Supreme Court to rule on gay marriage bans

Most of those states have faghadist marriage because of court orders, if the supremes vote the right way and leave marriage to the states those orders will be nullified.
Do you belive that the most of Americans don't support gay marriage in the states? Does it mean that homophobia will survive and live in the USA? I suppose that people have the right to decide what is normal and legal an what is not.

Most everywhere gay marriage was put up to a vote it has been defeated, even in liberal California. A society has a right to decide what is or is not acceptable social norms. Gays have had the right and have been getting married for ever under the traditional definition. So there was no discrimination. There are only two genders, male and female, gays were always afforded the rights of their gender. Now they want to be treated special because of a lifestyle choice and most Americans aren't buying it. Call it anything you want, I call it reality.

The last three states to vote on gay marriage voted for it.

Same gender couples want to be able to marry exactly like my wife and I are legally married.

And that is the reality.

Is there anyone who thinks that if put to a vote today, California wouldn't affirm gay marriage in a heart beat? For those under 40 in this state, support is nearly 80%. Even among the seniors, its roughly half.

Public sentiment swung toward gay marriage starting in about 2011. And hasn't shown any sign of slowing. With year over year polls typically setting a new record each time its measured.

I strongly suspect that support for gay marriage will continue to climb as the sheer attrition of time counters consistent opposition of gay marriage by seniors with inevitable dirt naps.
It would lose.

Californians Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage PPIC Publication

Not likely

  • In the wake of the June 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision, support for same-sex marriage is at a new high.
    PPIC’s September 2013 statewide survey found that a record high 61% of Californians and 64% of likely voters favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry (34% of adults and 32% of likely voters oppose). Solid majorities of Californians (59%) and likely voters (63%) approve of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to let stand a lower court ruling on Proposition 8 that allows gay marriage in California.
  • Public opinion has undergone a reversal since 2000.
    In January 2000, the first time PPIC asked about legalizing same-sex marriage, 39% of Californians were in favor and 55% were opposed. In October 2008, just before the passage of Proposition 8 (which banned same-sex marriage), 44% were in favor of allowing gays and lesbians to marry. Support for same-sex marriage moved above 50% in 2010, and the margin of support has continued to grow. Support has risen 5 points since May 2013, just before the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling.
  • Since October 2008, support has risen by double digits among Democrats, independents, and Republicans.
    Although support for allowing same-sex marriage is still far higher among Democrats (76%, up 20 points since October 2008) and independents (67%, up 14 points), it has nearly doubled among Republicans (from 23% to 44%, with 53% opposed).
  • A majority of older Californians now favor allowing gay marriage; support is also up among other groups.
    For the first time, a majority of Californians age 55 and older favor allowing same-sex marriage (55% favor, 39% oppose)—a near reversal of opinion since October 2008 (34% favor, 58% opposed). Support for same-sex marriage has grown a considerable 15 points among younger Californians, age 18–34 (from 53% to 68%), and 13 points among those age 35–54 (from 45% to 58%). Majorities of women (66%, up 19 points) and men (55%, up 13 points) now support same-sex marriage. A majority of parents expressed opposition in 2008 (42% favor, 54% opposed), but now the reverse is true (53% favor, 42% oppose). There have been double-digit increases in support among Latinos (from 36% to 54%) and whites (from 50% to 65%).
Great, States should be allowed to make their own decision on the subject instead of judicial imposition. The States were intended to be independent laboratories with a right to experiment how they wish, not have the feds forcing them to comply with standards with which they disagree. If you want to enter into a gay marriage you are free to move to States that allow it, you have no right to force it on other states that don't. This country was always intended to have standards driven from the bottom up, not the top down.

And with the 14th amendment, the Bill of Rights was extended to the States. Granting the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the privileges and immunities of US citizens. Whatever the founders intended the States to be, the 14th amendment fundamentally changed that relationship.

States no longer have the authority to violate the constitutional guarantees of US citizens.
This issue is a canard. It is a ruse to used to usurp more power from us the people. Homosexuals who support such actions are damn fools for giving up there own power for something as small as the illusion that people will think them normal. Why do so many ignorantly give up thier power for selfish childish reasons?

You mean why should people give up the right of people like you to treat them like shit?

