Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage bans

As for Roberts, I suspect he'll side with Kennedy and the court's left leaning wing. And give gay marriage a 6-3 majority. I'd say there's an outside chance that the court could even go denial of cert for all the lower court rulings overturning gay marriage were either uanimuous, or a 7-2 split. With Scalia and Thomas predictably voting against.

No one wants to be this generation's Leon Bazile.

Are you that sure the Court will overturn its Findings in Windsor 2013 that soon?".

The court will not be revisiting Windsor- they will be addressing the constitutionality of State laws- not federal laws.
There is a guarantee of equal protection of the law, however; where denying gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate violates the 14th Amendment.
Again no it isnt.
Yes it is....and the courts are proving that it is. Sucks for you, doesn't it?
Why would it suck for me? I am married and dont suck dick. What sucks is idiots like you praising judicial tyranny because you ignorantly think all you are is a box eater. How sad that you so readily give up freedoms for something that would have happened anyway in time. Well you can celibrate yet another abuse of our liberty
Suure you don't. I'm married too and I don't either.

And I don't give up freedoms.....tho you seem upset about giving up the "freedom" to harass your fellow citizens.
Really? You are giving up your vote to be valid ever since all they need is a judge to willy nilly vacate it. Hey just keep thinking you are gaining something you stupid ass.

Voters cannot legally vote in unconstitutional laws- no more than North Carolina could vote to legalize slavery.
Suure you don't. I'm married too and I don't either.

And I don't give up freedoms.....tho you seem upset about giving up the "freedom" to harass your fellow citizens.

According to federal appeals procedure and the laws of the United States of America, including the Finding in Windsor 2013 that the power of regulating marriage under the specific question of "gay marriage" is and always has been, "Since the Founding of the country" a state's privelege and right, you ar not, nor have ever been legally married in California.

You are quite clearly delusional.

Thousands and thousands of Californians who are legally married know better.
Sure some beat the odds, but I have seen first hand within my own family what happens to children raised in gay households, 4 out of 5 wound up on drugs, two in jail. The decline of traditional families are the root of many of this countries problems and you lefties keep wanting to pervert the concept. You are the reason for the decay that has been sweeping this country and what is truly pathetic, your proud of it.

You mean we are responsible for the 'decay' which is the steady decline in violent crime? Or maybe you think we are responsible for Conservative states having among the highest divorce rates in the country?

How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.

Sure- its all liberals fault that Conservatives divorce........because Conservatives are all about 'personal responsibility'...

Your words not mine, but if you think gays will do any better than straights over time when it comes to divorce your delusional.

Your words not mine. I haven't made any claims about homosexuals and divorce. I was pointing out that this decline- i.e. divorce- that you seem convinced is happening is embraced by Conservative Americans

Wrong again, you're the one who tried to link conservatives with divorce, I made a remark about the country as a whole.
No one wants to be this generation's fool that sentences kids to a formative environment missing their gender as an adult role model either.

Gay marriage doesn't 'sentence' a child to anything. As you don't need to be married to have kids. Gays and lesbians are already having children, with 40,000 in California alone by Kennedy's estimation. The only relevant question it better for these children to have married parents?

And Kennedy has already waxed eloquently on the harm caused to children of same sex parents when the marriages of their parents aren't recognized.

And it humiliates tens of thousands of children now being raised by same-sex couples. The law in question makes it even more difficult for the children to understand the integrity and closeness of their own family and its concord with other families in their community and in their daily lives.

DOMA also brings financial harm to children of same-sex couples. It raises the cost of health care for familiesby taxing health benefits provided by employers to their workers’ same-sex spouses. And it denies or re-duces benefits allowed to families upon the loss of a spouseand parent, benefits that are an integral part of family security.

Justice Kennedy
Windsor V. US

Its highly unlikely that Kennedy is going to randomly ignore himself....and adopt whatever fallacy of the week you're advocating. Remember, you can ignore Kennedy. But you can't make Kennedy ignore Kennedy.

Are you that sure the Court will overturn its Findings in Windsor 2013 that soon? You know the "unquestioned authority" of the states under this question of gay marriage... the "only 11 states have legal gay marriage as of this Decision" etc. etc.?

