Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.

Wrong. The People through the States can amend the Constitution if they don't like how SCOTUS rules on an issue.

That's true but the states can do a lot more than that since the states have the constitutional authority to nullify state laws. Read the supremacy clause and the tenth amendment.
Arizona attempted to overstep itself and dictate FEDERAL law for FEDERAL elections. All you dupes who are going on about "states rights" are going to have a difficult time explaining where the Constitution says a state can dictate federal election laws.


There's no such thing as a federal election. Even presidential elections are conducted at the state level. People vote for their state electors and the vote they want the electors to cast. No one votes directly for a president.

The states are independent countries - that's what the constitution says and prior to 1860 all americans understood that.
Is the Supreme Court obligated to uphold a law that is unconstitutional?

Of course not, but it's the states call whether a law is constitutional or not.

How does a state tell the court whether or not a law is Constitutional? What if two states do not agree on an issue of Constitutionality? Is the Supreme Court then bound to issue different rulings based on which states the parties are from? What is the point of having one Constitution if the States can just say whatever it means? What if Louisiana decide the Constitution said it ought have 8 representatives instead of 7 because the current allocation is just fucked up and we got some numbers to prove it? We go and prove it in our state court and our state supreme court rules we should have 8. It would be unconstitutional then for the Supreme Court to get in the way of us sending 8, wouldn't it?

(I have to say, you fantastical way outside of actual reality take on how our government works has provided much entertainment so far. Please do continue with the absurdity!)
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There's no such thing as a federal election.

Psst.... you might want to send an emajl to these guys, and let them know
Federal Election Commission Home Page

Of course the feds say there are federal elections and they have control over them. Just like obama says the feds have authority to set up a national health care system. But the constitution says no on both counts. 99% of what the feds do is clearly unconstitutional. THINK
There's no such thing as a federal election.

Psst.... you might want to send an emajl to these guys, and let them know
Federal Election Commission Home Page

Of course the feds say there are federal elections and they have control over them. Just like obama says the feds have authority to set up a national health care system. But the constitution says no on both counts. 99% of what the feds do is clearly unconstitutional. THINK

In that case, I suggest you sit down and write another letter. It should read:
Dear Congress of the United States -

Your federal campaign finance laws are bullshit. There are no federal campaigns. I know, I read the Constitution once. Also, the 14th amendment is bullshit, as it places regulations how states may choose members of Congress and even explicitly grants Congress the authority to pass legislation enforcing those regulations. So the 14th amendment is UNConstitutional, please remove it.

Hopefully one day Americans will wake up and realize that it's not about them anymore. The NWO Globalists have seized their Nation. They are in the process of destroying it. Most of the Politicians no longer represent the American People. They represent their own, and Global interests. When the People no longer have representation, it is time for big change. Our Founding Fathers would surely agree.

American Citizens just can't catch a break at this point. Things just get worse & worse by the day. But i guess real change can't happen until the Collapse happens. And it is going to happen. But what that change will be, no one really knows? Lets hope & pray it will be for the better. Just be prepared for that day i guess. In the meantime, stay calm and try to take your country back by peaceful means. I know it seems hopeless, but don't give up. Our Country isn't dead just yet.
I gave you the appropriate definition.

Stop the nonsense, and respond. Or go away. You are fail at this point; threaten me again, and you will be in my headlights, son, for the remainder of your days.

You seem to be a legend in your own mind.

There are pills for that now.
A Rogue Government. This President and most others in our Government today, clearly don't represent American Citizens' interests. So what do the People do once they realize they've been sold out? I guess we'll see.

NO, they SHOULDN'T be allowed to vote, EVER. Unless you are a LEGAL American citizen and can PROVE IT, you should NOT be voting. Even if they do give these illegal aliens amnesty, they should NEVER be allowed to vote. That right should be forever forfeited for coming to this country illegally.


That'a a good idea but it simpl won't be enforced. Democrats will let them vote just like they let illegals vote now. Obozo made it clear last summer that he is perfectly willing to ignore the law as he did when gave amnesty (he calls it deferred prosecution) to millions of illegals in brazen defiance of laws passed by congress.

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