Frankly, I have to ask, why does gay marriage effect your life at all.
Look facist the truth is if the people in certain states wanted homosexual marriage it woud have won in the election. It didnt. Forcing it on those who dont want it is not how this country is founded. Now like all tragic abuses of power little fasict fucks like you use this to make a less free country. Trust me brown shirt when your socialist paradise comes about your stupid ass will be living in abject poverty hoping the overseers dont kill you because your not bowing deep enough.

Let me rephrase what you said- so we can put it in perspective:

"Look facist the truth is if the people in certain states wanted mixed-race marriage it woud have won in the election. It didnt. Forcing it on those who dont want it is not how this country is founded. Now like all tragic abuses of power little fasict fucks like you use this to make a less free country. Trust me brown shirt when your socialist paradise comes about your stupid ass will be living in abject poverty hoping the overseers dont kill you because your not bowing deep enough"

Swapping out just one word puts your rant in perspective.

Or maybe you really think forcing states to allow mixed race marriages was 'fascism' also?

And finally- what is it with Conservatives and foul language? Is it just a general lack of education and/or vocabulary?
Being gay is not like being black.

Wow- really? All I did was replace one word- and black was not one of the words

Let me rephrase what you said- so we can put it in perspective:

"Look facist the truth is if the people in certain states wanted mixed-race marriage it woud have won in the election. It didnt. Forcing it on those who dont want it is not how this country is founded. Now like all tragic abuses of power little fasict fucks like you use this to make a less free country. Trust me brown shirt when your socialist paradise comes about your stupid ass will be living in abject poverty hoping the overseers dont kill you because your not bowing deep enough"

Swapping out just one word puts your rant in perspective.

Or maybe you really think forcing states to allow mixed race marriages was 'fascism' also?

And finally- what is it with Conservatives and foul language? Is it just a general lack of education and/or vocabulary?
Sorry can't understand you with your head up your ass
Do you belive that the most of Americans don't support gay marriage in the states? Does it mean that homophobia will survive and live in the USA? I suppose that people have the right to decide what is normal and legal an what is not.

Most everywhere gay marriage was put up to a vote it has been defeated, even in liberal California. A society has a right to decide what is or is not acceptable social norms. Gays have had the right and have been getting married for ever under the traditional definition. So there was no discrimination. There are only two genders, male and female, gays were always afforded the rights of their gender. Now they want to be treated special because of a lifestyle choice and most Americans aren't buying it. Call it anything you want, I call it reality.

The last three states to vote on gay marriage voted for it.

Same gender couples want to be able to marry exactly like my wife and I are legally married.

And that is the reality.

Is there anyone who thinks that if put to a vote today, California wouldn't affirm gay marriage in a heart beat? For those under 40 in this state, support is nearly 80%. Even among the seniors, its roughly half.

Public sentiment swung toward gay marriage starting in about 2011. And hasn't shown any sign of slowing. With year over year polls typically setting a new record each time its measured.

I strongly suspect that support for gay marriage will continue to climb as the sheer attrition of time counters consistent opposition of gay marriage by seniors with inevitable dirt naps.
It would lose.

Californians Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage PPIC Publication

