Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
This is wrong in so many ways but mainly it's wrong because the states are suppposed to be sovereign countries and are free to conduct elections, even for federal officials, anyway they choose.

Supreme Court strikes down Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote - U.S. News

june 17, 2013

The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an Arizona law that requires people to submit proof of citizenship when they register to vote.
The vote was 7-2, with Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the court. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two members of the court’s conservative wing, dissented.

Several states said that such a law reduces voter fraud, but civil rights groups said it was an effort to discourage voting by legal immigrants. The case was argued and decided at a time when the country is considering how to change its immigration laws.
Groups opposed to the Arizona law said that the court had blocked an attempt at voter suppression.

“Today’s decision sends a strong message that states cannot block their citizens from registering to vote by superimposing burdensome paperwork requirements on top of federal law,” said Nina Perales, vice president of litigation for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund.
Even mexico has voter ID laws.!!!! But our super-corrupt judges take bribes from the illegal alien lobby and decree that america must let illegal mexican invaders vote.
The decision puts the power in federal hands. Take heart, we will not always have a wimp as president.
it's a brave new world. What was once was evil is not good and that was once good is now evil. It is not going to get any better, with those swarming across our southern border and the takers of our own taker society, it is all over but the final, exhale of death. Look around remember what it use to be like, because it will not be like that much longer.

How about the Supreme Court enforce the Laws, rather than simply ignore them... We'd all be better off.
How about the Supreme Court enforce the Laws, rather than simply ignore them... We'd all be better off.

It's not their job to enforce the laws. They already write laws even though the constitution says they can't. Let's not give the unelected SC even more power.
This will all come back to bite liberals in their asses. And they deserve it too. There's lots they haven't thoroughly thought through. I hope this doesn't insult any of them in any way.
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The People are rapidly losing faith in all forms of Authority in this Nation. They're beginning to see there's no one to trust and turn to anymore. They see the powers that be consistently working against their interests. Their nation is being stolen from them. They see the NWO Global Elite agenda unfolding on a daily basis. They feel powerless.

So what do they do? Personally, I don't have the answer to that question. However, i do know a Collapse is coming. Maybe it has to happen in order for things to change. I guess we'll see though. Much darker times are ahead. That's for sure.
Honestly, what's to stop anyone on earth from voting now?

Absolutely nothing, now all they have to do is sign a papers saying they are citizens.
It appears that the inmates are now running the asylum

Who represents the American People at this point? The NWO Global Elites may have finally completed their Coup d'etat. So what's next? How do the People get their country back? It's time to start thinking up answers to these questions.

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