Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.

Note the opinion was written by that well-known liberal Scalia.

Following the letter of the law is a bit of a stickler for him.

He said that Arizona simply went about it the wrong way.

He said essentially....try again. :eusa_eh:
This is wrong in so many ways but mainly it's wrong because the states are suppposed to be sovereign countries and are free to conduct elections, even for federal officials, anyway they choose.

Supreme Court strikes down Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote - U.S. News

june 17, 2013

The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an Arizona law that requires people to submit proof of citizenship when they register to vote.
The vote was 7-2, with Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the court. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two members of the court’s conservative wing, dissented.

Several states said that such a law reduces voter fraud, but civil rights groups said it was an effort to discourage voting by legal immigrants. The case was argued and decided at a time when the country is considering how to change its immigration laws.
Groups opposed to the Arizona law said that the court had blocked an attempt at voter suppression.

“Today’s decision sends a strong message that states cannot block their citizens from registering to vote by superimposing burdensome paperwork requirements on top of federal law,” said Nina Perales, vice president of litigation for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund.

in other words they can do it if

they follow a different strategy

We hold that 42 U. S. C. §1973gg–4 precludes Arizona
from requiring a Federal Form applicant to submit information beyond that required by the form itself.

Arizona may, however, request anew that the EAC include such a
requirement among the Federal Form’s state-specific
instructions, and may seek judicial review of the EAC’s
decision under the Administrative Procedure Act
This is wrong in so many ways but mainly it's wrong because the states are suppposed to be sovereign countries and are free to conduct elections, even for federal officials, anyway they choose.

Supreme Court strikes down Arizona law requiring proof of citizenship to vote - U.S. News

june 17, 2013

The Supreme Court on Monday struck down an Arizona law that requires people to submit proof of citizenship when they register to vote.
The vote was 7-2, with Justice Antonin Scalia writing for the court. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two members of the court’s conservative wing, dissented.

Several states said that such a law reduces voter fraud, but civil rights groups said it was an effort to discourage voting by legal immigrants. The case was argued and decided at a time when the country is considering how to change its immigration laws.
Groups opposed to the Arizona law said that the court had blocked an attempt at voter suppression.

“Today’s decision sends a strong message that states cannot block their citizens from registering to vote by superimposing burdensome paperwork requirements on top of federal law,” said Nina Perales, vice president of litigation for the Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund.


The decision merely prohibited AZ from amending federal law.

yes can still have state specific requirements
Y'all should be here in Arizona if you think YOU are pissed.....The Feds owe us a little over half a BILLION dollars for warehousing their captives from previous years and won't pay us a dime of it. ICE stopped picking up detainees almost a year ago so the courts let them go. When Phoenix police cruisers give the groups of illegals outside Home Depot the once-over they flip-off the cops and have a good laugh. Our jails are full of their criminal element, our schools are full of their kids, our hospitals are full of their injured and sick, and our welfare offices are packed to the gills signing them up for free housing and food. They've brought in diseases we haven't seen in this country for 50 years and caused a BED BUG epidemic that's reached out into the wealthiest suburbs. And now today, the USSC shits on us again by allowing them to vote this situation for themselves into permanent status. We've done everything in our power to remain a sovereign state but now we need YOUR HELP....tell your congresspersons you object to what is being done to us and that you want this stopped.

Please, tell us more about the waves of diseases and pests brought in by the dirty foreigners.:eusa_whistle:
Learning so much here.

States are supposed to be sovereign countries! Cool.

Nutters are afraid of lots of people voting. It is just math. More Americans are liberal. If everyone votes, nutters lose.
The decision puts the power in federal hands. Take heart, we will not always have a wimp as president.

This decision and the federal and state laws involved have absolutely nothing to do with Obama.

Thanks for playing.
This Supreme Court decision revolves around the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. That law basically allows a person to register to vote at the same time they renew their driver's license.

So it is total BULLSHIT to claim this decision somehow allows illegal to vote. No state provides an illegal alien a driver's license which is identical to a citizen's license.

Arizona attempted to place an extra burden on top of the "motor voter" law.

Even Scalia could see that was fucked up.
The real problem here is making the federal government enforce their own immigration laws.

Arizona can't make them do it. So they have to petition to change their own I.D. laws for the next election.

$10 says Obama strings them out like he did the 501c (4) folks.
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This Supreme Court decision revolves around the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. That law basically allows a person to register to vote at the same time they renew their driver's license.

So it is total BULLSHIT to claim this decision somehow allows illegal to vote. No state provides an illegal alien a driver's license which is identical to a citizen's license.