Not likely

  • In the wake of the June 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision, support for same-sex marriage is at a new high.
    PPIC’s September 2013 statewide survey found that a record high 61% of Californians and 64% of likely voters favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry (34% of adults and 32% of likely voters oppose). Solid majorities of Californians (59%) and likely voters (63%) approve of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to let stand a lower court ruling on Proposition 8 that allows gay marriage in California.
  • Public opinion has undergone a reversal since 2000.
    In January 2000, the first time PPIC asked about legalizing same-sex marriage, 39% of Californians were in favor and 55% were opposed. In October 2008, just before the passage of Proposition 8 (which banned same-sex marriage), 44% were in favor of allowing gays and lesbians to marry. Support for same-sex marriage moved above 50% in 2010, and the margin of support has continued to grow. Support has risen 5 points since May 2013, just before the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling.
  • Since October 2008, support has risen by double digits among Democrats, independents, and Republicans.
    Although support for allowing same-sex marriage is still far higher among Democrats (76%, up 20 points since October 2008) and independents (67%, up 14 points), it has nearly doubled among Republicans (from 23% to 44%, with 53% opposed).
  • A majority of older Californians now favor allowing gay marriage; support is also up among other groups.
    For the first time, a majority of Californians age 55 and older favor allowing same-sex marriage (55% favor, 39% oppose)—a near reversal of opinion since October 2008 (34% favor, 58% opposed). Support for same-sex marriage has grown a considerable 15 points among younger Californians, age 18–34 (from 53% to 68%), and 13 points among those age 35–54 (from 45% to 58%). Majorities of women (66%, up 19 points) and men (55%, up 13 points) now support same-sex marriage. A majority of parents expressed opposition in 2008 (42% favor, 54% opposed), but now the reverse is true (53% favor, 42% oppose). There have been double-digit increases in support among Latinos (from 36% to 54%) and whites (from 50% to 65%).
Again the poll that counts did and it was soundly defeated thus the reason why you progressives are using judicial tyranny
Great, States should be allowed to make their own decision on the subject instead of judicial imposition. The States were intended to be independent laboratories with a right to experiment how they wish, not have the feds forcing them to comply with standards with which they disagree. If you want to enter into a gay marriage you are free to move to States that allow it, you have no right to force it on other states that don't. This country was always intended to have standards driven from the bottom up, not the top down.

And with the 14th amendment, the Bill of Rights was extended to the States. Granting the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the privileges and immunities of US citizens. Whatever the founders intended the States to be, the 14th amendment fundamentally changed that relationship.

States no longer have the authority to violate the constitutional guarantees of US citizens.
No guarantee for homosexual marriage in the constitution .
Most everywhere gay marriage was put up to a vote it has been defeated, even in liberal California. A society has a right to decide what is or is not acceptable social norms. Gays have had the right and have been getting married for ever under the traditional definition. So there was no discrimination. There are only two genders, male and female, gays were always afforded the rights of their gender. Now they want to be treated special because of a lifestyle choice and most Americans aren't buying it. Call it anything you want, I call it reality.

The last three states to vote on gay marriage voted for it.

Same gender couples want to be able to marry exactly like my wife and I are legally married.

And that is the reality.

Is there anyone who thinks that if put to a vote today, California wouldn't affirm gay marriage in a heart beat? For those under 40 in this state, support is nearly 80%. Even among the seniors, its roughly half.

Public sentiment swung toward gay marriage starting in about 2011. And hasn't shown any sign of slowing. With year over year polls typically setting a new record each time its measured.

I strongly suspect that support for gay marriage will continue to climb as the sheer attrition of time counters consistent opposition of gay marriage by seniors with inevitable dirt naps.
It would lose.

Californians Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage PPIC Publication

Not likely

  • In the wake of the June 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision, support for same-sex marriage is at a new high.
    PPIC’s September 2013 statewide survey found that a record high 61% of Californians and 64% of likely voters favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry (34% of adults and 32% of likely voters oppose). Solid majorities of Californians (59%) and likely voters (63%) approve of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to let stand a lower court ruling on Proposition 8 that allows gay marriage in California.
  • Public opinion has undergone a reversal since 2000.
    In January 2000, the first time PPIC asked about legalizing same-sex marriage, 39% of Californians were in favor and 55% were opposed. In October 2008, just before the passage of Proposition 8 (which banned same-sex marriage), 44% were in favor of allowing gays and lesbians to marry. Support for same-sex marriage moved above 50% in 2010, and the margin of support has continued to grow. Support has risen 5 points since May 2013, just before the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling.
  • Since October 2008, support has risen by double digits among Democrats, independents, and Republicans.
    Although support for allowing same-sex marriage is still far higher among Democrats (76%, up 20 points since October 2008) and independents (67%, up 14 points), it has nearly doubled among Republicans (from 23% to 44%, with 53% opposed).
  • A majority of older Californians now favor allowing gay marriage; support is also up among other groups.
    For the first time, a majority of Californians age 55 and older favor allowing same-sex marriage (55% favor, 39% oppose)—a near reversal of opinion since October 2008 (34% favor, 58% opposed). Support for same-sex marriage has grown a considerable 15 points among younger Californians, age 18–34 (from 53% to 68%), and 13 points among those age 35–54 (from 45% to 58%). Majorities of women (66%, up 19 points) and men (55%, up 13 points) now support same-sex marriage. A majority of parents expressed opposition in 2008 (42% favor, 54% opposed), but now the reverse is true (53% favor, 42% oppose). There have been double-digit increases in support among Latinos (from 36% to 54%) and whites (from 50% to 65%).
Again the poll that counts did and it was soundly defeated thus the reason why you progressives are using judicial tyranny

