Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

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If you think I’m a wingnut, why are you bothering to debate me?

Humor value... fun to watch you spin.

Alright then, why not click the links for a few more chuckles?

You don’t click the links because you’re not interested in the truth, only maintaining your narrative.

Why is this such a problem for you?

You know, Phillips did the exact same thing with the exception of the PR firm. He did multiple interviews and TV appearances to tell his story. He also boo hooed and he did so over shit that never happened.

No, it wasn't the same thing at all. He didn't get an army of lawyers and some PR guys. He just did interviews.

Yeah, just like Sandmann. And most of the things Phillips said in his interviews were horseshit. Half of what he said was assumption and conjecture, the other half was just not true. On top of that, half of what he said contradicted the other half.

About the only thing that was true in his testimony was that he was with the Indigenous Peoples March.

Here's why I have a problem. If when I went to a Catholic School in the 1980's, if I had disrespected a vet, my Dad who proudly had his Campaign Map from WWII listed the battles he was in from Normandy to VE Day, would have slapped my ass into a new Zip Code. LECB has parents who think, "My poor little baby, they made him look bad by showing what he did on TV. We need to get lawyers and PR Guys and send a very nasty letter to the Bishop saying our little angels were in the right."

It was already proven to you that Phillips was not with a veterans group and was wearing nothing to indicate that he was a veteran. Therefore, Sandmann did not know he was a veteran.

Try again.

You’re not bothered in the least by the deaths of these kids. You have used this entire thing as an excuse to malign what you call “gun nuts”. This massacre was nothing but a tool for you.

No, I'm very bothered by it because it was 100% preventable. Or as the Onion puts it every time we have a mass shooting.

Every death is preventable, barring those from certain diseases or otherwise out of our control. Even some of those are preventable or controllable through diet and exercise.
Car accidents; (by which many more people are killed than by firearms.) Accidents of all sorts: home, workplace, vacations, motorcycles, four wheelers, taking selfies, etc.
Then there are the many other types of murders and manslaughters: by hammer, hands, knives and other sharp instruments (#3 on list of murder weapons), hands, feet, etc., etc.

You don’t give two shits about the victims. You’re not interested in preventing deaths, you’re only interested in letting everyone know what douchebags you think gun owners are. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between Downs Syndrome and autism is evidence of that.

I know damn well that you are not so stupid as to not understand the difference between the two. But to do so would complicate the discussion and divert you from what you really want to say: Gun owners are fucking nut douchebags.

Now a jury is going to get to decide the culpability of the gun industry in causing these tragedies.

Uh huh.

lol....this Joe guy thinks his thinking is mainstream!:113: Its fascinating!! On a board of 25,000 members, he has about 7 allies!!

Let's see the DUM nominee show up in Milwaukee next summer and make banning guns a central theme of the platform!! Only Joe would think it possible!!:coffee:
Great news. The gun industry has been irresponsible in selling weapons for mass killing to the public. Hopefully they will be soon paying for it.

Supreme Court Allows Sandy Hook Families' Case Against Remington Arms To Proceed

The Supreme Court has denied Remington Arms Co.'s bid to block a lawsuit filed by families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook school massacre. The families say Remington should be held liable, as the maker of the AR-15-style rifle used in the 2012 killings.

And you are an idiot....where did Remington have any culpability in what happened, you doofus.

What you asshats don't understand, is these companies are the gateway......if you can sue a gun maker for the illegal use of their product, car makers, booze makers, computer makers are all next in moron.
Companies get sued all the time for being irresponsible and making dangerous products. The gun companies have been selling mass killing weapons to the public for too long. Hope they win a fortune.
Simply because you repeat a debunked talking point, does not mean you are stating reality. They do not sell mass-killing weapons, they exercise a Constitutional right.

Mass killing weapons are things like automobiles and political parties.
Yeah, just like Sandmann. And most of the things Phillips said in his interviews were horseshit. Half of what he said was assumption and conjecture, the other half was just not true. On top of that, half of what he said contradicted the other half.

Did the scary red man scare you, too?

Nope. This was told to the FBI by a neighbor.

