Supreme Court strikes down voter registration laws - Illegals win again.

[Here are two other articles that may shed a different light on the ruling:

SCOTUS overturns Arizona voter registration law

By: John Hayward, 6/17/2013

On Monday, the Supreme Court ruled 7-2 against Arizona’s voter registration law, which passed in 2004 with strong 56% support, including over 40% support from Hispanic residents. This law required proof of U.S. citizenship when registering for a variety of public services and functions.

I've seen at least a dozen different posts on this and still don't know whether I'm po'd or neutral on this. I understand that voting is constitutionally a federal bailiwick. But, I don't quite understand why individual states can't set standards.

What are your reactions?

Read more @ SCOTUS overturns Arizona voter registration law | Human Events

And I found this article that gives a better view of the decision:

Morning Bell: 3 Things You Should Know About the Supreme Court and Voter ID

The Foundry: Conservative Policy News Blog from The Heritage Foundation by Amy Payne

Yesterday, the Supreme Court handed down one of its first major decisions of this term, striking down Arizona’s measure requiring proof of citizenship for voter registration. Media reports are already off base in interpreting this decision, says Heritage legal expert Hans von Spakovsky. Here are three things to know about the decision.

1. This is not a voter ID decision.

Read more @ 3 Things You Should Know About the Supreme Court and Voter ID
Correction... the Hispanics who are US citizens are not illegal aliens

I don't care if the person is Hispanic, Aleutian, Asian, Canadian, Burmese, or whatever else.. if you are not a citizen, you do not vote.. and you ensure someone is a citizen before voting

If you ARE a citizen you'll have trouble voting, as well.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Voting Law : NPR

But who cares, right? If 1000 eligible voters don't get to vote but we stop 1 illegal, its worth it!
Eighty percent of those who were rejected were non-Hispanic whites.
Whoa! I knew Arizona had a lot of Hispanic illegals - but apparently most of their illegal population are white Europeans! Who would have known?

Uh huh.. 44% of citizens do not have proof of citizenship :rolleyes:

Voter registration went down 44%. We (liberals) told you that voter ID laws would result in many legal voters not being able to register. We were assured by you (righties) that wouldn't happen. Now it has. You were wrong. And your defense seems to be "well, we don't want that to happen!" If you continue to support the laws that now are empirically shown to cause it to happen - then obviously you do - or at least don't care - that it does.
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If you ARE a citizen you'll have trouble voting, as well.
Supreme Court Strikes Down Arizona Voting Law : NPR

But who cares, right? If 1000 eligible voters don't get to vote but we stop 1 illegal, its worth it!
Whoa! I knew Arizona had a lot of Hispanic illegals - but apparently most of their illegal population are white Europeans! Who would have known?

Uh huh.. 44% of citizens do not have proof of citizenship :rolleyes:

Voter registration went down 44%. We (liberals) told you that voter ID laws would result in many legal voters not being able to register. We were assured by you (righties) that wouldn't happen. Now it has. You were wrong. And your defense seems to be "well, we don't want that to happen!" If you continue to support the laws that now are empirically shown to cause it to happen - then obviously you do - or at least don't care - that it does.

So.. to be NOT able to register, they must not have ID.. because if you have legal ID, you CAN REGISTER... so they only way for you to be right in your assumption is if 44% of legals don't have ID... otherwise there are other factors like illegals, people simply not going to register, etc

Your ASSUMPTION is wrong.. per usual

1) I would like everyone who is eligible to vote to be able to vote after proving their eligibility
2) I would like, in order to facilitate everyone who is eligible, free ID's to those who do not already possess a legal ID (drivers license, passport, etc) as long as they make the effort to get them.
3) If people choose not to register or choose not to get the ID or choose not to vote after all of that, that is on them and not a fault of the system, of REPs, or anything of the sort
You need an ID to get on a plane. You need an ID to drive a car. And you need and ID for just about everything, except for the process in electing those who make the laws, that require ID's for other things. :cuckoo:


Anyone care to name what frequently used logical fallacy on this forum this is?
The only reason Dems have a frigging chance is because of law breakers from hem, hem, 'down south'. Without them, it's a 2 year cycle of landslides.

Heck, even illegal aliens may not save the socialist this time.


And of course you have the evidence illegals are swinging elections, right?
You need an ID to get on a plane. You need an ID to drive a car. And you need and ID for just about everything, except for the process in electing those who make the laws, that require ID's for other things. :cuckoo:


Anyone care to name what frequently used logical fallacy on this forum this is?

The ones which you post? Such as non sequiturs?
The only reason Dems have a frigging chance is because of law breakers from hem, hem, 'down south'. Without them, it's a 2 year cycle of landslides.

Heck, even illegal aliens may not save the socialist this time.


And of course you have the evidence illegals are swinging elections, right?

If last year's election was any indication.... you may need to have your sense of reality checked.
Arizona Identification Requirements for getting a driver's license.


As you can see, Class WB and WT immigrants are given an ID only, which is different from the one given to citizens.

Illegals plainly cannot get an ID, much less a driver's license.

"Class WB and WT immigrants are given an ID only, which is different from the one given to citizens. "

what is a wb and a wt

and how is the id different

Class WB is a foreigner here on Business. Class WT is a foreign Tourist.

They can get an ID for identification purposes, but not a driver's license.
This Supreme Court decision did not strike down Voter ID, folks. I think some of you are hearing voices in your head, or drinking someone else's piss.