That 'poll' was in 2008. Its been 6 years and public sentiment has shifted toward gay marraige in California to an almost absurd degree. If gay marriage were put up to a vote marriage would easily pass.
Great, States should be allowed to make their own decision on the subject instead of judicial imposition. The States were intended to be independent laboratories with a right to experiment how they wish, not have the feds forcing them to comply with standards with which they disagree. If you want to enter into a gay marriage you are free to move to States that allow it, you have no right to force it on other states that don't. This country was always intended to have standards driven from the bottom up, not the top down.

And with the 14th amendment, the Bill of Rights was extended to the States. Granting the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the privileges and immunities of US citizens. Whatever the founders intended the States to be, the 14th amendment fundamentally changed that relationship.

States no longer have the authority to violate the constitutional guarantees of US citizens.
No guarantee for homosexual marriage in the constitution .

Read the 9th amendment. A right need not be enumerated to be reserved. And marriage is most definitely a right.
Great, States should be allowed to make their own decision on the subject instead of judicial imposition. The States were intended to be independent laboratories with a right to experiment how they wish, not have the feds forcing them to comply with standards with which they disagree. If you want to enter into a gay marriage you are free to move to States that allow it, you have no right to force it on other states that don't. This country was always intended to have standards driven from the bottom up, not the top down.

And with the 14th amendment, the Bill of Rights was extended to the States. Granting the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the privileges and immunities of US citizens. Whatever the founders intended the States to be, the 14th amendment fundamentally changed that relationship.

States no longer have the authority to violate the constitutional guarantees of US citizens.
No guarantee for homosexual marriage in the constitution .

No guarantees for marriage in the constitution, yet surprise surprise- the Supreme Court has ruled on the issue at least 3 times already.
Most everywhere gay marriage was put up to a vote it has been defeated, even in liberal California. A society has a right to decide what is or is not acceptable social norms. Gays have had the right and have been getting married for ever under the traditional definition. So there was no discrimination. There are only two genders, male and female, gays were always afforded the rights of their gender. Now they want to be treated special because of a lifestyle choice and most Americans aren't buying it. Call it anything you want, I call it reality.

The last three states to vote on gay marriage voted for it.

Same gender couples want to be able to marry exactly like my wife and I are legally married.

And that is the reality.

Is there anyone who thinks that if put to a vote today, California wouldn't affirm gay marriage in a heart beat? For those under 40 in this state, support is nearly 80%. Even among the seniors, its roughly half.

Public sentiment swung toward gay marriage starting in about 2011. And hasn't shown any sign of slowing. With year over year polls typically setting a new record each time its measured.

I strongly suspect that support for gay marriage will continue to climb as the sheer attrition of time counters consistent opposition of gay marriage by seniors with inevitable dirt naps.
It would lose.