Again, you forget the 'constitutional guarantees' that State marriage laws are subject to. You always omit any mention of it, and pretend it doesn't exist.

Which is strange....given that every lower court ruling that has overturned gay marriage bans was on the basis of violation of the very constitutional guarantees you pretend don't exist, and you omit from any mention of the Windsor ruling.

Like Kennedy's view of the harm to ignoring the constitutional guarantees doesn't mean that the USSC will.

I think that would be a first for the Court to overturn itself in less than three years on a specific question of law (do states have the right to regulate lifestyle marriages or not--Windsor found they did have that Constitutional right)

The Windsor ruling never made any findings of the constitutionality of gay marriage bans. They never even mentioned them. Thus, it would be impossible for the Supreme Court to overturn a finding that doesn't exist.

That's how they awarded Ms. Windsor her money. On that specific hinge. A state doesn't at one moment have a right, but the next, not have that right. A choice means either "yes" or "no".

Edith Windsor won because State marriage laws trump Federal Marriage laws.

The question before the court in the case they agreed to hear last week is if gay marriage bans themselves violate constitutional guarantees. Which isn't the hinge upon which Edith Windsor won here case. The Windsor ruling didn't address this issue at all.

As you already know.
Last edited:
You mean we are responsible for the 'decay' which is the steady decline in violent crime? Or maybe you think we are responsible for Conservative states having among the highest divorce rates in the country?

How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.

Sure- its all liberals fault that Conservatives divorce........because Conservatives are all about 'personal responsibility'...

Your words not mine, but if you think gays will do any better than straights over time when it comes to divorce your delusional.

Your words not mine. I haven't made any claims about homosexuals and divorce. I was pointing out that this decline- i.e. divorce- that you seem convinced is happening is embraced by Conservative Americans

Wrong again, you're the one who tried to link conservatives with divorce, I made a remark about the country as a whole.

Divorce rates ARE higher in "Conservative America"

Divorce Rate By State How Does Your State Stack Up
How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.

Sure- its all liberals fault that Conservatives divorce........because Conservatives are all about 'personal responsibility'...

Your words not mine, but if you think gays will do any better than straights over time when it comes to divorce your delusional.

Your words not mine. I haven't made any claims about homosexuals and divorce. I was pointing out that this decline- i.e. divorce- that you seem convinced is happening is embraced by Conservative Americans

Wrong again, you're the one who tried to link conservatives with divorce, I made a remark about the country as a whole.

Divorce rates ARE higher in "Conservative America"

Divorce Rate By State How Does Your State Stack Up

Typical huffypost biased article giving conflicting information, if you look at the state ranking looks like the national average is bout 9-10 per 1000, but if you look at the US in the world ranking it's 3.4 per 1000. Funny no state according to them even comes close to the world ranking. Care to explain?
Yesterday, I noticed on facebook that an old friend had changed her last name to match that of her longtime girlfriend. I'd missed it. They got married a few weeks ago. And somehow my life hasn't come to ruins yet.

Did anyone catch it? Anyone's life fall into ruin about three weeks ago? Anyone?
You're right, old list. Same states.

Most Divorced Residents States - Bloomberg Best and Worst

DC the great liberal bastion shouldn't be held as an example in this instance.

49 DC

9.2% Divorce rate

26.7% Marriage rate

2.1% Separation rate

Hell not that many bother to marry their baby mama. Lowest marriage rate in the country.
Also there are some lib states near the top of the list.
That's mostly from Republican politicians.
You're right, old list. Same states.

Most Divorced Residents States - Bloomberg Best and Worst

DC the great liberal bastion shouldn't be held as an example in this instance.

49 DC

9.2% Divorce rate

26.7% Marriage rate

2.1% Separation rate

Hell not that many bother to marry their baby mama. Lowest marriage rate in the country.
Also there are some lib states near the top of the list.
That's mostly from Republican politicians.

BS, politicians maintain their residence in their home states.
You mean we are responsible for the 'decay' which is the steady decline in violent crime? Or maybe you think we are responsible for Conservative states having among the highest divorce rates in the country?

How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.

