Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.

I have never seen so many people whose hair is on fire in one place. Has the rapture started?

More & more Americans are rapidly losing faith in all Authority apparatuses in this Country. They're no longer representing the American People. They're clearly representing Foreign Global interests at this point. Our Country is slipping away. The ongoing NWO Global Elite Coup d'etat may now be complete. They've captured our Supreme Court.
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Having actually read the decision, it was the right one.

What we need to do is to change the law to reflect the fact that with so many States and the Federal Government giving ID's to illegals, that in order to register to vote proof of citizenship is required.

We really wouldn't be in this position if it were not for the Liberals and Democrats who not only tolerated, but encouraged illegal immigration and "Rights" for illegals.
Having actually read the decision, it was the right one.

What we need to do is to change the law to reflect the fact that with so many States and the Federal Government giving ID's to illegals, that in order to register to vote proof of citizenship is required.

We really wouldn't be in this position if it were not for the Liberals and Democrats who not only tolerated, but encouraged illegal immigration and "Rights" for illegals.

Unfortunately, it's both Republicans & Democrats working together for Foreign Global interests. They really are Traitors to the American People. I think it's fair to say most of our Authority apparatuses no longer represent American Citizens. Our Country is now in the hands of evil NWO Globalist Elitists. It's time for the People to start figuring out ways to get their Country back. Because make no mistake about it, our Country is lost at this point.
Having actually read the decision, it was the right one.

What we need to do is to change the law to reflect the fact that with so many States and the Federal Government giving ID's to illegals, that in order to register to vote proof of citizenship is required.

We really wouldn't be in this position if it were not for the Liberals and Democrats who not only tolerated, but encouraged illegal immigration and "Rights" for illegals.

Unfortunately, it's both Republicans & Democrats working together for Foreign Global interests. They really are Traitors to the American People. I think it's fair to say most of our Authority apparatuses no longer represent American Citizens. Our Country is now in the hands of evil NWO Globalist Elitists. It's time for the People to start figuring out ways to get their Country back. Because make no mistake about it, our Country is lost at this point.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that have endorsed giving Illegals more rights.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that aided illegals once they crossed the borders.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that sued to get illegals into public schools and access to the public treasury.

Please show me the Republican that wrote and pushed the Immigration reform bill through Congress that changed the basic requirements for immigration, ending the limits on the numbers of immigrants allowed. (that was Ted Kennedy)
Having actually read the decision, it was the right one.

What we need to do is to change the law to reflect the fact that with so many States and the Federal Government giving ID's to illegals, that in order to register to vote proof of citizenship is required.

We really wouldn't be in this position if it were not for the Liberals and Democrats who not only tolerated, but encouraged illegal immigration and "Rights" for illegals.

Unfortunately, it's both Republicans & Democrats working together for Foreign Global interests. They really are Traitors to the American People. I think it's fair to say most of our Authority apparatuses no longer represent American Citizens. Our Country is now in the hands of evil NWO Globalist Elitists. It's time for the People to start figuring out ways to get their Country back. Because make no mistake about it, our Country is lost at this point.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that have endorsed giving Illegals more rights.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that aided illegals once they crossed the borders.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that sued to get illegals into public schools and access to the public treasury.

Please show me the Republican that wrote and pushed the Immigration reform bill through Congress that changed the basic requirements for immigration, ending the limits on the numbers of immigrants allowed. (that was Ted Kennedy)

Most Republicans will go along. You can bet on that. The NWO Global Elites are running both major U.S. Political Parties at this point. There are a few exceptions, but most of our Politicians are now running with that pack.
Honestly, what's to stop anyone on earth from voting now?


That's as it should be.

You should be able to vote over the web.

Why not just form a world government?


How do you make that logical leap?

I use to work for the NYSE. We were able to generate and record unique numbers for every single trade which in turn went through EOD processing. And that numbered over a billion. There was also much more information in these trades than there are in votes.

The Tech is there. The will is not.
Unfortunately, it's both Republicans & Democrats working together for Foreign Global interests. They really are Traitors to the American People. I think it's fair to say most of our Authority apparatuses no longer represent American Citizens. Our Country is now in the hands of evil NWO Globalist Elitists. It's time for the People to start figuring out ways to get their Country back. Because make no mistake about it, our Country is lost at this point.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that have endorsed giving Illegals more rights.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that aided illegals once they crossed the borders.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that sued to get illegals into public schools and access to the public treasury.