Californians Attitudes Toward Same-Sex Marriage PPIC Publication

Not likely

  • In the wake of the June 2013 U.S. Supreme Court decision, support for same-sex marriage is at a new high.
    PPIC’s September 2013 statewide survey found that a record high 61% of Californians and 64% of likely voters favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to legally marry (34% of adults and 32% of likely voters oppose). Solid majorities of Californians (59%) and likely voters (63%) approve of the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision to let stand a lower court ruling on Proposition 8 that allows gay marriage in California.
  • Public opinion has undergone a reversal since 2000.
    In January 2000, the first time PPIC asked about legalizing same-sex marriage, 39% of Californians were in favor and 55% were opposed. In October 2008, just before the passage of Proposition 8 (which banned same-sex marriage), 44% were in favor of allowing gays and lesbians to marry. Support for same-sex marriage moved above 50% in 2010, and the margin of support has continued to grow. Support has risen 5 points since May 2013, just before the U.S. Supreme Court issued its ruling.
  • Since October 2008, support has risen by double digits among Democrats, independents, and Republicans.
    Although support for allowing same-sex marriage is still far higher among Democrats (76%, up 20 points since October 2008) and independents (67%, up 14 points), it has nearly doubled among Republicans (from 23% to 44%, with 53% opposed).
  • A majority of older Californians now favor allowing gay marriage; support is also up among other groups.
    For the first time, a majority of Californians age 55 and older favor allowing same-sex marriage (55% favor, 39% oppose)—a near reversal of opinion since October 2008 (34% favor, 58% opposed). Support for same-sex marriage has grown a considerable 15 points among younger Californians, age 18–34 (from 53% to 68%), and 13 points among those age 35–54 (from 45% to 58%). Majorities of women (66%, up 19 points) and men (55%, up 13 points) now support same-sex marriage. A majority of parents expressed opposition in 2008 (42% favor, 54% opposed), but now the reverse is true (53% favor, 42% oppose). There have been double-digit increases in support among Latinos (from 36% to 54%) and whites (from 50% to 65%).
Again the poll that counts did and it was soundly defeated thus the reason why you progressives are using judicial tyranny


Want to know the definition of 'Judicial Tyranny"- words spewed by butt hurt Conservatives when a judge makes any ruling the Conservatives disagree with.

Of course when the judge rules that voters cannot vote in bans on gun ownership- that is never 'judicial tyranny'.

But to this rational liberal- courts are there to interpret the Constitution- and that applies both to guns and to marriage- and a judge is not a tyrant just because I may disagree with the judge, or because the judge over rules an unconstitutional law voted in by voters.
You mean why should people give up the right of people like you to treat them like shit?

Frankly, I have to ask, why does gay marriage effect your life at all.
Look facist the truth is if the people in certain states wanted homosexual marriage it woud have won in the election. It didnt. Forcing it on those who dont want it is not how this country is founded. Now like all tragic abuses of power little fasict fucks like you use this to make a less free country. Trust me brown shirt when your socialist paradise comes about your stupid ass will be living in abject poverty hoping the overseers dont kill you because your not bowing deep enough.

Let me rephrase what you said- so we can put it in perspective:

"Look facist the truth is if the people in certain states wanted mixed-race marriage it woud have won in the election. It didnt. Forcing it on those who dont want it is not how this country is founded. Now like all tragic abuses of power little fasict fucks like you use this to make a less free country. Trust me brown shirt when your socialist paradise comes about your stupid ass will be living in abject poverty hoping the overseers dont kill you because your not bowing deep enough"

Swapping out just one word puts your rant in perspective.

Or maybe you really think forcing states to allow mixed race marriages was 'fascism' also?

And finally- what is it with Conservatives and foul language? Is it just a general lack of education and/or vocabulary?
Being gay is not like being black.

Wow- really? All I did was replace one word- and black was not one of the words

Let me rephrase what you said- so we can put it in perspective:

"Look facist the truth is if the people in certain states wanted mixed-race marriage it woud have won in the election. It didnt. Forcing it on those who dont want it is not how this country is founded. Now like all tragic abuses of power little fasict fucks like you use this to make a less free country. Trust me brown shirt when your socialist paradise comes about your stupid ass will be living in abject poverty hoping the overseers dont kill you because your not bowing deep enough"

Swapping out just one word puts your rant in perspective.

Or maybe you really think forcing states to allow mixed race marriages was 'fascism' also?

And finally- what is it with Conservatives and foul language? Is it just a general lack of education and/or vocabulary?
Sorry can't understand you with your head up your ass

Clearly my first mistake was thinking you were able to read.
Great, States should be allowed to make their own decision on the subject instead of judicial imposition. The States were intended to be independent laboratories with a right to experiment how they wish, not have the feds forcing them to comply with standards with which they disagree. If you want to enter into a gay marriage you are free to move to States that allow it, you have no right to force it on other states that don't. This country was always intended to have standards driven from the bottom up, not the top down.

And with the 14th amendment, the Bill of Rights was extended to the States. Granting the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the privileges and immunities of US citizens. Whatever the founders intended the States to be, the 14th amendment fundamentally changed that relationship.