Sure- its all liberals fault that Conservatives divorce........because Conservatives are all about 'personal responsibility'...

Your words not mine, but if you think gays will do any better than straights over time when it comes to divorce your delusional.

Your words not mine. I haven't made any claims about homosexuals and divorce. I was pointing out that this decline- i.e. divorce- that you seem convinced is happening is embraced by Conservative Americans

Wrong again, you're the one who tried to link conservatives with divorce, I made a remark about the country as a whole.

Here are your words again- blaming liberals for the 'moral decay'

You are the reason for the decay that has been sweeping this country and what is truly pathetic, your proud of it.

My point- which I am glad to make again- is that Conservatives are embracing that 'moral decay'- i.e. the divorce rate.

Conservatives- who claim to be all about 'personal responsibility'- are quick to blame others- i.e. Liberals- for the very things that Conservatives themselves are among the most "guilty" of.
You're right, old list. Same states.

Most Divorced Residents States - Bloomberg Best and Worst

DC the great liberal bastion shouldn't be held as an example in this instance.

49 DC

9.2% Divorce rate

26.7% Marriage rate

2.1% Separation rate

Hell not that many bother to marry their baby mama. Lowest marriage rate in the country.
Also there are some lib states near the top of the list.

Well lets look at that list:

Top 10:

All with 11 or more divorces per 1,000 per year.

Which are the 'lib' states in the top 10- Maine?

Now the states with the lowest rates of divorce:
New Jersey
New York

What are the clear trends? States that consistently vote Conservative tend to have the highest divorce rates, while states that consistently vote Liberal tend to have the lowest divorce rates.

Even better- the first state to allow for 'gay marriage' - Massachusetts- 10 years ago- has the 5th lowest divorce rate in the country.

Yeah- clearly that shows that same gender marriages are hurting
How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.

Sure- its all liberals fault that Conservatives divorce........because Conservatives are all about 'personal responsibility'...

Your words not mine, but if you think gays will do any better than straights over time when it comes to divorce your delusional.

Your words not mine. I haven't made any claims about homosexuals and divorce. I was pointing out that this decline- i.e. divorce- that you seem convinced is happening is embraced by Conservative Americans

Wrong again, you're the one who tried to link conservatives with divorce, I made a remark about the country as a whole.

Here are your words again- blaming liberals for the 'moral decay'

You are the reason for the decay that has been sweeping this country and what is truly pathetic, your proud of it.

My point- which I am glad to make again- is that Conservatives are embracing that 'moral decay'- i.e. the divorce rate.

Conservatives- who claim to be all about 'personal responsibility'- are quick to blame others- i.e. Liberals- for the very things that Conservatives themselves are among the most "guilty" of.

I think you are confusing actions of individual and a political philosophy.
You're right, old list. Same states.

Most Divorced Residents States - Bloomberg Best and Worst

DC the great liberal bastion shouldn't be held as an example in this instance.

49 DC

9.2% Divorce rate

26.7% Marriage rate

2.1% Separation rate

Hell not that many bother to marry their baby mama. Lowest marriage rate in the country.
Also there are some lib states near the top of the list.

Well lets look at that list:

Top 10:

All with 11 or more divorces per 1,000 per year.

Which are the 'lib' states in the top 10- Maine?

Now the states with the lowest rates of divorce:
New Jersey
New York

What are the clear trends? States that consistently vote Conservative tend to have the highest divorce rates, while states that consistently vote Liberal tend to have the lowest divorce rates.

Even better- the first state to allow for 'gay marriage' - Massachusetts- 10 years ago- has the 5th lowest divorce rate in the country.

Yeah- clearly that shows that same gender marriages are hurting

Tell me again what state prince harry is from. Would you really consider them conservative?
You're right, old list. Same states.

Most Divorced Residents States - Bloomberg Best and Worst

DC the great liberal bastion shouldn't be held as an example in this instance.

49 DC

9.2% Divorce rate

26.7% Marriage rate

2.1% Separation rate

Hell not that many bother to marry their baby mama. Lowest marriage rate in the country.
Also there are some lib states near the top of the list.

Well lets look at that list:

Top 10:

All with 11 or more divorces per 1,000 per year.