He actually wasn’t able to hack all the way in. He was stopped by the third level of security.

According to his crazy mom, who didn't know if it was the CIA or the FBI or the voices in her head. I'm going with the voices in her head.

You don’t give two shits about the victims. You’re not interested in preventing deaths, you’re only interested in letting everyone know what douchebags you think gun owners are. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between Downs Syndrome and autism is evidence of that.

Not every retard has Downs... Oh, wait, we can't say "Retard" anymore, we have to say, 'Special Needs"... until that gets un PC and they come up with something else.

But back to my point. I actually would be perfectly fine with banning privately owned guns altogether. the UK does this, they have less than 50 gun homicides a year. Japan has almost no homicides. Being a realist, I'm for a comprimise.. we could have a law like Germany has, where you can own a gun, but ONLY after you've undergone strict scrutiny. Germany has 600 gun homicides a year... because they largely keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them.

The thing is, and why it's good they are suing Remington... is that the gun industry decided that the people who shouldn't have guns are the market they wanted to go for. Because they would cause enough violence where other people would want them, too.

I can't wait for the discovery phase of this case.
Yeah, just like Sandmann. And most of the things Phillips said in his interviews were horseshit. Half of what he said was assumption and conjecture, the other half was just not true. On top of that, half of what he said contradicted the other half.

Did the scary red man scare you, too?

What does his being red have to do with anything?

Nope. This was told to the FBI by a neighbor.

He actually wasn’t able to hack all the way in. He was stopped by the third level of security.

According to his crazy mom, who didn't know if it was the CIA or the FBI or the voices in her head. I'm going with the voices in her head.

I think you’re going with the voices in your head and have for quite some time.

You don’t give two shits about the victims. You’re not interested in preventing deaths, you’re only interested in letting everyone know what douchebags you think gun owners are. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between Downs Syndrome and autism is evidence of that.

Not every retard has Downs... Oh, wait, we can't say "Retard" anymore, we have to say, 'Special Needs"... until that gets un PC and they come up with something else.

Do you think that after all this time I’m actually bothered by this puerile drivel?

One of the neighbors also testified that Adam had hacked a government site. However, it doesn’t matter whether you believe he did or not, by all accounts he was very intelligent and not mentally retarded by any definition of the word.

He was diagnosed with Asperger’s which is a milder form of autism and one of the hallmarks of Asperger’s is high intelligence.

But if it helps you maintain and nurture your hate for gun owners then by all means, call him retarded.

But back to my point. I actually would be perfectly fine with banning privately owned guns altogether. the UK does this, they have less than 50 gun homicides a year. Japan has almost no homicides. Being a realist, I'm for a comprimise.. we could have a law like Germany has, where you can own a gun, but ONLY after you've undergone strict scrutiny. Germany has 600 gun homicides a year... because they largely keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them.

You have ignored all the facts regarding the Sandmann and Lanza cases. Of all the words we could use to define your character, realist is not of them.

The thing is, and why it's good they are suing Remington... is that the gun industry decided that the people who shouldn't have guns are the market they wanted to go for. Because they would cause enough violence where other people would want them, too.

Don’t be an idiot.

I can't wait for the discovery phase of this case.

Why, so you can look at the photos of the victims?

As I said before, you don’t give two shits about the victims.
Yeah, just like Sandmann. And most of the things Phillips said in his interviews were horseshit. Half of what he said was assumption and conjecture, the other half was just not true. On top of that, half of what he said contradicted the other half.

Did the scary red man scare you, too?

Nope. This was told to the FBI by a neighbor.

He actually wasn’t able to hack all the way in. He was stopped by the third level of security.

According to his crazy mom, who didn't know if it was the CIA or the FBI or the voices in her head. I'm going with the voices in her head.

You don’t give two shits about the victims. You’re not interested in preventing deaths, you’re only interested in letting everyone know what douchebags you think gun owners are. The fact that you refuse to acknowledge the distinction between Downs Syndrome and autism is evidence of that.

Not every retard has Downs... Oh, wait, we can't say "Retard" anymore, we have to say, 'Special Needs"... until that gets un PC and they come up with something else.