Arizona attempted to place an extra burden on top of the "motor voter" law.

Even Scalia could see that was fucked up.

Well, then it's clear that the motor voter law was designed to go around the law. Non-citizens can apply for a drivers license but then they are asked if they want to register to vote at the same time. The DMV clerk can't even ask for proof of citizenship even though they know they aren't by looking at their documents.
This Supreme Court decision revolves around the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. That law basically allows a person to register to vote at the same time they renew their driver's license.

So it is total BULLSHIT to claim this decision somehow allows illegal to vote. No state provides an illegal alien a driver's license which is identical to a citizen's license.

Arizona attempted to place an extra burden on top of the "motor voter" law.

Even Scalia could see that was fucked up.

Well, then it's clear that the motor voter law was designed to go around the law. Non-citizens can apply for a drivers license but then they are asked if they want to register to vote at the same time. The DMV clerk can't even ask for proof of citizenship even though they know they aren't by looking at their documents.

This is complete bullshit. You are lying, and you know you are lying.
Learning so much here.

States are supposed to be sovereign countries! Cool.

Nutters are afraid of lots of people voting. It is just math. More Americans are liberal. If everyone votes, nutters lose.

More Americans are conservative. The problem is most of them aren't paying attention.
Arizona Identification Requirements for getting a driver's license.


As you can see, Class WB and WT immigrants are given an ID only, which is different from the one given to citizens.

Illegals plainly cannot get an ID, much less a driver's license.
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This Supreme Court decision revolves around the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. That law basically allows a person to register to vote at the same time they renew their driver's license.

So it is total BULLSHIT to claim this decision somehow allows illegal to vote. No state provides an illegal alien a driver's license which is identical to a citizen's license.

Arizona attempted to place an extra burden on top of the "motor voter" law.

Even Scalia could see that was fucked up.

Well, then it's clear that the motor voter law was designed to go around the law. Non-citizens can apply for a drivers license but then they are asked if they want to register to vote at the same time. The DMV clerk can't even ask for proof of citizenship even though they know they aren't by looking at their documents.

This is complete bullshit. You are lying, and you know you are lying.

Nope. A lie is when you know it is not true.
This explanation is the one I heard today, so unless I find out otherwise I'll stick with it.
Well, then it's clear that the motor voter law was designed to go around the law. Non-citizens can apply for a drivers license but then they are asked if they want to register to vote at the same time. The DMV clerk can't even ask for proof of citizenship even though they know they aren't by looking at their documents.

This is complete bullshit. You are lying, and you know you are lying.

Nope. A lie is when you know it is not true.
This explanation is the one I heard today, so unless I find out otherwise I'll stick with it.

"The one I heard today".

And you guzzled that piss heartily. Didn't fact check it. Didn't even stop to think it through and realize it could not possibly be true.

It took me thirty seconds to debunk it, and another minute and a half to post it. Start thinking for yourself, rube.
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And you guzzled that piss heartily. Didn't fact check it. Didn't even stop to think it through and realize it could not possibly be true.

It took me thirty seconds to debunk it, and another minute and a half to post it. Start thinking for yourself, rube.[/QUOTE

Got any idea when what you linked to went into force you puffed-up pissant?

A couple weeks ago....before that illegals were getting DLs and the DMV was powerless to do anything about it.....the 9th Circuit grudgingly decided WE could decide who we allow to drive a motor drink your own piss for a change.
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Please, tell us more about the waves of diseases and pests brought in by the dirty foreigners.:eusa_whistle:

How about we start with TB ya tight-assed little bitch? Then lets move on to POLIO....remember that one? Malaria ring any bells? Not enough? Every kind of louse, pest, crawling insect living in Mehico now lives here....the hotels have to throw out entire sets of bedsprings and mattresses every month rather than infect their guests....tourism is a huge industry for us...when the word gets out some big-shot got bit by a brown recluse spider a maid brought in on her coat, that hotel gets avoided by travel agents.

But please, go back to pretending you're an urbane, too-cool for all this and try tying your own Windsor couldn't afford the tie in your avatar, Sheila. :doubt:
I think the SC needs to be removed from power, they are anti America at this point. Fuck, so is almost all of congress and the President but this shit is just getting silly.
Note the opinion was written by that well-known liberal Scalia.

Following the letter of the law is a bit of a stickler for him.

He said that Arizona simply went about it the wrong way.

He said essentially....try again. :eusa_eh:

The states are sovereign countries and conduct elections as they wish save for a few constitutional restrictions such as the ban on poll taxes. Nowhere does the C ban something like photo id. The judges are taking bribes and writing laws again.

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