Please show me the Republican that wrote and pushed the Immigration reform bill through Congress that changed the basic requirements for immigration, ending the limits on the numbers of immigrants allowed. (that was Ted Kennedy)

Most Republicans will go along. You can bet on that. The NWO Global Elites are running both major U.S. Political Parties at this point. There are a few exceptions, but most of our Politicians are now running with that pack.

I'm not denying that today there are "Republicans" who will go along with Rubio's immigration plan.

They are caving to a political theory that in order to be elected you have to cater and pander to every "group" that there is.

Personally I disagree with that. I believe that the party should not cave on it's principles or else it risks becoming even more of a "Democrat Lite" party and why would anyone vote for a cheap imitation and not the real thing?

I would suggest that the Republican Party stop pandering to groups and start putting forth ideas that good for the entire country as a whole and stand on those principles.
Please show me the Republican backed groups that have endorsed giving Illegals more rights.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that aided illegals once they crossed the borders.

Please show me the Republican backed groups that sued to get illegals into public schools and access to the public treasury.

Please show me the Republican that wrote and pushed the Immigration reform bill through Congress that changed the basic requirements for immigration, ending the limits on the numbers of immigrants allowed. (that was Ted Kennedy)

Most Republicans will go along. You can bet on that. The NWO Global Elites are running both major U.S. Political Parties at this point. There are a few exceptions, but most of our Politicians are now running with that pack.

I'm not denying that today there are "Republicans" who will go along with Rubio's immigration plan.

They are caving to a political theory that in order to be elected you have to cater and pander to every "group" that there is.

Personally I disagree with that. I believe that the party should not cave on it's principles or else it risks becoming even more of a "Democrat Lite" party and why would anyone vote for a cheap imitation and not the real thing?

I would suggest that the Republican Party stop pandering to groups and start putting forth ideas that good for the entire country as a whole and stand on those principles.

I agree 100%. But i think many are missing the real point. The point is, our Authority apparatuses are no longer representing American Citizen interests. They're representing foreign Globalist interests now. It's not about American Citizens anymore. And that is very hard to accept, but it is the current truth. A Coup d'etat has taken place. The NWO Globalist Elites are running our country now. The People have to start understanding that reality. They have to accept it, before they can begin to fight back. It's not a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's a Conspiracy Fact.
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Most Republicans will go along. You can bet on that. The NWO Global Elites are running both major U.S. Political Parties at this point. There are a few exceptions, but most of our Politicians are now running with that pack.

I'm not denying that today there are "Republicans" who will go along with Rubio's immigration plan.

They are caving to a political theory that in order to be elected you have to cater and pander to every "group" that there is.

Personally I disagree with that. I believe that the party should not cave on it's principles or else it risks becoming even more of a "Democrat Lite" party and why would anyone vote for a cheap imitation and not the real thing?

I would suggest that the Republican Party stop pandering to groups and start putting forth ideas that good for the entire country as a whole and stand on those principles.

I agree 100%. But i think many are missing the real point. The point is, our Authority apparatuses are no longer representing American Citizen interests. They're representing foreign Globalist interests now. It's not about American Citizens anymore. And that is very hard to accept, but it is the current truth. A Coup d'etat has taken place. The NWO Globalist Elites are running our country now. The People have to start understanding that reality. They have to accept it, before they can begin to fight back. It's not a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's a Conspiracy Fact.

No, it hasn't happened yet. I have not seen any black helicopters
How about the Supreme Court enforce the Laws, rather than simply ignore them... We'd all be better off.

ok well this isnt what happened here. The AZ Law was voided because it went beyond what federal laws already had.

See in this Nation of ours Federal law is supreme, and states can match up to,but not go beyond what the federal law already says.

Scalia stated that AZ can put in place laws in regard to this, they just cant supercede federal law.

you guys are whining about nothing. once again ignorance reigns supreme.
I'm not denying that today there are "Republicans" who will go along with Rubio's immigration plan.

They are caving to a political theory that in order to be elected you have to cater and pander to every "group" that there is.

Personally I disagree with that. I believe that the party should not cave on it's principles or else it risks becoming even more of a "Democrat Lite" party and why would anyone vote for a cheap imitation and not the real thing?

I would suggest that the Republican Party stop pandering to groups and start putting forth ideas that good for the entire country as a whole and stand on those principles.

