Supreme Court Sides With Planned Parenthood. Funding Not Removed

How did they vote if they refused to hear it? Lol wtf

Six of the nine Supreme Court judges voted to not hear the case. They voted that the lower court is correct. Louisiana and Kansas can't cut off funding for Planned Parenthood.

I guess you don't understand how the court works.

They decide what cases they hear. They don't hear every case that appeals to the Supreme Court.

In this case, two conservative judges voted to agree that the lower court ruling is correct so there's no need for the Supreme Court to hear the case. Thus ruling that Louisiana and Kansas can't repeal any funding to Planned Parenthood.

If you had read the article that I posted you would have better understanding of what happened. I suggest you read it.
A clear win for the left.

A clear loss for the unborn ....not much to crow about unless you're in favor of killing them.

Go ahead and squawk "but I only support the women's rights!!!!!"


The reality of this is that person is crying and whining about nothing.

It's illegal for any federal tax dollars to pay for an abortion with the exception of the woman's life or health is in jeopardy, rape or incest.

Some states, like mine, do use state tax dollars to pay for abortion on demand. There's a list of something like 17 states that do that. Some by a court ruling. Some like my state by the vote of the people. We voted in the early 80s to use our state tax dollars to pay for abortions for low income women. The only restrictions are those established in Roe V. Wade.

However, when it comes to federal tax dollars the law was passed in the 80s. So the claim that the federal dollars are used for abortions is nothing but a lie. Planned Parenthood keeps those funds very separate from funds that pay for abortions. I donate to their fund that does nothing but pay for abortions. I also donate to another group that all they do is pay for abortions for women who need it but can't afford it or the services aren't available in their area. They pay for transportation, lodging and the abortion with private funds donated to them by people like me.

This ruling is a win for women and men all over our nation. It will ensure that Planned Parenthood will continue to be able to help people with STD screenings, Cancer screenings and a long list of other medical care people need. Including birth control that prevents the need for abortions. Planned Parenthood prevents countless abortions by making reliable birth control available to those who need and want it.

If it was about preventing abortions the far right would be funding Planned Parenthood, would be handing out birth control for free on every street corner and never do anything to prevent anyone from obtaining reliable birth. control. They do the exact opposite. Which causes the need for thousands of abortions every year.
Yeah its always a good and responsible to know you can screw anything that walks and you can just kill one without a voice.

What's really a good thing is how many of you pathetic assholes who get this done over and over

You will get cancer it is a proven fact ABORTIONS raise your chances of Breast cancer.


They are not telling you the whole story when you go and get one morons.


If you are married multiple solutions for that too sorry using the marriage as excuse is still bs.



The left is all giddy the murder of the most innocent of all by PP will continue.
If you know where babies are being murdered why don`t you get off your fat lazy ass and take action? Have you called the police?

Gfy loon, if you support it you're just as compliant.

Proud of that, asshole?

Now get past anyone takes your stupid ass serious. Fckin loon
^^^Supports the state controlling women's bodies.

Not even close, fuckwit. Opposes tax payer money being used to murder innocents.

Now you gfy also
^^^continues to support the state controlling women's bodies and kisses up to it doing so.
Liberals are masturbating in glee that not only are states (taxpayers) forced to fund baby murder factories, but that Kavenaugh voted for it.
The Supreme Court refused to hear a case that defunds Planned Parenthood thus allowing the lower court ruling to stop Louisiana and Kansas from defunding Planned Parenthood.

That means two conservative judges on the court, including one trump appointed, voted with all the liberal judges to prohibit those states from defunding Planned Parenthood. They recognized that the funding Louisiana and Kansas are trying to repeal is for medical services and not for abortions so the funding can't be removed. At least 2 conservatives pay attention to truth and ignore the lies about Planned Parenthood.

That's gotta be a slap in the face to all you conservative trump supporters.

You lost another one thanks to two conservatives on our Supreme Court.

It's a very good ruling.

Supreme Court won't consider state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood

Another load of horse shit from an idiot.

What it says is the SC won't get involved in what the State want to do.

You really are stupid.
Some guy on the radio said Kavenaugh "voted his conscience."

So his conscience told him taxpayers must pay for baby murder factories?

Wow, that's insane even for the left.
Liberals are masturbating in glee that not only are states (taxpayers) forced to fund baby murder factories, but that Kavenaugh voted for it.
Looks like conservatives have failed again in their attempts to gain control over the bodies of females.

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