Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.

I would love to know just what you think my "feelings" were that I "implied" and just how I made that "Implication".

You are "assuming" things not in evidence because of your bias and prejudice against those who are Conservative.

Is it okay for you to "assume" that no one buy you is educated simply because they ask someone to explain what they mean by a certain statement? Is that due to your bias and prejudice against those who are Libs or maybe not as far right as you are?

Shroom and the other far right reactionaries out of the GOP mainstream believe they are answerable no one but can judge everyone. They are a laughingstock to most of the party.

Oh, I know I am going to have to answer for the things I have done and said in my life.

I have no problem defending what I have actually said. I refuse to defend something that I didn't say. And the slickest trick in the Liberal Handbook. Accuse others of saying something they didn't say.

I have asked you three times to provide the quote when I said what you are accusing me of saying. You have failed to do so each and every time.

All you say is that I "Implied" something nefarious. That isn't quoting and proving that I said something.. that is accusing me of saying something that I haven't said.

In other words...

You are a liar.
As you can see, Class WB and WT immigrants are given an ID only, which is different from the one given to citizens.

Illegals plainly cannot get an ID, much less a driver's license.

HAHAHA. Rule of law means nothing to dems. Remember last year when O announced he was simply not going to enforce the immigration laws and would allow millions of illegals to live here in brazen violation of laws passed by congress?

He didn't say anything like that. People who are brought here as minors in the custody of a parent or other guardian haven't committed a crime.

They are still here illegally.

End of story.
HAHAHA. Rule of law means nothing to dems. Remember last year when O announced he was simply not going to enforce the immigration laws and would allow millions of illegals to live here in brazen violation of laws passed by congress?

He didn't say anything like that. People who are brought here as minors in the custody of a parent or other guardian haven't committed a crime.

They are still here illegally.

End of story.

No they aren't. There is no such crime as "here illegally". The crime that so called "illegals" commit is the crime of crossing the border without stopping for inspection by U.S. customs and border patrol (8 USC § 1325). This crime is normally a misdemeanor. The exception is for foreigners who have previously been deported, in which case it is a felony. However, in the case of a minor in the custody of a parent or other guardian, they are not at fault for violation of 8 USC § 1325. Since they cannot be held to account for violating 8 USC § 1325 and since there is no law that actually makes it illegal to simply be here without documentation, and with the exception of those that later commit crimes under other laws, those that were brought here as minors have committed no offense against the U.S.
The NWO Globalists aren't bothering to hide their agendas anymore. It's all right there in front of everyones' faces. They're telling the American People it's not about them anymore. It's about the NWO Globalism now. I don't understand why so many Americans haven't gotten that message yet. The Globalists have been very open and up front about it. They're not hiding it. I guess it's a denial thing. We now have a rogue Government. It's time for Americans to understand that. It's time for them to take their country back.

I think you posted in the wrong topic.

I think you posted the wrong argument. You care to rebut what paul said?

You want me to rebut a drooling conspiracy theory rant?
Is denying a non-US citizen the right to vote in a US Election against human rights or violation of the US Constitution?

That has nothing to do with this Supreme Court decision. This Supreme Court decision removed an unnecessary burden that was being placed on US citizens. The Arizona law had no effect on illegals. It DID have a burdensome effect on citizens.

You DO want US citizens to have as few government intrusions and interference in the exercising of their Constitutional rights, do you not? Or do you only worry about that when it comes to the right to bear arms? You're okay with states fucking with your right to vote?
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You need an ID to get on a plane. You need an ID to drive a car. And you need and ID for just about everything, except for the process in electing those who make the laws, that require ID's for other things. :cuckoo:


Anyone care to name what frequently used logical fallacy on this forum this is?

I call it using an argument liberals have no rebuttal to.
How about the Supreme Court enforce the Laws, rather than simply ignore them... We'd all be better off.

It's not their job to enforce the laws. They already write laws even though the constitution says they can't. Let's not give the unelected SC even more power.

Care to provide an example of the Supreme Court writing laws?

Is Heller v. DC a good example?
The only reason Dems have a frigging chance is because of law breakers from hem, hem, 'down south'. Without them, it's a 2 year cycle of landslides.

Heck, even illegal aliens may not save the socialist this time.


And of course you have the evidence illegals are swinging elections, right?

With 40 million illegals infesting america and democrats supporting them, the burden of proof is on you to show they aren't voting. Lets see your evidence.
The only reason Dems have a frigging chance is because of law breakers from hem, hem, 'down south'. Without them, it's a 2 year cycle of landslides.

Heck, even illegal aliens may not save the socialist this time.


And of course you have the evidence illegals are swinging elections, right?

With 40 million illegals infesting america and democrats supporting them, the burden of proof is on you to show they aren't voting. Lets see your evidence.