But back to my point. I actually would be perfectly fine with banning privately owned guns altogether. the UK does this, they have less than 50 gun homicides a year. Japan has almost no homicides. Being a realist, I'm for a comprimise.. we could have a law like Germany has, where you can own a gun, but ONLY after you've undergone strict scrutiny. Germany has 600 gun homicides a year... because they largely keep guns away from people who shouldn't have them.

The thing is, and why it's good they are suing Remington... is that the gun industry decided that the people who shouldn't have guns are the market they wanted to go for. Because they would cause enough violence where other people would want them, too.

I can't wait for the discovery phase of this case.

Britiain is more violent than the U.S. and becoming more and more violent every day.....fatherless homes and the welfare state creating young males with violence issues.....and the British police state they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country...nothing you say about Britain and gun violence is going to be true for very long......and they had low gun murder rates before they banned guns....and the same level after.....which means normal people owning guns didn't drive their gun murder doofus.

You have been shown over and over that Japan has a low crime rate in all categories....and their criminals used bombs and fully automatic weapons when they wanted to use them. That the police state and their culture keeps them crime free, not their gun control laws...which again, didn't stop their criminals from getting guns.

European criminals prefer fully automatic military you have been shown over and over again....culture, not gun control, has kept their gun murder rates freaking Sweden shows with their increasing violence....Sweden of all places you moron.
I think you’re going with the voices in your head and have for quite some time.

I'm not the one who had a kid steal my Anti-Zombie Arsenal and slaughter a bunch of kids... That would be your pinup girl, Crazy Nancy...

Do you think that after all this time I’m actually bothered by this puerile drivel?

Yes, Yes, I think I am living in your head rent free.

One of the neighbors also testified that Adam had hacked a government site. However, it doesn’t matter whether you believe he did or not, by all accounts he was very intelligent and not mentally retarded by any definition of the word.

No, the neighbor said that her little tard did that... he didn't see him do it. I'm sure that Crazy Nancy was totally in denial about what she was raising.

He was diagnosed with Asperger’s which is a milder form of autism and one of the hallmarks of Asperger’s is high intelligence.

Adam Lanze was a tard....

Why, so you can look at the photos of the victims?

As I said before, you don’t give two shits about the victims.

Frankly, I would love to see pictures of the victims split screened with whatever NRA Asshole talking about "Founding Fathers". I think if we all got to see the pictures of victims, we'd tell the NRA to shut the fuck up.

Instead, we hide these pictures, and we have characters like DaleSmith get on these boards and say it was all a hoax.

But, no, no, the reason why I look forward to discovery in this case is so we can finally see the internal marketing documents of Remington... How they knowingly marketed to the craziest gun owners.
Britiain is more violent than the U.S. and becoming more and more violent every day.....fatherless homes and the welfare state creating young males with violence issues.....and the British police state they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country...nothing you say about Britain and gun violence is going to be true for very long......and they had low gun murder rates before they banned guns....and the same level after.....which means normal people owning guns didn't drive their gun murder doofus.

Yes, yes, yes, you got all the talking points down, buddy... but the fact is.

No Guns- Few murders
Lots of Guns- lots of murders

This isn't complicated.
Britiain is more violent than the U.S. and becoming more and more violent every day.....fatherless homes and the welfare state creating young males with violence issues.....and the British police state they can't stop the increasing flow of illegal guns into the country...nothing you say about Britain and gun violence is going to be true for very long......and they had low gun murder rates before they banned guns....and the same level after.....which means normal people owning guns didn't drive their gun murder doofus.

Yes, yes, yes, you got all the talking points down, buddy... but the fact is.

No Guns- Few murders
Lots of Guns- lots of murders

This isn't complicated.

Moron..... guns owned and carried by normal people don't kill doofus.......guns in the hands of criminals who were released by democrat party judges, prosecutors and polticians kill people....

Over 18.6 million people in the U.S. now carry guns for self defense and the gun murder rate went down, not up......

Over the last 26 years, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 18.6 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2018...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware
Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

The anti-gun hypothesis and argument.....

More Guns = More Gun crime regardless of any other factors.