States no longer have the authority to violate the constitutional guarantees of US citizens.
No guarantee for homosexual marriage in the constitution .
There is a guarantee of equal protection of the law, however; where denying gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate violates the 14th Amendment.

“Married or not, gay parents don't provide dual gender roll models do, it's really no different that being raised in a single parent household. Additional financial security is great, but it doesn't change the reality of dysfunctional kids.”

Because this is subjective opinion on your part, devoid of objective documentation or evidence, and given the fact that children who are raised by single parents, where those children grow to be healthly, normal adults, this argument fails as justification to prohibit same-sex couples from marrying.

Sure some beat the odds, but I have seen first hand within my own family what happens to children raised in gay households, 4 out of 5 wound up on drugs, two in jail. The decline of traditional families are the root of many of this countries problems and you lefties keep wanting to pervert the concept. You are the reason for the decay that has been sweeping this country and what is truly pathetic, your proud of it.

You mean we are responsible for the 'decay' which is the steady decline in violent crime? Or maybe you think we are responsible for Conservative states having among the highest divorce rates in the country?

How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.

“Married or not, gay parents don't provide dual gender roll models do, it's really no different that being raised in a single parent household. Additional financial security is great, but it doesn't change the reality of dysfunctional kids.”

Because this is subjective opinion on your part, devoid of objective documentation or evidence, and given the fact that children who are raised by single parents, where those children grow to be healthly, normal adults, this argument fails as justification to prohibit same-sex couples from marrying.

Sure some beat the odds, but I have seen first hand within my own family what happens to children raised in gay households, 4 out of 5 wound up on drugs, two in jail. The decline of traditional families are the root of many of this countries problems and you lefties keep wanting to pervert the concept. You are the reason for the decay that has been sweeping this country and what is truly pathetic, your proud of it.

You mean we are responsible for the 'decay' which is the steady decline in violent crime? Or maybe you think we are responsible for Conservative states having among the highest divorce rates in the country?

How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.
This nonsense has nothing to do with equal protection rights for gay Americans, and the fact that denying them access to marriage law is un-Constitutional.

“Married or not, gay parents don't provide dual gender roll models do, it's really no different that being raised in a single parent household. Additional financial security is great, but it doesn't change the reality of dysfunctional kids.”

Because this is subjective opinion on your part, devoid of objective documentation or evidence, and given the fact that children who are raised by single parents, where those children grow to be healthly, normal adults, this argument fails as justification to prohibit same-sex couples from marrying.

Sure some beat the odds, but I have seen first hand within my own family what happens to children raised in gay households, 4 out of 5 wound up on drugs, two in jail. The decline of traditional families are the root of many of this countries problems and you lefties keep wanting to pervert the concept. You are the reason for the decay that has been sweeping this country and what is truly pathetic, your proud of it.

You mean we are responsible for the 'decay' which is the steady decline in violent crime? Or maybe you think we are responsible for Conservative states having among the highest divorce rates in the country?

How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.

Sure- its all liberals fault that Conservatives divorce........because Conservatives are all about 'personal responsibility'...
I think marriage, as a whole, should be thrown out the window. It's an antiquated system. Just, do.....whatever you do.

“Married or not, gay parents don't provide dual gender roll models do, it's really no different that being raised in a single parent household. Additional financial security is great, but it doesn't change the reality of dysfunctional kids.”

Because this is subjective opinion on your part, devoid of objective documentation or evidence, and given the fact that children who are raised by single parents, where those children grow to be healthly, normal adults, this argument fails as justification to prohibit same-sex couples from marrying.

Sure some beat the odds, but I have seen first hand within my own family what happens to children raised in gay households, 4 out of 5 wound up on drugs, two in jail. The decline of traditional families are the root of many of this countries problems and you lefties keep wanting to pervert the concept. You are the reason for the decay that has been sweeping this country and what is truly pathetic, your proud of it.

You mean we are responsible for the 'decay' which is the steady decline in violent crime? Or maybe you think we are responsible for Conservative states having among the highest divorce rates in the country?

How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.

Sure- its all liberals fault that Conservatives divorce........because Conservatives are all about 'personal responsibility'...