It struck down a voter registration requirement which required proof of citizenship if you exercise the "motor voter" registration process.

The federal motor voter registration law simply permits you to register to vote at the same time you renew your driver's license.

Since you already have to provide your birth certificate, or similar evidence, when you get your driver's license (see here), forcing someone to jump through those same hoops again when they register to vote, at the same time they are renewing their license which already established their citizenship, is stupid and overly burdensome.

Even Scalia was able to see how retarded that is.

So illegals don't win "again". I see what you did there.

US citizens who want to vote win on this one. Again.
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The NWO Globalists aren't bothering to hide their agendas anymore. It's all right there in front of everyones' faces. They're telling the American People it's not about them anymore. It's about the NWO Globalism now. I don't understand why so many Americans haven't gotten that message yet. The Globalists have been very open and up front about it. They're not hiding it. I guess it's a denial thing. We now have a rogue Government. It's time for Americans to understand that. It's time for them to take their country back.
The NWO Globalists aren't bothering to hide their agendas anymore. It's all right there in front of everyones' faces. They're telling the American People it's not about them anymore. It's about the NWO Globalism now. I don't understand why so many Americans haven't gotten that message yet. The Globalists have been very open and up front about it. They're not hiding it. I guess it's a denial thing. We now have a rogue Government. It's time for Americans to understand that. It's time for them to take their country back.

I think you posted in the wrong topic.
The NWO Globalists aren't bothering to hide their agendas anymore. It's all right there in front of everyones' faces. They're telling the American People it's not about them anymore. It's about the NWO Globalism now. I don't understand why so many Americans haven't gotten that message yet. The Globalists have been very open and up front about it. They're not hiding it. I guess it's a denial thing. We now have a rogue Government. It's time for Americans to understand that. It's time for them to take their country back.

I think you posted in the wrong topic.

No, it's the right topic. The NWO Globalists don't represent American Citizen interests. They represent foreign Globalist interests. Most Americans do not support their agendas. But they've hijacked our Government. Absurd decisions like this have become the norm. Something's definitely wrong. The Country is being lost.
The NWO Globalists aren't bothering to hide their agendas anymore. It's all right there in front of everyones' faces. They're telling the American People it's not about them anymore. It's about the NWO Globalism now. I don't understand why so many Americans haven't gotten that message yet. The Globalists have been very open and up front about it. They're not hiding it. I guess it's a denial thing. We now have a rogue Government. It's time for Americans to understand that. It's time for them to take their country back.

I think you posted in the wrong topic.

I think you posted the wrong argument. You care to rebut what paul said?
The NWO Globalists aren't bothering to hide their agendas anymore. It's all right there in front of everyones' faces. They're telling the American People it's not about them anymore. It's about the NWO Globalism now. I don't understand why so many Americans haven't gotten that message yet. The Globalists have been very open and up front about it. They're not hiding it. I guess it's a denial thing. We now have a rogue Government. It's time for Americans to understand that. It's time for them to take their country back.

I think you posted in the wrong topic.

No, it's the right topic. The NWO Globalists don't represent American Citizen interests. They represent foreign Globalist interests. Most Americans do not support their agendas. But they've hijacked our Government. Absurd decisions like this have become the norm. Something's definitely wrong. The Country is being lost.

Correction: IS lost.
Oh silly American Citizens, don't you know it's not about you anymore? It's about the New World Order. You want your country back? You'll have to fight and take it back. It is what it is. Have a nice day. See Ya.
Is denying a non-US citizen the right to vote in a US Election against human rights or violation of the US Constitution?
"1 - How many Illegals are here now and why are they getting special rates on College fees as well as protected from deportation?
How many times have we heard the Left claim that we can't deport all the illegals? Why not?

The border isn't moving.

2 - According to the "Experts" the Democrats got the bulk of the Hispanic vote the last two elections.
Are you saying that they are lying? "

Now, there, you seem to have put your finger on your problem, fair and square.

Without even giving it any thought, you seem to think that the words, "illegal aliens", and "Hispanics", are interchangeable.

We Democrats are counting on you to continue to do just that!!!!!!!!

Actually, Considering that we are talking about Arizona, the probability that the vast majority of illegals in that state are from Mexico, Central, and South America is so large as to virtually nullify the possibility of finding an Illegal from Ireland or Norway there.

Granted there is a slim chance to find such an illegal, but that would be along the lines of winning not only your State's multi-million dollar lottery, but also winning the Powerball, multi-State Lottery when both are in excess of $100 Million.

You still don't get it. do you Shroom? Your prdujice is so ingrained that you don't even recognize it. You are using "Hispanics" and "illegal aliens" interchangably, as if Hispanics are, by definition, presumed to be illegal immigrants, unless thay can offer proof that they are not. So, suddenly, in the USA as far as Hispanics are concerned, it is no longer "innocent until proven guilty, "but, "guilty until proven innocent" . You therfore have attacked Hispanics as a race, and then, blame it on some kind of democratic conspiracy that they vote for democrats. Even the Bush brothers understand that is not smart politics. I honestly don't know why I need to explain this to you, and it certainly is not in my best interest to "smarten up a chump", but for crying out loud, take off your blindfold when you look in the mirror! OR, just continue to lose elections. On second thought, I prefer the latter.

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