Supreme Court issues shocking 5-4 ruling

Stop babbling. The insurgents tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power in the country. They should have been shopped.

Floyd after being taken into custody was murdered. Nothing of the sort happened to any J6r.
I bet that the education system produced you. There was no way the protestors had to stop a transfer. Why? It was not transferred on January 6. It was transferred on January 20. Biden got to be president for about half a day. But Biden was not made president on Jan 6.
Why don't you congratulate Trump then? He is blamed for so many things. Trump held a fair election. You told me he did. Plus you blessed all 50 states. Why did it take you so long to decide elections are fair?
I knew the election was fair the moment it was decided. Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes. Trump had been saying the election was rigged 7 months before people voted.

Trump is a lunatic!
I knew the election was fair the moment it was decided. Biden beat Trump by 7 million votes. Trump had been saying the election was rigged 7 months before people voted.

Trump is a lunatic!
We all saw the Trend was heavy for Trump until the Media stopped reporting. My god, suddenly people liked Biden. Amazing. Biden was not liked before. So suddenly this man was liked? We imagine you also believe in Santa Clause.
The Constitution is only as binding as our trust in the justice system. Once these kinds of decisions become common - a perfect example was when Robert's court refused to rule on the evidence of the theft in 2020 - then it's just a matter of time until SCOTUS will be routinely ignored by the states...
I think the Justices get really pissed when they have step in an correct a ruling of a lower court as they did with Texas. Supremacy of the federal government over states in regards to immigration and defending our boarders are crystal clear in the constitution and federal law. Nowhere is a state allowed to usurp the constitution duties of federal government because the the feds are doing a poor job.

It is interesting that the court made it's ruling with no comment. There was no majority or minority opinion
The Media never stopped reporting. And the votes came in and were counted. Tough if you don't like the truth, but you don't have any evidence then or now.
I think the Justices get really pissed when they have step in an correct a ruling of a lower court as they did with Texas. Supremacy of the federal government over states in regards to immigration and defending our boarders are crystal clear in the constitution and federal law. Nowhere is a state allowed to usurp the constitution duties of federal government because the the feds are doing a poor job.

It is interesting that the court made it's ruling with no comment. There was no majority or minority opinion
Tell it to Biden since he is why states operate to protect themselves. Biden refuses and sues the states.
I am one of the few posters who describes Government of the USA as the system created by Founders who themselves formed this nation using treason and war. But when talking of the Civil war, as it really was not that at all, those who waged war, the Democrats, when I portray them as doing what Washington had done earlier in history, they have a fit.
There was no united Democrat Party during the Civil War.
During the Civil War, Northern Democrats divided into two factions: the War Democrats, who supported the military policies of Republican President Lincoln; and the Copperheads, who strongly opposed them. In the South party politics ended in the Confederacy. After the war Cooperheads united with northern democrats, and southern democrats. The party opposed Civil Rights in order keep the support of Southern Democrats till 1940 when first Roosevelt then Truman began favoring civil rights policies and legislation. which alienated Southern Democrats. As civil rights movement gain steam, a significant number of Southern Democrats broke with the party either switching parties or becoming independents.
Hundreds of thousands of northern Democrats joined the Union army, the evidence of which I have provided for, and you have never rebutted. Robert W.

To suggest that the war was caused by an unified Democratic Party is either a lie or a statement of ignorance.
Americans realize that all Biden has done is dick around. Zelensky showed up several times pleading his case. Biden says nyet. No Zelensky, you will get no special weapons. You will not get any war planes. And Biden says he sent them armor, so if that is true, where the hell is it hiding?
The simple truth is republicans in congress fear that Trumps legal battles will hurt his chances for election so they are doing all they can to discredit Biden. First, by following Trump request to block any immigration legislation which will create an even bigger crisis at the boarder. Second, block military funds to Ukraine which will create another crisis for Biden that will force him to cut deeply into US defense funds or involve the US military. Both actions will make Biden more vulnerable in November.
The GOP House leadership block immigration reform, to which the majority of GoP in Congress support, and the GOP block aid to Ukraine and Israel.

They can't act like adult Americans and have to be fired this fall.
We all saw the Trend was heavy for Trump until the Media stopped reporting. My god, suddenly people liked Biden. Amazing. Biden was not liked before. So suddenly this man was liked? We imagine you also believe in Santa Clause.
It wasn't sudden. The writing was on the wall months in advance.

Stop watching Fox. It is not a news outlet. It is a propaganda machine for the Republican Party.

Congress already spoke. Illegal immigration’s called “illegal” immigration because it is already illegal.

It is Potato who has refused to enforce federal law on this topic.

Given that abdication of legal duties by the President, you seem to think that the individual States lack any authority and legal ability to deal with the resulting vacuum in enforcement? Well, that’s certainly a convenient argument for you to make.

But it has no logical support.
Are asylum cases not being processed at the border.

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