Supreme Court Question For Those On The Left

Republicans should win the mid terms

But their MAGA candidates in the Senate will once again cost them the Senate
only Donald Trump has gained seats during a mid term this century…in the senate

xiden doesn’t stand a chance.
only Donald Trump has gained seats during a mid term this century…in the senate

xiden doesn’t stand a chance.

Trump wins seats in far right states…….no brainer

But in contested states, he is the kiss of death
Trump wins seats in far right states…….no brainer

But in contested states, he is the kiss of death
teuml gaines sears in the senate, no other presid r this century including obama did that during midterm elections
Mitch is PISSED

Trump MAGA Candidates cost him Senators in Arizona and Georgia…..easy pickings for Republicans

Now, in a horrible economy where Republicans should clean up……he is stuck with candidates like Herschel Walker, Dr Oz and Kelly Ward
If the GOP lose their damn bid to retake the Senate they better not whine about cheating and accept the fact their candidates suck!
Mitch is PISSED

Trump MAGA Candidates cost him Senators in Arizona and Georgia…..easy pickings for Republicans

Now, in a horrible economy where Republicans should clean up……he is stuck with candidates like Herschel Walker, Dr Oz and Kelly Ward
and here I thought you dems were anti establishment and stood for the people,,

thats what I get for trying to understand democrats,,
I would rather have a court that respects legal precedent
Careful with that statement. You only feel that way because this is case that had an outcome you didn’t like. Based on your statement, you would be against any case being overturned and adhering to precedent across the board.
A House, a Senate and a Presidential approval are more than enough checks and balances

END the Filibuster
LOL. That's not what you said when Trump was president and you warned that Republicans wanted to take democracy away. Isn't the House, the Senate, and a president more than enough checks and balances?
If the GOP screws it up in November then they own it!
Well, they have been screwing up in the Senate, fielding at least two candidates in swing states who have serious issues in being elected. Oz is going to lose. Walker has a shot, even though he currently trails. If Walker wins then Republicans will get the Senate.

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