Your words not mine, but if you think gays will do any better than straights over time when it comes to divorce your delusional.

“Married or not, gay parents don't provide dual gender roll models do, it's really no different that being raised in a single parent household. Additional financial security is great, but it doesn't change the reality of dysfunctional kids.”

Because this is subjective opinion on your part, devoid of objective documentation or evidence, and given the fact that children who are raised by single parents, where those children grow to be healthly, normal adults, this argument fails as justification to prohibit same-sex couples from marrying.

Sure some beat the odds, but I have seen first hand within my own family what happens to children raised in gay households, 4 out of 5 wound up on drugs, two in jail. The decline of traditional families are the root of many of this countries problems and you lefties keep wanting to pervert the concept. You are the reason for the decay that has been sweeping this country and what is truly pathetic, your proud of it.

You mean we are responsible for the 'decay' which is the steady decline in violent crime? Or maybe you think we are responsible for Conservative states having among the highest divorce rates in the country?

How about you tell the folks in the liberal bastions like Chicago, Atlanta, Newark, St Louis and Houston just to name a few about that steady decline in violent crime. And the throw away society the libs have pushed for decades have contributed to divorce rates all over the country, I don't know conservative states are unique in any way.
This nonsense has nothing to do with equal protection rights for gay Americans, and the fact that denying them access to marriage law is un-Constitutional.

They were already protected based on gender, lifestyle is not a protected right.
Great, States should be allowed to make their own decision on the subject instead of judicial imposition. The States were intended to be independent laboratories with a right to experiment how they wish, not have the feds forcing them to comply with standards with which they disagree. If you want to enter into a gay marriage you are free to move to States that allow it, you have no right to force it on other states that don't. This country was always intended to have standards driven from the bottom up, not the top down.

And with the 14th amendment, the Bill of Rights was extended to the States. Granting the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the privileges and immunities of US citizens. Whatever the founders intended the States to be, the 14th amendment fundamentally changed that relationship.

States no longer have the authority to violate the constitutional guarantees of US citizens.
No guarantee for homosexual marriage in the constitution .
There is a guarantee of equal protection of the law, however; where denying gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate violates the 14th Amendment.
Again no it isnt.
Great, States should be allowed to make their own decision on the subject instead of judicial imposition. The States were intended to be independent laboratories with a right to experiment how they wish, not have the feds forcing them to comply with standards with which they disagree. If you want to enter into a gay marriage you are free to move to States that allow it, you have no right to force it on other states that don't. This country was always intended to have standards driven from the bottom up, not the top down.

And with the 14th amendment, the Bill of Rights was extended to the States. Granting the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the privileges and immunities of US citizens. Whatever the founders intended the States to be, the 14th amendment fundamentally changed that relationship.

States no longer have the authority to violate the constitutional guarantees of US citizens.
No guarantee for homosexual marriage in the constitution .
There is a guarantee of equal protection of the law, however; where denying gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate violates the 14th Amendment.
Again no it isnt.
Yes it is....and the courts are proving that it is. Sucks for you, doesn't it?
Great, States should be allowed to make their own decision on the subject instead of judicial imposition. The States were intended to be independent laboratories with a right to experiment how they wish, not have the feds forcing them to comply with standards with which they disagree. If you want to enter into a gay marriage you are free to move to States that allow it, you have no right to force it on other states that don't. This country was always intended to have standards driven from the bottom up, not the top down.

And with the 14th amendment, the Bill of Rights was extended to the States. Granting the federal government the authority to prevent the States from violating the privileges and immunities of US citizens. Whatever the founders intended the States to be, the 14th amendment fundamentally changed that relationship.

States no longer have the authority to violate the constitutional guarantees of US citizens.
No guarantee for homosexual marriage in the constitution .
There is a guarantee of equal protection of the law, however; where denying gay Americans access to marriage law they're eligible to participate violates the 14th Amendment.
Again no it isnt.
Yes it is....and the courts are proving that it is. Sucks for you, doesn't it?
Why would it suck for me? I am married and dont suck dick. What sucks is idiots like you praising judicial tyranny because you ignorantly think all you are is a box eater. How sad that you so readily give up freedoms for something that would have happened anyway in time. Well you can celibrate yet another abuse of our liberty

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