Supreme Court Sides With Planned Parenthood. Funding Not Removed

Actually, by refusing to take the case, Bart was a legislator in black robes. He let the lower court's interference stand rather than reversing them.
The lower courts said that States could NOT terminate medicaid funding.

Unless you are telling me that all medicaid and other forms of welfare are unconstitutional (which I agree) there is no reversible error. Is that what you are saying?

The states of Louisiana and Kentucky passed laws which cut off federal funds to Planned Parenthood.

Are you for states' rights, or what?

The lower courts legislated from the bench and forced the states to fund PP.

Bart went along with that decision.
I dunno G. Did Louisiana and Kentucky refuse ALL Medicaid reimbursement or just Planned Parenthood's? Maybe you can't pick and choose. Especially since it is payment for services already rendered?
They targeted just Planned Parenthood.

I guess pseuedocons are for states rights except when they aren't.
Just think. These stupid Moon Bats got all bent out of shape when Trump nominated Kavenaugh and pulled out all their dirty tricks and now they have a stupid Justice that sides with them.

Kind of like Bush 41 and Souter.
Well there goes the idiotic assumption the leftists held about Kavanaugh. They should really feel stupid for the shitshow they put on during the confirmation hearings.

But having no humanly sense of remorse and lacking anything remotely resembling a conscience, they probably won't.
Actually I gladly admit I was wrong about Kavanaugh's take on this kind of case.
We don't know you were wrong, yet.
It still baffles me as to why the pro-life movement has not started a chain of women's health clinics which do not do abortions.

Where's that free market competition conservatives claim to espouse?

It's almost an open admission they really don't give a shit about poor women...

I'd gladly donate to such an organization. Gladly.
Actually, by refusing to take the case, Bart was a legislator in black robes. He let the lower court's interference stand rather than reversing them.
The lower courts said that States could NOT terminate medicaid funding.

Unless you are telling me that all medicaid and other forms of welfare are unconstitutional (which I agree) there is no reversible error. Is that what you are saying?

The states of Louisiana and Kentucky passed laws which cut off federal funds to Planned Parenthood.

Are you for states' rights, or what?

The lower courts legislated from the bench and forced the states to fund PP.

Bart went along with that decision.
I dunno G. Did Louisiana and Kentucky refuse ALL Medicaid reimbursement or just Planned Parenthood's? Maybe you can't pick and choose. Especially since it is payment for services already rendered?
They targeted just Planned Parenthood.

I guess pseuedocons are for states rights except when they aren't.
You are always so sensible, but Roe v. Wade made abortion a federal right, didn't it?. Until that's overturned, the feds trump. The Supreme Court can't change that, can they?
The left is all giddy the murder of the most innocent of all by PP will continue.
If you know where babies are being murdered why don`t you get off your fat lazy ass and take action? Have you called the police?

Gfy loon, if you support it you're just as compliant.

Proud of that, asshole?

Now get past anyone takes your stupid ass serious. Fckin loon
^^^Supports the state controlling women's bodies.

Not even close, fuckwit. Opposes tax payer money being used to murder innocents.

Now you gfy also
I see you used the "u" letter this time. Naughty, naughty lard ass.

This one's gonna cost you 100 hail mary's, 20 our father's and a blowjob in the confessional box.
Actually, by refusing to take the case, Bart was a legislator in black robes. He let the lower court's interference stand rather than reversing them.
The lower courts said that States could NOT terminate medicaid funding.

Unless you are telling me that all medicaid and other forms of welfare are unconstitutional (which I agree) there is no reversible error. Is that what you are saying?

The states of Louisiana and Kentucky passed laws which cut off federal funds to Planned Parenthood.

Are you for states' rights, or what?

The lower courts legislated from the bench and forced the states to fund PP.

Bart went along with that decision.
I dunno G. Did Louisiana and Kentucky refuse ALL Medicaid reimbursement or just Planned Parenthood's? Maybe you can't pick and choose. Especially since it is payment for services already rendered?
They targeted just Planned Parenthood.

I guess pseuedocons are for states rights except when they aren't.
You are always so sensible, but Roe v. Wade made abortion a federal right, didn't it?. Until that's overturned, the feds trump. The Supreme Court can't change that, can they?
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal. See: Hyde Amendment.

It is the opinion of those states that any federal funding to PP is funding abortions. And I agree with them.
The Supreme Court refused to hear a case that defunds Planned Parenthood thus allowing the lower court ruling to stop Louisiana and Kansas from defunding Planned Parenthood.

