Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.

As you can see, Class WB and WT immigrants are given an ID only, which is different from the one given to citizens.

Illegals plainly cannot get an ID, much less a driver's license.

HAHAHA. Rule of law means nothing to dems. Remember last year when O announced he was simply not going to enforce the immigration laws and would allow millions of illegals to live here in brazen violation of laws passed by congress?

No I don't remember that. Care to link it?
I seem to recall, however, the statistic that this administration has deported more than previous admins.
Now you guys are catching on....SB1070 chased almost 200,000 illegals out of Arizona. Where did they go? Some went back home....many went to Kali where they can still live well on welfare. Many went up to New Mexico because the Bill Richardson crime syndicate is still active there and now Bill is reclaiming his supposed "heritage" and even speaking with a mex accent. The rest are.....UP NORTE. They'll try every scam they learned here in Arizona....prepare for it.
The Hispanics who vote are not illegal aliens, dummies.

Correction... the Hispanics who are US citizens are not illegal aliens

I don't care if the person is Hispanic, Aleutian, Asian, Canadian, Burmese, or whatever else.. if you are not a citizen, you do not vote.. and you ensure someone is a citizen before voting

If you ARE a citizen you'll have trouble voting, as well.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Voting Law : NPR
Indeed, she says, that after the Arizona proof of citizenship law was enacted, voter registration dropped 44 percent in the state's most populous county. And it wasn't just Hispanics who were being turned down, Perales says.

But who cares, right? If 1000 eligible voters don't get to vote but we stop 1 illegal, its worth it!
Eighty percent of those who were rejected were non-Hispanic whites.
Whoa! I knew Arizona had a lot of Hispanic illegals - but apparently most of their illegal population are white Europeans! Who would have known?
"1 - How many Illegals are here now and why are they getting special rates on College fees as well as protected from deportation?
How many times have we heard the Left claim that we can't deport all the illegals? Why not?

The border isn't moving.

2 - According to the "Experts" the Democrats got the bulk of the Hispanic vote the last two elections.
Are you saying that they are lying? "

Now, there, you seem to have put your finger on your problem, fair and square.

Without even giving it any thought, you seem to think that the words, "illegal aliens", and "Hispanics", are interchangeable.

We Democrats are counting on you to continue to do just that!!!!!!!!

Actually, Considering that we are talking about Arizona, the probability that the vast majority of illegals in that state are from Mexico, Central, and South America is so large as to virtually nullify the possibility of finding an Illegal from Ireland or Norway there.

Granted there is a slim chance to find such an illegal, but that would be along the lines of winning not only your State's multi-million dollar lottery, but also winning the Powerball, multi-State Lottery when both are in excess of $100 Million.

By the looks of this border fence, I'd say the vast majority of illegals are probably from Texas

As you can see, Class WB and WT immigrants are given an ID only, which is different from the one given to citizens.

Illegals plainly cannot get an ID, much less a driver's license.

HAHAHA. Rule of law means nothing to dems. Remember last year when O announced he was simply not going to enforce the immigration laws and would allow millions of illegals to live here in brazen violation of laws passed by congress?

He didn't say anything like that. People who are brought here as minors in the custody of a parent or other guardian haven't committed a crime.
You are not being clear. Does the proposal explicitly state that non-citizens can vote? If not, you have no point.

I believe the line: "which would extend voting rights to anyone, regardless of citizenship"
makes it clear that non-citizens can vote.

No, that is your line, not the line of legislation that explicitly states that non-citizens can vote.

Here is the page of the co-author of the bill, plenty of reading material there that says the same thing over and over.
DANIEL DROMM, New York City Council Member
This decision only applies to elections for congress critters because that's all the authority given congress in the constitution. .

That doesn't mean a thing, you fool. The feds will do what they wish and hang the constitution. The C makes it clear that issues like abortion and education are state issues but the feds took those over too.
Who do American Citizens turn to at this point? They just can't catch a break these days. The NWO Globalists have hijacked our Government. They're in complete control. It's very clear we now have a rogue Government working against American Citizens' interests. Every day it seems to get worse. What can the People do? How can they get their country back? Very tough questions. But they'll have to be answered.

The New York City Council held its first hearing Thursday on the measure, which would extend voting rights to anyone, regardless of citizenship, who has been living in the city for at least six months. ]

This is the sort of insanity repubs should scream about but never do. How can we even consider giving voting rights to foreign invaders?

HAHAHA. Rule of law means nothing to dems. Remember last year when O announced he was simply not going to enforce the immigration laws and would allow millions of illegals to live here in brazen violation of laws passed by congress?

He didn't say anything like that. People who are brought here as minors in the custody of a parent or other guardian haven't committed a crime.

Hey stupid. I didn't say they should be charged with a crime. But they're still here illegally and must be deported. Each one of these kids in school costs the taxpayers $10,000 a year!

The New York City Council held its first hearing Thursday on the measure, which would extend voting rights to anyone, regardless of citizenship, who has been living in the city for at least six months. ]

This is the sort of insanity repubs should scream about but never do. How can we...

When did you move to New York ?

even consider giving voting rights to foreign invaders?

So now all foreigners are "invaders"

Got it.
The Hispanics who vote are not illegal aliens, dummies.

Correction... the Hispanics who are US citizens are not illegal aliens

I don't care if the person is Hispanic, Aleutian, Asian, Canadian, Burmese, or whatever else.. if you are not a citizen, you do not vote.. and you ensure someone is a citizen before voting

That may no longer be the case in some locations, NY being one of them.

The New York City Council held its first hearing Thursday on the measure, which would extend voting rights to anyone, regardless of citizenship, who has been living in the city for at least six months. The only other stipulation would be that they meet standard voting requirements (like not being in prison or on parole for a felony conviction).
NYC lawmakers consider allowing non-citizen immigrants to vote ? MSNBC

How would they prove such a thing that would be any different from AZ wanting proof of citizenship?
This President and much of our current Politicians, clearly represent foreign Globalist interests. They don't represent American Citizen interests anymore. But i guess we should have seen this stuff coming...

The Hispanics who vote are not illegal aliens, dummies.

Correction... the Hispanics who are US citizens are not illegal aliens

I don't care if the person is Hispanic, Aleutian, Asian, Canadian, Burmese, or whatever else.. if you are not a citizen, you do not vote.. and you ensure someone is a citizen before voting

If you ARE a citizen you'll have trouble voting, as well.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Voting Law : NPR
Indeed, she says, that after the Arizona proof of citizenship law was enacted, voter registration dropped 44 percent in the state's most populous county. And it wasn't just Hispanics who were being turned down, Perales says.

But who cares, right? If 1000 eligible voters don't get to vote but we stop 1 illegal, its worth it!
Eighty percent of those who were rejected were non-Hispanic whites.
Whoa! I knew Arizona had a lot of Hispanic illegals - but apparently most of their illegal population are white Europeans! Who would have known?

Uh huh.. 44% of citizens do not have proof of citizenship :rolleyes:

I am for a free ID for anyone who gets off their lazy ass and makes their ay down to the government offices to get one.. as long as they are, of course, legal citizens.. that does not reject 1 single eligible voter, who does not eliminate themselves by not going

I don't care, once again, if they are Hispanic, White, Asian, Belgian, South African, or a goddamn Eskimo-Peruvian Albino Mix... to vote you should absolutely show you are a citizen eligible to vote

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