your head.

This may have escaped your attention but for every post of mine addressed to you, there is a corresponding post from you to me. Did you miss this particular factoid?

But some bitch who stocks up on guns and can food because she thinks the world is coming to an end... um, yeah. That's nuts. Thinking some entitled little punk is an entitled little punk... not so much.

Blah blah blah...bitch is fucking nuts...blah blah...kid looks like a punk...blah blah blah...zombies...entitled...little Catholic bastard...wingnut...Bibles, guns, darkies and queers...blah blah nauseum.

The right thing to do would have been to issue a statement saying they would investigate, which they did anyway

Let me ask you: Was investigating the incident the right thing to do?

Naw, what they should have done is what the old school Christian Brothers would have done to my generation of Little Catholic Bastards... got us into a room and slapped the shit out of us for embarrasing the school.

I’ll just bet that the irony of this has totally escaped you; that this sort of thing is precisely why you hate Catholics.

It would be hysterical if it weren’t so fucking pathetic.

You said it was in one of the articles you linked but you never linked this article.

Yes, I did. That you couldn't find it.. that's your problem.

No, you did not. I went back to when you and I first started sparring and scrolled though every page to find all the links you cited to me and this was not one of them.

Point was, she left little Crazy McTardo alone for a couple of days getting a booty call up in NH, and he freaked out and shot her when she got back.

He didn’t have Downs Syndrome, he was autistic you idiot.

And just to be clear, she didn’t leave him home alone for “days at a time”, she left him alone the one time and she did so thinking it might help him to be independent for a short time.

In addition, the boy had been withdrawing further and further already so it’s likely he would have killed her and gone on a rampage anyway whether she left or not.

And then he shot up 26 other people... which is where it became a lot less funny.

Would it have still been funny if it had been a Catholic school?

Doesn’t that just suck the little willy?

20 dead kids and 6 dead teachers. Um, yeah. That sucks.

Too bad they weren’t Catholics or rich people, huh?
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How would you know it’s a wingnut article if you don’t look at it?

You posted it. Next.

rrelevant. The investigation cleared him.

What is it that bothers you so much about that, that they tried to clear his name or that they had the money to do so? Is it because you think they’re rich?

$6000 a year to go to school at Religious Asshole Academy? Um.. yeah.

The point was, they got lawyers and PR guys and got him booked on all the news shows and taught him how to emote in front of the camera like, Boo, hoo, I was just standing there being a misogynistic piece of shit when the mean old Native Man played a tamborine in front of me.....

He didn’t have Downs Syndrome, he was autistic you idiot.

And just to be clear, she didn’t leave him home alone for “days at a time”, she left him alone the one time and she did so thinking it might help him to be independent for a short time.

A Tard's a Tard... Yeah, that worked out well....

She spent 20 years raising a nutcase... and then left him to his own devices... again, if it was just her, it would almost be funny.
How would you know it’s a wingnut article if you don’t look at it?

You posted it. Next.

If you think I’m a wingnut, why are you bothering to debate me? And I couldn’t help but notice you left out the part where I explained what the site actually was and what the article was about.

I think you in fact did take a look at the article to see if I was wrong or lying so you could lord it over me.You saw it was the truth and now “wingnut” insults is all you have.

rrelevant. The investigation cleared him.

What is it that bothers you so much about that, that they tried to clear his name or that they had the money to do so? Is it because you think they’re rich?

$6000 a year to go to school at Religious Asshole Academy? Um.. yeah.

So you hate them for being rich?

The point was, they got lawyers and PR guys and got him booked on all the news shows and taught him how to emote in front of the camera like, Boo, hoo, I was just standing there being a misogynistic piece of shit when the mean old Native Man played a tamborine in front of me.....

Why is this such a problem for you?

You know, Phillips did the exact same thing with the exception of the PR firm. He did multiple interviews and TV appearances to tell his story. He also boo hooed and he did so over shit that never happened.

Below is a link to an interview with Phillips by CNN; one of your own non-wingnut entities so you have no excuse for not looking.

Native American elder Nathan Phillips, in his own words

Here are some quotes by Phillips directly from that interview that are false, misconceptions or outright lies followed by facts that contradict his claims. The first quote is probably the only thing he said in the interview that was actually true and contradicts what you said about Phillips being there with a veterans group:

We were finishing up with Indigenous Peoples March and rally...”

So there you are, straight from horse’s mouth.

Then there was this young group of young students that came there and were offended by their (Black Israelites) speech, and it escalated into an ugly situation that I found myself in the middle of.”

Fact: The Black Israelites were between Phillips and the Covington kids. Phillips didn’t “find himself” in the middle of anything and when he was in the middle later on, he had deliberately placed himself there.