That means two conservative judges on the court, including one trump appointed, voted with all the liberal judges to prohibit those states from defunding Planned Parenthood. They recognized that the funding Louisiana and Kansas are trying to repeal is for medical services and not for abortions so the funding can't be removed. At least 2 conservatives pay attention to truth and ignore the lies about Planned Parenthood.

That's gotta be a slap in the face to all you conservative trump supporters.

You lost another one thanks to two conservatives on our Supreme Court.

It's a very good ruling.

Supreme Court won't consider state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood
Fantastic news. Really pleased for those poor girls.

What poor girls?
Women who are being oppressed by religious extremists.
View attachment 233930

So this is a baby with all the rights of a born human?

I finally have to agree and admit that this is not a human. I don't know why I have argued about selective abortion for so long. Not being human, I recognize that it is merely human waste and should be disposed of by grinding it up and used as an additive to hog food. (after harvesting the human-like organs and parts of course) One thing for certain is that this human waste will never hatch and grow up to be President or to grow up and join Antifa where we would have to shoot it or mow it down with an SUV. I'm glad I finally came to my senses. Thank you!
The Supreme Court refused to hear a case that defunds Planned Parenthood thus allowing the lower court ruling to stop Louisiana and Kansas from defunding Planned Parenthood.

That means two conservative judges on the court, including one trump appointed, voted with all the liberal judges to prohibit those states from defunding Planned Parenthood. They recognized that the funding Louisiana and Kansas are trying to repeal is for medical services and not for abortions so the funding can't be removed. At least 2 conservatives pay attention to truth and ignore the lies about Planned Parenthood.

That's gotta be a slap in the face to all you conservative trump supporters.

You lost another one thanks to two conservatives on our Supreme Court.

It's a very good ruling.

Supreme Court won't consider state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood
Fantastic news. Really pleased for those poor girls.

What poor girls?
Women who are being oppressed by religious extremists.

Where? None of that is happening in the US.
The lower courts said that States could NOT terminate medicaid funding.

Unless you are telling me that all medicaid and other forms of welfare are unconstitutional (which I agree) there is no reversible error. Is that what you are saying?

The states of Louisiana and Kentucky passed laws which cut off federal funds to Planned Parenthood.

Are you for states' rights, or what?

The lower courts legislated from the bench and forced the states to fund PP.

Bart went along with that decision.
I dunno G. Did Louisiana and Kentucky refuse ALL Medicaid reimbursement or just Planned Parenthood's? Maybe you can't pick and choose. Especially since it is payment for services already rendered?
They targeted just Planned Parenthood.

I guess pseuedocons are for states rights except when they aren't.
You are always so sensible, but Roe v. Wade made abortion a federal right, didn't it?. Until that's overturned, the feds trump. The Supreme Court can't change that, can they?
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal. See: Hyde Amendment.

It is the opinion of those states that any federal funding to PP is funding abortions. And I agree with them.
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal.

Yet stopping abortion, which is a federal right, is the right of the state?
The Supreme Court refused to hear a case that defunds Planned Parenthood thus allowing the lower court ruling to stop Louisiana and Kansas from defunding Planned Parenthood.

That means two conservative judges on the court, including one trump appointed, voted with all the liberal judges to prohibit those states from defunding Planned Parenthood. They recognized that the funding Louisiana and Kansas are trying to repeal is for medical services and not for abortions so the funding can't be removed. At least 2 conservatives pay attention to truth and ignore the lies about Planned Parenthood.

That's gotta be a slap in the face to all you conservative trump supporters.

You lost another one thanks to two conservatives on our Supreme Court.

It's a very good ruling.

Supreme Court won't consider state efforts to defund Planned Parenthood
Abortion is too good of a money maker, Dead baby parts always sell very well.
Roberts was paid off obviously
The states of Louisiana and Kentucky passed laws which cut off federal funds to Planned Parenthood.

Are you for states' rights, or what?

The lower courts legislated from the bench and forced the states to fund PP.

Bart went along with that decision.
I dunno G. Did Louisiana and Kentucky refuse ALL Medicaid reimbursement or just Planned Parenthood's? Maybe you can't pick and choose. Especially since it is payment for services already rendered?
They targeted just Planned Parenthood.

