Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.

Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.

Wrong on both counts, actually.

Voter registration laws were not struck down, those laws are still in effect.

The only thing struck down is the law requiring needless additional documentation not authorized by Federal law.

Consequently, if one is an undocumented immigrant, not a US citizen, or not a resident of the state, he will not be allowed to vote.
This is wrong in so many ways but mainly it's wrong because the states are suppposed to be sovereign countries and are free to conduct elections, even for federal officials, anyway they choose.

Look up "federalism" and study our constitutional narrative.
You need an ID to get on a plane. You need an ID to drive a car. And you need and ID for just about everything, except for the process in electing those who make the laws, that require ID's for other things. :cuckoo:

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As you can see, Class WB and WT immigrants are given an ID only, which is different from the one given to citizens.

Illegals plainly cannot get an ID, much less a driver's license.

HAHAHA. Rule of law means nothing to dems. Remember last year when O announced he was simply not going to enforce the immigration laws and would allow millions of illegals to live here in brazen violation of laws passed by congress?
The only reason Dems have a frigging chance is because of law breakers from hem, hem, 'down south'. Without them, it's a 2 year cycle of landslides.

Heck, even illegal aliens may not save the socialist this time.

I think the SC needs to be removed from power, they are anti America at this point. Fuck, so is almost all of congress and the President but this shit is just getting silly.

The prez and the federal congressmen and federal judges are all crooks taking bribes on every issue. We must return to states rights.
I think the SC needs to be removed from power, they are anti America at this point. Fuck, so is almost all of congress and the President but this shit is just getting silly.

The prez and the federal congressmen and federal judges are all crooks taking bribes on every issue. We must return to states rights.

they are crooks and all but the opinion is not that bad

Their victory dance may be short-lived, however. The ruling was very narrowly drawn, and the Court laid out a roadmap by which Arizona can protect the integrity of its elections after all.

The first thing to keep in mind is that this was not a decision about voter ID — despite what initial reports implied. Arizona’s voter-ID law remains in place. In fact, it wasn’t being contested before the Supreme Court. The plaintiffs lost their claim against the voter-ID law in the lower courts and didn’t bother to include that claim in their appeal.

At issue in Intertribal Council was another provision of Arizona’s voter-approved 2004 referendum that requires anyone registering to vote to provide proof of citizenship. That proof might be a passport, birth certificate, naturalization papers, tribal ID, or other documents accepted by the federal government under immigration laws.

Today’s majority (7–2) opinion, written by Justice Antonin Scalia, held that the federal National Voter Registration Act of 1993 preempts Arizona’s requirement that applicants submit proof of citizenship when registering. The NVRA specifies that states must “accept and use” the federal mail-in voter registration form. The majority ruled that Arizona’s proof-of-citizenship requirement conflicts with that provision because the “Federal Form guarantees that a simple means of registering to vote in federal elections will be available.” Arizona, the majority held, cannot require information beyond that “required by the form itself.”

However, Scalia’s opinion had some important caveats. He made it clear that the NVRA preemption applies only to the federal voter-registration form, not Arizona’s state-registration form. According to the majority, “state-developed forms may require information the Federal Form does not.” So anyone registering to vote in Arizona using the state’s voter-registration form is still going to have to provide proof of citizenship. The Court also carefully noted that the NVRA does not “preclude States from ‘deny[ing] registration based on information in their possession establishing the applicant’s ineligibility.’”

Voting by Noncitizens in Arizona | National Review Online
Congress took advantage of this clause of the Constitution and SCotUS upheld it...

Article I | U.S. Constitution | LII / Legal Information Institute

Section 4
The times, places and manner of holding elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each state by the legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations, except as to the places of choosing Senators.

How exactly did Congress ‘take advantage’ of a power granted it by the Constitution?

And if the High Court upheld the supremacy of Federal law, how again did Congress ‘take advantage’?

Don't blame me if your lack of an education leads you to not understand a simple post made in basic English.
Even mexico has voter ID laws.!!!! But our super-corrupt judges take bribes from the illegal alien lobby and decree that america must let illegal mexican invaders vote.

Geez, don't hold back on your hate for Mexicans. FYI, it's not only Mexicans that are affected by the inane laws that righties try to impose. And our SCOTUS is majority right, so it's good to know they are super-corrupt!:lol:
I'm just wondering. In Tucson, there is a federal court that is solely dedicated to deporting illegals, at the rate of 70 per day, every working day of the year. There are also 14 other federal courts in the border states which are similarly solely dedicated to this task. This is in addition to what ever such charges are brought against illegals in other federal courts in the nation. Read all about it:

'Operation Streamline' takes hard line on illegal border crossers

At what point are you guys going to get past this hysteria that you have about not enforcing our border laws?

Secondly, I am more than a little amused by the Right wing manufactured myth that all these illegals are voting for democrats. Let's say that you entered a country that doesn't much care for your kind, anyway, like maybe in the Mid East. You know that you are there illegally, and you want to avoid being thrown out. So, how many of you are going to rush down to the nearest voter registration post, commit perjury, which is a felony, in front of a government employee, and otherwise risk exposing yourself unecessarily to deportation or prison, just to vote for a particular party? If you raised your hand, then I think that I am beginning to understand why the Left has so little repect for the intelligence on the Right.
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