Wow. You really are stupid.

You must support your claim illegals are swinging elections. It is a logical fallacy to make a claim and then expect a skeptic to prove the negative.

As I suspected, you have no proof of your claim. Yet, like a good little piss drinker, you will regurgitate that claim at will.

And now you have made a new claim. 40 million illegals!
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Let Arizona enforce the law......
The form requires you to swear that you are citizen of the United States under the threat of perjury.
Arizona should compare a number of databases of the to verify that they are truly citizens of the US. If not prosecute them to the maximum extent of the law. Simple.
No they aren't. There is no such crime as "here illegally". The crime that so called "illegals" commit is the crime of crossing the border without stopping for inspection by U.S. customs and border patrol (8 USC § 1325). This crime is normally a misdemeanor. The exception is for foreigners who have previously been deported, in which case it is a felony. However, in the case of a minor in the custody of a parent or other guardian, they are not at fault for violation of 8 USC § 1325. Since they cannot be held to account for violating 8 USC § 1325 and since there is no law that actually makes it illegal to simply be here without documentation, and with the exception of those that later commit crimes under other laws, those that were brought here as minors have committed no offense against the U.S.

The kid crossed the border with his parents so the kid broke the law too. Anyway - anyone here illegally is or course subject to deportation. No one says the kid should be thrown in prison. THINK
Once again, we see the idiocy of faux right wingers.

If a state writes a law restricting your Constitutional right to bear arms, the faux right justifiably gets upset and celebrates the Court when such laws are struck down.

But here we have a case of a state restricting your Constitutional right to vote and the Court striking it down, and the faux right is all about "states rights" and ranting about the New World Order!

Positively retarded, with no understanding of the Constitution whatsoever.
The decision puts the power in federal hands. Take heart, we will not always have a wimp as president.

BS - the constitution says states have the power to conduct elections as they see fit.

You may want to read the Constitution again.

The constitution places just minor restrictions on how the states conduct elections. For example it bans poll taxes. But just about everything else is up to the states since the states are independent countries same as france is an independent country in a loose confederation called the European Union.
But here we have a case of a state restricting your Constitutional right to vote
Positively retarded, with no understanding of the Constitution whatsoever.

The problem here is no one is restricting your Constitutional right to vote.
They are just asking you to prove you meet the requirements to vote.
Positively retarded, with no understanding of the problem.
So there you are, a US citizen who is a resident of Arizona. You go to get your driver's license. To get a driver's license you must provide a birth certificate. That's about the best evidence you are a citizen as it gets.

A few years later, your license is about to expire and you go to renew it. Under federal law, you can register to vote at the same time you renew your license. So hey, why not. As long as I am here, I will kill two birds with one stone.

When you renew your license, you don't have to jump through all the inconvenient hoops you had to jump through to get your license. You already proved your citizenship when you got your license.

So you renew your license and register to vote at the same time at the DMV.

Arizona decided you must bring proof of citizenship to register to vote when you renew your license, EVEN THOUGH YOU ALREADY DID THAT THE FIRST TIME.

So here's the thing, retards. An illegal is not going to be renewing their driver's license. And why is that? BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP TO GET ONE IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Therefore, this ridiculous law impacts ONLY US CITIZENS.

That is why it was struck down. Because it is a typical nativist retarded piece of legislation that accomplishes nothing but putting up obstacles to citizens exercising their rights.

And of course you have the evidence illegals are swinging elections, right?

With 40 million illegals infesting america and democrats supporting them, the burden of proof is on you to show they aren't voting. Lets see your evidence.

Wow. You really are stupid.

You must support your claim illegals are swinging elections. It is a logical fallacy to make a claim and then expect a skeptic to prove the negative.

As I suspected, you have no proof of your claim. Yet, like a good little piss drinker, you will regurgitate that claim at will.

And now you have made a new claim. 40 million illegals!

I already pointed out to these guys that an illegal alien is not likely to draw attention to himself by going to a votor registration site, commit perjury(a felony) in front of a government employee, and thereby put himself at risk of deportation or prison, just so he can add one vote to some democratic party candidate. However, they do not seem to feel that this argument warrants a response, so they have been comspicuously sillent on that.

However, we are certainly getting lots of information about the New World Order and their drones, which now secretly control the country.
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BS - the constitution says states have the power to conduct elections as they see fit.

You may want to read the Constitution again.

The constitution places just minor restrictions on how the states conduct elections. For example it bans poll taxes. But just about everything else is up to the states since the states are independent countries same as france is an independent country in a loose confederation called the European Union.

You may want to read the Constitution again.
Article I, Section 4:
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Motor voter law, dumbasses. That's what this decision was about.
Article I, Section 4:
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Motor voter law, dumbasses.

10th Amendment dumbass.

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