Actual Result:

In the more Americans own and carry guns over the last 26 years, gun murder down 49%, gun crime down 75%, violent crime down 72%

The result: Exact opposite of theory of anti-gunners....

In Science when you have a theory, when that theory is tested....and the exact opposite result happens...that means your theory is wrong. That is science....not left wing wishful thinking.

Whatever the crime rate more Americans owned more guns the crime rate did not go again...

More Guns = More Gun Crime
Britain had access to guns before they banned them.....they had low gun crime, low gun murder.
They banned guns, the gun murder rate spiked for 10 years then returned to the same level...
Your Theory again....
More guns = More Gun Crime
Guns Banned creates no change? That means banning guns for law abiding gun owners had no effect on gun crime.
When your theory states one thing, and you implement your theory, and nothing science, that means your theory is wrong...

Maine tops ‘safest states’ rankings four years after removing major gun restriction

When Maine passed a “Constitutional Carry” law allowing Maine residents to carry a concealed firearm without any special permit in 2015, opponents of the law forecast a dangerous future for the state. They said the new law would hurt public safety and put Maine kids at risk.

One state representative who opposed the bill went so far as to say it would give Mainers a reason to be afraid every time they went out in public or to work.

Another state representative suggested the law would lead to violent criminals with recent arrests and convictions legally carrying handguns.


Now four years later, Maine has been named the safest state in the nation according to US News and World Report’s public safety rankings, which measures the fifty states based on crime data.

Ranking as the top safest state for violent crime and fourth for property crime, Maine edges out another New England state, Vermont, for the top spot. Of note, Vermont also is a “Constitutional Carry” state. New Hampshire ranks third in the national rankings, giving New England all three of the top spots in the nation.

In 2018, Maine was edged out by Vermont in the same “safest states” ranking, but declared the best state overall in the broader “Crime and Corrections” category.

In 2017, using a different methodology, Maine was ranked second among the fifty states in the “Crime and Corrections” category and also second in the categories used to rank the “safest states.”

The U.S. News and World Report “Best States” rankings are built in partnership with McKinsey & Company, a firm that works closely with state leaders around the nation.

Maine has also ranked at the top of other state rankings. recently ranked Maine second in “Personal and Residential Safety” among the fifty states, and third overall.
Moron..... guns owned and carried by normal people don't kill doofus.......guns in the hands of criminals who were released by democrat party judges, prosecutors and polticians kill people....

Most gun deaths are suicides and domestic violence.... which are normal people who just had a very bad day.

Wrong, lying have been shown over and over that suicide is mental illness and domestic violence deaths are majority criminals killing people in their homes......and you lie again because they are called Acquaintance murders where criminals who know each other kill each moron.
Wrong, lying have been shown over and over that suicide is mental illness and domestic violence deaths are majority criminals killing people in their homes......and you lie again because they are called Acquaintance murders where criminals who know each other kill each moron.

Blah, blah, blah... I've known three people who've died by gun violence... none of them were mentally ill or criminals.

They were just people having a bad day and a gun was around. Which made it a worse day.
Wrong, lying have been shown over and over that suicide is mental illness and domestic violence deaths are majority criminals killing people in their homes......and you lie again because they are called Acquaintance murders where criminals who know each other kill each moron.

Blah, blah, blah... I've known three people who've died by gun violence... none of them were mentally ill or criminals.

They were just people having a bad day and a gun was around. Which made it a worse day.

No, they were people who knew you personally.....says a lot....

I too know someone who killed himself with a gun....he was mentally ill with don't know what you are talking about.
No, they were people who knew you personally.....says a lot....

I too know someone who killed himself with a gun....he was mentally ill with don't know what you are talking about.

Wow... and if there wasn't a gun in the house... he probably wouldn't have killed himself. Or he'd have used a less effective means.

So the three cases I know.

Girl I grew up with, her dad murdered her mom during an argument... He had no criminal record and a nice middle class job. (This was before Republicans fucked it all up and we still had a middle class.)

Second was the son of a co-worker. Mom and Dad, nice middle class jobs. Their marriage fell apart after that.

