Supreme Court Sides With Planned Parenthood. Funding Not Removed

The Supreme Court refused to hear a case that defunds Planned Parenthood thus allowing the lower court ruling to stop Louisiana and Kansas from defunding Planned Parenthood.

That means two conservative judges on the court, including one trump appointed, voted with all the liberal judges to prohibit those states from defunding Planned Parenthood. They recognized that the funding Louisiana and Kansas are trying to repeal is for medical services and not for abortions so the funding can't be removed. At least 2 conservatives pay attention to truth and ignore the lies about Planned Parenthood.

That's gotta be a slap in the face to all you conservative trump supporters.

You lost another one thanks to two conservatives on our Supreme Court.

It's a very good ruling.

Supreme Court won't consider state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood

It's not a ruling, it's allowing a lower court's ruling to stand.

Stop trying to inflate what actually happened.
A poor choice for the SCOTUS. But then, no one conservative has ever said they were not fallible.

Sometimes they don't like the merits, sometimes they don't like the mechanics of the case. And sometimes they wait for conflicting circuit court cases before taking one on.
The Supreme Court refused to hear a case that defunds Planned Parenthood thus allowing the lower court ruling to stop Louisiana and Kansas from defunding Planned Parenthood.

That means two conservative judges on the court, including one trump appointed, voted with all the liberal judges to prohibit those states from defunding Planned Parenthood. They recognized that the funding Louisiana and Kansas are trying to repeal is for medical services and not for abortions so the funding can't be removed. At least 2 conservatives pay attention to truth and ignore the lies about Planned Parenthood.

That's gotta be a slap in the face to all you conservative trump supporters.

You lost another one thanks to two conservatives on our Supreme Court.

It's a very good ruling.

Supreme Court won't consider state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood

It's not a ruling, it's allowing a lower court's ruling to stand.

Stop trying to inflate what actually happened.

Don't ignore what was done either. It is very clear that John Roberts does not want a high profile case dealing with divisive social issues. It also suggests that Roberts could fill the role played by Kennedy. Don't be sure that the Supreme Court will side with red states on social issues.

We don't know why it was denied, it could be because it ISN'T big enough for them to take a stab at it.
Wasn't Kavanaugh the deciding vote on that? The same man the left sacrificed their chance to get the Senate in the midterms in order to keep him off the court bit of irony there.
Yes....I love a good Irony joke, even if it's played on me.
I think it's pretty fucked up that PP is allowed to "mix" their funds and [most likely] break federal funding laws.

They /should/ break their abortion services away from the womens health services they receive federal funds for, but they won't - which makes me /highly/ suspicious that they're breaking the law and using federal funds for abortions.

And again, for the record, I am pro choice - I just happen to respect the opinions/beliefs of those who consider it murder.
Planned parent hood prevents abortions by giving out low cost birth control, far more preferable than having an unwanted/ unable to support child. with good information & birth control we could see few abortions in our future.
Color me surprised. :04:
Of course you are surprised. You only supported Kavanaugh because you saw him as the abortion fairy. Of course, now that another failure has befallen you, you pretend not to have cared. Just a typical morning for a trump cultist.

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