Which are the 'lib' states in the top 10- Maine?

Now the states with the lowest rates of divorce:
New Jersey
New York

What are the clear trends? States that consistently vote Conservative tend to have the highest divorce rates, while states that consistently vote Liberal tend to have the lowest divorce rates.

Even better- the first state to allow for 'gay marriage' - Massachusetts- 10 years ago- has the 5th lowest divorce rate in the country.

Yeah- clearly that shows that same gender marriages are hurting

Tell me again what state prince harry is from. Would you really consider them conservative?

Once again- lets look at the list of states by diviorce rate

Top 10:

All with 11 or more divorces per 1,000 per year.

Which are the 'lib' states in the top 10- Maine?

Now the states with the lowest rates of divorce:
New Jersey
New York

What are the clear trends? States that consistently vote Conservative tend to have the highest divorce rates, while states that consistently vote Liberal tend to have the lowest divorce rates.

Even better- the first state to allow for 'gay marriage' - Massachusetts- 10 years ago- has the 5th lowest divorce rate in the country.

Yeah- clearly that shows that same gender marriages are hurting
You're right, old list. Same states.

Most Divorced Residents States - Bloomberg Best and Worst

DC the great liberal bastion shouldn't be held as an example in this instance.

49 DC

9.2% Divorce rate

26.7% Marriage rate

2.1% Separation rate

Hell not that many bother to marry their baby mama. Lowest marriage rate in the country.
Also there are some lib states near the top of the list.

Well lets look at that list:

Top 10:

All with 11 or more divorces per 1,000 per year.

Which are the 'lib' states in the top 10- Maine?

Now the states with the lowest rates of divorce:
New Jersey
New York

What are the clear trends? States that consistently vote Conservative tend to have the highest divorce rates, while states that consistently vote Liberal tend to have the lowest divorce rates.

Even better- the first state to allow for 'gay marriage' - Massachusetts- 10 years ago- has the 5th lowest divorce rate in the country.

Yeah- clearly that shows that same gender marriages are hurting

Tell me again what state prince harry is from. Would you really consider them conservative?

Once again- lets look at the list of states by diviorce rate

Top 10:

All with 11 or more divorces per 1,000 per year.

Which are the 'lib' states in the top 10- Maine?

Now the states with the lowest rates of divorce:
New Jersey
New York

What are the clear trends? States that consistently vote Conservative tend to have the highest divorce rates, while states that consistently vote Liberal tend to have the lowest divorce rates.

Even better- the first state to allow for 'gay marriage' - Massachusetts- 10 years ago- has the 5th lowest divorce rate in the country.

Yeah- clearly that shows that same gender marriages are hurting

See post #175.
No guarantee for homosexual marriage in the constitution .
There is a guarantee of equal protection of the law, however; where denying gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate violates the 14th Amendment.
Again no it isnt.
Yes it is....and the courts are proving that it is. Sucks for you, doesn't it?
Why would it suck for me? I am married and dont suck dick. What sucks is idiots like you praising judicial tyranny because you ignorantly think all you are is a box eater. How sad that you so readily give up freedoms for something that would have happened anyway in time. Well you can celibrate yet another abuse of our liberty

I am still waiting for a conservative to explain how allowing others to marry is an abuse of your liberty.

Still waiting.
Dummy it isnt allowing homosexuals to marry that is destroying freedom it is the manner of which facists like you bring it about.
Again no it isnt.
Yes it is....and the courts are proving that it is. Sucks for you, doesn't it?
Why would it suck for me? I am married and dont suck dick. What sucks is idiots like you praising judicial tyranny because you ignorantly think all you are is a box eater. How sad that you so readily give up freedoms for something that would have happened anyway in time. Well you can celibrate yet another abuse of our liberty
Suure you don't. I'm married too and I don't either.

And I don't give up freedoms.....tho you seem upset about giving up the "freedom" to harass your fellow citizens.
Really? You are giving up your vote to be valid ever since all they need is a judge to willy nilly vacate it. Hey just keep thinking you are gaining something you stupid ass.

Voters cannot legally vote in unconstitutional laws- no more than North Carolina could vote to legalize slavery.
It is not unconstitutional dummy

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