Third case- My next door neighbor. He was a little more low rent, and he had chronic health issues. Did a dry run on the suicide attempt a couple weeks before, shot out his patio window and sent a bullet across the parking lot. Then he lied to the cops, but they didn't take his gun because, you know, second amendment.. He shot himself a few weeks later.
No, they were people who knew you personally.....says a lot....

I too know someone who killed himself with a gun....he was mentally ill with don't know what you are talking about.

Wow... and if there wasn't a gun in the house... he probably wouldn't have killed himself. Or he'd have used a less effective means.

So the three cases I know.

Girl I grew up with, her dad murdered her mom during an argument... He had no criminal record and a nice middle class job. (This was before Republicans fucked it all up and we still had a middle class.)

Second was the son of a co-worker. Mom and Dad, nice middle class jobs. Their marriage fell apart after that.

Third case- My next door neighbor. He was a little more low rent, and he had chronic health issues. Did a dry run on the suicide attempt a couple weeks before, shot out his patio window and sent a bullet across the parking lot. Then he lied to the cops, but they didn't take his gun because, you know, second amendment.. He shot himself a few weeks later.

Moron.......mental health issues, all three......and the gun wasn't the issue.....considering that Japan, China, and South Korea have extreme gun control laws and higher suicide rates than we do, as does Canada, and many countries in moron...
Moron.......mental health issues, all three......and the gun wasn't the issue.....considering that Japan, China, and South Korea have extreme gun control laws and higher suicide rates than we do, as does Canada, and many countries in moron...

Japan and China, Suicide is condoned in their culture.

Not even a nice try.

Point is, all three of those people would be alive today if there was no gun in the house.
Moron.......mental health issues, all three......and the gun wasn't the issue.....considering that Japan, China, and South Korea have extreme gun control laws and higher suicide rates than we do, as does Canada, and many countries in moron...

Japan and China, Suicide is condoned in their culture.

Not even a nice try.

Point is, all three of those people would be alive today if there was no gun in the house.

No, just reinforced that guns aren't the doofus..... if those 3 people wanted to kill themselves, they would have managed it without moron.

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world. According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.

Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).

Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).

Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)

Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.
Wrong, lying have been shown over and over that suicide is mental illness and domestic violence deaths are majority criminals killing people in their homes......and you lie again because they are called Acquaintance murders where criminals who know each other kill each moron.

Blah, blah, blah... I've known three people who've died by gun violence... none of them were mentally ill or criminals.

They were just people having a bad day and a gun was around. Which made it a worse day.
No, they were people who knew you personally.....says a lot....

I too know someone who killed himself with a gun....he was mentally ill with don't know what you are talking about.

Wow... and if there wasn't a gun in the house... he probably wouldn't have killed himself. Or he'd have used a less effective means.

So the three cases I know.

Girl I grew up with, her dad murdered her mom during an argument... He had no criminal record and a nice middle class job. (This was before Republicans fucked it all up and we still had a middle class.)

Second was the son of a co-worker. Mom and Dad, nice middle class jobs. Their marriage fell apart after that.

Third case- My next door neighbor. He was a little more low rent, and he had chronic health issues. Did a dry run on the suicide attempt a couple weeks before, shot out his patio window and sent a bullet across the parking lot. Then he lied to the cops, but they didn't take his gun because, you know, second amendment.. He shot himself a few weeks later.
You being an Internet warrior in your mothers basement Gives you any credibility?

More frivolous gun control laws will not change a thing you fucking retard
No, just reinforced that guns aren't the doofus..... if those 3 people wanted to kill themselves, they would have managed it without moron.

Or maybe they'd have sought help, or maybe someone who loved them would have stopped them. The guy who shot his wife, maybe if he just slapped her around the cops would have been called and they could have dealt with it.

Again, most of us are tired of the cost of your fetish.
No, just reinforced that guns aren't the doofus..... if those 3 people wanted to kill themselves, they would have managed it without moron.

Or maybe they'd have sought help, or maybe someone who loved them would have stopped them. The guy who shot his wife, maybe if he just slapped her around the cops would have been called and they could have dealt with it.

Again, most of us are tired of the cost of your fetish.
Mind your own business you sorry sack of shit
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