“It looked like these young men (Covington kids)were going to attack these guys (Black Israelites).”

Fact: The Covington kids had no intention of attacking anybody and they were doing their school cheer to drown out the racist rhetoric coming from the Black Israelites.

“They were going to hurt them. They were going to hurt them because they didn't like the color of their skin.”

Fact: There is no basis whatsoever for this claim. He had no way of knowing the Covington kids were going to attack the BIs and no way of knowing they were doing what they did because of the color of the BIs’ skin.

To be honest, they looked like they were going to lynch them (the BIs).”

Fact: Another assumption and overblown melodrama to boot.

I realized I had put myself in a really dangerous situation.”

Fact: This contradicts what he said earlier about “finding” himself in the middle. It also confirms that he approached them.

“ ...this young fellow (Sandmann) put himself in front of me and wouldn't move.”

Fact: Sandmann was in the same spot the whole time and Phillips approached him directly.

“Why did they need 200 people there other than it's hate and racism?”

Fact: They were waiting for their bus.

It was just, ‘Build the wall’

Fact: They never said “Build the wall”.

He didn’t have Downs Syndrome, he was autistic you idiot.

And just to be clear, she didn’t leave him home alone for “days at a time”, she left him alone the one time and she did so thinking it might help him to be independent for a short time.

A Tard's a Tard...

I guess you’d be the one to know.

She spent 20 years raising a nutcase... and then left him to his own devices... again, if it was just her, it would almost be funny.

Given your grade school remarks and insults, I think you find the whole thing funny as hell.

You’re not bothered in the least by the deaths of these kids. You have used this entire thing as an excuse to malign what you call “gun nuts”. This massacre was nothing but a tool for you.
He didn’t have Downs Syndrome, he was autistic you idiot.

A Tard's a Tard... Yeah, that worked out well....

Being autistic is not the same as being retarded. In fact, some forms of autism often go along with exceptionally high levels of intelligence. There are some who have credibly speculated, for example, that such great minds as Einstein, Newton, Mozart, Beethoven, and several others, may have been autistic.

I have never been officially diagnosed as such, but I very strongly suspect that I may have some form of high-functioning autism; I also have a measured IQ of 138, which puts me within a few points of the top 1%.
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He didn’t have Downs Syndrome, he was autistic you idiot.

A Tard's a Tard... Yeah, that worked out well....

Being autistic is not the same as being retarded. In fact, some forms of autism often go along with exceptionally high levels of intelligence. There are some who have credibly speculated, for example, that such great minds as Einstein, Newton, Mozart, Beethoven, and several others, may have been autistic.

I have never been officially diagnosed as such, but I very strongly suspect that I may have some form of high-functioning autism; I also have a measured IQ of 138, which puts me within a few points of the top 1%.

Didn’t authorities show up at their house once because Adam hacked into some government agency or something?

It doesn’t matter though. JoeB is not one to let facts and important distinctions get in the way of his “Bibles, guns, darkies and queers” narrative.
If you think I’m a wingnut, why are you bothering to debate me?

Humor value... fun to watch you spin.

Why is this such a problem for you?

You know, Phillips did the exact same thing with the exception of the PR firm. He did multiple interviews and TV appearances to tell his story. He also boo hooed and he did so over shit that never happened.

No, it wasn't the same thing at all. He didn't get an army of lawyers and some PR guys. He just did interviews.

Here's why I have a problem. If when I went to a Catholic School in the 1980's, if I had disrespected a vet, my Dad who proudly had his Campaign Map from WWII listed the battles he was in from Normandy to VE Day, would have slapped my ass into a new Zip Code. LECB has parents who think, "My poor little baby, they made him look bad by showing what he did on TV. We need to get lawyers and PR Guys and send a very nasty letter to the Bishop saying our little angels were in the right."

You’re not bothered in the least by the deaths of these kids. You have used this entire thing as an excuse to malign what you call “gun nuts”. This massacre was nothing but a tool for you.

No, I'm very bothered by it because it was 100% preventable. Or as the Onion puts it every time we have a mass shooting.


Now a jury is going to get to decide the culpability of the gun industry in causing these tragedies.
Didn’t authorities show up at their house once because Adam hacked into some government agency or something?

It doesn’t matter though. JoeB is not one to let facts and important distinctions get in the way of his “Bibles, guns, darkies and queers” narrative.

Well, the ONLY source we have for this is a claim by his mother told to her friends that he had done this. Given the woman was a paranoid loon, you should take it with a grain of salt.

Being autistic is not the same as being retarded. In fact, some forms of autism often go along with exceptionally high levels of intelligence. There are some who have credibly speculated, for example, that such great minds as Einstein, Newton, Mozart, Beethoven, and several others, may have been autistic.