I agree 100%. But i think many are missing the real point. The point is, our Authority apparatuses are no longer representing American Citizen interests. They're representing foreign Globalist interests now. It's not about American Citizens anymore. And that is very hard to accept, but it is the current truth. A Coup d'etat has taken place. The NWO Globalist Elites are running our country now. The People have to start understanding that reality. They have to accept it, before they can begin to fight back. It's not a 'Crazy Conspiracy Theory.' It's a Conspiracy Fact.

No, it hasn't happened yet. I have not seen any black helicopters

They've moved past that. They're using Drones now.
This will all come back to bite liberals in their asses. And they deserve it too. There's lots they haven't thoroughly thought through. I hope this doesn't insult any of them in any way.

no it wont moron. Az will just pass a law that equals what the Federal laws already state about this issue. If AZ goes beyond what the federal law states they will end up in court again.

Seriously try reading the article retard.
This is wrong in so many ways but mainly it's wrong because the states are suppposed to be sovereign countries and are free to conduct elections, even for federal officials, anyway they choose.


Today the Court held, in a seven-to-two decision by Justice Scalia, that Arizona’s law cannot stand in the face of the NVRA. The Court first recognized that under the Elections Clause of the U.S. Constitution, Congress has the power to dictate when, where, and how elections are held, and state election laws that conflict with federal ones are therefore preempted and without effect. The Court thus held that by requiring states to “accept and use” the federal form, the NVRA effectively required the states to treat the federal form as sufficient evidence of citizenship without any additional proof, so that Arizona’s proof-of-citizenship requirement was contrary to the NVRA, and therefore invalid.

Details: Arizona v. Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc. : SCOTUSblog
This is wrong in so many ways but mainly it's wrong because the states are suppposed to be sovereign countries and are free to conduct elections, even for federal officials, anyway they choose.

Supreme Court strikes down Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote - U.S. News

june 17, 2013

The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an Arizona law that requires people to submit proof of citizenship when they register to vote.
The vote was 7-2, with Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the court. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two members of the court’s conservative wing, dissented.

Several states said that such a law reduces voter fraud, but civil rights groups said it was an effort to discourage voting by legal immigrants. The case was argued and decided at a time when the country is considering how to change its immigration laws.
Groups opposed to the Arizona law said that the court had blocked an attempt at voter suppression.

“Today’s decision sends a strong message that states cannot block their citizens from registering to vote by superimposing burdensome paperwork requirements on top of federal law,” said Nina Perales, vice president of litigation for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund.


The decision merely prohibited AZ from amending federal law.
Honestly, what's to stop anyone on earth from voting now?


That's as it should be.

You should be able to vote over the web.

Why not just form a world government?

Because that’s idiocy, no one wants a ‘world government.’

This isn’t hard to understand (or at least it shouldn’t be…),

Voting is a fundamental right, consequently when the state seeks to restrict that right it must justify its desire to do so with objective, documented evidence. That a state ‘thinks’ someone ‘might’ claim to be a citizen when he’s not is neither evidence nor justification.
Congress took advantage of this clause of the Constitution and SCotUS upheld it...

Article I | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

Section 4
The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators.
Y'all should be here in Arizona if you think YOU are pissed.....The Feds owe us a little over half a BILLION dollars for warehousing their captives from previous years and won't pay us a dime of it. ICE stopped picking up detainees almost a year ago so the courts let them go. When Phoenix police cruisers give the groups of illegals outside Home Depot the once-over they flip-off the cops and have a good laugh. Our jails are full of their criminal element, our schools are full of their kids, our hospitals are full of their injured and sick, and our welfare offices are packed to the gills signing them up for free housing and food. They've brought in diseases we haven't seen in this country for 50 years and caused a BED BUG epidemic that's reached out into the wealthiest suburbs. And now today, the USSC shits on us again by allowing them to vote this situation for themselves into permanent status. We've done everything in our power to remain a sovereign state but now we need YOUR HELP....tell your congresspersons you object to what is being done to us and that you want this stopped.
Congress took advantage of this clause of the Constitution and SCotUS upheld it...

Article I | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

Section 4
The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators.

How exactly did Congress ‘take advantage’ of a power granted it by the Constitution?

And if the High Court upheld the supremacy of Federal law, how again did Congress ‘take advantage’?
The decision puts the power in federal hands. Take heart, we will not always have a wimp as president.

BS - the constitution says states have the power to conduct elections as they see fit.
Section 4
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

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