I guess pseuedocons are for states rights except when they aren't.
You are always so sensible, but Roe v. Wade made abortion a federal right, didn't it?. Until that's overturned, the feds trump. The Supreme Court can't change that, can they?
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal. See: Hyde Amendment.

It is the opinion of those states that any federal funding to PP is funding abortions. And I agree with them.
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal.

Yet stopping abortion, which is a federal right, is the right of the state?
No, stopping the funding of an abortion clinic is the right of the state.

Louisiana and Kansas did not ban abortions.
Actually that baby in your cartoon IS protected. Fail on your part.

No that living breathing baby isn't protected if it's parents aren't properly educated with a good job that pays a proper living wage and includes heath care insurance.

If that baby's parents don't have that, that baby most certainly isn't safe. That baby is denied proper health care, proper nutrition, and proper education to name a few.

Once that fetus has been born and is an actual baby, it's on it's own as far as the conservatives are concerned. That baby is just a thug or leach or one of many words that conservatives use to describe a baby that's legally alive and breathing air.

I certainly would like to know why it's ok for a man to create a pregnancy but turn his back and walk away from his own flesh and blood. To even deny his own flesh and blood. That is just perfectly fine in our society and with conservatives.

This isn't going to make a few people on this board happy. Robert's and Bart O'Kavanaugh vote to leave two lower court opinions stay in place.
I guess Kavanaugh is turning out to be the judge I expected. He refuses to become a legislator in black robes.

See why we need more like him?

Now, why would the left not want a justice like him?


He's just sticking it in them slowly, so they'll get used to it. :21:
I dunno G. Did Louisiana and Kentucky refuse ALL Medicaid reimbursement or just Planned Parenthood's? Maybe you can't pick and choose. Especially since it is payment for services already rendered?
They targeted just Planned Parenthood.

I guess pseuedocons are for states rights except when they aren't.
You are always so sensible, but Roe v. Wade made abortion a federal right, didn't it?. Until that's overturned, the feds trump. The Supreme Court can't change that, can they?
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal. See: Hyde Amendment.

It is the opinion of those states that any federal funding to PP is funding abortions. And I agree with them.
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal.

Yet stopping abortion, which is a federal right, is the right of the state?
No, stopping the funding of an abortion clinic is the right of the state.

Louisiana and Kansas did not ban abortions.
No, stopping the funding of an abortion clinic is the right of the state.
Sounds like they should find a way to do that without trying to steal funds that are rightfully owed to the clinic.
Actually that baby in your cartoon IS protected. Fail on your part.

No that living breathing baby isn't protected if it's parents aren't properly educated with a good job that pays a proper living wage and includes heath care insurance.

If that baby's parents don't have that, that baby most certainly isn't safe. That baby is denied proper health care, proper nutrition, and proper education to name a few.

Once that fetus has been born and is an actual baby, it's on it's own as far as the conservatives are concerned. That baby is just a thug or leach or one of many words that conservatives use to describe a baby that's legally alive and breathing air.

I certainly would like to know why it's ok for a man to create a pregnancy but turn his back and walk away from his own flesh and blood. To even deny his own flesh and blood. That is just perfectly fine in our society and with conservatives.
I don't know. Any woman in Maine who collects welfare and has a baby, the state's attorney has the bio daddy found and sued and his paycheck garnished. Of course, there are ways to get around it, but it's a pretty complicated life, hiding all your income like an illegal immigrant. And the state will also suspend your driver's license and refuse you a hunting license if you're a deadbeat. So there.
And they Order DNA testing just to be sure. AND other states cooperate with them, so moving doesn't solve the problem.
They targeted just Planned Parenthood.

I guess pseuedocons are for states rights except when they aren't.
You are always so sensible, but Roe v. Wade made abortion a federal right, didn't it?. Until that's overturned, the feds trump. The Supreme Court can't change that, can they?
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal. See: Hyde Amendment.

It is the opinion of those states that any federal funding to PP is funding abortions. And I agree with them.
Federal funding of abortions is actually illegal.

Yet stopping abortion, which is a federal right, is the right of the state?
No, stopping the funding of an abortion clinic is the right of the state.

Louisiana and Kansas did not ban abortions.
No, stopping the funding of an abortion clinic is the right of the state.
Sounds like they should find a way to do that without trying to steal funds that are rightfully owed to the clinic.

How are funds "rightfully owed" to an abortion clinic? Is there a line in the US Constitution that says a state has the right to abortions paid for by the federal government?

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