I have never been officially diagnosed as such, but I very strongly suspect that I may have some form of high-functioning autism; I also have a measured IQ of 138, which puts me within a few points of the top 1%.

Bob... you are worse than Retarded. You're a Mormon. That's what happens when you turn Retard into a religion.
If you think I’m a wingnut, why are you bothering to debate me?

Humor value... fun to watch you spin.

Alright then, why not click the links for a few more chuckles?

You don’t click the links because you’re not interested in the truth, only maintaining your narrative.

Why is this such a problem for you?

You know, Phillips did the exact same thing with the exception of the PR firm. He did multiple interviews and TV appearances to tell his story. He also boo hooed and he did so over shit that never happened.

No, it wasn't the same thing at all. He didn't get an army of lawyers and some PR guys. He just did interviews.

Yeah, just like Sandmann. And most of the things Phillips said in his interviews were horseshit. Half of what he said was assumption and conjecture, the other half was just not true. On top of that, half of what he said contradicted the other half.

About the only thing that was true in his testimony was that he was with the Indigenous Peoples March.

Here's why I have a problem. If when I went to a Catholic School in the 1980's, if I had disrespected a vet, my Dad who proudly had his Campaign Map from WWII listed the battles he was in from Normandy to VE Day, would have slapped my ass into a new Zip Code. LECB has parents who think, "My poor little baby, they made him look bad by showing what he did on TV. We need to get lawyers and PR Guys and send a very nasty letter to the Bishop saying our little angels were in the right."

It was already proven to you that Phillips was not with a veterans group and was wearing nothing to indicate that he was a veteran. Therefore, Sandmann did not know he was a veteran.

Try again.

You’re not bothered in the least by the deaths of these kids. You have used this entire thing as an excuse to malign what you call “gun nuts”. This massacre was nothing but a tool for you.

No, I'm very bothered by it because it was 100% preventable. Or as the Onion puts it every time we have a mass shooting.

Every death is preventable, barring those from certain diseases or otherwise out of our control. Even some of those are preventable or controllable through diet and exercise.
Car accidents; (by which many more people are killed than by firearms.) Accidents of all sorts: home, workplace, vacations, motorcycles, four wheelers, taking selfies, etc.
Then there are the many other types of murders and manslaughters: by hammer, hands, knives and other sharp instruments (#3 on list of murder weapons), hands, feet, etc., etc.

You don’t give two shits about the victims. You’re not interested in preventing deaths, you’re only interested in letting everyone know what douchebags you think gun owners are. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between Downs Syndrome and autism is evidence of that.

I know damn well that you are not so stupid as to not understand the difference between the two. But to do so would complicate the discussion and divert you from what you really want to say: Gun owners are fucking nut douchebags.

Now a jury is going to get to decide the culpability of the gun industry in causing these tragedies.

Uh huh.
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This part really needs to be restated and emphasized, for it truly exposes the deceit involved in Kellerman's hoax.

He counted, as a “gun in the home”, a gun that was brought into the home by the criminal, and used by that criminal to murder an occupant of the home.

436 times, a criminal brought a gun into someone else's home, and used it there to commit a murder.

Now, I don't know if there's any control to which to make a comparison, but it does seem very likely that if a criminal breaks into your home, carrying a gun, that that “gun in your home” is indeed more likely to be used to murder you or a member of your family, than to defend you or otherwise prevent a crime.

Actually, most of the deaths were suicides... the few that were homicides were the gun belonged to someone in the house, not that the gun was brought in. But since most gun deaths are domestic violence, that's what you'd expect.

lol.....s0n, you make about 100 posts a week about banning guns and in every one of them, your head is exploding with angst, misery and frustration.....for years now! Yet the needle on gun control hasnt moved an inch.:113: So at some point, most people recognize that it's a waste of time when nobody is concurring with a fringe point of view. But not you....:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:!!! Youd be more successful getting buck naked and walking down Main Street shaking a bananna at people screaming about the end of times!

Nobody cares about banning guns.....d0y....c'mon now.....Beto said it and crashed and burned in historic fashion. :2up:
Didn’t authorities show up at their house once because Adam hacked into some government agency or something?

It doesn’t matter though. JoeB is not one to let facts and important distinctions get in the way of his “Bibles, guns, darkies and queers” narrative.

Well, the ONLY source we have for this is a claim by his mother told to her friends that he had done this. Given the woman was a paranoid loon, you should take it with a grain of salt.

Nope. This was told to the FBI by a neighbor.

He actually wasn’t able to hack all the way in. He was stopped by the third level of security.
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